HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-01-21, Page 8• • rerer.11^ riceS ow .inEffect oI • . . • Goods 0 t. ;: a 1 0' K 0 ' al inter 3,TA.NY LS S TOO LARGE .1. \V1, ARE OFFERING SP - R111.0 1:1S-4 "OR 1 rrwrainO.S, COME EARLY AND lr AKE AD v A \ r 0 VU1S2, \TONE V SAVING EVEN'''. FlannOn, oi-hoi ole in'' I/. nog $2.59 pot .yard. for V.P8 Flannels fan ••• :••tri p 4 I : , /4) r ... $1.35 • oteon. ; 85c Wool c .•pes. 36-1n. 1,1.1,4 •••••••••$1.33 Sweater Cu:it tra $5.15 Sweater 1, ;:Li. ctly, eaeh 3.25 Sweat:sr Cwitg. o.n7y, s' .1-11 $1.65 Swent"r .,1 I 4 • L...) .$2.75 Xlankots The -c. 12-1, grey at. $21,50 lilaxikaLs. Ilona 11-1, Grey or -An' a Pi q.00 LADIES SILK AND 11 00!. U0" : 1 • GREATLY REDUCED PRI- CES, zifeek Jersey Gloves, 2 pr. for .. 1925 Accounts 411 r Nno' PE 1DY. A PROMPT SE:1711E- 111EN- 7 ‘1"'fl 7 fl v o ‘117('f4 "PRECIA.TED. WE ARE S TD, N71 N• Oo \, 1•: • I,: T :BA SIB, GIVING Y0•U IP.Esr 0 W' THAT ACCOUNTS WHEI; s„. DUE, !,:11.01:LD .BE PAID PR.OMPIL( 8V• Pi-oci Lice t-lur Wanted SO PIE-cie ,YZ1 5) Zurich' ITEMS 0.00.00"00PF pailansmappwearkiassaaaapaPallsainia ITEMS OF LOtALINTERESTI tALMAKKETS 1 he Anadian National Railway hive uontortaaon t tionaplet`.1. the dooirory of the 25,000 ton's of' •oalo iSanaa Alberta to Ontario, • The shooduled ganie of hockeY of Exeter at 'Zurich Om MoncliaYI eVelailo• was not played on account of soft ice but oa Monday eve., Jan 25th, the fast Hen'sail h alai give th,: locale a chow. It looks ws if the whir - oars ,pf .oagae woe between Hell and 'Zurich. 13e sure and acnetlij, gamo, Z, P. S. -6cHooL REPORT The following is •the report Of the nol-7, inter exams for Room Sr. V -Martha Heideman, bon; 'Vera ICalbfleisch, hon; Victoria ° Deirheq. Jr. V- Dennis Bedard, hon; Mer- vyn Yabit hon;„ Lloyd Klopp, Do'-athv 7.,C‘t1; 1, Leonard Steinbach. Elda Sr. fV-Claronce Farwell, hon; Stella hon; I....awrencesHow, ald .hon; 'Eleanor' Pleischauer, hon; Mi(rE,C, Dbeharno, Rose Leibolcl, Napol:•-• Et'dar.cl, Willie; Liebold, Sot,...,v,A.s, Rath Zettel, • Carl Haluoror M. C. Milliken, principal. , ST * ML' TOWNSHIP.. ^ 1 Lao:levied every 'Wediataday) onitor La. .45 largo . 28-35-40 datues per, hag Dried apples' . Oats ..... . .. . . ....... 50 Barley • - 80 ..• Kea t \An:Iola - .1.43 Flour • • . 4.00-5.00 Shorts 'nor ton' ....a. u ... 30.00 Li.;71,:gs cwt. 11.75 Westeril Farmers' Mutual Weatim Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ll'1"1, an Insurance of ' over $.4;111,0 000, Nomber of Policies in f 17.0 11,287.. Paid Losses in 1923 1,, natonnt or $56,143.20, No aes- ,o out during the year and have / •,lane on hand of $39,000 G. Holtzrnanf--Zurich ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- Nt.Stl RODS, AND ALL KINDS iRE INSURANCE tf-34 • ItEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL • Caunall of the Corporation Stanley nassed away last week,in sipt. tt11)1:of : Opunty ClialiMlbro°111., ilimeet Goderich, One of to- oldest residents 1-11,1 peril- .7 0 f Mv. • Pan:found of the- 3 .0-nlock in the afternoon of cor. Ito, had reached the a • o he 20th day of January th • ii accounts against the. County most be, in the hands of not later than Monday iiing the meeting of • Court - .."EO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk . I o Ho Jan,. 11th, 1926. age of 89 y ars and was remark- ably •,ni trt 1' ir a roan of his years tho fun"rn', tool: Ilace on Satur- day list •171.ora the residence of his son Charlio or thr!, 4th con. Mr. o,n.1 Mac. Fred AuStin. of -Flint ore v1sitincr at the home of tITr form >a . ;•saents, Mr. and Mrs.] Alf Ausai • of Varna. A. no, •v larnao crowd attended 1 * th' enter cr.r‘nt givon in the i town-hnll - ,ia. last Friday ev-i enin un,.-. ,..ho auspices of the! bor. ring. A good pro- , :rawly ;elected Council of I gram' was • la on by local talent 0,1 s a nship of Sephen conven- actor whin', .och was served. I' ' :A: Town Hall, Credion, on Mr. nr Thot. Phillips of God- o t- January nth, 1926 at 11 midi. and ''',. and Mrs. Ed. ,Boyce .111 members were present. of Broc.e11 .•11 Yisited .at the home ' of Mr. a-• ' M. David Stephenson . aoh had subscribed* to his last S. 7.371ei,,y. .,. deelaration of office., tlie minutes . ,a.evious meeting ware read Mr. an." ',Irs. Elgin McKinlea! . , and familv v r ,ted the. former'par- l''Ptca' ents .in 0:aiton on Saila:ay.. asspondence was road from) Allred ';',00t-hmer of Craik, Sas. .. Vinetta Mollard regarding an is visitinz rointives in the vicinity, : 1 •,..i: whicb she had on the 4th Mr. John P, •tehmer Was the gu- ' :1-1 con. of Stephen Tp. by est of Alfred Westlake one day re- „,, ,. I. of •her auto going over an contly.,4,1:7avant. the after soma discus .Mrs. E V. lien of Melon, Alta, o the letter was ordaied to be formorly nir . Minnie Talbot, is the guest of hr fother, Mr. Harry Tal- bot of th.", Sn ,ble line. 'o..! account Of Mrs. Ernest IVIol- Mrs. Frnill: Hobson of St. Thom , . ..7,:' medical and hos p tlex: i p- as, who wnts ov?. guest o.,. her bro- , .. :•Inarred while, har two thil- ther, Harol 1 .?•mbale, has return- drnn ••vere patient a in the London ed home. a ,t1 was considorsd and the John Grr. -7, shinned a„. fine car ' _,. - was ordered to return. the 1,.)al. of cattlA to Tor•t o-ate4 thaps s tin , to Mrs. Mollard and state, week, 1 It the Council could not assume Maggio Penhale has gone to St. n,ny liability on paying the acct Thomas to ao sod the winter. Stanley council Trot on Monday 1,e,In Brown was appointed road. last and after tannin the declarat ion of offies bwiin,,,ss Nva,. resm,r,„ rommisa.ee isioner to pltm te amount ' " of oommuted statute labor on Div - The following officers were' ap- isial 57, and A. .Webb' be roadcora pointed; Olnrn. J. E. Harnwell; ' .i a.loler for division No. 56 and treasurer Geo. Beatty; assessor, J. g .Rood; road vommistioter, 3.ha that the clerk forward. a state-. Tar a or. LIS, Ellis, &eases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS 1. b.,) A 11l PMENT Oo DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES, WE ARE AUALN HANDLINU THE FAMOUS TT T 1 A em, p Eva • ir/mt NAY abla fortgoriciinau ail riga iiii5l152a Pe? IfF IN nED 0E A BA 1 1 ERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE ARAN1 1E OUR PRICES : EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATioN! A ' o 0 HER CHEAP BATTEnIES, .AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU nyli`la l\iE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RAT r- 2411 ERY REPAIRING AND aRY CHARGING, EXPERT Al'OO 'REP Alitt NG Eli -HER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYL EN E IN.Tilti(4. ZURICH'S• LEADING GARAGE EL 1rou.s6eaa 'Zurich el:,D,,,,,,,,.,...,s,o..,,pooe..tp,,,.„0,00G-,0,a,,,,) ✓ 7 %4 1( . t .' ' # NI S rEPHEN COUNCIL Olt ••••••• vmmo •••., d a y ,,,jantrary '2Int,, • - aaeCiaalaatOGGIbeinaeoannag tslial/gWid/Vr;Z:',,==ja:MIORBESSME41 T-1:0 cla . . .;ilson Mace Your Home llapy with cold vet'..r.rapictly being ushered in, it 1) - . mves us to look . to adegmtte 11,!:i. 1g facilities. i Let us Comfort v utr home by heat in it With l'il;1--3•` A the ab Ove nam 0 • cd PopnIal' Far!) bees, Meat to each. of them showing the. • Rath.wall; autlit,')ri. Alex. 11,!- aL, ,tht to be expended and that royal.) and W. J. Tougha M.0.11., Dr th amount to be paid for tom:eland a Shaw; memboa board of health. T. on r. nonashall not oxceed $4 per diem. a Brownett; sanitary inspectors, .., 9 Johnston, Wilson Armotrong;, care- '- y-law.No. 340 being a By-law O taker of hall, Mrs. Pilgrim. The b o to rotarn anti rebate sinrpltes money O following tosolution was adopted 011, hand over, and above the cost 0 -at the nomination and passed by ' council: "Resolved if th) Victoria, Street Drain No.i a that we 'sir- o o log ongly protest against hilt already, '''' "---.. o.).L.5...,,a ,signed and sealed. O clintt9d by tha, MinAster of Edu- 1 he ' clerk vas instructed to con - a cation for the appointment of to- o : so.it ,the ,Selicitor re; Shipka. Walk- wnsbip board's. of 'education in,sta' Or s and, Victoria ' St. • ;Drainage o ead 02 the' present plan." Arnot- ao /unpaid with: full •power to Ion was also passed allowing the '''''"'''''D a instyuct the Solicitor to take such to 1.,1,..11ulerttotiobnealusii,eicilrptooser ,srel.firtoeueof ehor_ acnor! "as he may consider advis WI to colleet the same. “ •11 tine, parties to Isup4)1y coal oil and 'a --t- . That Alex. H. Neela Reev-e and a "L.' fa fears the hall clean, A number of,, , , a accounts wore. passed, -J. E. Harn well, Clerk. . • 'OUR THANKS AND APPREC- IA.TION ARE EXTENDED 170,11 THE GENEROUS SIIA.RE OF PAT RONA pE WE :HAVE ENJOYED' DURING TRE PAST YEAR. MAY THIS BE YOUR 13RIGHTEST AND MOST PROSPEROUS .• 1. WE ALSO SOLICIT YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE DUR- ING THE COMING YEAR TO OUR NEW SUCCESSORS INI3Era JNESS. ,. "" • -ftere......-2! Thooe .peroons hating some of 'our jacka, cement 'sacks, etc.,, in 'their care, kinclly„rettirn there. at .once. arh °lick (Sts aid:ware & Furniture. :Phone 63 arete,exceeteraMeM ITSPIMENWer-61 ....-Nste.tre$CMPUEIVERSP.MOIRW orerr•ar,rror:;".1"..Z: SIX REAS 1111 WHY 1RECOIIMEND. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES, 1 They are authorized by the. Government, as a proper in- vestmen.t for trust funds , 2 They axe issued by a Government -chartered institution*, Which is Older than theDominion of Canada. ' 3 Debenturea-c) wears, together -with depositors, Iravelfirst &aim. on every dollar of Huron & Erie Assets. • 4 The Huron & Erie's 'Pald-up Capital and Reserve Fund provide surplus security totalling $6,750,000, 5 •Over $14,000,000 now in -vested by Canadian's proves the popularity of this in,velstment. 6 Interest. is paid balf-yearly "on, the dot'', at the good a ' Andrew F. Applications received at any .tirae by - or longer up to 5 years rate of 5% per annum upon $100 or more, Lor 12 months ess, . Zurich i • , ta..„....._____........___,.................,.............._.:,............_16 sr MY MOTTOo-SERVIOE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTIN GRANING, PAPERHANuIN,, & DECORATING., WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR "KT JOB. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH - GasaGaGe.... 0000041910a41.0111 . a It p.,1 . Lverythind la 6toves and r i.D, " - i''' ,In a a a da -114:1 1 ware a a s a a That the Indian village of Noche- o1. Lecl-S. Guinan aseessor and loge, which stood on the site of the present city of Montreal, was "lvs.).1 entmlavat°' $150; E. a place of about fifty wooden houses illiottillger, caretaker $25; T. W, having a population of some 4,000 al.ntaybiel and J. H. ilToltma:Pn, 'souls when Jaoques Cartier sailed ollitors $10 each; Alonzo Hodg- oo, member of lid. of Eli Lawson, IvIerner and W. B. 'Oliver san- inspectbra The. pound - ke- •••.o; feneeviewerd and p.at.b.- ors were also appointed. he following orders were pLas- r•e*.e.rre. JOHN 'WA: D Drugless Praction-. eer -and. Opticial, rl EXETER • - Phone '14 AT W A LP13,11 HOUSE, zuw567` Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to, t nannia •rerreer.eeeeeeeeremere•rerre•oreererre........................• aaaavaintollotnna,++++++++++++.444444-,ann•aaa-a•••••a.).4,•404+++*,++.6.06 l'al:., i Hayes, Dept:Reeve) 1.be.... and are , hereby appointed.. members of I 4: 'i -1 r„,-,-, ereciiton...A.thietig Field. al a- . - , - , .3. ,, - for ' , b,,,,,,, of one year. • .a, . .1 The following officials wereapa up the St. Lawrence was the asser- tion -made by Dr. W. D. lAghthall before the Antiqualkin and Numis- matic Society of Montreal recently.. Dr. Lighthall was able to give the boundaries of the village and de- scribed it as resembling the bodue of Cedric the Saxon, in "Ivanhoe." Apropos of the reeent "Save the Forest 'Week," E. W. 'Beatty, Presia 40 O WH IT EIt(ME GASOLENE 0 dent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- s, : way, stated; "A week's coneentra- : \ a ir 0 1,1, 01.0 "PEP" \ND QUICK STARTING. TRIS : tat irwriivi.o,,,ligarathheaatraeltsraghCba:t: I v, „L, 1,,,,I,Hei.\1.1.,v Ncr111C1,1) IN COOL WEATHER, ?it. ter to make it a lomat SaviPt 44 0 Year' And, if the forest resoutoeS, AL) eg, WEIDui to adecoately avail the greater Gau- 111tare to be coaer il Sved 6 S Trra4& fano d this e01 Area o 2 , edit of a few years hence it must - be a 'rorest Saying Generation.' ZUFRiCH -' ONT. I Porest wastage is to -day tragically a a too great and 'we Canadians MIA $40999900109.00.49008.04110.949040640•4149110.0.0.1140446101011940.0 Pay 60 ate paying tot tY° ‘00$21 .aaiiiho aft, 're ainclry porsons rebate Viet- $tr. arab) $325.80; Municipal .expensee 138.60; J. J. ...ants a, roe Alrna Williuns39.00 non 'Morlock bank eoll. mai o tax 39.951, M. O'Rourke, rep, ort Con. 12, 1.00; Jag, R. Wil- - ravel 4.20. 'ilia Comiciladjotirnoc1 to meet n in the Town HallocCredito, o: March ii, 1026 at 1 Hen Biibr,Cie*, Do You Know? ijlr 4. THAer WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOli- .1.• . •1001) PRINTINEf 4 , 4. THAT WE CAN SUPPLY yOU WITH V ii i N 1 ED VITEDDI/Net INVITATIONS AND QUNCEMENTS ok t THAT WE pRINT CALLING CARDS; b, t A IIONERSI, .413CIE AS Lnrrnaz.E.A•DS, BULLHEADS, 11", Is: V ELOPES AND. STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FORTWO LEA61NG MANUFACM! URERS OF COUNTER ClitECK BOOKS. AND CAN SUPa. na + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE 0T' CHECK B0OK:5 it?: + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING i.A.PERS, ENVElan 4; 4... + OPES IN ' ALL sage, CARD PAPERS, CARRON O ,R 4" .1. THA.CING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS/ DiftEMORIAltit ST- ••*.7i.: ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO, qt 4. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. * THAW WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK 130TTL1, ....??.., + WITH G90D FOUNTJUN PEN INK FOR 5c, LAR - GR QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS at, t: THAT WE PRINT •POSTINGRILLS4 AUCTION SALE P(14. .44'i.** •aa 4. TERSi MERCANTILE POSTERS VPIP ALL GB AL, 4F + PRINTING, OVR SPECIALTY 4P **4+4044.44++++++.0.4.' , (1 • " 4