HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-18, Page 4r: r- 1 1e 1 ZIJRICH HERALD SERVICE ALL SMALL and moderatesized ac- counts as well as late ones are welcomed by .the Bank. of. ,. Montreal• The service or this Bank is adapted to all and the quality of that service is the same Wherever and whenever it is rendered. BANKOF ONTREAL Established 1817 „+� minit4l nitluN�.ananr �. 100'R m4,llctiaM�eM211 ! Im.tliA,j�'I�” tl II . S Head Office Montreal .; 104 ij.. ,i,,. ,,il�lylt''1+i11t :! Iii Total Assets in excess or 4?50.000.000 t 1 air I ;i� IYI 11,1;11 11+; IiI 1• Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. 4,111111 1a.a 14)raitalg' ^ j xtinrw in' a printing, ofi;leo, ib tic%e c*is,ti ing in towil, h Laricl `loyrrt, of Western Univ- ersity visited alt chis herhe here, Donald Hbfg;cuth of • Tbrooto is spending a couple) o f :: weekis with his parent% ,Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Ilogg'nrit . Mrs. Sas. Ttoggavtb, tot Seaforth visited with friends in•itown. Mrs. `;iV'ni.w Hlldebiardt, who .wa'a taken, to Goderieli l{o1 p%tri1 last week' for an operation 'was brought home and t;iken_ to' Lor down H1,sp` itai'.._where the doctors' have dec- ided not to loperate , Grace ,Chapman, daughter 1 of Mr, :and Mrs,. ,, ltahl rx,,an:.!uf Hay, left ' Saturday tor' He:Milto.n to tr- laini for a 4nursa'in one:of+-thiel h,ots- pitals there. A" ttua sierr of the young ladies of (the village m -et at the hokne of Frances Pearce, of Hay and pr.ecented MisS C1;.apnan with a niiscellaneous ‘shower - John E. • McDonald, thy. hustling manager of the •Chat ro1+:t;'car Co. recently' presented a beau�tiiui 'sil- :ver trophy, •engraved,Cy'clone EIockey 1League, 1925.19261rfdonated by Tho McDonell f Chevrolet Co- mpany; and 'it is.`now: inf.the hands of .the Secy. of the L94d2 Mr. 'I, Bates, This. fins trop)i .:i is be- utiful in design and finilsh and should prove an incentive in the great contest that r'S' ;going on be- tween'the different hockey:leagues• J. W. Or twein • *ha in, London on. :Tuesday last, attending, a spec- ial .meeting held ofthe- r Bable Soc- ietyk and of which ne,.is the repre's entative. T. 'W Parlmer has nut in a very fine refrigerator in his' • %hop 'dur- in gthe past week. a +"• .• Mrs. C. Llackwell returned from London Hospital, where she ;has been for some weeks -following an aperation. for appendicitiL'. It is e'_pected drat,a nten^s ch- oir will give the sergice -of !praise in the. United church -.either the last sabbath of this' nionith or the. neat Sunday, ocher the*ostor'will give a .,` special: 'sernrdri.'•'1`0 • the 1 hc�ri eetiete.almsef0le.84l0t3S000111• ►eee•0e•4#•1111•041eN68.0N • O f Alberta O..al . _, s receiving a Carload of the We are g well known Albert Domesric Coal for immediate sale. Order Now!' 1 G1REENFILLD'SCham:Pion Tonic• 1 For Poultry' 1 1 • BEEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR 'YEAR ROUND EGG. PRODUCT - i l 11 a t :f.1 ION, i A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD - - • AFFORDS RELIEF r'ROM NTERNAL WORMS • TRY A. PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC fa AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 0 alla ALSO HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FEED • :i FOR STOCK: 1 Louis Scheibe ;s; ZurichII 0 OM + 030111 nesse•'dr®eee�eweeee•eoee•ase•••••ras•o•1.es*ee. HuronCounty Breeders Pure Bred Live Stock Sale gingham, Thurs. Feb 25th 1926. -At - One O'Clocki ,sharp. ' GE ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT SALE WILL BE HELD ON ABOVE DATE. THE OFFERING CONSISTS OF .shorthorn Cows, Heife r' and Bulls and Angus Bull '451REE,RE ARE SOME REAL QUALITY COME AND SPEND THE DAY IN 1199 KERR, , fienfry n President • 1 ton, Secretary THE one CATTLE IN THIS LOT ; WINGHAM. S, 13. STROTHERS, Clin- Her"eurf.d'T ere `I - 'rrtaxiraEayv rob try ,131f 1►,1'9.2e Shipments of grain from the: Grande Prairie and Peace River• districts over the Edmonton, Dun -- vegan vegan and British Columbia Rail- way during the pest season have to- talled 2,471,000 bushels of wheat and 1,700,500 bushels, of other grains, CREDITON• :. Oscar ",Pfaff' Wag: ' 4.:ii l'sitor.• with his' parents, Mr.' and Mrs Hy.Pfaff Serc'ic•ps r*t the United •Church we>e_,withdracyn;• on„_Sunday, even- ing owing ta, the nnarcers4ary • in the Evangelical church Mr and Mrs. Fred.•:Finkbeiner,of k'iIi irnev;. M tin:, who -Igsve been visiting relatives and friends here left for th^rr home ••' Sorry *to *learn. that :W. 'arid Mrs John Bedford' are on the sicki list Mises Laurette Holt; an,°'gridun• ate nurse. of Victoria Hxi'apitai, Lon ,don, is' home N ilsiting._;her •parents ;for "a week, :'after which she wil' go . to Chicago. ' '' . Clara Oesi:reicliee'15 t isiting with relatives in 'Windsor. • ' Crediton can now bo•ist !of an' up-to-date bakery', which” is' being well supported. The longest solid train of red, cedar edge grain shingles ever hauled across the continent left Vancouver, B.C., recently, for Chi- cago and the Eastern States. Sev- eral other long, trains of this prod-• uct will be shipped in the near fu►` ture by. the Hunting Merritt Lum-•. ber Company, by whom. the consign. merit was forwarded. • , T T wish to informwith • 4. the Publi1l . that I have' dig solved partnership with y former Gam`. ce that . 1 employer,and' wish to a�+i�loun •.r Klatt.•:dzFt '¢c: P. have 'opened an t'' `':-to..date--Garage. 4 ,y E in Mr. Hey's Block.' A N -444+++++++++44++++++++++444+44++441±140+++4-14+++++++11+ 1. Announce ,s. en •P 4 4. a 4. 4 .1. A despatch recently* sent from London states that Professor Car- lyle, of the E. P.' ranch, is sailing for Canada shortly, taking back with him a number of" byood mares rind" other stock for the ranch. The Prince of Wales continues to evince - the deepest interest in. all the' do- ings of the ranch and keeps io close touch with things• there. Approximately the same acreage• as produced the West's bumper.• crop last year will he under- culti- vation this season. The outlook. now is that over 14,000,000' acres of land will be. ready for seed. under•. generally favorable conditions: The estimated acreage to be seeded' this; year, by provinces, is as follows: Manitoba, 4,460,400; Saska:tchewani. 3,354,190; Alberta, 3,472,315.. The value of boots and shoes= ex- ported x ported by Canada during the year ended March, 1924, more than dou- bled the value of Canadian boots. and shoes bought by other countries during the preceding year. Last year the exportations .were valued, at $304,913, and for the preceding: year at $130,034. The ' United: States was the chief buyer,, taking 2,227 pairs, with Japan second, tak- ing 1,628 pairs. Concluding her round-the-w+orkl' cruise, the ,palatial Canadian Pa- cific 'steamship "Empress of- Can- ada," docks at Vancouver on May 24th. Reports indicate that this four -months'. pleasure voyage_ under the genial care of. Captain Robin- son, hero of ,the Japanese disaster, has been _a splendid, success, the passengers being loud in their dec- larations of satisfaction; SCHOOL REPORT 'report of S.S. 'No. 5, Stanley ANT Janivary. Sr.• IV -_Emma McBride 156, El - 01,n, Maxtor 1J33, fir. TII' Grace .Robinson t�2S1.;, +! ;I:atr McClinchey 1164, Margaret l6iFttii>itason 1149. / 1 Jr. III-Verwa Snaith. -'265, Bruce inc•'hey 210, Bert lilt {3ride 158 1IIat; Elmore Stephenson 71.- , • ter. II--Rusiserll Mayer 27'3, 'E1-' .rlrrt►sre MrBridla rL33, Campbell .Mc- ilr�ixi'ley 227, Norene Robfflgon 209, fir.. I --Allan Arrnstro�ig; 1!7 m.itvc�s' rinnter--M•argaret L.s.riont 154, s;a MaClinnelvey 120, Hazel Ilayter* }. R •e•i 1, 11341el10r, HENBALL. NOW ROLLING TOWARDS our Yards; car Genuine Newcastle Al- berta Lump and one car Alberta Neat'sastle Ohestnut. D .A. Cane telon, Phone L0'.H'ens�all. 1 Drium.nnon,d & Son, meat merch- ants, have put 11}50 tons of ice in, their 'storehouse for that purpose;, •• The 29th Annr- ersary, since'th^ dedication of the present very •ex- ceilent s'tructre becanut historic tact; on Sunday, Feb.. 14th, -tch•^n Dr. A. E, Hangen, )of Cr^vell'i•rd. Ohio, occupied the pulpit in Zion Evangelical church, His m-�ssa.ge. o' the morning was based- on the subject; "The inearned increment" the evening on; "Rebuilding 'sir Altars." • He .also ' addressed rhe, l;ibl' School, On Monde-' -n;ng F b. 15th, he d"li v ^red the \n'••,it ersary L==ecture on -the sub- ject; "After 1925 years what?" EXETER Milton Russile, of Scx•srnith, s drawing the material for the er- ection of a new house next sum- mar. G. J. Dow shipped a load of horses to Montreal 'on Wednesday last. ' .. —The Public Utilities Commission hay e :placed ,two transfornieri on ,Janes St'and the 'power for the S. M: Sanders ,Mfg ,oC,. is now being taken from the high 'tension wires. R, N. Rowe is remodeling. • his furniture store and is filling •up a funeral parlor. 5. Martin's' Store was entered entered the other night and about $50, worth. of fountain pens, pen- cils and other articles were `stolen. W. W ,Ta.rnnan's tors was also tri- ed; 'but no entrance made. F, M, Boyles barbershop was entered but nothing taken W. T. Acheson, who went to St Joseph He5pit1l,• Lt n.d:nn for an eye operatrari;1•wa4 taken suddenly ill with kidney trouble; Ira Spacer of Denvel'; Col. Who Was here r' Ing to the illness of his ,s'ster, _left for his .home the past week. , Thelocal hockey tear. were dile' to play in `Hensall Friday evening last••bot owing to trnas'oidable1cir eumstanes's they were prevented at the .Dist nr2rn^nt, .The Heneall. team, could hatie clairtmed n ldefatilt but 'Cecy 1kttes has ordered th,' game to b^ played in . futnrra date. Fr'''ank 4;3t:7.ttr • who clai+iied he had UMW. Irom,.St. Thomas and was "in • his • may to Owen Sound;, wan - Mrs, E. Wiltert, who has beet* 1serioualy ill for a time is impro- c;irtg nicoly and her n'.,any ;friends and relatives are pleased to 'see her out agar .• . bliss Mary Fairborn viaitod ends at 'Zurich retie•itiy, , Mfefonald, who has been ell .$i,r.r%ferrrx 11ra' tlr.,r past year pr IAM IN A POSITION : TO GIi'�,77, EXPERT SEIRVICF, •F .a • AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE U. CAR. ALSO ITE- � BUILD AND CHARGE B � �.;!► 0 A FULL LINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS FO.2 SALE '1` AT FORD. PRICES SATISFACTION G17.A Ali TEED E-TTFRIES ON SHORT NOTICE •'t'r During thefiscal-year ending March 31st, 1924, Canada imported goods to the value of $893,335,491, an Increase •of • $91,000,000 com- pared• with the previous similar twelve months; while • she exported $1,045,141,056, an increase of about $110,000,000. The ' total trade in- creased in that -'twelve-month pe- riod by about $210,000,000, com- pared with the corresponding :per• clod a year. ago. It is• expected that negotiations between the British Government and the Province of British Columbia` will lead to "the settlement of several' • shiploads -of imini$rants from the Hebrides in the province this sum- mer. Each Government proposes - to grant $300, or $600 in all, to each family and shelters will be - provided them close to the sea, where they can engage profitably is their acl ustomed ,pursnat, fishing. dored'ibto:t vn Sund%tw last and was accomndated frit+the might at. the Public'Library, b" ;>tnpeared before i1l.agi1t., W. D, 'Sanders th" es'lo :'ins' nrorni 1; and wag commit teal to 'tlr:w Goderieh jail for tete trioti ahs. i Day and Night Service 1NGEL, Pr�p-. 4 +++++++++.1-14.44.44+++++++++++a++++++++++++++++++4•1444 tt_• F HEERA i 1:1 t ) F l= t CE ADVMR!1 a RAI'-'; ti -• "tied \V dnr•" 110011 i ,:+:. the r •ti vamp %.2 au, -oar 4,e 1 s1�e,1 •]O} so i*a 11 t,J. 8 §11.11°,•1•ii,tl• .arra $1,75 sari 'I I v bi :,d vance, No u'aper• disc.ont,iiue.d ,dntii 14 a' 'ears are tial, unless at the eirrion r' the puhli.her. 'r' -re data r,• hirh P very eubeeriptian is .,a,11 = demoted nn the label JS{ace {{anenras art`clee of not Bore than five lines, For Sale. To tont, or Wanted Lost, Found. etc.,. ach insertion 25a, ,ddreaml all rntnmunications to Display Advertising -Made known •p application. 4,Ue`T1ON SALES -82 per -single neertion; it not over• five inches it) 4n gth. trbscription Terms ; $1.25 per year. t9ard of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. Local and Legal advertising not- ces, reading matter, 10c a line for ,ret insertion and be per line for iae.+h subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding i inch; $5 per year. Stray Aniimals--One insertion 50e tree insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 12 for . first month, $1 or each sub- tegaent insertion. THE HERALD 0. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS, South, ..So utir, South, Stage North, North, North, MORNING iippen ... .. 8.22 Htanssall 8,32 non,' Exeter .: ..8.17 a,m, leave Zurich .. 7,00 a,m-. Exeter .•... 16.16 a.m. TI'ensail ... ,.. 10,30 nran, .Kippen ...-.10,35 a:m, .A3 TERNOON South, 1 .ippon... 1.90 fs,rrw, South; Eoirsall ... . ... 4 ,0p,rn, South, Exeter 5.0 y Ir.irr, Stage leave Zurich .., ...3,00 p.m. North, Exeter ,• . •. 0.04 7t.rrt. North, Ilensiriil .., ,.. ... 0.1f p.ryt, North, Kippon . 0,21 f>Errt d ,.,��.t'.tcyc-vo.�v . 0%%.e::.v.oc•ava. COME an SEE Our urge assortment of Neck- :ware, Socks and Men's Shirts at prices to Suit You. OVERCOATS Right now when you. want a good warm Ooa L, `we are . offering the, at Bargain Price; E. E. WJIii Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from � {d� 1 1 �'d��i'•1iJ'iY7fe' i•s"ia4 if+ifiilhiii, Zurich,Drug Store 710 We have a complete supply • of'TDilet Prep da ti9x* '., `a Patent.: Medicines :r. *+.1~4tdr3r o+irarO343.44• •4•4d•4•4i•?i Our Stock of Stationery, 4corpr4ses ' Writing Tablets .of all lazes,, Fine' Boated Stationery, Fountain Pens at a variety of Prices Drug Sundries of All Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES rJ. MacKintion, Zuricb