HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-11, Page 4**ow A URI,CI3 flERAL The fake Mzs1slon Deed held itheir January meeting at thehome iNGsis Alberta Finlay on Setur- Y i'. January 30th, when the blue aid*, being the losers ,for the past ',VOW treated the reds to 'sandwich take. New side's to be known 10.18 telae Rlue and Gold Stars, were Damn with Mary Clark ata cap- *Rira for the Blues and tLeila Wel- item ca'p'tain for the Gold' Stara. Vito officers for the coming yea; eaves as follows; First Vice -!press. at•;;3sellys Douglas; 2nd Vice, Pres. :Wendoline Cl irk; 3rd Vice, Don- mild' Manson; Secretary, Harold •i+'i'niay; Tress. Enema McBrido; org 4.°nisrt Jean Hey; Barrell Secy Grace Z;Maagel; Supply Secy Sarah Man- ' S STANLEY TOWNSHIP. 'Wm, D • E. Voddrn of Gilbert • Alta.. formerly Miss Minnie Talbot, visiting at the homes of • her eero titer, Melvin C. Talbot and her 1r) tither Mr. W. H. ,Talbot, of St- tttiley. Quarterly communion Services 44•++++++++++++++++++4444444 +++++•1•d++•II•++++•t•a•++•F+4+ weep held last Sunday in the Goshen 1ll e arid Varna a United( e d i churches, and the official Board meeting was held on Monday at Varna. Mists Margaret D2cKin;ley land Miss Olive Erratt of Clinton, sp- ent the weak -end at their hones in Stnale.y An interesting debate was held at the Leegne Social on Babylon last week, Subject; eB•solved(that the city girl is more ignorant of country life than the country girl is of city life. The debaters were Mists Ruby Erratt, Mrs. WI. J. Clark on the affirmative, and Miss 'Vera Dow'son, Mi:s.; Mabel Cole man on the negative. The affirm ative won by 1 point, , HENSALL Mists Dolly Hagen after a few week's canva1scent with a ''sore log, with Mrs'. Peek, returned to her home on Parr Line, Hay- Mrs'.! Thos. Sherritt, Sr,, his been quite poorly, during the past we- ek at the home of -her Son, • 4-4+++++•4•'r+4+++++++4 GYPROCK THE FIREPROOF WALL1iOAPD. Is wall plaster east in sections, flexible, light and easy to handle, It can be nailed :and sawn like lumber, and comes ail ready in !sheets for use. 'The carpenter simply mils it to the joist or 'studding or over the old plaster and the wall is finished, no dirt to clean up, g, no time lost for drying. ready at once for Alabas'tine Paint, lt .Paper or Panels. Can be used with splendid results for partition's, for ceil- tugs, for the attic or repairing old plaster. Let us furnish the building material for your repair work now while it is 'slack. .Good supply of Roofings, Sidings, Shingle's and slumber in stook at reasonable prices. SAW LOGS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. T. C. PHONE 69 .- F ++H•F-F•3••i••1 *4+ ++++++ ++++++4. ++++++++++++++++++++4.444+. (t. ALB.FLEISCB • - ZURICH PROTEOTIQN Get one of Our Auto Tops They will protect you from the cold winds and will make Winter motoring a pleasure IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE•IT WE RERUB13ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH j The amity friends of Mies Win. Berne will be sorry to learn that" s'he ors confined to her room with z e d r1 1 rboys had a The LJz'n 't llle 1 a jack arabbit>lat. ,' and owing to' ebareity of arnnzenition were able a and a f • ring 7 rounds, illned's. in socuitnl, only 7 zo n , Pearl Leibold returned to her ter a long walk managed to bag home near /,urich after 'spending 76 )aelks, and would have 'secured three weeks with her aunt, Clara Many• more had their ammunition VoMlland. lasted longer, when they returned rs holland Little and daughter, homefor the:day. returned front Pennsylvania State COUNTY NEWS. after the funeral of the- late HOB and Little, r lir, and Mrs. Chris, ,Deitrich of Mrs. Wm: Hildebrandt was tam Ri`ra Ntre,re recent visitors with fries ken to undergoeh hospital the other ends, in •Zurich. day to ata gpeaatio,tz,'s'he J.. • .'r. ,Allison of the Thantes Rd,, was accompanied ,y her husband sufferrcl a dislocated iehonl.der on and little son. Sunday last when . he was thrown a The Council is lta� uz„ the pilE's froze a cuttewr which upset when of snow drawn off the drain est. ;pasising a snow bank. Mrs. Alt- The Young people of the Un- 'son was also thrown out and was ited Church 'are, busy prbe gin'eir.. bruis'ed;• a little on the head, All - for their entertainment to be gi�•,eh? Mr: and Mrs, Chas, e'Rgier, Mt! in the town hall on Feb. 16th.. A c+.arnFel, attended the funeral of splendid' pro(grani is being pr9-'a the weist is the formers grandfather, Mr. tided.mrs.A.Fantail Krauskopf, at Zurich, on Saturday fast:'" visiting her father, Rich'd Bla'teh- Robt. Greer, Stange re - ford who is \reeevered from hies reg o T(p• cent nines's. i . • ,cereed; a telegram informing hila Robt, Forrest ,of the Parr Line,of the death of his brother, Wm. Greer ,at _ his home in North Dak- has been spending a few. days the +ot i'; 1YIhiiy ill 'the eom'nzunity i paste week with his relatives in{ i nev'izim well land will regret to, town, 1 hear of his 'death'. Mrs. E. /3,311211e,spent the past hear At St: Paul's rectory', 'Stratford, weekk with. her brother in 'Palm . one Rrednesklay Pleaded to report that {;harlels last, Miss Mary stole^ ;r Argent, youngest daughter' of Mips' Al;rfh' Argent of Clinton, Blackwell of Hay Tp 'who was ope,;.,ld:. ; lfford Epps, son of 'orated. on for appendicitis, i's_ igll.- Mi :aliel1VIr`MCrsi' .E. Epps, V.nar, were 'praying. aq•afet1V -`married, the Rev.' H. W. GGreta Lammie was in. Hanoyet,,Sneli.Perforined the ceremony. the other e3 ening 'taking part,tit Mer and Mrs, Epps Will ;be, at ho- e concert, zile to their :friends at Varna at - ton, Mrs. R. Duncan of West Herring ,lei Feb. i7th, is visiting with her parents Mr.. and Mrs. J. Young) /The ;The town of Paris has lost an- Mrs. Thos. Peart has been ,quite =°then of its old and Zighlyr ;r- ill, her daughter Mrs. Mcliarg,.of. spected residents in the person of George Arms(trieng,'who pa's'sed a - London, is caring for her. way Sunday eve in his 73rd year. Mrs, Price of London, 'spent a Horn near -Exeter, in Huron Co. in few days with her 'sola Harry. 1852 he spent hies early years in Wm. Buchanan of Dauphin, Mail. „ who has been here for 'soma tirrte Hpioneer work on his fathees farm, He obtained his teaching at Six - visited his mother, Mrs. WVm. Bit_teen years. in 1875 he went rto On Saturday forenoon last, chanan is now ,in Toronto. : Paris in the capacity of a public. 1 . very interesting event took pl-ace school teacher, later becoming real at the rectiry here when, Mises NNel an'1frical master. in high 'school lie Winnifred Petty, third daugh- ant. from then until some years a ter of Oliver L. Petty, of the 2nd go 'he was on the teaching board, Con. of Hay Tp was united in mar- when =hog ave up teaching and riage to Charles -Green, son of Mr. took up farming' J. Green. The. ceremony was per- CARD OF THANKS • formed by Rev. H. Tlaylor. After? Mr. and' 'Mrs. Henry Neeb wild, the ceremony the happy groom Through' this medium to greatly and bride drove to the home :'otf thank,- thee neighbors and friend's the bride's parents, •where a sum:- for' the kindas!sistance ' and sy ta.- ptuous dinner vas enjoyed and af- pMihy : shown in the recent dep- ter spending a pleasant afternoon arture of Mrs'. Elizabethl Weber,. they drove in the eavening to taeHOUSE FOR SALE groom's fine farm which he recent Tivdvery desirable frame, dw= the Tp. of Hibbert. • ly purchased from H. 13oggartil of oiling properties' in Zurich will' be 4Ad privately, -,or exchanged r (editable farm property..For1'.o + 4, 4 4 T }i N+••s•••NNNM•••••••••s•••••••••••s•••••NN• • •• • We are receiving a Carload of the well known Albert Doresric Coal for immediate sale. Order Now!• GREENFIELD'S Champion Tonic •s For Poultry ••• KREPS. BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG .PRODUCT- ION. ii A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD • AFFORDS 'RELIEF FROM, NTERNAL WORMS • -'PRY A. PACKAGE OF THIS CEL'EBRAT'ED PO ULT ft TONIC ' AND 'FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY • ALSO HAVE ON 'HAND THE WELL -4M° W N HOMFRY. FEED : . FOR STOCK. ' ' { Louis Sch i l be '- Zurich ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 1 Aiberta Cowl 1926 Schedule of Cyclone Four Hockey League The HENSALL I ZURICH IDASf3�WOOD( EXETER , At I At , ' At ' , A t • i 1 t . 1 Jany, 22nd ( Jany. 8th 1 IiEASALL �CIOt, ( ;Feby. 12th ( Jany. .29th i I 1 { t • • " ,... i Jany. 4th TRIC! i Jany. 25th Jany'•15th• Feby. 5th . I • 1 I Jany. 12 1 Janf 18th' Fou 1 Fab_ 2 i Fehy. 8th f i — (Jany..18th j Jany, 15thJany. 5th dt')ASHWOOb 1 Feby, Sth •(r Feby. 5th nOC eyi ... i Jany 25th f ( (. Jany. 12th Jany, 8th.. ( jan.y, 22nd ( ■setae 11EXL.TERR Feby, 2nd Jany. 29th ( 1:"eby. 12th ! N `ftirther particulars apply CPEF- 7.7.3'kT -Andrew Price,. Zurich, ' Box 263. Helen Mcisaac,:.who ha's bee attending Business College in Lon don visited her'.parent's here: Mrs. John Geiser has not 'been: enjoying good health fde some months. Mr. and Mrs.. T. MacKenzie of Warner, Alb. are visiting \vithMi and Mrs. Ja's. Clark, Feed For S .ale to We have a illiantity of" re -clean ed•iplit beans which we offer at. $1.00- per' cwt while they last., Get .zeur-•supply now. kook Bros. Milling- Co: Hensall. FOR SALE Chas, Eilbez an:cl.: 1 farmer's Delco lighting • pIaut H. K. Eilber, ' 859 Watt with 160 Ampere Hour Thos. Trevethick were in. Goderioji 'hl ttery in A- lshape for quiek'sa>;e .14 + 3 +. •1• 11714st rl:, 1Cs'ieilarU4a 110, 1926 Announcement I wish to inform the Public that I have d?riolved partnerlip with trey former employer, and wish t� announce that 1 have opened an t $o -date Garage in Mr. Hey's Block. SI AM INA POSITION TO GriZe i:XPE33T SERVICE AND "ilEPIIRS TO ANY MAKE OR CAR. ALSO RE- t 4. .t. sie els ee Gt BUILD AND CHARGE 43ATTRLIIIl ON SHORT NOTICE 1.. lA FULL LIKE OF GENT/INF FORD PARTS l+'O e SALE Lam •AT FORD PRICES Ti1 L SATISFACTION G "TAMAN TEED tit *S Day and Night Service . - 14. ANGEL Prop... .�a.. +++++.144-24++++4444++++++++4-144-14++++++++++++++++ +14 the past week on jury duty. Fred Either has returned to i - trait after visiting his mother here Mrs, Carl Braun' wile resides at the hom) of her ;laughter Mrs. S. Lamport; is in her 89th year. She has in this period of time weath- ered many a storm and enjoyed many happy days. Possibly the brightest and most inspiring clays of the conference' year in the Evangelical church here will be in Sunday and Mon- day Feb. 19th and 15th, br. A.E Hangen, editor and lecturer ofr Cl oveland will be the anniversary ,'or ator. Jack Waldron, of Lucan, has ac-+; cepted the position as baker with Lloyd England. - Mr. and Mrs. Ciif. Hill have re- turned alter spending. a .month.,izj. Pigeon, Mish. The Feby meating of the Wo- men's Institute was .held with Mrs. Zevicker in thl• chair• The 'Mee ing opened' by 'singeing the Ode It was. decided' to :get a .sewii g ln•= 'structor ,if 'possible 'land 'lis 'e, a, course in 'sawing in the near futur About 20 members' responded tc� the roll call. - EXETER Chas'. Godbold east of here,, was jammed against a fence• by a horse and is 'suffering a broken rib. Mrs. .Wm ,.Carrick of the Lake, Rd. was taken. to London Hdspital '" �w • -' the, pat, week and operated • on lot apppendicitis, and the oyer- ltion was succ.39q?nl. Sarn'1 S«.eot and . Fred 13awcien, had a narrow escape .from resphyx. ation the -other day plaster- a ing a room when g is eseapedirom �, l ` ";,,' •, a stoya,lb a room they were NVCIA$4. ing. •. The death took plane In Stephen' Tp on Thursday last .of Mrs, :W Robinson, folliiWing an illness. de- -•nasid has bean an invalid ' for;: aveial yeses the. result of a par- alytic stroke. Her maiden name was Edith .Hicks, aged 57 years;•t.Pas born in Devonshire, Eng -and caste to Canada when •t girl Follow- ing ler marriage to Mr. Robinson, . they lived in Usborne fora mixt. CaSe Q p San ,1101 $t ,l0..h I IM.N bet. omoving tr SKNS a i,.I, -i ;$350.00. Price of new Delco pinat $650.00 .—W. G. Hess, R. Sons, Zur- urich. FOR SALE A 1924 Ford Coupe in geed nve- -hanical condition. wood uplwlst- s'tering and tires. Is a real good buy, Lonnis O'hrein. Zurich FOR SALE Elax seed for, feeding, your 'stock at $2.50 'per lilzshel. - Fred C. Kalbfleisch. Zurich :30-5 STRAYED -,,Unto my premises on Dec. 31st, 1925, Lot 13th, conn, S.R., Stanley Township, a. two-year-old heifer, Owner can have same by proving property and paying expense's. ',Emanuel Reichert, .R.E.1. Or, IJ. H. C.°(1' g N. DENTM: SUEON+' 0 YAt D+EITZ'' BLOCK, LIJ'bIIIC1I ev- ery Thursday, Friday ancf Stur- dety. Alain OHic+ • BARTLEIB'S BLOCIL DASHWOOD COBE and SEE Our large assortment of Neck- ware, Socks and teen's Shirts at prices to Suit You OVERCOATS Right now -v:lhen you want a good warm. Coat, we are offering them at Bargain Prices WUtRTH Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from -j • eeWed ‘e-�v $� dog tiller Creek Soft Coal urich Drug Store We have a complete supply of Toilet, Prepatations a n d Patepit Med.iciaes.' *4)•+>a ii k+k+>E+ 7 #+il ''!•f"d4,1+3+3 4 q'1 Our Stock of Stationery compri esr._ Writing Tablets ' of aril sizes, Fine Boned Stationery, Fornxtan Pens at a variety of Prices 4.1.-4444.V4÷,++++++++++++++ •� sundries Drug :. of AllKinds PHOTOGRAPHIC, SUPPLIES-' GOOD SUPPLY ON SANDDr. A. J. ` MacKinnon Zurich