HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-18, Page 5'iherstley, February • 1 it,1J92 ; st/S114as CARDS ', 3T DLBICE..JoL MES lierri'ster, Solaeitor, Notary Publie &tee • Office on 'Hamiltoe Street, 111101 011 the square, -Goderieh. Priv- toads to loan at lowest ta'tes. lam, ',$ohne, will be iu Hensan on 1 Friday of each week. Aafulrbw' .. Hell,Township Clerk Silittere o3 marriage licensee, Notary QUA Conamisi►tc er, Fire and Aut- 1 e iasurave", ltelpresenting *Mesa• ad Brad Mortgage Corpora- , The Candia Trust Co, Zurich, DENTAL SURGEON' - *UN OFFICE -- SENSALL OSCAR KLOPr Id. Jolles Nat - Waal Carey l Be ool of Auctioneering. Try' gips for Registered Live Stock 'Pa Breeds)• Terms in keeping illetth ]prevailing prices. ChoiceWOO ' for sale. Will sell anything Seefwherre• Zurich Then a 18--' 3 or writ®, • sed 'Auctioneer yicenaed :luctionoer to sell. 1 fort °c°uY 'Huron, In a position auction sale, regardless is any � to viae or= aitic�' and it not Ilyour business, chargee for webbed, will „make no 'Services, �ashaiood. Arthur: Wever, - . 13-81fliSoras ' #1<'f<r8a and t Salt Meats �'il CSt CtC Bologna Sausag� for Wool Highest t C�ra>s 'COln•iBIDES!, GASB. FOIL SE1NS & ZURICH' LIVERY 1 atm in a. position to accomo- *ate an requirements iu the Livery very Mine, have Auto for hire. line. Any- thing dome in the teaming GEORG'S J. THIEL ?hese 08 Zurich mo-•• G. S. AT1INSON L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST 1EXETER, ONT. Phone 34 d►t HAYFIELD Every Wednesday EVENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE POU LT R. Y Mahan every- day till 3 Odldek p.m. NO not teed fowl same morning When 'brought in. "Highest • Cash Prices '4) - .-•;--0111SH FOR -- Cream and Eggs 1 W. O'Brien. f loco. QI„ Zurich Wants, .For Sale, •Lost, Fop 0:101A Norilce, lEtC4I Ads IN THIS, COLUMN FOR SALE Renew your daily :and weekly 'papers , a4 the Herald •Office, we Can save you much 'money aud.ge- arantee satisfaction, for a limited time we will offer" the clubbing rate of either of. the London dailies land 1 ho -Herald Car $5.60 per year. Act quielr , £w; Weciatmot ` give this 1Ispectal o�fi:er Very' long. Trans- c t taxa na five. tube Set i 1ectiVity, clear tope,;, dintaiyce, !Will' simians anarthing in 'Radio' • that costs up to $160.00. )Nothing but , the best in Batteries laud. equipieent. goes With , �y I`a,;.•et O1 THE AIR every de- tail eorp ete for $1'39.00. and guaranteed for one lean"' It its Radio 1 - halve* it' and the Oates `iris right. >`.'S.WEIN, SIASSWOOTX OR ERRVICE 1 HOUSE FOR SAL Two very desirable frame dw- elling properties in Zurich wit lie sold privately or in, tor suitable farm property. For further particulars apply to Andrew Price, Zurich, -Box. 263. Feed . For Sale We have a quantity of re -clean ed split beans whi.h we offer at :) t00 per c*t while they last. Get your supply now; ' i • ' Cook „Bros. Milling Cot Hentsall:' • FOR SALE 1 farmer's Delco lighting plant 860 Watt with 160 Ampere Hour battery in A- 'shape for quiek'sale $350.00 . Price -of new Delco pinac $650.00: .--=M G. 'Hess, & Sons, Zur- urich;, FOIL SALE A 1924 Ford Coupe in geod me - c hxnieol cendition, good upholst- ste.r`ing• and tires;; Ips a `real good •bay. Lennis O'Brein. Zurich. FOR SALE Flax seed for feeding your' stock at $2.50 per bushel. Fred. C. Kalbfleisch, -Zurich 30-5 • STRAYED 1:nto my promises on Dec' 3lst. 11925, Lot 13th, come S.B„ Stamey Township, :a ; two-yeer-oltt heifer, 'Owner can' have same' bey `proving property and Paying expense's: :Emanuel Reichert, R.R.l. Dr. H. H. COWEN • L. D. g+, D. D. S. ''DENTAL SURGEON:r,M At DEITZ BLOCK. 'ZURICH ev- ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. Main Office • i1ARTLEIB'S BLOCK., DASHWOOI) COAL FOOAIIAN TAS 00 IC Miller Creek Soft Coal "MOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case 8z Son PHONE 36 PIE1+7SALL -17 SCHQOLREP9RT - S,S, No. 11, ,Hay,. Sr. IV-Don;:inac Jeffrey 407, PreeiILe Ducharrcae 361, Marie (:her- rette 329, Dorothy Duc1tare a 3'1. •' Sr. III -Gordon Str.1th, 495. Ruth Hendrick 425; Anthony Masee 336 Irene Charrette 28.5, xclarence Sch- ale 154; x•Raymond Kading ,139. Jr. III -Clarence Latramboiae 261-81r, i f •, . 1r Daelnts ieLtirt'ette 438, • Ilfaxim Jeffrey 426, Norman Sar - eras 395, Avila Ducharree 382, Regia Doehen me, ,359; 'Laird •QendriCk 34.4, *Lucille Jeffrey 293, *Ariael Disjar- c'Iino 217 - Jr, TI -;Marie Lafr*n..boise.309, itic:ltirrd, Ma_ a 309, aMirie $iennon `ria. a r First --gray Diiiiardinee. 210, The- rese lit: asst, IAMarie Masse 117, xLeona tat rambbise Sit, aRsoaite Dui charm's 18; , Primer- Maxiiln Ihicharine 33, ibtierrie• J'effrley lee zRvta Nia.'tsE`, liAlphonee These merited x y'ira.ere ghsent tor• ono' or more. exams. • V( non -44 Tea_'! rt. '1610441 , To -day is hall. Wer ni 'sdtitYM and tate first clay in Lena: Mr. Harry Angel wa16, at London last Thuitsday• Mists C•ertrude' Weber is •;speed- ing her vacation in 'onsite,. Mr. W. C. Cailfas wets ori a bus- iness trip to, London one 'day •t'h'e week: Mee and Mrs. 0, Fritz were Sufi- day visitor's iv1t:lt Mr. and Mrs. O. Sur. erns. Ztv.•ich Street Views,' up to -date Post Card Size; We have then ) Hess, the Je`wel.ler. ' Mrs:. E. Weido left for.:London on INTescinesday 'neurning wirers 'she intend staking treatzi1ents tor two weeks_ Mosers. Christ G;iugerieeh,: 0, Sclerag,; C. Siem+on•and A. Erb, eat - tended the big Perceriion. Sale al. London last 'Thursday. " Mr. and Mrs. T L. Wurin, , and Mists' Ida. Rou'tiedge.wexe; Sunday visitorts at Deehwocldt Mises Veola Prang, who ie 'at- tending Normjal in Stratford, spent the week-encl at her ,home here, • Mr. Garnet Date's was a t*iaik•or at New Hannburg pn Monday, th object being to call on his'"nerieher. Mrs. Henry •Dateils, who ells quite i lt= Mrs. Wrw. IIo.€fman had ,'tti�<,�. • successful .quilting Bee'a last, •Th- urecIA . and all oiiloyed,,. lr.. • god time. Mr. Ches. Ford, of • Exeter.•, ,the district: general agent for the Ford motor Co., called on C. Fritz ,, & Son, on Tui§,day • , Mr. and Mrs'. A &L. Weber, *'ho' tecurly purees -ed the village pr-- rnerty Front Mc. A: Me1iek, , have now got fulleesettled ads lire wnl- cotfee then as citrzene ee our 'vil- lage. • 1i"e have had sonic real nide February weather the past •tve- 'ok, +ane as we notice thin days- get - ling longer, its a sur sign: that spring .is nearing A good and suh'atantial redact ion on alt' Ford` ear prites' has been eninounced by the ;Con.pany, which means that the Lir4y wilt be owe - ed andruii still cheaper Mr.. and Mrs Roland 'Geiger; Mr. a u :1, Mrs. , O: Klopp, M.r. and Mesi. D Oswald,. Mr. , E6m?r;, Klo,pp, Mr. Christ Er.•b, • and ; Mia..,•We, C .tats, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Godfr`ty Nicholepnr'at +ferecliton bast Wednesday • . The Ladies' Md of the, Evangel- 'teal- • chutr'chwill 'hold, ate silver tea. at the Ladies' Hall on Saturday Feb 2Sth front 3.30 to 7 o'cloc1 •,,Et-- erybody 'netted, a.nd get ae,,real• treat. .. Silver colleCtioru' is all that i•• salaked •for. • • Mr. and; Mrs. S. Witmer of the i3abylono Line, drover up to Holni-- o'svi:ile with horse and- cutter to, visit' Mr.: Wm;. Jervi's who was hit, last week by,a limb 'of a!tree fall ing Forehead. The accident s'eeni oci q tete serious, but we are pleas-' 'd that Mr. Jaryis' i9 ge iin,g a- long as well can be !expected. A moving Picture show enrtit- l "Th^. Rock of Age." rcrill "lie ;ivne in the Town Heel eurich.'ne •hursda.y evening Feby. 18th at 8 p.m. This shrw is free to all :'ho wish' to attend, and is Put on '>v the 'Niagara. Limestone Conlp- vlTr •wit:h. the ol?.l•)et of educating +:ha soil to as to raise better cr-' )ns • The Annual Skating Pai'ty of Room IV Zurich Public School Was. held on, Thursday evening at the local rink.' Before% skating ,start- ed an interesting hockey match ,vas played between Zurich, Pub- lie School and Honsall Public isch- reel, the score being 2-1 in fae- or of Zutricl4 After skating the pupils retired to the home of Mr,,, and eIrs:.M. 0. 1VTillii:e'n f where lunch: was !served .and anenjoyable evening spent On Friday es -ening, February, 12th, the Luther Leaguers of St. Pe'ter's Lutheranchurch entertain cd the members of the Walther Le- ague, Dashwood, to a ,skating Party held at the Zurich Rink. After two hours of skating . and autdobe sports on, the ice, the heppy gathering. about eighty in number, asisembled tit the Wa!per Hall to spend another few hours in a very sociable manner, Af- ter aft hi.d appeased thnir hunger by partaking of the midnight lunch of sandwiches and dainty cakes the meeting was brought to a ' pleas- ant r lose by {thee two !short addres- sees given, by Rev. II, Rembe, pas- tor oI the local League azid • by Rev. Bruer, Pastor of the, visiting League. Next week wilt see the finish of the hockey season, as our boys go to Bengali ;on Tuesday eve for the first ganil'a( inthe final play off and Hensall cein,e's here on Thurs., day eve. • As the number of goata count, there will hardly' be a third game. The winners' of the ;bound wilt have as a trophy the fine sil- ver Cup 'dobate,c by the Chevrolet Auto Sales Co. Hen'satl', Ate the teams stand now Zurich looks the favorites as they have lost curly one game all season, while the.ifen- sail team lost four garor,m,'' The gatne played here on 11 onday (w- elting' reeutted in a bead Imo foe react, the.mare: bents 0- , IIESA.LD Pepe Fives GATHERING °IQ CVT '.FROM CLEAN i3OD'X' • OF ' WATER .N9''' TOO -WALLOW' Storage Need Not lie ftlaborate Out There Are Impotent Points to Obaerye, (Contributed by Onterto Depertmeht of Agriculture, Toronto,) Our winters in Canada are usually very favorable for the production of ice, Ice is one of our most certain crops. In order to make use of this Ice In the summer for cooling pur- poses It Is necessary to etore it pro- perly during the winter season. Ice storage is not a difficult or costly matter; to make a success of it a few general principles must' be asee plied carefully. The purpose of this short article is to mention these and shove how they are applied for the successful storage of ice on the farm. In the first place, the ice should be cut from a clean and sanitary body of water which is not too shal- low. In harvesting the ice it will 'Day to take some care in marking out.the strips• of ice, and cutting the strips up into cakes so that they will be .all of a size, and have even deem - cut faces. If cakes are cut in this manner, they w311 store much easier and tighter in the bin. Large size cakes `eep better than small ones; but the size is ,limited on account of haadling. A very good size is 20 or 22 inches square. The depth or thickness, of course, will vary with. severity of the winter and the exposure of the ice to the weather. Cold dry days are best for harvesting and storing ice. If a number of peo- ple in any section cut and store ice regularly, it is a good practice to do the work co-operatively, as it can be done more economically, more conveniently and in a more efficient manner than by the single-handed method. The• storage°'for the ice need not be an elaborate or costly structure by any -means. Frequently some portion of the teem buildings can he conveniently converted into an ice, storage; for instance the corner of' a shed where a simple bin can be .built large enough to store the ice ••r+equired. On nearly every farm some suitable storage about the pres- ent structures may be found, or made by slight alterations or addi- tions. On the dairy farm it is quite a common practice to have a small isolated building combining fee stor- age, cooling room and dairy room. 'Sometimes it is possible to have the well under this building, with the pump in the dairy room. Such a combination as this is very useful. and no doubt its advantages warrant the extra coat over a': simple bin as enclosure for ice. Whatever may be the form of storage, it is very necessary to pro- vide for a.location with good pro- tection from the sun's direct rays, and yet with a reasonable amount of circulation of air; a good -thick- ness of non -conducting Material like sawdust or shavings between the ice and the atmosphere, free drainage from the bottom of the storage, live- ly circulation over the top of the tee, and the ice should be packed as • tightly as possible. During the warm weather care should be taken to keep the top of ice well covered up after any ice is removed. Space Required. Therule for estimating size of storage required for a given quan- tity.bf ice is tbat 45 cubic feet will store a ton. Accoreene to this 40 tons would require a building about 14 feet square and 14 feet high, al- lowing a foot of sawdust on all sides of the ice. When ice is used chiefly for coaling milk, .it is necessary to store about 11/4 tons per cow. If used for household purposes as we'll. two or three extra tons should b^ stored. sometimes more. The Department of Physics. Or forte Agricultural College, Guelph. C-'.+ . will be nleased to supply on rerun' :t any' interested party with copy of Bulletin 306, "Cold Storage on tlt,> Farm." -R. R. Graham, Physics Dept., O. A. College. Manure Pit Needed on Every Farrn. in a ton of cow manure the liquid part is'qual.to 61 per cent. of no total value. Ontario with her thou- sands of cows experiences a tremen- dous waste each year, partly through neglect and partly . because It is humacl:; to shun all things considered unclean.' 'every precaution should he taken to save the liquid, as well as the solids. Fermentation or rotting goes on rapidly in dry loosely pit<'d manure. Fermentation on rottinc goes on rapidly in dry loosely piled manure. Nitrogen escapes in the form of amntionfa, and the potash and phosphorous' are made soluble. Ones in gaseous or soluble condition then.' valuable elements get away through leaching or washing by rains, or by evaporation. Returning to frq:ll whence they came, not waiting for the neglectful. The losses due to the changes caused by fermentations anal weathering are 80 commonplace ,,vith many farm people that they continue the,practice as a matter of course, • Conerete floors and gutters in the stables and, feed yards, together with It cement manure pit in which ma- nure mai, be stored, le the equipment necessary to prevent loss, and insure the proper m i o! m n.r e. t T gav era requires % pFaiG16 be four feet deep. The manure from a twenty cow herd can be taken care Of in a pit 2'4 x 20 by four feet deep. 14. email tank can be arranged at one end, lato which the unabsorbed liquid they run. This earl be used as it is, bi! pumped back oyer the pile` to pre- ttnt Beating. The pit should be cov- tred by a suitable roof, This will keep out the rain, support the ma- •natil Carrier track and provide shel- tdr tor the driveway. Mitt of the disease conditions teetnaan to nye stock are harbored in ' the manure and for this reason alone 11 pays well to keep the stock aivtay frons the manure pile. 'plan and build to 'prevent waste of fertility, utisanitery conditions atld for the 11'11 t'ilarV.", i,f tbbe `trei "1 rr the farm live stock, -•-L. ` e:vel.aoe, Deet.P.:0 4Jtaaaslea, 0. A. Oolte1e„ help .a,„ .06•00errr rr.'**********************6•06000 r 00r • • • • • 0 • • • r • • r • • • 0 • • • • • d • e • 4 • • • • ••• ••• • 0 • • 0. 0 • r • • • • •• • des e are offeriji the Public ;tliese etc' fl i ' c� A•µ it �.t �'ti" t ` ,, e „ f5100 "While they last, We make a lib- eral allowance on old Batteries. Our H .tterries ate Guaranteed by the Company and myself Also ' do Battery chat,i ng and Repairing. Also "Tot Shots. and Telephone Batteries Tires, Tulles, Greases and Oils We are in. -a position to Repair any 21faak.e of Car. P:O1 i Mechanic • L. A. PrangPro • • • • • • • •a eeeee•••oeaa®••••eacesoasasccs,•e•c,eisetbe* soled ,0:0**ae •p a„6 ,-÷++++++++++++++++-:.1 44 GYPROCK THl "kqREPROQF 11' Af 1 I()A •21) 1s ▪ tio.ts. flexible, light a,+ 1 :,rs: ;.r i, sal\p!ili7za, lumb.•r. •r rt' c`an's l r 'The carptinter "simply nails i1; Ln ih 1 rat • old•''pla§ter and the wall is n > time lost for drying. rr,' ly ar. n,rP-' l'aper'or. Panels: Can be used with 'sp '"':Y1 rc•grr ± q r ,r lvor the attic or ,rep t'r ing (lr; ni.c ing 'material for your •r lir ,ori supply of Roofin,s Sict+ngs, ;tock at reasonable Prices. SAW LOGS NyA' s C. PHONE 69 A'1' rl Sit ;hn t u g il1a i ;1,m10•'1: in '\LL T11T1:s. .BILEIS ZURICH fit V PROTEGTION Get one of Our Auto 'Tops They will protect ) c)tl from the cold winds and will dna ie Winter motoring a pleasure IF YOU WANT SFRVICS, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBIIER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICH • •c eeet+Fee+eiet%eteee++� +�•+•3�+e-e•teie lee ee; e o4+ 3• •✓,'•i-ei.++.1.�41cyLe400 ii• . HERALD OFFICE + 'i' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING +. THAT WE CAN• St7.PPLY YOU WIC'$"`PRIN'7L'ED WEDDING „,,,INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ge TRAM WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUC.IIf 114LETTEEREADS, BILL$EAAbS, •ENVELOPES AND .p•.STATEMENTS + THAT WN ARE` AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANiiFLO'T ik URERS. OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THA,T WE CARRY IN STOCK 'WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Oil TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWQ SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., RTC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 6a LAR -- GER QUANTIfrIES AT BIGGER REDUOTIONL THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS .AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING O'tTR 8PECIALTt