Zurich Herald, 1926-01-28, Page 1Vol. XXVI No 30 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1926. Chester L. Smith, Pub s+ $1.25 • Year int Advance*, $1.50 IN ARRLARS, $2 MAY BE O FiH]ip To ur many Readers and Friends We extend the Compliments of the Season K ;s more marked: in the former. The l o a r4• ell avorage cask of educations per "l 1 child in public se&Dols its now $:ia.07 $v: hereas .five years ago ' i't was only $26.74. The child who .attends collegiate yin thiel province pays on an average of $141.08, ;as comp- ared with his older brother who got by fiver years( aeo for $83.431 During the Coal Strike use Our Substitutes Sole Agents for the Real Gen - vine CONSOLIDA.TRD MILLERS • CREEK, The Best Soft Coal ob- tainable. Focob atae, smokeless Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay " nal •' Coke and best Anthracite Pea • COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICE -- OUR IN FORMATION I9 FREE. CALL US,,,, BEFORE BUYING ELSE,- - WHERE Car n.teloi . HENSALL ,ONT. '.phones—Office 10w. house 10.1 Our Corner Take a girl in an evening gown 'her shoulders may be bare, but she doesn't give very many the cold s'hould'er: The cosh of education hast jjust -doubled during the past Live ye- : ars according to figures given out by the Minister of Education in hit report. The increase affects both primary and secondary eehoole,but SCHOOL REPORT The fallowing is the Fall and Winter report of pupils of S. Sc No: 4, Hay, Nantes' are arranged in order of merit. Those whose names are followed by an x mis- sed one or more exams. Sr. IV Delbert Geiger, Char - old Surerus x. Jr. IV—Rena Erb; Eldon Gabel x; Dorothy Zirk, x; Leonard Erb, x. Sr. III—Ray Ortwein, x; Verlyn Thiel, .Leonard Masse, x. Jr. III INapoleoe ' Geromette, Claire Surerus, x. Sr. II Milton McAdams. Jr. II—Glevia Manse, Exnmerson Erb. Jr. I—Norman, Geromette, Lau- ra Meese. Sr. Pr.—Dennis Masse, Della Si - ith, Gertrude Thiel. Jr_ Pr:—EIzer Masse, Gerald Meese. > Sureras, Teacher,, SCHOOL REPORT The following is the school re- port of U.S.S. No. 9, Blake forthe past two months. Sr. IV Ida Schwartzenitruber .....................e...........................,...: • WE SELL • • Life -Buoy Rubber Footwear • iBECAUSE •• • We believe it is- Better Footwear •• •• 1 TO ITE SUCCl1 SSFLU, A MERCHANT MUST DO THEE t ei THINGS FOR HIS CUSTOMER;— SELL THEM STYLE. DELL e THEM WEAR. SELL THEM ECCONOMY. a w He must be in a. position to give them goods that are reliable •• • and lust a; little, better at a pricenohigher than his cornpet:tors ' '.11 We realize- these facts when we decided upon LIFE -BUOY • • o RBUbER FOOTWEAR for Zurich. and District—and we have not o 0 0 • 4 • • • • • • • • • y • BROWN RO�� SEE OUIINWlND06V DISDPLAY• ••• 4•9011•!♦!• •611••011••41•••••'••••••••••••• • '• beton disappointed. Neither have our customers. el Life -Buoy Rubber Footwear—made of finest of pure gum rubbar by the up-te-date Life -Buoy processes, ,always, has fine ap pear- -101 attee and wotdarful wearing glmatities -annd is far cheaper be- cause it lasts longer. THAT IS WILY WE SELL AND RECOMMEND IT TO YO.0 'A We haver COM stock of this desirable Rubber line in Stock 40 now. Let Us Meet, Your Requirements. Thank You. 2 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 3 Boy's Two Bloomer Suits for Men's Suits only :a few left for • Meals O,v'ercoa is to clear at 3 ALSO A FEW OVERCOATS AT REDUCED PRICES. iR.B�@OrGQ,p£'r2::, 1111 n«. ..Py�Q<1���4i'di.F. a m , +54�d•�3•S,^ sir ` @cT'S B n, January Specials 8.95 10.95 14.95 J Corrat Styles and Goad Tailoring rl 0 .4 • ♦ . 'GASCHO'S OLD STAND fir . DESIGNS RASED ON WHA THE MAJORITY OF MEN AND YOUNG MRK LOOK FOR 'IN I DYING CLGNZPai, QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP.. AND VLTJJE ARE' THE T ::REE FUNDAMENTALS APPARENT IN EVERY UNI~ of ou'if, suns. a. OPPVILIT ,00409.44.41, (0404Seeeseeetkeee PHONE 67 • 79%; Edna Schwartzen'truber 73; Edith McBride 72, Ida Gingerich 66 Harold Finlay 64; Lloyd M.:Bride+ 62; Rusisel Manson 52; Jr. IV—Eva 'l3echier 80, Gwendy Clarke 58; Allan Sehrag 47; Don- ald Manson 44; Phoebe Gelinas and Mervyn Walters missed exams+. ,Sr. HI—Sara Manson 81; dEith Walter 75, Edraurld iSchwartzentru- bc 1..71; Ervin Gingerich. 69; Jean "'"'"-- Miss Vera Siebert is spending the week at London. ey 61; Anna Gingerich 60, Claude. Gelinas 57, Leonard Jeffrey 55, Gr- ace Kennel 51; 'Charlie Meyers'48; Roy Gingerich missed exams. Jr. III—Gertie Hechler 75; Rose Foster 59 Sr. II—Mary Clarke 68; :Earl Kennel 62; Ler Oesch 61, Llyoy.n Jeffrey 59, Mabel Gerber 49," Harold Thiel 48, David Meyers 46, Gordon Erb. 40. • Jr. II—Gus Clarke 59, Ephrian Gingerich b5; Lloyd Yantzi 54; Grace Gelinas 48; Lloyd Kennel 25 The remaining classes have the names arranged in order of mer- its. 1st. Class—Susie Oesch, Willie Rechier ; Lula Walters; Clarence Gascho. Wallace' Gingerich. Primer Book Class—Mildred Hey Mabel Sett -wart zentruber and Lewis Schrag equal, Beatrice Man: Ma- son and Carl Thiel equal; Rubon Gingerich. Primer Clasls—Allan Schwartzen truber; Louise Hartman and Cl- ent nce Jeffrey equal; Ruby Sch- rag; Berniece Thiele, Arnold Ken- nel; Leonard Bechler, Mozart Gel - Mae Bent Spellers in eachi class are —Sr. IV, Ida Gingerich; Jr, IV Eva Bechler; Sr. III, Jeans Hey; Jr. III—Gertie Bechler; Sr. £!,Lee Oesch. Average attendance 50.48. Total • Enrolmo,nt, 58:: W. "Finlayson, Teacher. PRESENTATION The. Busy Bees •Class of the Ev- angeliccal church met on Monday evening January 25th, 1926 at the home of their teacher Miss Eliza- beth Rennie for the purpose _of re-organh'ation. The following officers were elected ; President, Ro's'ale.:n Sararas;Vice President, Myrtle Weber; Secret- ! ary, Mildred Geiger; Asst. Secy, Geraldine Surerus; Treasurer, Stella Cailfas. Mises Gladys Melick the former President who is leaving, was pre- sented with a handsome Bible. Mists Mildred Geiger read the fol- lowing a.ddrosis— Dear •Gladys;— We, the Busy Bees, Sun- day School Class desire to express our regrets at your leaving our midst where you have always been a helpful member. Since th'i organization of our clasis you have filled the offic'' of President in the most capable man- ner and we ask -you to accept this little remembrance as a tokon of vour work •a,nd trust that it will some thirty years. Thein you to continue in the Mas- ter's Service. Signet—Ros'al!'en Sararais, and Mildred Geiger, Duels Gladys Melick heartily th- =1st. A !splendid program, had Mr. John Risser of Crediton, dia- led on friends in the village " on Monday: • Mr. Herman ,Waiters visited fri- ends at Tavistock, returning hone on Tuesday evening. • Pleased to see Mr. Simon Greb of the Parr Lime out again after his recent attack of. pneumonia:. Mrs.- Samuel Baker, while fal- ling the other day had the mis- fortune to break her arm.+ A number from the village at- tended the funeral of the late Holland. Little at Ilensall on Fri- day last, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Steele, who had been living in the rear of the bank for a few years, left town on Wednesday morning.They will be greatly missed by their as- sociate friends. Messrs. J. Decher Jr. and Hyl. Steinbach were to Forest one day recently and while there purch- ased a fine dappled Percheron team of young horses. Rev. Merino Kipfer of Tavistock conducted divine services in the A. M, church on Sunday and Mon- day forenoon and evening, and very good *inspiring meeting are ;repo_ted. A number of friends and relati- ves gave Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader Town Line, Stephen a surprise on Thursday evening Jan. 21st, the occasion being their 24th wedding anniversary, the evening was sp- ent in music, +singing and different kinds of games. Mrs. C. Fritz and d.ugh:tor Miss Pearl Wurtz returned from Lon- don on Friday last. Miss Wurtz who underwent an operation at the HIospital for removal of ap- pendicitis, we are pleased to re- port, is;able to be up for awhile and soon will be able to be out and around again. There passed away at the home of Mr. John, Jeffrey; 14th con. Hay Township, on Monday , January 25th, Jlarry Mayo, an, aged ,resi- dent of the communmity. The cause of death being Senile Gan- grene of Foot, was aged 88 years, 9 months and 7 days. He was born in Quebec province and was a resident of Stanley 'Tp, for many years, having been in the employ nl;ent n.t the Snowden home for The Zurich Wounans • In'atitnte? held their January meeting in the Ldaies' Hall on Thursday Jan. We Sell: Groceries, Pa tent Medicines, Photo- graphic Supplies, Confectionery ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS TOBACCO AND CIGARS ,BREAD SQUARE DEALING OUR MOTTO Give Us A Call W. C. Wagner Phonograph Repairing Main Springs for art makes of machines Prompt Service W. G. Hess & Sow 4••44 o•oeoso••••••••• ,� Notice My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same. a • •o- ie000e000mosoo..o40•o4roa,o+M FRED THIEL - ZURICH-' ++.'IIpi'.g"p+g"11"1iII'+'i'.1"11g11 Fg..i „g I Ig6j'gF"p44-14'10±! • Rubber Footwear REPAIRED • We Re -sole Rubber Boots, Galoshes, heavy I Lumbermen's Rubbers, and anything in the liue of Rubber Footwear you are now wearing. + WORK GUARANTEED 4• t• ranked 'titin ?uenibnrs' of class for been arranged by the. committee +4.•;e+d•++E•+•II•+++++o++++++++o.4h+++'Ilt'+d'd'3'+'1i•4444 the b^:nutifnl tares^nt. A p1^a's- in charge; Mrs. MacKinnon, Mrs. ant •evening was spent by all and W. Johnston, Mrs. P. Manson and a dainty lunch was 'served. Mrs. H. Angel, and was ejnoyed by all present A 'splendid payer by Mrs. P. Manson "Sharing with others" also a comic sketch by Mrs MacKinnon "The Post-Mortirn" First prize was awarded to Miss Isla Routledge, and second to Mrs P. J. O'Dwyer for thi highest num- ber of correct answers in two contests. Anothr:r feature of the program was a scripture Text' Roll Call. A numbor of items of business were disens'snd. on.'1 of "lmi^l4• was the 13nm'Nursing urso wtii, •h had: la -sen planned. Owing to the .fact that th s course vas held .n few years ago very 'v namuiis .war' g1J^..n to the see- ^tasy by tlt'ls $. who • wishel to '.'Li'l the c7'.ra s) it was d^cid^d 'hat it be abo.ndimed. It was also G. FRiTZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS CHURCH NOTES R7'e invita you to attend ow.' SPr- vices— I TO WORSHIP GOD, who is the giver of .every good and p^r-. feet gift,• and recotves fitter'. thanks for ,t from many of ups. Come to thy,follo°a•i°ng public ger- , • miCOS , ; Friday' -7,30 prayer; and pr us• Friday -7 30 In tyor and pr1's' Sunday, Jannary 3Th1. 10.00 +anis. Worship hour•. 31,00 ant Study hoar m the Bibb School, average. nttenda+ae ' 1925 149. 7:30 n nt. S rrvien of song and Sernro=1; Th'" fifth ancient ch- urch, "Sardis" will be our consider- ation„ t30 p.ra Senior League of Christ- ian Encleavouor (Emanuel Evangelical C.iurcll ZLYRic.:ll -- oNN 1 If you aro not a 'Christian you ought to bo, that the boll aSt. 'atrick's " c:a Pearl arra+igem- ,°its for this °v'1' b' male at the 'nhrn:ary antro"1''ee- ^!^its of the date will foltotirthem i ;delicious l mach was +s^rverl, by the hostesses. I`hn eorrimitt.^.eap neinte d to nr•'pare the F^bruary •,,So'Wng is Mrs L W. Hoffman, mvon°or, Mrs. 1t. Eicl;tiff^ er, Mrs. »)h,1 Manson ani Mires Jane ta- iront, Iii _Cubic, the me'iting"will ba held in the evening at 7,45 Kat, .1 —I. 11 A Merry Christmas AND A. Happy 'dew Year TO ALL OU:E: CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS R. N. DOUGLAS GENERALANT PHONE 11 - 7 MERCHANT s c.� LAKE