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Zurich Herald, 1926-02-18, Page 3
����-��� WAY ' ^.•_rt•.....x�. l COVERED CO TIN TTO ,G009 HEALTH ' That Was When Land }.":I1mt;'Tfi';ed at Close r �"of E"�llativ�� Period' Is Keeping the Blood Rich and Red ----Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make Rich, Pure Blood and Restore Health. ' I Thin, pale people leek the power of resd'oda.nce to disease that rich, red Woad gives r.••Nervous breakdown i,s the result of 'thhin. blood. So is' tome- ' mia, indigestion, rh•eu lYtatism. , and many other troubles. Pebble suffering' from thin, iirtpu)•e 'Mood need just ,the help Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can give. For more than a third of a cen- tury Dr, Williams' Pink 'Pille have been famous as a nerve restoreeed Thousands upon thousamls of letters from grateful people have proved the rare vale° of thiis, rneflicine, The first effect of the pills is usually: to stimu- late the appetite; then the spirits re- vive; and restlessness et night gives way to healtir-restoring sleep... For sufferers from anaemia, nervousness, general weakness, digestive troubles, rheumatism; or the after-effects of in- fluenza or acute diseases, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are a restorative of the utnost value. If you are weak or ailing give these pills a fair trial and the result Is sure to be beneficial. "Dr. 1'Vf1iianl ' Pink. Pills. have done wonders for me," writes Mr's, Russell Hill, Norwood, Ont. "I was run -clown and could not eat or sleep and • was. very nervous, t was pals and would sometimes faint. I took a lot of doc- tar's medicine but it did not help me: It was a real trial to do any house- work, ousework, o•r to go about, and I got so that I scarcely cared whether I lived or died. One day while reading a paper I saw an advertisement about Dr. WWMiamise Pink Pills. It described a case very much like my own and I decided to give the pills atrial. I had not been ' taking them long when I could feel a change for the better. I continued the pills until I had used eight boxes, when I felt Iike a new woman. Every disagreeable symptom had vanished and I gained in weight, and a good color returned to my'face. WI this I (Ave to Dr. Williams' Pink Pi'l'ls and I amp now never without them in the house, and any time I feel out of sorts they are myfirst aid. 1 gladly bear this• testimony in the hope that it will benefit some other sufferer." Two useful books, "Bud]ding Up the Blood" anti "What 'to Eat and How to Eat," will be sent free by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont., if you mention this. paper. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box. Less Than Kin. :He was a hill man, And she watched the ,spray IHetil he came and won her All in a day. Sea -folk will talk all day, But mountain-folkare still And the tide flashes vainly Against a 'cliff's will. ITe knows not how to answer Her salt tide of talk. He goes no further from his hills Than e. day's walk! Though silts climb to roof oabill-top As .if her soul tti save, A11 that her eastward staring sees Ie a hili -wave. Hili-falk cannot easily Speak what they feel; But his look follows her Like a dog at heel. Far up a hillside •Seas cannot climb Her tide of talk is going out Before its, time. Destiny that mated them ,Was less -than kind, or human; All in a day to tether.. Ililiman . . sea-women. —Tsarbei Fiske Gallant. A Good Bargain. The doctor Was awakened in the small hours of the morning by a resi- dent who lived some distance from the centre of the town, and asked to make a call. Thee got into the. doctor's' car and drove furiously td' the man's ltimme. Upon their arrival there the taller alighted anal said, "How much is your fee, doctor?,' "Three dollars, said the doctor in serprls�, Counting out the money the nein said, "here you are, dos, that darned tlrif of a garage mane/anted five dol - leas to drive me home." Avalanches in the Alps are often Stetted by sortie trivial cause, such as sound. copenhagen has olio of th clarinets in this world. ' busiest ' • uzz1e 'Final the Principal PRIZE LIST 25 Wrist Watches 25 Canteras 25 Clocks HUNDREDS OF OTHER PRIZt % 21 you tun aolve this puzzle and will sell 24 Prue* Perfumes at 10c each yeti can win one of the above prtzes.Will you do this? It is very easy. If R. just nark theaelNCIP 1i, with an X and send it t0' us at once and' if it is cornet toe will send you the Perfume t, sell right away. thtS hr4eislit CX..aer;od` .1': X44. , "1�lII v r,., Ir~ IIS: ry �" ter.....;,. LIL'iii a1 a .ter----'"w:C.: - rb. . i44.4 '' �--.,ten, wttts�•� The artist's sketch shows a formation of basaltic rocks on the coast of Ireland known as the Giant's 'Causeway. The formation is the result of a stream of molten rook peeking up through a fissure in the earth's surface. The coialmn-like structure of the Giant's. Causeway is thought to Irave been caused by contraction wh.i'ch took place as the lava cooled. - Secrets of Science. By David Dietz.' At the conclusion of the formative period, as we nave seen, there were continents compos•ed'of lighter rocks to which geologists give the name granites. Then there were the great oceans whose beds were 'composed of heavier reeks whiclr; are known u basalts. These rocks which formed oat of the original lavas are known ;as primary rocks because they were tlie first ones formed. They are sometimes called the fire -hardened reeks. The geologist calls •them the igneous rocks, from the Latin "Iguis," Meaning tire. The original lavas from which the igneous rooks form'ed'were very com- plex and not exactly alike everywhere. Consequently we would expect rnany variations in the igneous rocks. We would however, expect a cel -taro gen- eral uniformity. The facts bear out . these assump- tions. When geologists examine samp- les of rocks which they believe are' these iirst•formsd or primary rocks, they find seven chief constituents. These are the oxides of iron, silicon, aluminum, calcium, potassium, sodium end magnesium. By an oxide is meant the substance results front the chemi- cal conrbination of an element with The basalticrocks owe their great weight to their richness ie iron. They_ also contain:•cinch magnesium au$ caiciuin. • The grau4te locks owe their lack of weight to their poverty in iron, • The granites contain much silicon. ., The geologist also finds many rocks. In the earth of, igneous origin which are intermediate between the two types. During the formative period, as we have seen, the slowly forming crust was frequently inundated by great streams of molten lava from below. It. is therefore supposed that in many in- stances parts of the cruet were re- melted and that when they solidified again their constitution was greatly altered.. The study of the formation of igne- ous rocks constitutes one of..the most involved and difficult slides of the whole' subject of geology. • In' addition to differing in composi- tion, igneous rocks also differ in struc- ture. • Some are orystailine, consisting of masses of irregular crystal. Others possess a grasslike structure and are called natural glasses. Geologists believe that when the lava cooled slowly under high pres- sure, the crystalline structure result- ed. Where the pressure was light, na- tural glasses resulted. In intermediate oases, rocks formed which consisted of crystalline centers surrounded by glassy structures. Next Article—The Earth's, Changing Surface. Tuberculosis. "Tuberculosis liea round' about us in our infancy" might be the radio- gram broadcasted by any town or township in Ontario. Ontario has been wondering for some time to what extent tuberculosis was attacking her child population and Is now informed by two surveys, one urban and one rural, that 32 out of every 100 .. (or 426 out of 1392 examined) apparently healthy, normal children gave evi- dence that germe of this disease had gained entrance into their bodies. In addition; 94 suspicious cases and 14 active cases of tuberculosis were fat: u 1. e common source of infection was the adult open case. Every er- son, but particularlya. child, who leas• been in close contact with a tuber- culosis patient should be examined by a doetd'r• who has studied the disease. Milk from tuberculous cows was shown to be the one and only source of infection in many children, both town and. rural. This led the commit - tea to urge "that children be protected from the milk of tuberculous cows, and that milk from uncertified herds ;for the use of 'Obiidren should be pas- teurized." . To assist physicians who have not facilities at their disposal in detecting .early tuberculous disease in people who have been exposed to opportuni- ties for infection is the reason for the Tritve'ling Tuberculosis Clinic of the Department of Health. The clinic is staffed by two chest specialists and a nurse; its equipment includes an x -Stay outfit, and it is sent free upon request of physicians In different lo- calities. Then She Went. It seemed as if the visitor never would go away. Sbe had been there a month or more, and gave no signs of departure. One day the small boy of the house was looking at her very intently at the table. "What ire- it, Johnny?" sae ingittr'ed, graciously, as do those Who are re- ceiving andeserved benefactions. "Ain't no part o£ your bead gone, is there?" he asked. • "0f course not. Why do you ask ru-eh at queer question?" Canso T heard maims say yeti Were eating your' head sip, and I want- ea to see if there was any marks on It If, when making pastry; a little leruon juiceis added to the water, it will make the pastry lighter and re, move x71 taste of fat or lard, . Mineed's Liniment for a' rippei. Are there going to be any regrets tomorrow about that good meal you're all Set to stow away tonight, Better take Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. Midwinter Calm. On a soft open day in midwinter When e]1n trees in fa wu-colored jackets Etch dedicate outlines and clear On the whetstone blue of the air; When limbs from young maples droop down And dapple with shadowy tracery The fronts of colonial houses, Like shadow -bands during the hour The moon steals the gent from the sun,— The trees in this Puritan village Erten the rough-sllapen roots of wild oaks Turning black as the snow melts about them. To the tips' of teal birches that stretch For a glimpse of their brother, the sky, Breathe a tranquillity deeper Than the- leaf -blowsy quiet of June. '.[)link with what stillness and patience Northern trees wait for the spring! The, books are so mute that the snap 01 a clean block of ice in the. stream, (Clean but £oi• grasses stuck through • it) Disturbs like the voice of a child Crying out in the hush of church ser- vice; A:nd the neighborly town -meeting • fathers Spread out,. ill the shoemaker's door- way . Reminis,cing azel loafing together, As if hib•eenation were useful Fer men as for trees in midwinter. --Wilbert Snow in The Monitor. 100,000 Die Yearly From Kidney Authorities Say 50% Due to Neglect Iitiney disorder's are i;a.rgely caused by poverty of the blood causing ner- vcuenesa, headache, slee.etes,sn:ess, etc. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver R e nee d y • helpeee .cn prove the condition of the blood and its elrcule- tion as Well as remov- ing waste matter and poisons from the blood. Donn neglect the first eymptome but use this 50 year old remedy. Nogiect will soon have serious . trnnibiee de - v eloping. • Sold' by: all druggists, Price x1,25 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co„ Toronto, fair tarke • • Diseases 1h' Motho 'What Can l Dot plow many times a .'lay . o Your teemed ask you that question? And boss often are you abler to • suggest sone interesting .ga1216 for them to play, some :aznusieg oecupatitet for a rainy day? If you'd like always„ to have _ a Practical, helpful suggestion for there, read this snappy new tea titre. Pell this paper bag down over your head. Now mark where your eyes and nose and mouth Dome, Take the bag off and cut holes in it to make a false face; You can make several and color them with your crayons if you wish. BABY'S WELFARE DURING FEBRUARY Should be Most Carefully Guard- ed by All Mothers. February is one of the hardest, months of the year on little ones. It Is a month of saint, blustery days that prevent the mother taking her baby out for the fresh air so necessary to its welfare. Baby is consequentlycon- fined to the home. More often than not the rooms are over -heated and bad- ly ventilated and the little one catches cold or grippe. What is needed to keep the baby well is a gentle laxative that will regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipation and indi- gestion and in this way will either pre- vent or break up colds and grippe. Such a laxative is found in Baby's Own Tablets. Thea are mild but thorough inaction; are absolutely safe and they are guaranteed to contain neither opiates or other harmful drugs. They never fail to be of benefit to little ones and may be given to either the new- born babe or the growing child. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all dealers in medicine or may be had by mail, post paid, at 25 cents a box froth The Dr. Williams' 1liedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Her Mistake. Mrs. Huggins was in court. She was charged with assault and battery, and the recipient of her unkind attentions was none other than the husband whom she had premised to love, honor and obey. "So you .broke an tmbrelia over your huaband'•s head?" remarked. the magistrate. "What have you to say?" "It was an accident, sir," replied the accused. "How could it have been an acci- dent?" queried the magistrate quick- ly. "Well, sisr," explained the woman, "I didn't mean to break the umbrella'." —ere Beware verloading. Avoid overloading your tires and when it is absolutely unavoidable help the tires to handle the extra load by putting in more air. If the overload- ing is likely to be continuous change your tires for larger ones. Mother's Coughs and Colds Go Quickly She cannot afford to be sick and neglect her household duties. At the first symp• toms she prepares the way for quick recovery by the immediate use of Gray's o; Syrup— a household preparation of sixty ears standing. Mothet,tiwaya buys Ihs Largs 911. EASY TRICKS Not Very Easy This stunt will tax the skill, of the moat agile member of'aeny; party. The next time one of your friends demonstrates his steadiness.. 'of hand;—as he will do if yon•coaa' . him properly—propose this one. It he succeeds in doing it, he will be • an exception. ' He 1s to take a candle in each hand, One is to be lighted add one unlighted. He is then to 'sit on a bottle as in the illustration` and•..to place the heel of one foot 'on the other. He will and it rather difficult to do this but he may succeed in. keeping his balance. The rest of the stunt, however, Is the moat difficult of all. He is to light the 'unlighted candle from the lighted , one. The stunt can be done by a per - eon who has good command of his muscles and who will practice it well. (Olip this out and paste it, 'with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) ---- 2 --- —.-_ The Wrong Mara. Miss Flirt --"Hurry to the door, Mary, and let Mr. Smith im, He has rung twice." Maid—"That isn't Mi'•. Smith. It is the other young gentleman." "Oh, wait a minute,`then. i must change the photographs on the mantle - piece." Famous last words: "Watch me do sixty miles an hour!" ANTE Fortunes are made from simpin ideas. Send for list of inventions wooled. our"Patent Pro- tection" booklet and tnagaz,oe "The Thinker" SHIPMAN & CO. -'tine pt.o r sL Anix FIRM 146O13TCRCO PATENT ATTORNCv3. OTTAWA, CLN. BETTER' HOMES IN CANADA Write for a copy of the Mac- Lean Builders' Guide whish eou- taine plans by .leading Canadian Architects. and helpful Informa- tion nformation on building, financing, decor- ating, fnrnislring and gardening. Profusely illustrated. 52 pages. 20 cents a copy. Questions ans- wered. MacLean Building Reports, ltd., 344 Adelaide St. ',Vest, Toronto. Don't Cough ! Take a few drops vii Minard's in syrup or molasses. Gives quick relief. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by. -physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT. -THF HEART Aa__ce at • o11ly, "Bayer" aciCa 'e • which contains pro vttti directions. Handy "Payer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered to C'lantida) at Bayer Maaatatinre. of STtrnonertic- aeidester as Salary.)icacld (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, tt.g. a. 1."). While It ih wtdl 1,nnrr,a that Asititin 015504 ilayer manufacture, to assist 4110 embus against tmitat.ioun, tin °inlets of Bayer tlonrpsny wilt Ix stamped with thele general trade mark, the "Darn: Crows,'? classified Advertisetnents enpIW718. ..1Lue la rumen) TO EIT7saat ffaXr 'maned 1n plata envelope. Paris $s lain, Co., treat. IIADIE6 wANs'F.n-TO PO PLAIN AND ).101ET sewing at home; whole or spare time; gond pay. :di sent any dtotanoe, eharaes paid, Sol *tamp tri particulars. National Dfaantaoturins co.. Efontr.al. p:t STs—bll'17:L^PSY ,er1ssaANFNTLY 8TOPPJn E`_' by Trench's ELenedy, Simple home treatment, b rears' success, thotuands testimonials. Write at once for free book. Tench'a'llamedies Limited. Dept Y, 7a Adelaide East. Toronto, Canada. (Cut this ou`.) AGENTS WANTED WANTED—One reliable man in every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for beet Custom-Madb Clothes in Canada. Highest commissions. REX TAILORING CO., Ltd. TORONTO2 WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used In front of Tobacconist Store Must be in good condition. State priceand, where can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto A blind chameleon ceases to change its color, and remains dark in tint. The reason of this peculiarity has never been explained, -- Minard's Liniment for frost -bites. Discarded tins o 1 kinds collected by the dust -carts of -Birmingham are melted down into sheeting. GE©RGETO' i• `ass �l � 1- C01 ATi -F Canadian Made 4or Cana- dian CIimate. bouble wall, Copper Hot Water heating system. Sensitive Automatic regulator. Hatches strong, healthy chickir. write fur FREE Circular to:— T.S. Mackenzie, Georgetown, Ont. WOMAN COULD HARDLY WALK Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E. Pinkham's _Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health HamiltoreOnt.—'tI bave taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve etable Compound and would not be >• without it now. I had a female trouble so badly I could hardly walk and I was all run- down and c ou l d hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be in bed three or four days at a time. I was told by a friend to try your Vegetable Compound. I did and by the tune I took two bottles i'was beginning to get around again. I took ten bottles in all, and now I am all right again and doing my own work. I have six grown-ups to work for, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash, and I think it is good. But I owe my health to the Vegetable Compound, and I think if mare of it was used women would be better off. I would not be without it if it cost much more."— Mrs. NELLIE HORN, 28 St. Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nervous and weak some times'? Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is excel- lent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and per- sistently, will relieve this condition. o Cutirnra Complexions Are Fresh Ai .,,`!l Clear 'Daily use of Cuticles, Soap ire- vents clogging and irritation o, the pores. the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes and heals. Alway9 keep Cuticura Talcum en hand; it le cooling and refreshing, setae Each Free byMair, Midrfaa Canadian Depot: "dtenhoase, t0., Montreal Prim Soap n:"tmcnt 25 and Sar., Talcum 26e. l0 " Cuticnen Shaving Stick 2Se. ISSUE No. 7 29.