HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-25, Page 1vol. XXVI No 84 ZURICH, THURSDAY (llMORN NO, FEBRUARY 25, 1926. Chester U. Smith, PahEircewrA(t $1.25 • Year 1n Adv000k $1.50 IN ARREARS. $2 MAY BB OHARO D WI think vertis as an expenditure. Records 39c ach 3 for $1.09 (10 -in, Doubler Sided) (lit inch Double -aided) WERE 75e AND $1•.50 EACH `Think of. it. Two fin • Victorsel- oactions by faizxour Victor artists n ,each, records. No: ,wee to be ,bought at thin•:,price when these =•are sold. Stock up, now and save :+money agner MON =Ma The�loig coal strike. is 'settled,but :people are not so auxl'ous about .coal now asthey were 'a few .aonths 'ago_ •3h--*1f Just think-int'weeks we'll .have our cars out and be rapidly :forgetting fhure ever wast a long long, winter, Making a fortune is easy. It just seems bard because you need three or four .of the for living [purposes. �--4i Talk isn't cheap. when it is poured forth in. Wasteful words in Parliament. The taxpayers foot the bill, and pay dearly for it. '• 4-8 The most popular girl in town -when, she comes -will be Miss Spring. 8-8 Shoe manufacturers Say that women's feet are growing larger. W'omien's footwear keeps at a pret- ty high figure and perhaps the dear, thrifty ladies think there is no use pinching their feet any lon- ger, might ad -well be gettin4,13ome thing for their money. PLANT MORE TREES The Federal Government is rnkiang a plea to citizens' of the Dominion to Rei -forest wailstlands and what is otherwise not in use. 4 resident of Ontario may secure any number of trees' up to 3,500 free each year fox planting wast^ areas of the farm, or for filling ifl the woodlot. Additional quantit es may be had at the rate of $4.00 per thousand. A limited quanitiy of material is'on hand each year for windbreak work, 500 trees be- ing the maximum given to one individual. Special provision its also• made for Township and Co- unty reforestation. projects. For literature and information write; Ontario Forestry Branch, Parlia- ment 'Buildings, Toronto. ip•••o wootaooz+ •ea +b000see•o•0000solrem•®•••i••• • We fee lthankful to the ocuncil of • our town for the splendid support • • in helping to make the Library a • • success, an that no more more • • 'popular move can be made than • F • that of generously 'supporting the • • public library.-MiSs L. Esau, • L' ibbi'arian. • f• • . OF. ILL Boom, SHOES AND RUB HERS, )`! n LT FOOTWEAR, • • • Lt really is an invest •T• y � _ The tong -drawn-out coal strike in the U. S: liar' been 'settled. But this shouldn't interfere With Ont- ario's plans to gat Canadian coal for use during our conap'aratively long winters. Canada has oodles of coal, which she :should be enipl oping her own citizens to dig out and allowing her own citizens' to burn. Let Canada, Burn Ser Own Coal would be a 'very' good ,loot. g,an: for us at this time. THE LIBRARY. The 'Zurich Public Library re& Gently held its annu'lal" ni.e'eting;. and the result was re-election q;f the forrnnnr officers who are doing their duties very efficiently» Fol- lowing is ac • 1i:9t of the` book's now on hand, for the public to read General Works, Miscellaneous it Philosophy, Roligous Soc- iology - 20 20 15 21 14 35 '11 378 "97 Natural Science History. hiogra,phy Geogrpahy and travel' Poetry and Drama Fiction Juvenile Fiction Total books in, Library. 602 Books borrowed .for home reading • 1070 New Books Bought during the year • 63 Membership during the yr. 99 The books are all kept inr a good condition and no book got lost. The Library has increased dur- iing the year, great care has been taken in the matter of book sel- ection by the book committee, it has a 'steady growth, and is ,:an Mr L. W. Hoffman is spending honor ,and credtoour village, 'and a few day sm 0 -alt and London 'community, to have a` iibrary`..61 This week, Re attended the"', ,big good books- and wholesome read- -London vs. Galt hockey playo,f ing .matter for our young people. match on Tuesday' evening which resulted in a 'tie. 1 e t. dry an ad! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver of.Dash wood were Wednesday .visitors in' the village. • Minis Gertrude Weber is spend- ing the. week with friends' in Lon- don. Mr. W. 0. Callfas• its ;spending the week with friends in Kitchen- er. Sorry to report that Mrs,: Ger- trude Rests is not enjoying her .,usual good health this winter. W. G. Hens & Sons, have in- stalled a Radio Set in the home of Mrs. A. G..Ehnes. Mr. Wm. Ruby left for London last week to undergo an operation for rupture, and is • progressing very favorably. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon •entertained a -number of their friends to .sumptuous :fowl supper on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Con Truentner, of :the 14th con:,, have returned fronv an extended visit to Milverton, Elmira and Kitchener. A large number of hockey fans acompenaied the team to llensall on Tuesday evening and of coarse returned home with the "bacon." FEBRUARY fearing Sale • • 2 0 0 111 y he ,:• :`. MNt•00.06Q+ 04%4W0aMl••••N•••1541I@•i•YI1P••••••al••••• EVERY PAIR 1NT OUR :STORE IS MARKED DOWN' AT COST AND LESS TELAN COST. NOW IS 'iri:v i Traz, TO BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR FOR SPR- ING AND SUMMER AND SAVE DOLLARS. HERE. ARE ON LY A FEW OE' TBi MANY LINES WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU; Men; ail -felt Bal. R. Heels, Reg. $4.50, clearing .at Men Felt Bal. 'Yvith leather solos, Reg. $t _00 ,Ear _-- -_ Men's Felt Slippers with leather soles, Reg. 1.25, at Men Orel,.. work. shaoes, Rlk.and Brown reg. .4 .5,1 sit _- Wom's Patent• kid leather, pcmps clearing at $1.95 to Women'a felt Slipper's, clearing. at 50c. to- Childrenn's, !Boots and • Slippers clearing at ,25e. to COME IN !IJ D SEE THE BARGAIN TABLES, THE STORE WITH QUALITY RR.OSEPAO.i.ECING NEATLY DO • SEI(: R W NDOW DISPLNEAY - ._._$(2.65 $2.50 sac $3.00 $3.95 BROWN • • • Y • • • • • • • • • 98ea Sole Agents for the Real Gen- • vine CONSOLIDATED MILLERS • CREEK, The Best Soft Coal oh- • tamable, Pnenhontas. smokeless • Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay nut Cake and best Anthracite Pei • • COAL. • • TELEPHONE SERVICE - OUR IN • • FORMATION IS FREE. CALL US BEFORE BUYING ELSE - Coal Strike During the Coal Strike use Our Substitu tes 18.c, 4 4990s4•ra el. r41144.4•44.3p4404"v;•r • t ., c ' • Specials .9 • Boy's, Two Bloomer Suits for 3 Men's Salts . only a few Tefl for Mews Overcoats to dear at ALSO A FEW 4.1VERCOATSS AT REDUCED PRICES. @>9@C.O3 • 4. 8• 4 t 8.95 10.95: 14.95 'Conte oyles and rod Tailoring DESIGNS t .S ri ON WHAT THE MAJORITY OF MEN AND YOUNG M 14.3 R+K FOR T1V" BUYINCf morass. QUALETY, WORKMANSHIP A1►TD VALUE ARE 'ME MRS.... FUNDAMENTALS APPARENT a ONE OF OMB, SUITS. IIOPP.E •,. • `+G'rASGB STA i ••••••••40.14iM•YAI/IY+•04.44+ill •14 41***••!•z''44"itYyp•f+,ilb9' a e PHONE tg7 a WHERE. Caxiteloxx^. HENSALL ONT. Phones -Office 10w, House 10.7 CHURCH NOTES Size invite you to our services; V -To Escape; The anxieties of ordinary life and to enjoy the restfulness and inspiration of an hour .spent with others in God's Horse. We stand for mutual aid in wor- ship and in the practice of the Christian, life. Why not begin this' weak,, to attend the • prayer and prais9 ser- vica on Friday at 7.30! Itis :worthwhile to attend the Sunday morning and •eveniu;; ser- vices, just to enjoy the beautiful flowers .suppliers every " veek by Mises Rennie's S. S. Class, Don't ln,isla Sunday School at 11, A lirge (pile of stand and gravel is being hauled on the Evangel, - ;cal church grounds. Building op- erations will however not coin- mence until after Conference me- eting which is the middle of April. Mr. Wendel Snaith of town, has sold his 100 -acre farm, a few Miles south, of Zurich on the Goshen Line to •his son, 'Mr. Adelbert Snrith,, who gots possession on March let. Mr. Adelbert Smith has had the Earn rented for a number of ye- ars, Those scientists at Toronto, who have wrote large articles recently stating that the earth is getting warmer, and if we could live long enough would se the illimination of winter, evidently do not sleep out doors or with, their window a foot open these chilly nights Mr. Milton, G. Deitz, our teleph- one central manager has sold his business block occupied as the post office, shoe store and dental office, to his father, Mr. Samuel Deitz of this i11age, who gets .inr- mediate postses:sion:, The northern part of the second story 'has rec- ently been arranged for modern liking q. uarters, which will -in the near future be occupied by 11/frond Mrs. Ehler Oe'sch The Secretary of the Zurich Ag- ricultnral Society has received not- ice from the Department of the r.!sult of ttr; coiapetiti0n held by the Society in 1925 for -,Combined 1,01••1' Standino• Fi'111 Cron avid Seed Grain;. The winners• announ- cod gtr.1 <is .follows -1st, Harold I�lopp 2nd; Oscar Klopp 3rd John, A. Manson tth; Edgar Brod .rick. O'r.:EEIN-FAIR B URN A very interesting matrimonial event took place at th Upion'Par- sonage, Hears ill on Wednesdayi, February 17th, when the Rev. A. Sinclair united in bonds of wedd- lock, l4liss Mary Fairburn, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs'.'GeorgeFair barn of Tuckersmith, to Mr. Len 1.3rO'Br'ein, son of Mr, and Mrs Wm, O'Brein, of /nrich. Shortly a(t'r tIY cennronv the happy bridal couple left by train, for a.m. on February 28th, Therewill t London and other points Lot a be special music and the Temp-. short honeymoon, returning to trance Superintendent will have Zurich on Saturday evening, where Gla •gin. they received 'a royal welcome by Services' at 30.0 am. and 7Fsa 'ojnlw friends. Mr. and Mrs p.ni, ,r•: ct Sunday. O'Brein Will reside' in Zurich, where 1VIr. O'Brein is interested with his Emmanuel Evangelical Church l fiithor and brother, Malloy, its the I produce firm of Silverwood, Lim - ZURICH. ONNT. ited ihr. Herald joins :with their PHONE .11 w,N Sol Ra-.io Radio Radio Nov' C. 5 Tube De Forrest and Crossley Truly the best buv in Radio Newt Circuits. New Results. New Valu, TUNED WITHOUT SQUI AL OR HOWL. ABSOLUTELY /item - RADIATING:. WE. WILLING BY INVITE COMP:A.RISON. ASIR' US TO DEMONSTR ATE THIS SET IN YOUR OWN HOME Fully Equipped $125.00 W. G. HESS & SONS • • • • Notice • ° i• My Accounts are now ready, and anypersons indebted.to me kine ri call at once . and settle same. gip u • • • • FRED THIEL - ZURICH •• •••••••••„•••••••••••••, varr4Not+OA0.*4,....0941.49.9 +''i'.I?,Ff°iFf++++f++f++444+++i,+ +.g++i.+++++ 4^++++ shift_ _ CLE '°, RIlYG A few lines of Men's and Women's Shoes See Our Windows for Special Pries Every Pair a Bargain. 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS/ �]'��N REZLIIII.l�lt PAM eiN Oi,/J,vE 14.1.44+4 -1-14++++++++++++++++14+44++++++++++41-11-1404144444%, .iN DON'T BUY Without First Corola-z•ring Our Prices and Values YOU WILL FIND A HOS T OF ARTICLES IN TRIS STt RI THAT ARE PRICED CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN SIM- ILAR OR EQUAL QUALITIIES OFFERED YOU BY BY IH RM MAJORITY OF STORES. THESE MANY VALUES 'OMEN YO BUY THEM FROM US 'YOU GET AN AF¢..PICLR O . WHICH YOU SAVE A NICE. LITTLE SUM OF MONEY. Consult us about yor Spring Requirements' R° N. DOUGLAS GENERAL NI ER%HANT if you are nota Chris'tianyou many Zurich. .friends in extending ought to be, Icoir g attllat'oin~1 I "" BLAKE 4 J d 1 4 4 1