Zurich Herald, 1926-01-28, Page 4P41 zrnuci IIsEA.LD Dashwood 1003 Laura Reid is visiting Valyth. liEnsis A. Lane of Dorchester is `it',;sri1ing with. her Sister, Mrs. A. Oe stxeicherk R. RoweJiffe of Exeter, vis- ,iiti>ed friends in town last week. "JA'Cisis Reid of Bayfield is vir:r:t- .4iplg mirth, her brother, Mr. J. C. iRe d. Mrs, iI. Schroeder is visiting in TLondon. 'Mrs. F. 13. Meyer !spent Thurs- as'tay , in London, Rev. F B.. Meyer has returned agtter ulpending the past week in New Hamburg, STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The young people sLeagtze of •m f holding the GoshenGoshenchurchchurchlistens Fol a social evening at the home of Mr, Nelson Keys on Friday even- ing of this week, Our Reeve, Mr, John A. Man= son is attending the session of the County Council at Goderich this week, Mrs„ Robt, McCiinchey has be- en laid up for the past week,,but we are pleased to 'say she is roc- ov ering. Mr. and Mrs. D. J1. Stephenson visited the former's mother at iClinton last week. Mr. Geo, Armstrong of God-{ orieh spent a couple of days at the old home on Goshen last we- ek Chief Inspector Si,unds Keynote to Purifying Nation's Milk Supply Interior of a Milk Pasteurising Plant. ..t the 14th annual convention of Vie International Association of :83alry and Milk Inspectors held at rndiaaapolis, recently, , leading au - Minorities of the United States and -Canada submitted interesting and in- riormative papers relative to the puri - ideation of the nation's milk supply. Sia the closing session of the series stat meetings, Dr. Roy F. Leslie, Chief 24'feat and Dairy Inspector of Cleve - laud, Ohio, emphasized the great Importance of co-operative measures .by the producer in the production of seiean milk. "�Fith co-operation on the part of ithe milk producers," said Dr. Leslie, ""much can be done along this line *that would otherwise be impossible." ZEbe then told of how the public was Ekept informed of steps taken to con- ttrz,l the milk supply with a view to asafeguarding the health of all who erse milk and dairy products. "In Cleveland," said Dr. Leslie, 'more than 70% of the milk is sold at tine or another of a system of .ohms stores where the customer is ''agivea an allowance of 2 cents on the .3 archase of each quart of milk." The x cents allowed covers the cost set delivery in the home and repre- +sents a saving of about 12% to the consumer. ' Milk in Cleveland must be sold within 36 hours of pasteurizing. Mr. J. V. Quigley, dairy adviser, Kansas City Consumers' League, Kansas City, Mo., followed with an account of the work of purifying the milk supply of that city. He stated that milk produced in dairies where they follow all sant- tary regulations such as clean sta- bles, clipped udders and flanks of milk cows, thorough grooming and brushing of the animal before milk- ing, and periodical tests for bacteria, brought to producers in the league 2 cents to 3 cents more per quart of milk than is received by those who were not members of the Dans as City Consumers' League. Throughout the series of meetings, stress was laid upon the rapid strides being made towards a thorough and comprehensive inspection .program, of. the milk supply of cities throughout the United States and Canada,. It is certain that the results of this work are reflected to a great extent in the increased consumption of milk by the, people of the United States, and this increased consumption is sure to be reflected in°monetary "ad- vantages for both the producer and the .distributer. High quality will in- crease milk consumption and high consumption of milk will keep the milk market steady. CRED1TON Mrs, G. Maynard left for 'Chic- ago and points waist an a months visit" Merle Clark is visiting her bro tiler in, Detroit. Mrs, W, Heatherly of London, visited her parent's, Mr.. and Mrs. H. Mot., Mi's, Gocifr oy 'Nichol'son: is ciu- ito ill at present. \',ri11 Motz went to Toronto to consult a doctor about his leg which Was broken Isom?: time a- go, he also visited his 'sister at London, Mrs, Wm, Watson of Thedford, and children are, visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. J. HJooist, e Hoist who has been q. uite ill is improving. The Sr, Young .Peoples League of the Evang. !church was treat, eel to a very enjoyable and novel program by the Christian Work Committee ,of which the presi- dent, Mises A.. Ganser is chairman. It being a memory meeting ,the entire program was given from, memory, Fred Cunninton recited the scripture Lesson. • A brief sketch of various bible characters was given as an introduction to the, topic of the evening. •v'®•••••-+' ••••••••••••••••••••p••••• Alberta Coal•• EXETER A. E. Yoke recently underwent ani operation .for eye trouble at London Hospital, when the oper- ation was perforated it was found neceslsary to remove the eye. Dorothy Kuntz, who has been under treatment in the London hos pital for some weeks, has returned to her home, atolhngh still con- fined to her bed. Ben Case, London Rd. north,. has started an up -to -dace dairy, On Friday Last the remains of the late Mrs. Geo: Sntallacombep• were brought here from Stratford, and the' funeral held.. She ,had been 'ailing for several years and away, aged 71 years'. • The otber day Bobbie Dinney, son of Thos Dinney had a narrow escape from serious injury, he was rid ing on an oil tank on Ani. St when 'the tank upset was riding i '1 tank ' it t and • • We are receiving a Carload of the well known Albert Domesric Coal • for immediate sale. Order Now! GREENFIELD'S• Champion Tonic • For Poultry ' KEEPS BIRDS PRIME ROE YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT- ION. ION, • A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD • AFFORDS RELIEF FROM NTERNAL WORMS • TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY 'T'O'NIC £ND FOLLOW IINSTRUCTTONS CAREFULLY• ALSO HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FEED FOR STOCK. • 1 Louis Scanilbe - Zurich �0•.0•Mr00•0.0••M0•••M0•N31•••••N•N•NN00MM0N le 1926 Schedule of Cyclone Four- Hockey League The I EENSA Ls I I `HEN SALL Cyclone ZURICH 1DAS1•TWOOD1 EXETER At,' .•1 1 1 Jany, 22nd j Jany. 8th I Jany 15th Feby. ;12th 1 Jatay.. 28,th I Feby. 5th I 1 Jany 4t1% r.fRIOH' 1.Jany. 25th 1 :lJany. 18th 1 Jany. 15th 41ASHWOOID .1 Feby, 8th f reby. 5th 1 Jany. 12 ( Jany. 1Stli Four 1 Feb. h 1 Feb; &th .� lr,l t ,i l 410 r 'i i ta(„ u„ [ 1 Sany: 12th 1 Jany, 8th 1 Jany, 22nd 1IKETiR 1 Feby, 2nd f Jany. 29th f reby. 12th i .1. 1 : Hockey 1 Jany: 5th i Jany 25th 1 Wok Assoc'n • all Ol a C W len llpae being pinned against a tree but managed 'to get out before the titan which was filled with oil. settled on him: The first robin of the year was seen by Chas. Ald'sworth of Hay Tp. in the orchard on Jan. 15. It is feared the bird will get cold feet before spring. Wm. Presze4tor of the 3rd con. Stephen; is confined, to his bed" suffered from bloodpoison in his leg, thought to be the result of a kick from a bullock. Wen. Hodge, son of John Hodge Ruslseldale. is 'suffering from sev- ere body bruise's and a general shaking up, the, result of beings attacked by a bull. Mu. Hodge was endeavoring to grasp /the ring in the animal's rose, when without 'any warning it `charged,' throwing him into the air over its back and he was hurled ag ainst the 'side of the barn. For- tunately the animal was dehoprn ed. The death occured on Jan,. 20th of Elisabeth Ann Yelland, widow of th. elate J. G. Ye'lland. in her 82nd year, She is 'sruvived by two sons and two daughters. The funeral taking place on Friday 'to the Exeter Cern terv. A quiet wedding took place at Main sit, church on Jan. 14, when Chas. W. Ford, sc'n of Mr. andv Mrs A. 3, Ford of London Mr.'. north and Mises Rose .Lamport,da- tighter of Mrs. Eliza Lamport of town were arnited. Int;'diiteIy af- fer the ceremony the bridal "com- pany repaired to the bride'srhom:e where ra dainty wedding ,dinner wad served. lch oacured at his' • residence on Jan, 17th., after a 'few days illness from pneumonia, •came as a 'shock to his friend's in the community, many of whom did not know he was iii, Ns he had been around a. few days laefore attending to his business. He Was a son of the late Jas. Martin, was born on the con; TueI ersnlith,. i The Elianville sports organized a rabbit shoot on Saturday last and made a s'ucees.sful drive secur- ing 72 large jack rabbits. Tlh 1 large jacks are becoming more pl- entiful and it is feared will 'soon beconia a menace o'n to the cltn- oust,, Small parties'base been out' on various Occasion's and have usually been !successful in bagging a few. On this occasion the Elm- -villa hunters, together with a few from Exeter, numbering 37 made an organized drive and were for- tunate in securing a large bag. Administration papers on behalf of Thos. Morrisey, McGillivray Tp, farmer, who died without .a will, were filed at the courthouse and dispo'se's of an estate totaling $31- 207. By the order of the court, it 2'.vill be divided among a brother ancl sister. They are; August Mos'sisey, Crediton and Mrs: Mary Caslsidy, Detroit. The es- tate consists of $3,837 cash in the bank and a farm, on which he liv od, valued at $7,100. Monies 'sec- $ured by mortgages totaled :$14,- 921. The remainder was made up of household goods and personal effects. At Ontario St. church parsonage, Clinton, on Jan. 7th, the marriage took place of Clifford T. Glazier, Huron Rd. and Mises Mary Evelyn Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Ml's Chas. Johnston of .Londesborrgt. They were unattended. GRAND BEND On Thursday evening, Feb. 4. there will be a Box Social heldin Grand Bend Church. given by the V. P. S. Everyone is cordially in- cited. Ladies bring a box. Ad- mission for boys 50e. Linters sT- tern slide's, consisting of comic st- Dries, and oth"r interesting pict- ures will be :shown. We invit' you all. Comet COUNTY NEWS. Go1erich is-conisidering themmat- ter of holding a centennial celeb- ration this year. WIn, • Rosis Of Stanley, Tpc has purchased John Diehl''S house in hz ucefii 1d, , Tenders ares being called for a concrete pavement on the Huror, Highway for a distance of 4,0 mile's stretching east front Goderich,Tlie:s tenders must be in by Feb.. 22nd and the work to start as 'soon as weather permits. The piece of road to be paved- is certainly in. nese of it. ,The Seaforth Horticultural So- ciety 9l1owecl excellent progre'as during the past year and gestin en- thusiasm for 1926 was exhibited at ',the 'annual meeting held, .,iiia Reid' the Cociety's' 'secy. reported 207 members, and that receipts were $726.45 and exjenditures tot- alled $713,8.4. The 50th annual statement of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co, is in the hands of the policy holdersi The ch- ange in the:, aelsessznent system re- quired by; the governm.1nt +t` • year agp has resulted in a comparative ly large surplus in the hand's..of the Treasurer. The amount, ,.'at risk is almost nine and a quarter n,.illion dolta:rs. The annual meet- ing will be held at I"nrq tller on Monday, Feb.. 1st, li i•ttrs of the cl^nth or Jas. M,ivtita, a well 'known' and Vigils, t viW.lt w :'v,N11zJ,4 oi.' ,S3afoittht • NE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISING RATES sued Wednesday noon from th- in adva'noe; $.00 may be charged r not eo paid. U. 5 uahscriut'- roe 41,75 strictly in zdvanee. No paper discontinued until all a' mitre are paid unless at the option hr publisher. "OP Hate !lite -veru eubocrip'ion is na: s lennted on the lah,.i i1iaeellaneous articles of nos -tare than five lines. For Sala, To .eat. or Wanted, Lost. Fount etc .,eh insertion 26a. •ddress all communications to, iteplay. Advertising -Made known • application. AUCTION SALES -32 per singIP sertion. if not over five inches !sRth. .h.rrif)t,nn Terms; $1.26 net -t-e". , ret of Thanks, In Memoriam. , ,, ..ocai and Legal advertising isOt e., reading matter. tae a ,.im r•c ret insertion and Se lir ach subsequent insertion -Professional Cards notexceeding inch. $5 per year ,i•ray Animals—One icsertk'n•60c insertions $1.00 ,+rm or Real Estate for sale A for first month, $1 or each, sub- equent insertion. Thursday, January 28th, 194 I Announceis ent 1 `�' I wish to inform the Public that I have t ill dissolved partnership with my former GI " ,1 employer, and wish to announce that At • +11 i. I have opened. an up-to-date Garage ,I in Mr. Hey's Block. S : i 4i, I AM IN A POSITION TO GI4 , 'EXPERT SERVICE AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE"' Or' CAR. ALSO RE- 4'FT• BUILD AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON SHORT NOTICE .p OA FULL LINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE ....t.. • I AT FORD PRICES��• .� ... +. SATISFACTION GUABANTEED Ct- • S Day and Night Service 4. • ThNGE.5, � 1.. H + +1+4++i::FSA4-7,44 i I-•i•-:-1-i-c-44 ++++4 -1. •E •f i• - r ++•1•i•-1,++ z..l + s..;., rIt: THE HERAT.V' C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen _-_ , 8422 .atm. • South, Hene'ail ;su • ai,m'; South, Exeter ___ _- ..MT a.m. Stage leave Zurich .__ T.001 North, Exeter .. 10461 North,, Hens'a11 : - 100301 wait North, Kippen 30'3'5' a'.ni•. 'AFTERNOON • South, : Kippen _9,•4'tTlpcmi, • South, ,Hensiall .,- ,-. _ 4.50.pans South.; . Exeter -- _ .5.05m pair, Stage leave Zurich _-- -_3'.00: p',m. North, Exeter _.: ,-- --- BM pan.. North, Hensall -... 6.16 p.m. North, ,Kipp n ' '6.231 ptm'. He Earned a Beams But It Didn't Fay He had a job with a bleTransport Company, driving a team and han- dling n•-dling big cases in all kinds of weath- er. His mother was a widow and there were five to be fed. "I made' $17,60 a week and a bonus of $6.00 tie' month for extra loads. 1 used to get wet•,through. but if I didn't stick it 1 didn't get the bonus. One day I fell off my load and they said 1 had fainted; and the doctor said mr,bhest was weak. I had to go to work ;•9n the morning When my Suit wouldn't be dry. A few' weeks `more of work and 1 got another spell and they sent me up here." In the Muskoka Hospital for Con- sumptives, Herb is finding rest, care and good' food beyond anything he ever experienced. The Doctors and nurses like this ,nuiet helpful chap, and have hopes that health and strength will come back to him be- fore long. - (0. Contributions may be sent to 1•Ion- CCS, A. Charlton, r^esl »nt, 223, Col-. ge leltrowt, 'w44014,t u COME and SEE Ourlarge assortment of Neck - ware, Socks and Men's Shirts at prices to Suit You OVERCOATS Right now 'when you want a good IOW warns Coat, we are offering them at Bargain Prices E. L-WUtI�TH Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. 81; x Where the Good Clothes come from �ntr�r►wmrrw�tiw�nwwmvwm�mmvYr� Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a complete supply of Toilet Prepatations a n d Patent Medicines. Our Stock of Stationery comprises: Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine. Baked Stationery, Fountain Pens at' a variety of Prices Drug Sundries of All Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC. SUPPLIES r Dr. A.3. MacKinnon, Zurich