HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-01-28, Page 8Re uced Prices Now inEffect on Winter Goods OUR STOCK OF WINTER GOODS IN MANY LINES IS TOO LARGE, AND IN ORDER TO HE DUCE WE ARE OFFERING SP- MCIAL .BARGAINS FOR A FEW WEEKS. COME EARLY AND 'SAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MONEY SAVING EVENT,. ;Flannels, 51 inches wide, fancy plaids, Reg. $2.50 per yard for $1.98 Flannels 36 -in fancystripe's, Regular 1.50 for Velveteen. 22 -in, now selling at 50e. to ...... ...... Fool crepes, 36 -in. now selling at per yard Sweater •Coats, Mens extra heavy, now each Sweater Coats, 2 only, Jumbo Knit, now each Sweater Coats, 12 only, all 'sizes, now each ;Sweater Coats, Boys, all 'sizes, fr ,m 85c. to each ,Iankets Ibex 12-4, grey or white pair 3elankets, Ibex 11-4, Grey or white, pari .... ... $11.35 85c $1.38 $5.45 3.25 . ... $1.65 ... ...$2.75 ...,.,$2).50 2.00 LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE AT _GREATLY REDUCED PRI- CES, den's Jersey Gloves, 2 pr. for 45e 1925 Accounts OUR ACCOUNTS ARE NOW READY: A PROMPT SETTLE- MENT WOULD BE VERY MUCH ,APPRECIATED. WE ARE STILL SELLING ON ONE YEAR CREDIT PASIS, GIVING YOU /;EST PRICES, POSSIbLE, �0 WE FEEL TFIAT ACCOUNTS WHEN SUE, SHOULD BE PAID PROMPTLY - J. GASCHO & SONS` Produce Wanted Phone 59 .Zurich's Garage Sas, Ols, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS t$US1 tcECEIV S;U A SHIPMENT OP .DOMINION TIRES AND TUBEp WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. EhtTTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO. AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. 13 All' ERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECT1tICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. 1 1u usseau Zurich 4. aeve•..•......m!•••!•N•M••••••61••••••••••••••N••.• .. • 1FURNAGES•• • ••• • •• • Reda Giison[ I • Make Your Home Happy I• • With cold weather rapidly being jushered in, it behooves us to look to adequate heating facilities. • Let us comfort your Moine by heat- hp;zn it with either of the above nam ied Popular Furnaces. •••••••••••••••••••••• Everything' in Stoves• � � and ,• Hardware • • • • • I • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • •1 WHITE31 ROSE GASOLENE , e s A E.W A YS FULL OF "PEP" AND QU C.K STARTING. 'PHIS • •� WILL ESPECIALLY NOTICED" IN COL WEATHER. • J'STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. • ,4••1•1111 10001/i1•Ski•i411411400614446041.0(.4040001040•1MSI •S ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr, Harry Eilber of Crediton \vas in the village; on Monday. Mr, Tod Hiberer, who took a short course on, disease's of bees, at the OAP. Guelph, has returned, to his hdma ,here, The annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone System will be held ,in 'the Town Hall, 'Zurich, on Saturday afternoon, Jan, '30th. A real cold storm from the northwest, greeted us over the week-•e,zd., .and although the sten is getting closer we did not feel it very couch on Sunday. The second Euchre Party and dance will be held in the Walper Hall, Zurich, on, Thursday 'even-, ing, January 28th., to which every body is cordially invited. HOCKEY • Two thrilling games of hockey were played . during the past we- ek, the first being when out team went to Hensall on Friday last and suffered a defeat of 8-5. Then the returng arae on Monday even- ing here on Monday night the Zurich team had revenge by de- feating the visitors 9-6. There was a large number of spectat- ors' present and. sure got their moneys worth by seeing as fight from start to finish. The visitors have a somewhat heavier team and play well to-gethee. Some real hot games are being looked for between these two teams till the league is through. HOCKEY PICTORIAL Second Edition The second edition of the Ho - key Pictorial is on the market,* more complete and up-to-date than the original edition, which .vas re- ceived with such acazinii by fo11= overs of the great winter !sport. Most favorable comments have been passed upon the publication by sports writers the. continent over, •and the general opinion as expresised by players and 'scribes is that no more comprehensive or handsome book in the 'sporting line was ever printed. A feature that should possess a marked appeal not only to puck -chasers of the present, 'but to old ciniees, are the many group pictures of champ- ion teams, dating back to the early history of hockey. The new ed- ition not only contairs the history of hockey in Canada, but covers the history of the game in the Un- ited States as well, with handsome engravings of Canadaian and Am- erican teams, and is right up to the minute in every r spect,Any further information pertaining to the book can Ibo obtained •.y writ- iing to Geo King, Publisher, 84 Victoria. St. Toronto, Ont. MARVELLOUS VALUE Reports from. all provin.cesin- dic•ate that the Family Herald and Weekly ,Sitar of Montreal at One Dollar a year is 'sweeping the country, The, reduction in the,pr- ice of the Family Herald from $2.00 to $1.00 a year makes that great weekly journal more than ever the marvel of the newspaper world. The Publishers have announced that notwithstanding the change in price, every feature will , not only be maintained, but improve- mntes 'will follow. When one con seders the hugh volume, wide var- iety and high quality of the read- ing matter in each issue of the Fancily Herald, one wonders how it can be produced at the price. It is a complete farm journal, a family magazine and weekly news paper—all three in one at a cost of 'l esis than two cents a week. For this winter''s reading there is no better combination than your local paper and, the Family Her- ald anal Weekly Star. Subscript ions may be left at the Herald ,Of- fice, Zurich. WARDEN FOR 1926, At the opening session of the Huron County Council ,at Goderich on. Tuesday, Mr. J. 'W, McKibbon, Reeve of the town of Wingham was appcin.ted to the Warden ch- air for the year. The Council con- sists of the following membere— Ashfield—John Parrish, John Cam Bron. Tsayfieltl—A. E, 'Erwini Plyth—Jas, Dodds F•,rus'sels—A. C. I3aeker: • Colborne -C. A. Robertson, t~ ederich Tp. -H. Cox. n C iton— C.' G: M'iddloton. Grey—Robt. Livingston, Tom' McDonald. (lod :rich—B. C. Mun.nin.gs, J, J, Mover. tT' v -•E. F. Klopp, Tfrnsall—Owen 'Geiger. Flon�iclk Thos. Inglels, George Hubbard. Tttiltatt—Matthey Armstrong. Exeter—W. D. Sanders. "lirris—R. Shortreed. nl'eKillop—Frank McQuaid. Stanley—John A. Mans'on'. Safr` e:, o th— J. W. tseattie. Stephen -Alex. Neeb, J. Haves', Tuc1kersmith--Boland 'Kennedy Turnbei'ry--L. T McEwen, Wieghant—J. W:. Mcs{ibbon; Wroxeter—John 1Tenneberg. W •Wawhrioa'h;—A, 15, Johnston.r.,. V,, W:hwanosli-E, CoulteL trlsborne—Joh i H'nnaa OCAL MARKETS tCorrected every Wednesday) Butter Eggs . I ... 25-35-40 Potatoes per bag .. 1.75 Dried apples lb. ..... 9 Oats 45 50 Barley .. ,.. 80 }l uck wheat .., 80 Wheat ...... ...... .1.43 Flour 4.00-5.00 Shorts per ton ... .32.00 Bran per ton 30.00 Live Hogs cwt. ... .._..... 11.75 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000.060. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Lowe's in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $39,000 G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- '.l'NING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, • 0-34 BORN W14 eido—At Hay Tp on January 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred We- ide, a son. Gelinas—At Hay Tp. on January 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gelinaa a son, Denomm-c—At Hay Tp. on Janu- ary 19th,', to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Donomme, a daughter. f-ENSALL.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Munn, of Wellhood, Man., are visiting M4 and Mrs. Alex. Munn. The many friends of Mrs. Tho Dickson, will be sorry to learn lhat she i nets enjoying good health. T. Palaver & Son have opeped a neat store in connection with their grocery store and will no 111 doubt command a lair share of business. Miss Francis eParee, who ha,s been visiting for the pant two we- eks with relatives in St. Thomas, returned home. Mrs. G. Knapp, :who for the. past month has been visiting at her home is N. Bruce, returned to town. Mrs. C. Eilber of Zurich, n• eeMre Horton, was in the village during the past week, renewing acquain- tances. Emma Dickson, who has been a very competent as'bistant in the local post office for some years is at her her home owing to id- nes.s of her mother, Mrs. Lee Hidden, a former assistant is tak ing her place at present. Fred. bengough is quite poorly at present, and hopes for his re- covery' are entertained. Mrs. J. W. Skinner, who recently underwent a facial operation is confined to London hospital. Milton Ortwein .f London, vis - iced his parentis here.; Mrs. Wiisi,, bar.,, of Windsor, is visiting relatives here. Carmel Presbyterian congrega- tion of Hensall, which on Sunday last worshipped in its own edi- fice, the former Methodist church, has, enjoyed through the protract ed period of unsettled property; conditions the kind hospitality of the Anglican church ,for worship will now worship fin their 0.'. n church. A meeting of the Agricult;rral 5,ociety for S.' Huron was held in the 'Commercial hotel last Mon- day afternoon. 'Quite a number of members were prelsen;i:. Miss Dolly Hagan, R.G., recently met with a very painful accident at .her home, Parr Lina. It ap- pears that 'she had just come down the stairway and when turning a- round the curving part of the bottom step, her feet slipped on some 'snow that had been tracked in and before seh could save her- seYlf, the fell backward against the isharp corner, injuring the back of her knee to the extent that it swelled twice its size! The first regular tweeting Of the new 1926 Council took place on the eve of Jan 19th. Reeve Gei- ger and all the members( of the 'C'ouncil being present. The minutes of fast meeting were read ' and adopted. Adam, Bei- chert was pre'sewnt and asked for a refund of his ,son's poll tars, cl- aiming his Ls on vas a renter of land in the village. The matter was lairs over. Collector sent the amount of unpaid taxes and was given to the 2nd to collect them. The following officials Wa- ke appointee,; A. Murdock, clerk and manager of the Town Hall;' Ge. Cook; treasurer; A.W.E. Hemphill collector: Colin Hudson, a's'sessor; i1rs. G. Ilud'son, 'caretaker of hall; 00 . TI e�Iso G u n constable, Lire chief and sanitary inspector; Harry Price, pound keeper; Ray Mc- Arthur,. cArthur; the council's ,repre'sentat- Ivt on the library beard; JoeRdn sn-t `awl Ray McArthur were ape m' r" • :Thursday, J'annary ;28th, IOW ' i OUR THANKS AND APPREC- IATION ARE EXTENDED FOR THE GENEROUS SHARE OF PAT RONAGE WE HAVE ENJOYED , DURING THE PAST YEAR. MAY THIS BE YOUR BRIGIHTEST AND MOST PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WE ALSO SOLICIT YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE DUR- ING THE COMING YEAR TO OUR NEW SUCCESSORS IN Mil l MESS. Those persons having 'some of our jacks, cement sacks, etc.,, in their care, kindly return them 4 dunce. Mdliok& Kalbfieisch Hardware .8c Furniture. Phone 63 •5 Per Cent. With First Mortgage Seeurity Huron '& Erie, Debentures are authorized by the Governante. ent as a trustee investment for executors. They are issued for $100 or more for 12 months and longer up to 4 years. These Debentures .provide a convenietn, simple form of ins vestment Over $14,000,000 is now invested in; this security by Can-, radians. Have you $100, $500 or more on deposit that Stipule earn more interest than you are now receiving? MORTGAGE CORPORATION The r con Erie • 'r Applications received at any time by— Andrew F. Hess, - .. Zurich . MY MOTTO;—SER VICE ANDSAFET Y Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTINLi, GRANING, PAPERHANGIN., & DECORATING, WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR ' `LT JOB: H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ON'. JOHN Drugless eer and EXETER AT WALPER Every Tuesday, WARD Praction.. Optician — Mono ow HOUSE, ZilRJf n 10 a.m. to I wok ...........................4............................, HERALD OFF1OB + + + + + + + + + Do 'You Know?Kk THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING, THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCR a+ AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADI ST A uFATH F. NG M�x�rAM g'3',- URERS OF COUNTERCHECK BOOKS, AND CAN'SUP ,i„ + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOS +► 414 4. THAT WE CARRY, STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVRili, OPES IN ALL SIZES, PAPERS, CARBON B, jtO .1. TRACING PAPER,SHIPPING TAGSMEMORIAM &`T. + ATIONERY0 NOTE ,BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO 4. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ..STC.,. ETC, . + THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK IBOTTt.i= WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR ba LARD}►. 1. • • GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS ' + IntAir WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS. 411 t.� T+8.i113, M `A.NTIit.E ,POSTERS AND ALL ORNB RAL, +, PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY pointed and tort **++*. :+1'1""4"".'"..:.,4.w.a.aw, -+a g.„i•e-�F 4;41.4. 4