HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-18, Page 8e ed Prices w inEffect on Winter Goods QITfV STOCK' OF W'IN'TER GO')I)S IN VI -ANY LINES TS LARGE iN IN ORI)I)P TO REDUCE WE ARE OFFERING SP- ECIA1, BA \l.Ne fe)R A ;FEW t\ E RTee, COME EARLY AND MAKE: :A I)VANT_L(;6; OR THIS MONEY SAVING EVENT. )Flannels. al inches wide, fancy plaids. Reg $2.50 per ,yard for Flannels 36 -in fancy stripes, Regular 1.50 for Telveteen. 22 -in, now -selling at 50e. to Wool crepes, 36 -in. PO W 'Selling at per yin r l Sweater Coats, Men's extra heavy, now each Sweater Coats, 2 only, Jumbo Knit, nuw each Sweater Coats, 1.2 only, all sizes, now each ..__. Sweater Coats, Boys, all sizes, fr inn 8.5c. to each Blankets (bee. 12-1, grey or white pair Blankets, Ibex 11-4, Grey or white, pari LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE AT GREATLY t • CES. Men's Jersey Gloves, 2 •pr. for 1925 Accounts $1.,93 $L"35 85c $1.38 ... ,.,$5,45 ...,3.25 . $1,65 ,$2.75 $21.50 2:00 REDUCED PRI- - 45e OUR .ACCOUNTS ARE NOW READY. A PROMPT SETTLE- MENT WOULD PEI VERY MUCH ,APPRECIATED: WE ARE STILL SELLING ON' ONE YEAR CREDIT BASIS, GIVING YOU lliES'T PRICES. POSSIBLE, e0 WE 'FEEL THAT ACCOUNTS WHEN •IYUE, SHOULD BE PAID PROMPTLY, PROMPTLY- GIASCHO Fac SANS Produllib Vanted Phone 59., ITEMS OF LOCAL I I :FEST The Ontario Legislate re tueet'a on %Yodo' seta Feb,10th, Whet.r her it wil, b( the list is asarion of the 1' sixi tK Oootrtr,o, f,et,islasut 'is a i x5 R • SAXAL WiARKETs iCorrel.t,i-if; •every Wednesday) utter ib ti .., dV 22--29-3'2 ,catoes per bag 1.75 tied apples lb,.:.. 9 ata arley _. , .... .. 80 ggs.., . — matter ti of yet decided, The'F'ro- ! � vinei•il Parliament cairn constitute- l) ionally sit another ;session, 'but it 0 has been unusual in Ontario, for ti Parliament to go" the' full 'length N; 50 uckwheat t of its 'tern,? ci,Ll vever, there will 1N' • ., 80 'heat ,, .., ... ..1.1'3 , ;'lour not likely be any �nnourrcerni'ai,it, . about a Piot iia,c,a1' election until Shorts per ton the -Federal leo it:'ca.'situat on is el Bran s per ton ,arified. The ' 0 tuio> o rim-; g ent Will not go iLo ,1;1 ptesp11ea when a ,Federal .•lection campaign,, is in the offing. Me eLig'slature s will meet with•setteli'' tnrabeiya• �sh-J Western farmers, Mutual 4.00-5.00 33.00 30.00 14.00. ort of •its 111 hianll)0i4sihlp t Six off the' ' acaneies in tlib Ontario' hamv ber ai+;: by resignation •and Ole that of London, by death' .2 . the member, `Sir Ada :Beck. - Five , of the members • of the Lige+siature ie-• signed to run for the iIoivse of• Cle 'rumens in the last general ele'etion., t , STANLEY a"OWNS141P. Mrs, Russell Eiisatt ui:aderw,ent, an operation in. Seaforth H;ospita1 for appendicitis on Saturday .last. At time' of writing •she is ,getting, along nicely aha we hope .for . a•,, speedy recovery.._f Mrs. J: Bryan and Mrs. J. Coll- ins of London, are 'v'ilsiting at the home. of their father, Mr. Wilson Armstrong.. Mr. an:d Mrs. .Ralph, .Stopheen'son of Parr Lime, visited- atethe ho`tiie. of Mr. W.. J. Do wsona-'oil,, Sunday. The Goshen Club . are unloading a car of Alberta' coal this week,.' Dashwood Mrs. 0. E.F. Guenther „is Visiting in London. Mrs. J. E1lingseii a funeral of a relative in Clinton on Saturday.. Miss Oliva Weltin is a•itit og;in Kitchener., Dr. R. H. Taylor was balled to Londcbn on Saturday, owing to the' sudden death of his+ mother.Mr. and Mrs. T: Wurm and IVti'ss Ida: Routledge of 'Zurich spent Sun d•ay with' the MiSsey Kraft. )lir:-and 'Mrs. 0. S. Alkin!s'on and Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODS'i`(OCK THE LARGEST. BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaN 1r DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- 4''TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-3i AUCTION SALE The Administrator of the- estate of ERNIIST R. 'CALDWELL has in- structed Mr. Oscar Klopp, Auction- eer, uction eer, ±'o sell by public Auction: cn trended the Thursday, March 4th, 1926, at 1.30 .p,rn.. on the premises, the follow- ' • izig. real estate and chattel's;-- REAL ESTATE -The Caldwell farm on the Zurich Roacl containing 100 acres being composed of the west giiirter of Lot 18, the west '. uarter of Lot: 19, and the :vest half of Lot Np: `2o On the 5th Conces'sion of the aTow nship of Hay. ' On this farm there is a splendid, bank barn 42x52 steel roof with eat- Percy atPercy spent the week -.end in Ex- tle stabling underneath,' a good eter. . • 1 t>.ame hay blarn 3..x46 With brick Mr. Sam ,Branner was removed. horse 'stable undernelth.. imlple-' Zui'h's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases .: ' Tires, Tubs,' Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS aUS'1 teECEIV u A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 17. L. BATTERY ..IF IN Ni3ED OP A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES -TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON ',CO, AND O'T'HER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY 'ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. ' BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- RTYLENE WELDTNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE . ilu asseau Zurich • •freasam•••sono••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••• I FURNACES ONIMINESeleilia Heela Make Your Home Happy • With cold weather rapidly being Gilso: ushered in, it behooves us to look -3 to adequate heating facilities. • i Let us comfort your home by heat- I ing it with either of the above nam • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ed Popular F urnaceS.• • • •• Everything' in Stoves and6 • Hardware to St. Joselph's, Hospital, 'Loiad•op Mont shed and henhouse and a last,'—eek. We are glad to -report that Sam is on the ineiid :miss AdelinceDiegel left on Mon - darter her home in W,aterlo'o..,,,. Mists Clara Kraft ie visiting .•in London. . Misses Idella gender, and Verna Birk!) spent the ,,Week -end in ,Lori. done .. Mist Em�ma Tiernan of London, spent •Sufid1ay with, friend'¢ in • • • • WHITE ROSE GASOLENE • • • tj ALW' YS FULL OF "PEP" AND QUICK, STARTING. THIS • . WELL ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL 'WEATHER, • Quite a number 'i'ro'n here at- tended the funeral of 'the late Mrs. Weber in Zurich fast' week. The Walter League of the Zion Latheran church attended' a -skat- ing party held Eby, the Luther Lea- gue in Zurich on Friday • evening. After a very enjoyable time ;at+ the rink, •.refreshments were :ate%- •ved at Walper's Hall.. • COUNTY NEWS The annual meeting of the Bay-, field Library Assoc'n was,,, held on Feb. 8'ih, the number of books in the Library is' 1310 and the circul etion. for the year 3649. 'Citizens were much ishoclied 'on Saturday last when the word went around that Jos. Wheatley, ' one of Clinton -s best known citizens,, had plied suddenly at the 'station, where he had gone to attend hit duties as weighni'aster. The death took pia.: 3 11.. a .r:'es- •seldale on. Sunday last of an' old resident, Geo. • Melville, aged 79 ;years. The deceased had beeniail- ing for several weeks,, but had been in bed only about. a Week, gang- •ewrine beitig.-the ,liuniediate cause of death, he•had lived :all ,his life on 'the farm on which he died. A unique event took' place in_ Usborne on Feb.. 6th„ when Mr., and Mrs. Wni. Kydd celebrated the di- amond jubilee of their wedding.At noon a large icom'pany gathered for a big repast. ,and the rest of the -day was spent happily. J1fi1. Kydd who is in, his 84th year, year, was born at A:ibroth,: For- farsbire, Scotland and came to Canada in a sailing veis'sel 76 ago 'With his parenits, • taking up land in Usborne'ewhere M:rr"Kydd has 'since resided whose maiden na- me was Elizabeth !Crawford, • was a.Lnark Co. 81 ye -ars tago, They n''vere united in marriage • 60 ye- ars ago Feb. 6th, by the -late Dr',. Cav en" Pleased to hear that Robt. For- rest, who has been in Clinton hos- pital, has been able to return to his sister's 'in: Hensall for a'short rest before returning to'hi's home on the Parr Lite. • The South 'Huron L. 0 :L, held their annual meeting in Exeter on Tuesday Feb. 2nd, a fine reprns- ,entative *adhering, 'bei -ng present. The reports looked g'o'd, and it was decided to hold the 12th of July celebration in Clinton this' ye are and a delegation front . South) Huron' wi llvia4t the' S. Perth, Meet ing• to have ,theta join WS meeting I-TAflF & WEIDOF 1•••• UiICH - ONT.:. • piss+M•s mN oitiNiolo EStosio. I. briCle and frame dwell ng house.The soil is excellent. well -drained and watered by well/ ,and •a ;spring, Ftp, k�yr'tenehing i.he corner of the .F<;i+.i�ii The farm is all cleared with about 8 acres admirably adapted fci el, the growing of celeiy. ' This fel-en 's situated on a main country rega ouial• distance ;relit Hensall and Zurich, three nailed' 17 teres EL, Wheat and Fall plowing most ly donee, • .'STOCK -Horse's• -1 General Pur- peSse gelding 9 years 'old; •1 'aged mare. Cattle -1 cow due one, or before ,!the date of the sale,;' • 1. good, Durha'in; cow "s'uplio.'sed 'to' freshen in April; One 'good -grade Jersey supposed to freshen -in ;Aiiril; _ 1 good Jersey cote 'sup- posed to freshen in June is now milking; 3 Polled Angus (Steers rising 2y eaijs; 1 Polled heifer, rising 2 years; 1 grade (*.steer years old; 1 steer rising (1 year; 1 heifer rising 1 year; :about 200 laying hens. • FEED -About 4- tons mixed shay and about 4 tons goad ;alfalfa. A quantity of boor' corn ,fodder •in the barn and a` quantity lof straw 50 bushels oats and 50 bushels feed beans. A stack of •6 loads of 'oat sheaves unthreshed; 150 bushels of roots. , IMPLEMENTS, ETC, -A Ford car in good running order; 1 6 -foot bindeer; 1 5 -ft. mower; 11 run disc drill; bean cultivator and harvest- er complete, 11 foot sulky rake, all Of Massey -Harris hake and of recent date, ,a good Kteel land - roller,. 1 cultivator, 1 discri Acne hla; I ow," set diamond harrows, a root scuffler, walking plow, 1 Ch- atham fanning mill, a' democrat, a buggy, cutter, set sleighs, straw cutter, cream separator, Melotte; Daisy churn, double and ,singlehar- nosls, rain water barrels,f {sugar kettle, ca; rope and ,pullys acid slings, 1 new extension ladder,. a ,grindstone, wagon rack, a q uan- tityof cedar posts and rails, grain, bags, forks, shovels„ chains, log- bunks, ogbunks, wheel barrow , tools aid other ,+articles. A.. quantity. of ho usehold furniture. Thrusulay,•l,� eh n'r i'y 1:811112iff Announcing That we' are now in: a position to,. give the Public Ideal 'service in our various lines and solicit the patron age of the community • We ask you to come ' in and see the following money sav ng Bargains TWO CIRCULARS AT REDUCED PRICES. 1 ELECTRIC WASHER AT $75.00 1 McCLARY COOK :STOVE AT .$40.00 1 INCUBATOR .ONLY $35:00 HOCKEY STICKS AT LESS THAN COST. 12 FEED BASKETS AT LESS THAN COST. Y Full Range of Doherty, Good Cheer Quebec Cook Stoves Come and see our -fine display. of Fara` iture. AIso full line of Springs and: • Mattress. Agent for Mason. and Risch Pianos FULL SUPPLY,J F SHELF AND HEAVY ALWAYS ON HAND; .-RAW • AND BOILED LINSEED OIL HARNESS AND C1{EA4 SEPARATOR OILS. GASOLINE AND KFROSINES. Johnston 8c KaThfieiso.h Hardware 8e Furniture. Phone 63 Per Cent. with, Pirst Mortgage Security Huron alt Erse Debeaturel3 . eke ,an#imorized,: by, the Govern ent as a trustee investineiit for executors. They . are issued for :$100 a more for 12 months and longer up to Ta years. These Debenturea:providea corvenietn, simple :form • of in- vestntent Over $14,000,00a is now invested' in this seeatity by -Cana adieus. • Have you $100, $500 or n:°ire en deposit that ehoule earn more interest than you are now rece3•ving4 i MORTGAGE .CORFORATIL3.N The ur Application received at any time by - Andrew F. Hess, ' - f Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SER VICE AND SAFETY Have Yoga' M ADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper 1Hangil1.g: LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, CRANING, PAPERHANuIN., & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. 'CRY US ON YOUR XT JOB. Ii. EICKMEIER, ZURICH -- j01117 WARD Drugless Practiott.- eer and Optician EXETER =+' Pbene liRi AT W ALPER HOUSE, UMW Every Tuesday, .10 a.m,, to 4 polo ^i-�h--i�-�M#,i •-+W TERMS OF. SALE All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount, 8 Mon ths,cred.it on approved joint notes Discount of six per cent per an- num for cash on credit amounts. Real Estate -10 per cent of pur- chase money at time. of sale and balance on April 1st, 1926. The 'Real Estate w,iJl be sold eubject to the :approval of`the �Offieiatt Guardian. For conditions of Sale and fury- then\particulars apply 'to--- OScar -Klopp, Auctioneer. W .I:Iaircourt, K. K:',. . O:ficial ,Guardian, Toronto. Henry • Strang, Admir.istrater. . Giadnaau & Stanbury, Exeter. and Hensall, So'.icitors for Adriniet* 4t.--4. 4 —# • 4,---4--4 +'-+ f-, tDoIlar frD.11o ar VATJTJES ON SUITS, ETO. „Yes, even more than you expect for your , Clothing Dollars/ STYLES WHATEVER YOU 11ESIRE f WOOLLENS FROM THE FINEST LOOMS. • TAILORING I t The Custom Tailoring Variety. 1 ' PRICES 'Second to Noce. HOFFMAN: iii l'TAILOR. W. Vii. f1OFF)IA.N az Son, EMB ALMF.1!.tS A I) FUNERAL DIREClORS. Day and Night Phone No. 1