HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-11, Page 8• • • � alfa••00•ar0a4AP0il0le10•000N0M•N••A•I.O•*61w+0•000••0st • • • 0 0 0• •• •0 • • • • • • ed Prices BAT / E • • Now inEffect on Winter We are ()Grin :the Public Goods OUB. STOCK. OP W1NTER GOODS IN NTANY LINES IS TOO LARGE AND TN ORDER TO REDUCE 1\'l; ARE OFFERING SP- CIAi: i' A Rte VENS l',)R A FEW WEEKS. COME EARLY AND WAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MONEY SAVING EVENT. Flannels, 5.4 inches wide, fancy plaids, Reg. $2.50 per ,yard for $1.95 Flannels 36 -in fancy 'stripes, Regular 1.50 for ...... ...... ...... Velveteen, 22 -in. now selling at 50c, to .....- %Vool crepes, 36 -in. now Belling at per yard Sweater Coats, Men's extra heavy, now each ...... ...... ... Sweater Coats. 2 only, Jumbo Knit, now each ... Sweater Coats, 12 only, all sizes, now i•aph Sweater Coats, Boys, all sizes, fr,m 85c. to each !Blankets Ibex t2-4, grey or white pair J3lankets, Ibex 11-4, Grey or white, pari TaA.DIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE AT GREATLY 'CES. Men's Jersey Gloves, 2 pr. for 1925 Accounts $1..35 85e $1.38 $5.45 3.25 e. .. $1.65 ..$2,75 $21.50 2.00 REDUCED PRI - 15r: " OUR ACCOUNTS ARE NOW READY. A PROMPT SETTLE- MENT WOULD BE VERY MUCH ,APPRECIATED. WE ARE STILL SELLING ON ONE YEAR CREDIT BASIS, GIVING YOU iREST PRICES, POSSIBLE, -,0 WE FEEL THAT ACCOUNTS WHEN IDUE, SHOULD J3E PAID PROMPTLY J. GASCHO SONS Produce Wanted Phoiie 53 Zurich's garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS 'USI rtEI:IJ"I VN:Lr A .1,1IPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO. AND OTFIP2R (`HEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. !BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- RTYLENP• w, rirreG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. iVfoLtseau Zurich S ••••w•1100.00•••••••M•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • ••• • • 01112010201110116. •• • -Iecla Gilson•• FURNACES 1 • Make Your Home - Happy0 a With cold weather rapidly being itt ushered in, it behooves us to look to adequate heating facilities.• Let us comfort your home by heat- ing it with either of the above nam • ed Popu1;-Lr Furnaces. • 0 i • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• I Everything in Stoves and • • Hardware • • WHITE ROSE GASOLENE ALWAYS • FULL OF "PEP" AND QUICK STARTING. THIS • • WILL ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL WEATHER. • I STADE & WEIDO Speciala*g: • • these $21.00 Batteries for $15.00 Wh44 ile hile they last. We make a l.ib erat allowance on old Batteries. • Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the • Company and myself • = Also do Battery charging and • Repairing. Also Hot Shots and • • Telephone Batteries1 Tires, Tubes, Greases and Oils • We are in a position to Repair • • any make of Car. 1 P. KROPI.•M'eohanjo • L. A. Prangs, Prop. • • • •••O•••••••••••••••••0•••• 10000•eesee!ecA ce s••Oi9•zb•• ITEMS OF LOL F ..A INTEREST St. Valentine's Day Feb 14th, this year falls on Sunday next, Mr. G. Groos of Jilyth• is visit- ing with his daughter, Mns. ; W. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meissner '.at near Dashwood, visited at thehonie of Mr. L. Prang on Monday. At an annual meeting held ,rec- ently at the Wolper House, Zurich by The Zurich Club of the United Farmer's of Ontario, the following officers were re-elected for_ the year 1926; Fred Haberer Pres:; Elmer Klopp, Vice-P.res.; Peter Deichert Jr., Secty-Treas. Among other business transactions it was 1'NiNti RODS, . r U ALL KINDS decided that the meetings be belles, I'IR$ INSU2t A.vi tf-34 on .the iirs't and third Mondayls of, each month instead of Tuetidayev- enings. Some business had to be postponed till next meeting,• of which particulars will appeaelater MAGEL—PARR A beautiful wedding took plae 'at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Gar net Magel, Hamp)sh:ire Rd. Rose dale, Saturday February 6th, a. 3 o'clock, when Mr. Magel's bro ther Edgar was'• married in the pres'en.ce of the fnmiliea and immed. late relatives to Miss Wirinifred• Parr of Van.Couver, 13.C. Thecer-� emony was performed) by Rev. Elmer D. Riebel. The bride WAS io 'ely in a gown of Pearl, Grey cut velvet and carried white rose and valley lillies. The bride was attended by the groom's niece,Miss Madeline Magel who wore a gown of pink georgette and carriedpale pink roses. Mr. Frederick Magel attended has uncle as best man,. Little Eleanore Jane Magel was' flower girl and Elmore Frye. the ring bearer. Miss GertrudeSmith sang ''0h Proiiii'se Me" and played the wedding marches. A recept ion was held at the h''e :ef • '?`r; Magel's. parents, Mr. c.: Henry Magel 29'27 Elmhurst. After a few clays in Detroit Mr. andMrsc Magel will leave for their honiein VanCouv.er .13"C,. returning via New Orleans and Las Angeles, Cal. IN MAGISTRATE COURT Hewrry Beibers, the young man. from near Hensall who pleaded gu- ilty before Mag. Reid to thieft of various articles from a ehnrch•shed' at Exeter has ,been allowed to re- turn to his work on the farm at Hezmell where he ha's been env-' .played, sentence being in the meantime withheld. W. J. Ward,'. Goderich, who left a few weeks a-, go was brought back by Prov Officer Whitesides on is charge of nonsupport of his wife and family Th.e evidence was heard by Mag. Reid, and found guilty and will be• sentenced. 0 • • • 0 • • • • • '• • a • ••• • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • i • 0 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE "LARGEST .EUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN UOMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER EN LIGH- a} On Monday evening the lfensall hockey tear, made its first app- earance on the Dashwood ice and e a very exciting game was played -I Our boys have been playingg ood - hockey all season but have been t I outlucked in several games, and -.came through with a vengance Dashwood Mrs. P. Humble and family of Sarnia spent the week -end with Mrs. 0• Finkbeiner who its still on the sick list. Mr. Geo,. Hy .Pfile attended the funeral of the late Mrs,. 4:`hrifat Pfile in, Filon last week. Dr. R. T{, Taylor ,spenjt Mon- day in London, Rev, F. B. Meyer i5 visiting in Toronto. Mr. Sam Brenner is on the sick 'is't, we hope for a Iseepyd recov- ery. Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher spent Mon day in Exeter where Ole visitedber ;ieter, Miss A. Lane who is !suffer -1 na from an attack of agpendie- r itis ZURICH -' ONT d 4•i ••••••••00060•�l0•01141rM /A.NNM•M••NNNN t" TIOCIE that evening winning by the score of 5-3. The first period en,ded. with the hone team in the lead by 2-1, while the second period teamswent scoreless, both teamcheek- ing baek. In the third period JTen- sai1 secured a lucky goal, the puck being choved under the'net at the side, but this only spurred the e home boys on and Earl Ganser stick handled his way past the Hensall defence and flooed the visiting goalie, putting the home team in, the lead again. 4 In a very few minutes Geiser got thr- ough again and when .near thegoal passed to L. Tiernan who bulged the „twine behind McAllister. Earl Geiser was the best for the hon boys playing consistent hockey all evening, while R. Geiser and fe, Niemann ,also played well. The 'defense• checked very well and ne wally got their man, Thesetwo teams meet again n.ere pof Feb. 18 and a good game is, expected, co come out and cheer the boys on to another win. The Aid and W. M. S. of the Ev- angelical church, held the regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. G. . Oc'streicher on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 4th. Mrs, J. C. Reit) opened the meeting and conducted the business. A spl- endid , program was prepared by 'Msr. Hy ,Ehlers and 'Mrs. J. Kel- lerman. After which a very da- in.f V ' htiieh ..was served by - the hostess, and an enjoyable social hour was spent. LATE MRS. CHRIST. PFILE Fiinoral Service for 'Mrs. Christ Pfile, age 62 of Lincoln ,Tp., who died Monday February lsi, .at ;the hlm,e'of her son 'Ernest in Detroit were held Friday Feb. ;5th •dat 2 ppm;. from the M. P. church, Filion,, Mich;. Rev. Prouse, pastor of the IKinde and Filion churches offic- iated. Mrs. Pfile wa's born. in Gere Many and came to thin conntry,• with herr parents when five years of, age, ,For 31 years 'she was a resident of Huron county ont.,later Moving to Michigan.. At the time, of her death she was vi'sitin`g in Detroit. She was' ill only rout clays, and leavers seven children, William Pfile and Mrsn " Amelia Loi na'ber ry of Ann Arbor, "Lydia, a Student, at the University of Mich= igair►,:Lilliaf of H'alf�' ay and +`red at bore% Thursday, February 11th, l " .. 0 111'10W Oft Announcing That we are ;now in a position to, give the Public Ideal service in our various lines and solicit the patron- age of the community We ask you to come in and see the following money -saves ing Bargains TWO CIRCULARS AT REDUCED PRICES, 1 ELECTRIC WASHER ,'AT $75.00 1 MoCLARY COOK STOVE AT $40.00 1 INCUBATOR ONLY 835.00 HOCKEY STICKS AT LESS THAN COST'. 12 FEED BASKETS. AT LESS THAN COST. Full Range of Doherty, Good Cheer Quebec Cook Stoves Come and see our fine display of Furn- iture. Also full line of Springs and Mattress. Agent for Mason and Risch Pianos FULL SUPPLY OF SHELF AND HEAVY ALWAYS ON HAND RAW AND' BOILED LINSEED OIL HARNESS AND CREASE. SEPARATOR MS. GASOLINE AND .SFROSINE'a JohnstonKalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 5 Per Cent. With First Mortgage Security Huron & Erie• Debentures are authorized by the Governm- ent as a trustee investment for executors. They are issued for $100 or more for 12 months and:longer up to 5 years. These Debenture's provide a cor:venietn, simple form of in- vestment Over $14,000,000 is now invested in this security'by Can - adieus. Have you $100, 5500 or more on deposit that ehoule earn more interest than you are now receiving? MORTGAGE CORPORATION the uron Erie Applications received at any time by— Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;--SE,t VICE AND SAFETY Have ;You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DOl'YOUR PAINTING, ie, GRANING, PAPERHANuIN.. & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE: DO. TRY US ON YOUR '" XT JOB. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ON", JON WARD Drugless eer and EXETER AT WALPRR ' y Tuesday, Praction. Optician' — Phone iff HOUSE, zunciril 10 a.ra, ' to 4 Pena --•r-*-•i—t-+ir-*--:*-•-+ -r•-* .i-+ + 0 • + +-+ + i, ;Dollar for 0.1 r VALTJES ON SUITS, ETO. 1 °Yes, even more than you expect for your tClothing Dollars STYLES • WHATEVER YOU DESIRE WOOLLENS t FROM THE FINEST LOOMS,; 1 TAILORING 'The Custom Tailoring 1' PRICES Second to None. Variety. H— — H.HOFFMAN 'MERCHANT TAILOR. W. it fl OF.Er'aAN & Son,F.Ml3.,\LMEKSt , TAN'D FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phone No.. 4, + r' 44...*4 r. *.tr**- - *- +--4-.44. ;.-4-. - +-...'.'+-- -- 4-...l