HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-01-28, Page 7" NE DUTY OF A WOMAN MAN • Is to Tell Her Ailing Sisters How New Health Can be Obtained. "The duty of onie woman to another is to tell her. But the wrong advice is worse than no advice at all." ,+That," ; Bays Mrs. Florence Glebe, 811 Royal Apts'., Merrick Street, Ha Ilton, Ont„ is why I feel it niy darty to give women" a little information coni oerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. In the first place I may say that I am a graduate nurse of one o2 our He -Milton schools, of nurses, h'aviaig had a number of years' ex- perience in miming uervati.s 'mad other eases of women. "Imay state that for the last three ,reads I have not been feeling as I should. I have been under the care of OUT physecien. He informed me that I would not improve until I took a change of climate. My symptoms were that I was tired out easily, pallid, short of breath. On going upstairs, I had a rapid heart aotion: aed a weak feeling. If I"entered a warm room I became hot and clammy. Black spots would float before 'my eyes, and I had Amp pains in my heed. I did not eleeip well at night and would toss around in bed. My appetite was fickle and poor. I tried a number of medi- cines that were' advertised, with no good results. I began. `o feel despond- ent, as when. I met friends they would say, 'My, you look terrible.' I lost in weight and in spirits. My husband opine home one evening asking, as he Usually did, how I was feeling, anid at m.y answer said, 'Well, try these; and. he ltanded me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He said, 'try them any- how. They -may help you.' I did try them, and they surely gave me quick results. By the time I had taken four boxes I can honestly say I felt like a • different person. I could hardily real lee it myself. People I met would say, 'Why, you look splendid. What have you been taking?' My reply would be that I had been takiig Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and their answer usually was, 'Well, they certainly have helped you.' I now sleep well and eat well. The terrible sharp pain has left my head. I do mmy work and feel toned up. My color 'has returned, and the pills have s given me new vitality. I am deeply thankful that my husband brought me the first box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I will gladly tell anyone what these pills did for me, and you have full peannisedon to publish thts etate- ment in the hope that niy experience may help someone else." If you will send your name and ad- dress to The Dr. Williams' Medloine Co., Brookville, Ont., a 'little book, "Building Up the Blood," will be mails: ed you poetpoada This little book con con- eainfe many useful health Mute. You can get these pd33s through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Bee's Secret. Out in the meadows,— Where wild flowers blow, Clover blushes like the dawn,— Or scatters like the snow. In a yew -clipped garden,-- Watched with tender care, Rose unfurls her glories-- Dazzling,—fragrant—fair. The bee finds sweetness 'Wherever he goes,— Honey in the clover, And honey in the rose. —Susan F. Campbell. An experiment has shown that an eagle is compelled to run a distance of twenty yards front rest before it has sufficient impetus to take the air. LORIDA CAIASTROPIIE OVERTOOK THE SUN It Resulted in Formation of Our Earth and Other Planets. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. ' The planetesimal theory assumes that our sun developed from some primary nebula but that at this stage there were no planets in existence. Then it supposes that at some later time—probably billions of years after this ini•tiel• development—a great die - aster overtook the sun. It is supposed that another star panseed near the sun, so close to the nun. that it exercised a great gravita- tional force upon it. Since this force would be, greater upon the side of the sun which faced the star, its effect would be to pull the sun out of shape, elon,gatin.g the equatorial region and flattening the polar regions. This flattening would increase the pressure upon the centre of the sun until it. became so great that it would force the molten material in the centre of the sun out through the surface. In consequence one ettream of mateai.al 'would be shot out in the dlireetion of the disturbing star. The other stream would be in the opposite direction. It would be just like squeezing a rub- ber bulb Which had a bole at each end, but a bulb which instead of containing water contained an explosive material at high preasasre and temipemature. The motion of the di!'siturbing star would exert a second influence upon these two streams, of matter. It would cause a. side ways pull that wou4td start them revolving around the sen. At thts time of the year we can aa - euro you of a wonderful outing on our ,Spoclal Club Rate round trip ten -ds' tour, which leivee Toronto Union Station the flrat'Monday In each month up until May. Each tour Is personalty eonduoted by our Mr. Montgomery through the solea district, of the date cehtering on Clermont. "Tho Gem of the Hills," the Huntsman's and Fishermen's Paradise. Our sixth tour leaves Toronto Union Sta- tion Monday, 3.20 p.M.. Feb. lit. The total emit, Including everything for the round trip, -is 11136.00. Tickets, good to return on any date up to and Including June 16th next, Spaniel Pullman reserv- ed for doctors end their wives. For further Information phone or wire at cur expense, oronil personally at Montgomery & Co. 41A King St. E. Toronto Phone AdolnIde 7D68. ,. Evenings, Mr. Batts, Junction 404M. TAYLOR FORBES Tree Pruners iBilARA$TUD 1 For every purpose in the ereherd, cutting limbs up to le inches. Handles--- 4, 410 and 12 feet. Isar Writers bolder knows the googly Our desonntlre circular sent to soy address on request. TAYLOR- FORBES COMPANY. LIMI`I`113 GUELPH, ONT. As a result we would have the for- 'nation of what has sometimes been called a secondary spiral nebula. At the centre. would be the great flaming saln and around it a revolving spiral oR nebuloutse matter stretching out for millions and nuilltons of .miles!. It is assumed that in Ws opined. ne- bula there would be knots' of matter or imolai denser than the rest of the ma- teriel. 'Within a sheet time from the stand- point of astronomy, the spiral nebula would have lost its. heat due to the in.- tense ntense cold of empty space. It is thought that the nuclie would have contracted into fairly large bodies and the rest o3 the nebula into little chunks of matter which the geologists have named planetesimals. Me motion of the planetesimals must have been very 'irregular. "Col- lisions would,. have been frequent. Due to gravity, the nuclei would begin to attract the planetesimals to them. In thds way each nucleus grew into Ute one s. of the present planets or sate!l There is a differeioe of opinion among geologists as to just how the growth of the planets• from these orig- inal rifii nal nuclei took elves. According to one theory, the pla- netesimals were dust -like particles. The adherents of this theory believe that the earth assumed its present general contour when only one-fourth its present size and tint it grew Mlow- ip to its present size by the accumu- lation of these duatlike particles. Does the Working Man in Ontario Suffer Greatly from Sickness? If you ever think about the working man and the time he is away from his job what do you imagine is the chief cause? Accidents? We11, aeoidente do occur, but in Ontario, they cause only slightly more than one day's ab- sence for each working man eaoh year. Sickness? Yes, siokness causes more absence—six times more --than •aooideete among the workers of On- tario. Six days per man per year le the' toll which s'loknesa takes from the Irude.strdal population of this Province, the money cost of which is paid out of the worker's family pocket book. Actual experience has, shown that one- half of Ontario's loss under this head- ing le needless and absolutely pre veritable. The factory and the home can share in the work of reducing this sickness bill. "Common colds" and "indiges- tion" are responsible for much of this abeence from duty and consequent lees of pay. Certain plants in the Pro- vince have cut lost time due to sick- ness ickness by one -halt through health super- vision. The wife can hold up her end of the good work by providing in the home meals a diet that will give plenty of nourishment: and be proof againa•t. indigestion. For the meals, which ni.uat be taken at the pk.sit, she may use a lunch box -acid thermos bottle to advantage in sending appetizing, healthful food, including one hot dish: soup, stew, ereanind veaetiab'le, cocoa, etc. The worker to his own hest helper in piotectiaig himself against colds— not e, difficult matter if he (1) Keeps lit goad health. (2) Eats "wisely but not too well" and avoids constipa.t.ton. (3) Keeps. away from people tvho have golds. (4) Gets .sufficient `rest and takes daily exercise outdoors. Rest. The North Wind's artist steel has etched.. A.gainet an ashen sky The tree tops; and the city roofs And dim hills fee end high. 0 rte tireless voice has sung to rest The gentle ya.11ey brook, And all the wayside weans to -ally A rapt, reflective look. The world has tucked the oorners in Where downy blankets heap; ileneath a coveriid of snow The swimmer's darlings. sleep. --Mauls Ile Verse Newlon, To be proud of learning is the great- est ignorance,--Tayrior. Mlnard'i Liniment for frost -bites, 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup relievesaliforms of indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by it once you have tried it. Any drug store. Midnight. This is a thing more beautiful than sleep . . To eat upon this, summit in the night, Watching tike high moon as• it higher climbs. Kindliest), The ±armea''s store of ,golden gralli. }lie apple omeharde yleltl Are preelous, but I, have la 'Mind .4. crop that you will never find In any barn, or field, A hay rick is a silver joy,. Sometime an opaline, But neither thietle, weed, not' dust? Nor mildewy, nor the season's rust Can dim the stuck I mean! The sun that turns my harvest gold Has no beat in the skies; But every seed it quickens• bears .4. fruit that ep in }leaven's fairs, May stand to win a prize! Isabel Vedde; THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS LISE NO OTHER MEDICINE Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal Remedy for Babies and Young Children. Canadian mothers are noted for the care they give their little ones—the health of the baby 15 most jealously guarded and the mother is always on •the lookout for a remedy which is ef- She chooses, with .air of a connoisseur "is good tea"�•TEA 73. Cid &mac/ �—fin �� you'll � Wee Red Age,. Odds and Ends. Near the window, with face alight, Grandmother site in her rocking- ehair, Happily working hem more, till night Whether the day be gloomy` cm fair. Near to her hands are the tools of her trade— Scissors and thimble, needles and thread,. And gay, bright squares on the table laid—, .. Squares for a quilt for somebody's bed. Relent and at the same time absolutely slate. Thousand's of moth,ers have found such a remedy. in Baby's Own Tablets and many of them use nothing true. else for the ailments of thedr little Then patiently working out her design, ones. Among them is Mrs. Howard Joining one scrap to another she King of Truro, N.S., who says:—"I bends, can strongly recommend Baby's Own Sewing, with.stitches even and fine Tablets to mothers of young children Her patches•, made of just "odds and as I know of nothing to equal them ends:" for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are solid by medicine dealers or by maid at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Swiss Colonization in Canada. The Swiss Settlement -Society, which was formed for the purpose of estab- lishing Swiss immigrant farm help in Canaxia ' as• settlers on their own ac- count in settlements congenial to them, is •sending out at present an in- teresting pamphlet and questionnaire to the Swiss working on the land. The questions asked ainn compre- hensively at those points of the prob- lem which interest the prospective set- tler most anid which will enable the Society to give him intelligent assist- anoe in his quest. Pamphlet and Questionnaire can be obtained from Fritz Beck, Secretary of the Society, 11 Bishop St., Montreal. Tree Yields Rich Milk. A tree in the West Indies, known. to the natives an the hyahya, yields from its bark and pith a jutce richer and thicker than cow's milk. The peo- ple who live where the hpahya grows use its juice as we do milk. The tree when full grown is almost 40 feet high and 18 inches, in circumference. The Singhalese have a tree, the kirighuma, which yields a milky fluid, while in the forests. of. Para grows the, maesenodendron, another species of milk tree Pieces of darker or lighter hue, Places her pattern with infinite care, Sure that the edgee are straight and The unimaginable gold and hush: Far off a hidden river speaks like wind, When drowsily at dusk among the hills It seeks the day it can no longer find, And wandering all the hoims that in tervene, Moodily, quietly, half in sleepy jest, Petitions learn and the far silver. slopes That they will bring the sun so it may rest. . . . The pines are like the Bask grans of a star, Some tall and brooding army marked by spears, Within their gilded circles the lone firs Stand up apart like waiting messeix gers. •-•-St etthers Burt, in "When I Grew Up to Middle Age." In some eases where people suffer in silence it is the silence that causes the suffering. . Colds Are Not Necessary Evils Observance O e Funda' mental Rule of Health Pro. tects Against Them Whether one catches cold easily is largely a question of physical condi- tion. If the general vitality is low, resistance to disease is weak and at such a time a cold is easy to contract and difficult to check. Constipation is frequently the cause of such a state of health, with its atten- dant listlessness, biliousness, headaches - and a general lack of vitality. Poisons from the waste matter that remains behind after inip`roper, irregular bowel elimination are picked up by the blood and carried to every part of the body. They weaken your resistance to disease. Thousands of people who have suf- fered from self-poisoning in this way have found that Nujol, the internal lubricant makes bowel elimination sure and easy. Nujo softens the waste matter and permits thorough and regular elimina- tion without overtaxing the intestinal tintscles. Najd can be taken for any length of time with no ill effects. If you take cold easily, ask your druggist for Nuyol today --and reineni- ' ber, . look for the name Nejot" in red on both bottle and package. Impatience. April Seems so far away From me to -day. How deep the snow, And long the path The winter pet roust go. Will the spring air ever ,start Thawing the frozen meadows,. Of my heart? --Le Baron Cooke. F,.. -_-.----- The last shape that sympathy is apt to take is the form of money. Mlnard's Liniment for Grippe. Just "odds and ends"—there's a sym- bol here • Of grandmothea's life, and of yous•a, and mine, For we join together a senile and a teas Anda trouble, perhaps, to form our design. The dark of sorrow, and joy's fair light; And pain with comfort subtly blends; The finished blocks will be dreary or bright As we've studied and joined our odds and ends. —Helen P. Metzger. Some people are like rivers—small at the head and big at the mouth IF COUGi-IS AND COLDS INTERFERE WIN BUSINESS Classified Advertisementis ns d.anns' OVENS. WRITE ro16 OAT/MOGI/it and ]tet of *teed ovens. Eubiard Oreo Com+ soy. 152 sing west. Tomato. WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used in front of Tobacconist Store. Must be In good condition. State price and where can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto Irish. Pat—"That was a foine sintiment Casey got off at the 'banquet last night." Mike—"What was it?" "He said that the ewahest mimories in loife are the ricolliction of things forgotten!" iV RIN NIGHT & MORNING & IKEEF YOUR EYES; CLEAN CLEAR AND HEALTHY . PoorIaaa era Cres LOOK• musuri ca.ca N^ � {6a•^- o loo FROST BITES Prevent oomp1lcations by rubbing the affected •parte with Minard's It draws out inflammation, soothes and heals, A Vegetable Preparation that give: quick results without dragging the system BEFORE BUILDING The Maci.ean Builders' Guide canteens 52 pages brimful of help- ful information on planning, build ' ing, financing, decorating, garden- ing and furnr,iebing. Hundreds of vital questions answered. Pro- fusely iilestrart•ed. Send 20c for a copy or $1.00 for two years' sub- scription (8 issues). Questions answered. MacLean Building Re- ports, Ltd., 844 Adelaide Si. West, Tor onto. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acct only "Bayer"ac)�a e which contains proven directions. Eland, "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 'L4 and 100 ---Druggists. Aspirin IN the trade Mark (registered hi Canada). f Bo ManeOis�tlolli acldeDter of $elleylleatld (ACetyl alleIie Add, gHA.„�htlett teen known Aspirin teans atter manufuctttte, to assist the public lls against lO the rolled+ .414 Trager Otte pan)' ir1i1, tte stomped wird Melt &keel trade tteark, me "sayer Cross.” FOR G1LS WHO ORK Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is a Creat Fr-iend— It Stops Pain and Restores Health Toronto, Ontario. — "I work in a factory and I would have to get away from my work every time Iwas sick. The dragging-downpains and cramps were very bad, but my hack was terrible. It hurt so that I couldn't lie down with it. I heard some of the girls talking about Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and they told me to tryit. I have taken about a dozen bottes of it and It has done me a lot of good. I never have any pains or sore back now, and have not been off from•work a day since I have taken it. I recommend the Vegeta- ble Compound when I have the op- portunity. "--Miss RoLLo, 21 Howie Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. "The Advice of a Friend" Hanover, Ontario:—"I was terribly' pained and a few odd times I almost inted. I used to do housework un- til a few months ago and sometimes I had to leave my work and go to bed. I am now a mender in the knitting mill. I suffered five or six years from painful periods before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound by the advice of a friend. I got re- lief almost immediately, and I tell my friends what a good medicine it is. 'You may use this testimonial if you like, if it will help others."-- Miss J. PEARSON, Victoria Street Hanover, Ontario. RED PIMPLES ALL OVER FACE Also on Shoulders. Lost a Lot of Sleep, Cuticura Healed, "Pimples started breaking out all Over my face and shoulders. They were hard and red and I lost a lot of sleep on account of the ir- ritation. The pimples an my face scaled over acid my face was all disfigured. " I used a lot of different rem- edies without success. T began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they afforded relief in about one month. I continued the treat- trent And in About three months was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Marie Rose Peters, Box $2, Tourville, L'Islet Co., Que. Keep your skin cleat and your pores active by daily use of Cuti- cura Soap. Heal irrhetlonu and rashes with Cuticura Ointment. units* Saes tee t. use Addrreo Canadtan Depot; 'Stenbotioe, Ltd., Montreal" wee Seat). 21 . b trnnht 26 and Seo , Tallonti Iso. Cutlet's*. Shoving :tick 28e. IS$UE 1i� 4 Y+gf •