HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-18, Page 1Voli ,XXV1 No 43 ,O• ZURICH, THURSDAY.MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, (926. Chester le Smith, Publistost $1.25 a Tear fal Advaumaik, 0.60 INARRau.R8,$2MAY .B OHAM*fl ei • Don't t ink Victor Records 39c Each 3 for UM rtising as an expenditure. .0? 4.11111.•110.4.011.••••••••••••ftmle. 11 really is an investment. Try an adv. Begirming now,, Hundreds of tit- les by lamentsVietar artists this !special sale, They won't fa.stIong at the Price. Islaraolteineb, double :sided Records Ia're. or 2 Zr SI -50 Wormer Prices We. awl 61-50 each. the, O.T0.. 'before Mag. Reid in. December last. Roth pleaded gu- ilty and largely signed petition's in• ,their favor were prefe:nted to the court. His Honor said the oef fence called for severe punishm- ents, but owing to the petitions of the Exeter-,-,Otizens, he sentenced Easton and Delve to serve three months in the county jail. W. D. McLean, eldest Son of the lateNtY _McLean, of Seatorth has been appointed as King's Pr- inter in Alberta.. Some y6ars: ago be conducted The Dundas Ban ner and later moved west to beco onto editor of The Edmond Bute letin. Be later got a GoTernment job -and has been an official of the Municipal Affair sDept. NEW CHURCH CIRCUITS e A meeting of the S. Huron Bo- undaries Comm. was held recently in the,United church, Crediton and plans for the rearrangements of the -work in ,Stephen Tpe were dis- W s Oa Waguor ready for final e.ndorseation of. cussed and approved and arenow Presbytery. !3y this new arrange- ment, Aliso Craig will go intoMid- ... — dies -ex presbytery; Shipka, form- erly MethediSt, will be associated ' COUNTY Cctimst. with Crediton and Rrinsley; Cor- -belt, rfomerly Presbyterian, will The winter aealees opened on e• close and join Greenway,, Tlie ch - Feb. 2nd befoee Mr. Justice Logurchea. at Grand Bend will amalga, with a civil docket of four canes mate to form a pdatoral with Gre- :and .three cas.ca on the criminal list enway,. , Andrew Hattone!andl A.yte Delve, 'both of Exeter, were indicted op Newspaper reports" indicate that =eharges of periery in connection , one change. t obe -made in the with the trial of a case against ; tarrif during the present tession 'Thornton Bohm -Le Exeter under at Ottawa will be ths... radical re - i . . , . Alb I . , ... OF ALL BOOTH„ SHOES AND RUBBERS, FELT FOOTWEAR, 2 EVERY,PAIR iN OR STORE IS MARKED DOWN AT COST :-, AND LESS 'THAN' COST. ', I NOW /S TRE TIME TO BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR FOR SFR- ING AND SUMMER AND SAVE DOLLARS. , HERE ARB ON 2 LY A FEW OF THE. MANY LINES ,WE HAVE IN STORE 2 FOR YOU; 0 Men all -felt SW. R. Reels, Reg. ($4.50, clearing at ... .._$2.65 Men Felt Bal. with leather soles, 'Reg. $t00'for .........__ .... .... $2.50 m Men's Felt Slippers <with leather soles, ;Reg. 1.25, at ..., ...75c i Men Grele work shoes, Blkand Brown 1,i-eg: 4.5fr at .__ ... $3.00 Wom's Patent kid leather, pemps clearing at $1.95 to $3.95 Women's Kelt. Slippers, clearing. at 30e. to 98c dren's Boots and Slippersclearing, at •25c to 18c, C010 IN AND SEE THE BARGAIN TABLES. li+ .... THE STORE wIrEi QUALITY BR00. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY a REPAIRING NEATLY DONE . . ? faseektftfair• eapssealoreiliebeeiN041114114•01.411•410,11•00•0•11 - • Cie Sate .1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111•000041.1•1144110011.00640060,41•41•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 1• 1 BROWN • • . s•••••*4*•••••46****••••••*•••••••••.,:.esoewee......... • January Specials Boy's Two Bloomer Suits for • Men's Suits only a few lefl for • Men's Overcoats to clear at • ALSO A FEW OVERCOATS AT REDUCED PRTtES. • • 4111111,114•11••••••••••••10. 8.95 10.95* 14.95 Correct ,Styles and Good Tailoring DESIGNS EASP ON WHA T THE MAJORTZY OF MEN AND 416 YOUNG MEN LOOK FOR IN BUYING CLO:TESS. • QALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND VALUE • ARE IBB' Vali= FUNDAMENTALS APIM7.ENT IN EVERY • ONE OF OUR SUITS. • • GASCHOS OLID forAND '11WITS 67 0 • +44004440114140114.041440.4444304010.4.44•44.41.411404/4/40tO:*.. * duction Lo the, dtities on automob niles. There is no doubt it be a popular measure. 'Canadians have been paying $201, $309 oe more above. the United States price for their cars, and even Lf this ..over- charge is only cut in two it be a boon to users 'of ear—wh- ich. -means nearly eyerybody,. On behalf of Bayfield fishernien a delegation headed by A. NW.Mus- tard, Bayfield, interviewed the Minister of Public Werke, Ottawa, theoother day, urging inclusion in the estimates of a grant for deep- ening the. channel at Bayfieldhar bor. Very little has been lap-. ent at this port in recent years and the fishing fleet is so seriouslyban- dicapped by harbor conditions that some: boats cannot operate. Hon Dr. King, who was aecompanied by J. B. Hunter, Dep. Minister-, pront- ised sympathetic consideration.The delegation was introduced by Thos. McMillan, M.P., South Huron. SCHOOL REPORT Report of S.. S. jelo, 4,. Stanley for January,. Those marked x have mined one or more faxamg. Sr: IV—Mary Stelek 86, Amer Etue 71, Nola Etue 70, Louise Masse 55x; xLioyd Etue 41. Jr. IV—Mabel Etue Tg, Maryann - Steckler 72; Maribell Carnie 68, Florence Gerber 59. Jr. 'HI-,Malinda Stack- 72, Oliver Steckle 67. Sr. II—Genevive Etne 80, Elizab- eth Snowden 79, Jean Carole 65o; Milton Talbot 57, ,Walter HOhner' x49, Grant Turner ta44- e, • Jr. II—Eutalier Carole. 88, Robt. ,Carnie, S, Mary ramPbell 80; Mabel Rohner 57. ' 'Water). Reimer x49, Grant Turner 4111111*',, Mrs, E. °each is spending the week at Dashwood. . • .:Alr. Ed. Kraft of Dashwood in the village on Toesday. , Miss Vera Siebert has returned from the millinery opening at Teronto. rs. G. Trevethick ,of Brinsley is Vilsiting at the home of Jr. and M. W. G, Hess,. , Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fritz paid a fly- ipg .visit to torshwood on Friday last, Mr Earl Weido is attending the big Hardwaremen's Convention at 'Toronto this week. Ethel Hess left on Monday for Elmira where she will visit her sister Mrs. Klabfleisch. Mr. George- Gros's of Aubarn, who has been visiting relatives and friends returned to his home Mrs.. Herbert Kreuger of Dash- wood visited a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs;. L, Schilbe' Don't forget to call at theLad- 105 'Hall Saturday afternoon and help., to enjoy their deliscipos fine. lunch at' any thrieb etween 3.30 and 7 o'clock, Everybody weleome. Mr. and Mrs. David Snell of Abe erdeen, Sask., who are visiting re- latives here are now. visiting at Ifen4all, they intend to go the lat- ter Part' of the week to Detroit to X44. k 1:4-51t. -------- Jr.• II—Eulalielbarni 018Roei-, • o Carnia. -88, -Mary Campbell • wood' on Tuesday eve. and rnp,- Mabel Rohner. of hocker which 1—Kenneth Etue 79, Lenard Etue \11;•eads 'paltaiyaesclt gWainlith?..the Exeter team.. 66. • - . • The score was in favor of- Dash, Pr.—Asa Steekle 80. r• wood, 3-0. .•:• I. M. MusIselmon, Teacher. The. Carnival held on the local SCHOOL WORT rink here last Friday evening was • S. S. No., 3, kayo for the month a fine success. an dsme, very at - of January.; The names' are in tractive costumes. were seen. on the ice performing -very admirably. order of llrir Sr, IV—Elda Stephan '81%, \Ras rink here last Wed. evening ',was Richardson .63, Wilfred Mousseau The hockey match in. the rink 50, Dorothy Kyle' 43. ( • here on Monday eve, followed by. Sr. HI—Margaret 'MousSeau 69, the. gsocial and dance in the( Jr. III—Ruth Richardson 64, Res- • rown brought out a large: sell Bishop 44. • crowd. And it is' !said ,someone - Sr. II—Ray Broderick 71; Byron was mean enough to gather up •a • .number of robes and put 'them on Kyle 56, Jr. II—Harold Broderiqk 72, Da- a Hensall -sleigh, who did not need vie Kyle 68. them at all, while other people had. Sr. I—Clifford Weido 82. to go home free,ting :without Jr. I—Edward Schrader 71, Laird robe. Constable Jul, Block,. soon Jacob° 56. got on. the job and had the .rebes' Sr, Primer—Louis Forrest 72, sent in from, Herman. ' David Blackwell 60. Jr. Primer—Herbert Stephan 77 Thesiocal hydro commission has Orland Reichert 65, yrVne Weido got to be a good customer of pow 50. er to the Ontario Commission, as Rosis Richardson had perfect at- the January account amounted to tendanee, for the Month, 'Clifford $630 for one month Only, and all Weal° had the highest number of this money has to come Vut otf the local cusloniers, thee seems tp stars. _Average attendance 15.5. somebody throwing' "a monkey-, wrench. in the inachinery, we de Number on Roll 19. not think the Village of Zurich is' D. Welsh; teeeher. in a finattial position to me& such a 'larger einem* each month. Either CommisSion'e meter is badly out oe all the stovels and power users are .at the same ti • Mr. L •,.W.'Hoffirecrilt;Wde'at•'Daish- 'CHURCH NOTES on We, invite, you to our services. IV—TO .EXPERIENCE, the • Mos of an hour in a place of wor- ship. The 'songs, special music and Sermons are of such a nature that the above mentioned ex- perience may he realized., more or lesS, in the life of each wor- shipper. Our Prayer and Praise Service held at 7.30 Friday ev.ening, is grow- ing. Every church member esp- ecially invited. All others, wel- come ! Smarty—Vebruary 2let. 10.00 a.m. Worship!. 11.00 Bible Study. 170 were present on February 7th.. 7.30—Service. Sermon, '4 Wells thee need cleaning out." 8.30 put E. L. E Popic "Great women of the „Bible" All Welcome! Emanuel Evangelical Church: ZUhIC11, ()NWT. H you aro not a Christitte you Ought to time. can look for no I. ng else than a much highewr rate in the near future, or go badly in the hole • The Women's institute held their February meeting in the Ladies' Hall, Zulrich on Tuesday evening, February 16th. Four splendid talks. on "The Care of Flowers" were given and were veryipstru- ctiv-e. Misls Olive O'Brein ,spoke on the,subject "Dahlia's", which was followed by a solo, with Ukelele ac corripeniments fy Master IlughMac Kinnon, Mr. P. Haborer was the next speaker and gave a -very interesting talk on "leases'. Then followed a reading by. Miss Mao Smith, after which Miss Anna Hess speke. on the care of "Rulbs",Ales 1,ce. Hoffman and Mis's Euloine Gei- ger :played a piano duet, which. was .followed by a talk on "Cylra- men" by Mrs. MacKinnon,. The followingcomm:ttee was appointed to make preparations for a Si, Patrick's Tea, Mrs. O'Dwyer, con, venot; Mrs. Williams,. Mrs. Wurrn, Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs. Siebert. A cleintrlunth was 'served by the eommittee in charge on the pro - grant , Cucoo Wall Clock Foreign made New ancldifferent from the ordinary Clocks BEAUTIFULLY RAND CARVED WOAD FROM $11:50 to $20.Q0 W. G. Hess & Sons Coal Strike During the Coal Strike use .Our Substitutes Sole Agents for the Real Ge,. mine CONSOLIDATED MILLER CREEK, The Best soft Coe ob-s tainable. Pocohontas, isinokeleasa Soft , Coal, Detroit Solvay me Coke and best Anthracite Pea( COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICE —• OUR nigfr. FORMATION IS FREE. CAW US 13EFORE BUYING ELM. - WHERE. Camteloom.„ HENSALL ONT,„„, phones—Office lOw. House MT. ••••••4••••44•4" • • • • • • • • • • My Accounts are now 'ready, • .ancl. • • any persons indebted to nie' kindly • • call at once.And settle same LF .....)••••••••••4•••••••«•••••••••••••••ooro•oomootu R E THIEL ot • Notice +%+,744441444+44+44.44444++++.0+++' CLEARING • A few lines of Men's and - Women's Shoes See Our Windows for Special Prices • • ° Every Pair a Bargain. O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 3.321.1A134 TWIT BM A Merry Christmas AND A TO ALL OUR OTJSTOMERS AND FRIENDS R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 ii711.,„AKE 1