HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-11, Page 1Sat VOL XXVI No 32 HERA ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11. (926. #•••110.141110...nn., Chester L. Smith, Putitishallie $L25 a, Year to Advonnok $3.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY B onateaSet Don't think kivertising as an expenditure. It really is an investm'. Try an ad! ej tanrcl asA c"tThen! ,T. ratsh. in Jae o. loNeBeebr-, t istila(buleld oprase8xapiViebleiteotiih?tthteliiisaw1301111 i C the chair and Henry Eilber, Clerk was appointed secretary of the meeting, The is' Public Schools of the Tp were well represexited by both Trustees avtd ratepayers. The chairman briefly explained why the meeting 'ha.d been called and asked these present to take an, active part in the discuasion of aka proposed BilL ,. Reeve of the Townahip; eiccupied the Province, especially !section 11 . . . . . which refers to the asses and lia- • : bilities, !should be redrafted and During the Oaal ,amended so that School areas w ich now have large surpluses on hand or have new up to date eche cool buildings paid for, ahhuld re- ceive some consideration. e That if there is a waste of mon' Strike use Our Substitutes Sole Agents for the Real .4/en- able CONSOLIDATED MILLERS 'CREEK, The Best Sett Coal! ob- tainable. Pocohentas, antokelese Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay nut Coke and best Anthracite Pea CO A L. 'TELEPHONE SERVICE — OUR IN FORIVIATION IS FREE. eivLr. "JS BEFORE BU'ilIN.G .ELSE- - WHERE. Caxa.telon., HENSALL ONT. ' •Phones—Office law House MI e. --....e. • STEPHIRI TOWNSHIP • At the req. least of the Public School Boardex the Township of Stephen, the Reeve called a pub- lic meeting which, was held b the Town, Hall art Saturday, the, 6th, eel February 1fl to eonsi4er-what action shouldt he taken in reference to a BSI known as No. /79 being nu act to provicle‘ for Than:ea/tip Bo - eirds of Public &heal Trustees ci- The Seweretary asked .to read and explain the respective clauses of the Bill which. was done. A general discuasion then followed it which a large number took part The meeting was unanimously a- gainiet the hill and the secretary .4:.171.1.6 asked to prepare a resolution which would meet with the vie e s or the meeting. On motion of Andrew Hicks, exeM.P.P. and sec - ended by Thos. Willis, the follow - Ing was carried. "Whereas this Public meeting .has been called by the Reeve of the; Township ol Stephen, comp- rising Trustees and ratepayers of the Publis school in the Municip- ality for the purpose of consider- ing the .proposed Bill being an act to provide for 'Township Board of Public School Trustees to be known as "Ehe. Township Boards Act 1925. And Whereas the said Bill has been carefully .considered and the different section's, discus - Bed, Be it eRsolved that in the .opin- ion of this meeting, it es not des- •••••000meetteot0000eacer•••••••••••••ootoomoo•••••• • • • 2 'FEBRUARY •0 • • 0 • I Clearing Sale • a OF ALL ROOTH, SIMMS AND RUBBERS, FELT FOOTWEAR, EVERY PAIR IN OUR STORE IS MARKED Dovra AT COST . e• AND LESS THAN COST. 4,'.FOR , NOW IS THE TIME TO 'BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR SP - el 'all ING AND SUMMER AND SAVE DOLLARS. HERE ARE ON ea* ho LY A 'EW OF THE MANY LINES WE HAVE IN .STORE * .FOR YOU; Menafl-ferit Bal. R. Heels, Reg. 1$4.50, c/earine; at .... ....$2.65 is Men Felt Bale veith leather soles, Reg. $&O0 -for ____. .... ... $2.50 h. Men es Felt Slippers with leather soles, Reg. c25, at ... ...75c ea Menr Grebe work sheees, BIlaand Brown reg. CP at .... .... $3.00 Wom'a Patent kid leather, pemps clearing at $1.05 to $3.95 il Womee'S felt. Slippees, clearing. at 50e. to 98c Children a Boots and - Slippers clearing at .25c. to 18c, COME IN AND SEE THE BARGAIN TABLES., TIIE STORE WITII QUALITY BROWN BROS REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • SER OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ./••••••••••••••••smossoommoose••••••owto•••••••• 4/110m..mme.gma. • ey resulting in the Province for 'maintenance, attendance and 1,,eq- ualities of !school taxation twhieh are given as' (some of the rea-son why the proposed bill (should be- come. la -w, euch defeets can be eas- ily remedied by changing the boundaries of the section under the prEisent 'Act. That this meeting fully realizes that the education of the child a duty which every par- ent and ratepayer should be re- apensible for and fully believes that the present Schools Act can be amended, if necessary, to rem- edy any defects without dirsturb- ing the present .system of finance. ing the genera Intanage,ment. ' That if this Act is passed, it should contain a section that it shall not become. the law in any Alunicipality, until a majority of the electors have voted thereon and approved of the same That the Secretary of this meeting for trard a copy of this resolution to the Hon. the Minister o ufdEeation and Mr. Nelson Trewarth.a, M.L.A. ..4.1•11•1111.111.11111/4, rMs. W. C. Callias was at Creci- iton on Tuesd!ay. Mr. W. H. Pfile !Hensall eves a Sunday visitor at his home here Mrs. Schaff of London is visit- ing at the home of the IMiSsesEve and .Ethel Mr. Gordon Swans was a vis- itor with friends down east the, past week. Mr. and Mee ..P. WeIper of Auburn attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Weber. Mies Hilda Neuschwanger spent the eveek-end at her home on the Blind Line, Mrs.. T. L. Winn% entertained a number of friends at her home on ,Thursday evening last. Mr. Kenneth Routledge of Ex- eter High School, is spending the week at his home here. Mrs. John Smith of the Parr Line. is visiting with Mr. andMrs. Mrs. Wm O'Brein. Miss Verda Fa,ssold of Dashwood spent the, past week with her grand iparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. of Suoth Huron, Mr. and Mrs/. C. O. Smith of The resolution was carried with the Sauble Line, were week -end out a dissenting voice. . visitors with relatives near Baden. RE BUILD EVANG ELICAL Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeJ.• CHURC ri. were in London over Sunday atten ding the funeral of the late Mrs. At a congregation meeting of 'Carrigan!. the Zurich Evangelical Church on 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cleared Truenener Tuesday evening, :it was -unanhat,of the 14th con. are spending a ouslee decided on to plan prese-ntece by •-tale 'Paetoreteeen eleelenv, weeks visitina''enielatives and :metals lie lailVerteefe'Eliniraand W. B. Denis and the Trustees of the church, which includes an ad- Kitchener. The, Women's Institute willhold ditional fifteen feet to the south e:heir monthly meeting Th the end of the church and at thescuth ladies' hall on Tuesday evening, east corner a !suitable towee r to meant the bell therein, and Feb. 18 th. mproyidedfor,A good program is, those in. charge of lower part will be used for the • • main. entrance. The e sti ma fed • cost is in the neighborhood of • • $4,000., of which over $3,000 has al - •ready been subscribed, and tirri,1 • • has not been permitting to sf).,,.! all • the parties in ter;rstA, there are • also !some twenty families who 2 have promised to help but not ,e''ert) 4 stated the amount, while a mo ve- w ment is on foot th takidown the, • • little brick church on the 14th con. and to utilize the material in the building of the Zurich church. A very good and en eouraging spirit was shown at this meeting to go on with the undertaking. OWine to the removal of Mr. 'A. Melick from the congregation, a number of important offices Were vacant which were filled as follows;— Trustee, Mr. Wm. Rennie; Supt. of S. S. J. E. Gascho; Aseist. josiah. Geiger; Clea., Leader of Congregation, C. L. Smith; Aseist. clads leader, Josiah Geiger. The church building committee was al- so appointed as .follows; Convenor Rev. W. 13. Dengis; Sol. Zimmer- man, Oscar Koehler and W. H. Edigh.offer, including the three trustees, J. E .Gascho, Josiah Gei- ger and Win. Rennie, with, Mr .J E. Gaseho as treasurer. With the looks of things it will be a very busy as well as prisperous year for the, congregation. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••V a•••••••••e•••• • January. Specials Boy's Two BloomerSuitsfor cite Men's Suits or: ly a few left for • 2 Men's Overcoats to clear at • ALSO A FEW OVERCOATS AT REDUCED PRICES. 4 8.95 10.95 1. 1495 I Correct Styles :and Good Tailoring • 1:1PAIGNS EASED ON WIIA T frn MAJOR/TY OF MEN AND "4. YOUNG WM LOOK FOR IN •BUYING CLOTHES. ele QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND VALUE ele ARE THE THREE FUNDAMENTALS APPARENT IN EVERY era eta ONE OF OUR SUITS. ete • • Lr- norraz • OASCHO'S tK,I), mama PITONS 667 4. 4 4 4 4 4 • • 4 11 • 1 4 I • ' • • 4b4.4,044.0000•4400411i100,044400010440••••••• ' *4440,00•1•4 CHURCH NOTES We invite YOU to our Services.. HI TO HEAR Sermons that aro prepared with a view to presentieg Truth. help- fully. They are delivered with the prayer that they inspire to nobler thinking and better living. If it is the truth you seek we think you will enjoy being with us. Will yours be one of the new faces we expect to see in our Service on Friday at 7.30 p.m, Bible School at 11.00 ean. next Sunday in charge of the newlyel- ected Superintendent. Sermon e on Sunday, Feb. 14th, 10.00 a.m. "The Misaien of Truth" 7.30 Pen, «The Laodicean Church" or "Once when God was dis- eustod." Emanuel Evangelical Church this meeting are Mrs. L. Hoffman Mrs. H. Eickmeier, Miss jean, La- mont, and Mrs, Milliken, Mr. incl Mrs. Alfred Gellman, who spent the past few weeks vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Gellman, left for Detroit on Wed- nesday morning, from whore they will proceed on to Chicago and then to their home in Sovereign, Sask. • Our Mailing List has been cor- rected up to and 'including Feb. 8th, If you have renewed your + subscription before that date kin- dly look at your label and see ,if • you have been given credit, and Our 1925 Accounts are now ready if not let us know at once and NV o will make good the mistake. Mr. Win (Decher, who lives just t for such parties °wind us. If not east of the village, has placed an t order with Mesars. S. Deity. 8.r.So "`" men' t called for by Feb. 15th same wilt be building contractors, for a -v addition, to • his bar» to used as a + straw shed. The building, which + mailed will have all steel sides is 36x44 ft. 4. M siva and will make a fine ap- peering structure. Mr. and Mrsl Alfred Melick and * family left. last 'Thursday for their + eew.h.orree in Elkton, Mieh. They * are the type of people that Oar - ad n with her vast area and small 'population!, can hardly afford to +++++++++++++++++++++++++444++++++++*++0++++440.0.00iok lose. As they were always very active in community betterment, betterment and church work. But the. loels that Zurich will sustain, will be thee gain to the community in which they have moved. LATE ELIZARE'TH 'WEBER Elizabeth Decher, relict of the, late 'Conrad Weber, passed away at the howe of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb, on Friday February 5th, aged year, 9 months and 20 days. Deceased had beena lifelong res- ident of Hay Township having been born here. In her younger days like the rest of her family, she poesessed great Working atam- illa until ab Ma 20 years ago she became( affected with asthma which kept on getting worse and the last -six weeks became quite Serious and evitle other complicat- ions set in she finally !Stiecintberl. Her late husband passed this life 40 years ago, and Zor the last num- ber of years had made her home with her two daughters in, Zurich, Mrs H. II, Neeb, and Mese 'Wm. Rader, who are her only surviv- ing children. There are also, one brother, .1*. John Decher Sr, and one sister Mrs, Job Hey Sr. who Al$0 'survive, The funeral took yoZuUnRrI3C11.114 .00uNistNiLl. tinclwayast11 the Lutheran cenetei largely attencle Ought to bo. ecL ...,11•ONOMM We Bell: Groceries, Pa tent Medicines, Photo- graphic Supplies, Confectionery ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS TObACCO AND CIGARS BREAD SQUARE DEALING OUR MOTTO Give Us A Call W. C. Wagner REGI The Watch that is Univerealtia Guaranteed. Come in and see* what we have. All sizeis fame to $50.00. • W. G. Hess & Sea ts••••••••••••• * ........ • • • 4 0' z 4 • • • •. .0••••••••46•••4•••••4.•4* ,,,..."•••••••••• •••••••••4•4111, Notice My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and -sbttle same. FRED THIEL - ZURICH Accounts Ready 0 C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS •••••••••••••=.1101•••••••••••••11.••••••• e—eareete...=neee.e.--ee. .06 A Merry Christmas AND A • Happy New Year TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS R. N. LOUGLAs GENERAL Af0RCHANT PHONE 11 97 kE3LAKE 1101........•11•14181 111101111111111.1“111411111111111MOMMINPINNIMINIMMINIIMPIMMI04. 0