HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-01-21, Page 7..awl
IIf your Daughter Shows Signs
` of Anaemia a Tonle is Needed.
Anae•niia, le simply a leek of blood..
It is on of the most common and at
the same time meet dangerous, trou-
ble/0 from which growing g•irlis gut
dem. It Is common because the blood
`e+o often becoimee impoverished dur-
ing development, when girls often
.overwork and overstufly, It ie dan-
gerous because of the stealthinessof
lots approach end beeaauee of ,its ten
dleney, to grow steadily woes% Every
growing girl should occasionally take
a tonic to ward off this -insidious, trou-
ble. It is beeauisie of their powerful
action in rebuilding the blood that
Dr. Williams? Pink Pills have made a
world-wide reputation. The eagle of
Miers Claire Sullivan, Pincher Creek,
Alta., amply proves' the value of this
medicine: Miss Sullivan say's:—"Dur-
ing 1ny achOol dory's I suffered a great
deal from thin and 'watery blood. I
,was continually weak and tired; my
eppettite was poor, my cheep . =re-
freshing and I was troubled with back -
Robes. To make matters worse I .was
attacked with acute appendicitis _and
the operation left me in as very weak-
ened state. My mother, learning of
the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
had the take them and atter• using
them for' once time. I clan say the re-
mit was simply wonderful, aa they
'completely restored my health, and
now when opportunity occurs' I always
,recommend these pills, to weak, pale
igirls suffering as I did'."
You can get the pills from your dsug-
•glet, or by mail at 50 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams?? Medicine Co„ Brock -
little, Out.
Winter Rain.
Famous Theory First Announced by Kant, Then Laplace.
Marquis Pierre Simon De Laplace, French astronomer and mathe'maticlan,
was born in 1749 and died in 1827. He originated anebular theory which
dominated secientifle thought for many years.
Latilacs imagined that this original
sun would be unstable ' and would
throw off a ring of • nebulous material
from its equatorial regions,
This nebulous material then weut
through the same procese which the
central sun had, condensing and in ,its
turn throwing off a ring of. ehuilous
matter. This process, Laplace 'thought,
cotinued until all the planets and their
satellites bad been. formed,
Tennanon, the poet, suanmed up the
theory of evolution as axlvance'd+ by
Laplace, when he wrote:
"This world was once a fluid haze of
Till toward the centre set the starry
And eddied into suns, that wheeling
The planets'; then the monster,: then
the man."
Secrets of Science.'- •
By David Dietz
Let us leave the subject of the whole
univeree now and. Centre our attention.
upon that portion of it which con-
cerns us most iinsmediatele--the earns
upon which we live.
The first question which. (mama of
Course, is: How did the earth origin-
We have seen that our earth is part
of the suns family of planets. Accord-
ingly, the answer to our question con -
corning the origin of the earth is
bound up in the origin of the solea'
The first theory was advanced. in
1754 by the philos0p01er, Immapnel
Kant. Kant imagined that the solar
sylstem had its origin in a great cold
nebula, which in some way began to
contract and gained a rotary motion,
He assurned that there would be
denser slants, here and there in the
nebula and that condensation would
take 'place around these centres due
to the action of gravity.
This contraction would develop heat
and the central portion would in time
form our great flaming sun. The parte'
of the nebula which condensed around
the smaller nuclei would form the
planets and their stellites.
In 1796, the French astronomer La-
aplace, evidently unaware of the work
of Kant, advanced another theory. Ac -
.cording to. this theorythe ori z
bula was hot and rotating with a uni-
form movement.
In time it began to contract, Laplace
thought, forming the central sun. But hypothesis.
iThese levels overhung with sullen
'The harsh damp air, the naked iron
That hiss beneath the wind their men-
I Watch, as I watch, the sad light fade
' And wait, -as bitterly as I am waiting,
The rattle of icy rain
Upon this bitten, scarred, and empty
' And these morose waters, by whose
Filled with a Clark joy I pace urn and
Exalting in its gloom and in my own.
:The faint light dies, the wind mounts,
and the flash
01 the keen rain across my face .is
The oak groans anied the ash
Doubles' before the thrust and jerk and
Of the strong gusts; the last few
leaves' are stripped
And tossed out on the pocked and pit-
ted lake's
Tormented bosons. And in me there
The spirit of the storm, as I
Gaze on the tumult of the furious sky,
Heart! Hearts though all things
Know many a group, of friends will
These glades when April shall have
• made them gold;
And find the joy you found of old;
And laugh, as you have laughed, be-
neath the moon
In a warm night in June.
And you may live to see
The wild flowers on the erase, and on
the tree
The tender . yellow leaves unfold.
Lookl even now the torrents cease,
The wind has dropped asleep, the siky,
grows clear,
And all the world IS wrapped iu gentle
Was it so lovely w:be'n you last were
—Theodore Maynard
Her ,Own Master:
She was a widow' and a very pretty
one, whilst he was a bluff, good-heart-
ed sailor, unused to the ways of folk
who lived on lend, All the name, be
decided to propose to the lady of his
drea,me"in hiss own ray.
"Iiath","•denr," he said, "your boat is
drifting down the stream of life with
no stroing hand to guide it ea.felly past
Melo rocks 'thart line the way. Perhaps',
Kahl, I'd make a deceit captain and
sail it for you?"
"I am sorry, Jack," she answered,
with an engaging blush, but in a very
firm tone of voice, "that you tan't be.
But you razz be second-in-oomiand it
you like."
Moose the Largest Deer.
rl`h,e moose, the largest ape les of
the deer Gamily, reaches a lieiikht of
nine feet. The overhanging nose,
tight-lmunped sIhottl,deas, end huge flat
antlers of the male distinguish it from
the -other deer. It is found in North-
ern United States, Canada and Alaska.
Detailed information concerning
planning, building, financing, dec-
'orating, furnishing and gardening
eonteined in the MaeLeaen Buil&-
ere' Guide. Profusely illustrated,
Fifty-two pages. Send 20c for a
copy or $1.00 for two years' sub,
bcription (8 issues). Questions
answered. Maclean Building Re-
ports, •Ltd„ 844 Adelaide St. West;
By Keeping Baby's Own Tablets
in, the House at Al) Times.
To guard the baby against colds
rousing can equal Baby's Own Tablets,
The Tablets are a mild laxative that
will leer the little one's stonzavh and
,bowels working regularly. 1•t is a i'e-
eognized fact that where the stomach
and bowels are in good oi•+„ er that
coeds will not exist; that the heath of
thelittle one will r:e zoo.d and that be
will thrive and be happy.
Thousands of mothers have become
convinced through the actual use of
the Tablets that there is nothing to.
equal them in banishing constipation
and indigestion; breaking up colds and
simple fevers: expeellinig worms and
making teething time easy. Among
the thousands who praise Baby's Own
Tablets is Mrs, Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic,
N,S., who Bays:—"I always keep
Baby's Own Tablets in the house, as
I know of no titer medicine for little
ones to equal theme."
Baby's Own Tablets are void by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents• a box from The Dr. Williaams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont;
The theory of Laplace was• accepted
without question during the first half
of the nineteenth century and domin-
ated the thinking of most scientists
of that period.
Bet since then, new facts brought
to light by the scientists of the world
have necessitated modifications until
to -day very little of Laplace's theory
is Weft. In taut, the theory. generally
held by scientists to -day resembles
that of Kant very much more than it
does Laplace's.
For .exa:mp+le, scientists agree* with
Kant, that the great heat of the sun
developed as a ze
wilt of nebular eon -
The theory most generally held to.
day is known as' the piianetesdmal
The Cause of Cancer. mon sense dictation of s+elftpreserva-
tion should result in aadoption of a na-
Muoli public interest has recently turally beneficial diet that will auto-.
been manifest as to the cause of this znatic'ally repair much of the damage
deadly scourge, but few people realize
that to primitive faces leading
ttive lives cancer is unlmown. 1f On-
tario people would grasp the fact that
their present diet of refined foods and
.recltless meat consumption Ls depriv-
ing them of thi priceless• organic salts
which furnish immunity to savage
races, they could save themselves' in-
calculable sufferie,g and expeuse by
exercising the same common sense
they devote to their live stock and
cars. Improper feed to your stock
and domestic pets calls for financial
loss and expensive veterinary advice.
Wrong fuel for your car means loss of
mileage—perhape no mileage—and the
expensive overhauling at your particu-
lar garage, to say nothing oR your own`
lose of temper, etc., for your own care-
lessness, Knowing this to be so, and
being usually careful to avoid it, why ture. •
don't you take better care of your own
There never was a ease of cancer
which was not pierceeded by the new
almost uui'verSal complaint of cortseti-
potion caused by irnpro:per food, but
if white bread, white sugar, boiled
vegetables and other "foodless' foods"
are persisted' ilea constipation must
continue to be "the forerunner of can-
cer,;' which now le r'eoogn1:zed•s' the
most frequent •cause of death 't'hrough-
out civilization,
The letter of Professor Barton Seanu-
nie+l'1, M.S,C.L., pubidelled in "Truth,"
contains fact's which profound experi-
ence .has proved of a vital importance
to many cancer sufferers :—"The radio-
active silkail, potash, iso the great oxy-
gen attracting element in the hotly. It
forms over 70 per cent. of the mineral
ash of the red corpuscles in the blood.
Owing to certain defects in diet and ,
the preparation of food, . the modern
civilized human being sniffers' from
` potas+s at1n starvation," and the in-
ereese of cancer ia a corollary of this
state of affairs," Thousands of cancer
patients have been brought back to
normal health and 'untold numbers
have averted attack by the dread
malady by . teetering to their systems
those assimilable potash salts., of
which they had for years been de-
prived by their regular diet, And sine
diet .eminent surgeon, Dr, Robert Bell,
of London, abandoned the k'iiife for the
dietetic and h'ygie'nic treatment of can-
eer, his prize tomi'nal success lips in
spired justified hope and confidence
in the heaiirte of snrlfei'ets throughout
rile World. °lice it is generally known
that cancer and a normally healthy
blood stream- are incompatible, coin -
Jenny Lind, the imposing.
A song -writer, in heir memoirs', tells
bow size first meet Jenny Lind, and
how imposing she found her. "She
was an old lady in poke b,onwet. Fancy
the Swedish nightingale in a poke
bonnet! While she was 'speaking to
me I thought I was being whipped. I
Imaged to slay something frivolous, or
Things taste so good we can't help eating too
much, now and then. Don't suffer for it. Take
Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store.
already uncons'ciouslly inflicted, and
rapidly diminish the growing annual
mortnldt.y created by this self-inflicted.
blood ,disease. To enable any reader
to, thus win back normal health and
stren,gth., the welter will freely mail'
simple darectionis for useful guidance
thereto if request is sent to Charles
Walter, 51 Brunswick Avenue, Termite
4, Ontario.
Oh Mother! What Can I Do?
How many times a day do your
babies ask you that question? And
how often are you able to suggest
some interesting game for them to
play, some amusing occupation for a
rainy day? If you'd like always to
have a practical, helpful suggestion
for them, road this snappy new tea -
An Important Plant.
With a view to experimenting, a
farmer had grown a mop of flax and
had made a linen tablecloth from the
resuI•ts. Some time later he was en-
tertaining a friend from the city, and
"I grew this. tablecloth myslf."
"Did you, really?" exclaimed the
visitor, surprised. "How did you man-
age it?"
It was plain that the lady hadn't the
faintest kleda-of 11ow tablecloths came
Imo bed,ntg, so he farmer lowered his
voice mys'teriou'sly as he replied:
"If you'll promise not to give the
secret away I'll tell you."
The lady promised.
"Weil," proceeded the farmer, "I
planted a table.napkin."
Minard's Liniment for frost -bites.
Egg On A Bottle
There are two ways` of balancing
an egg on a bottle—not taking futo
consideration the method made fa-
mous by Columbus. An egg, If
shaken vigorously so as to break
the yolk, can be balanced on its
larger end. If there Is a cork in
the bottle, the egg, so 'treated, can
be placed on the cork and it will
stay there. ,
Here 1s a neater version, because
the cork need not be in the mouth
of the bottle.
Hollow a depression ht one end
of the cork so that It will fit the'
smaller end of the egg. Into the
cork stick two forks. The egg,
when the weight of the forks is
properly distributed, can be bal-
anced on the edge of the mouth of
the bottle.
The balance is rather precarious,
however, so be prepared to catch
the egg when it decides to fail.
(Clip this out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook.)
A Song.
All that we need to do,
Be we low or high,
Is to see that we.grow
Nearer the sky.
—Lizette Woodsiw'orth Reese'.
Deaf as an Adder.
"Deaf as an adder" is a saying that
has cone into use from the fact that.
aiders are pactziY
without ithout ths
power of hearing. As they lie along
the ground, however, they are ex-
tremely sensitive to earth treznonq
and this sensitiveness makes up for
their lack of Bearing.
1., r.asst ,.sUareii.+lo►ris,ra.ewtl.eierras,
Self -Poisoning
Takes Huge Toll
Many Fail. in Life Through
Sheer Neglect of Funda.
mental Rule of Health
Thousands of men and women are
to -day victims of their own neglect.
Grouchy, listless, quickly tiring, suffer-
ing from headaches and biliousness,
they spend enormouq sums in medi-
cines without avail. They would give
much to regain their old vitality.
Can it be done? ' Yes! How?
Simply by recognizing the importance
of one fundamental rule of ?wealth—the
proper elimination of the bowel con-
tents, Poisons that are allowed to
remain in the system quickly lower the
stamina, weaken the nerves and thus
pave the way to ill -health. Stop this
self-poisoning by taking Nujol—the
scientific lubricant that completes the
• work of Nature's lubricant when,
through modern living conditions, the
natural supply. -fails.
Nujol can be taken indefinitely with-
out injury to the system. Try Nujol
to -day. Ask for it at your nearest drug
store, but remember there is only one
Nujol. Watch for the name "Nujor
in red on the label and package.
Haw would you like to make your
own dessert for dinner to -day? Take
this chocolate peppermint. Use these
four small gumdrops for legs, s'ti'cking
then on with toothpicks. Scratch the
chocolate off on top to look like a face.
A candy turtte to oat. Won't that be
Good Business.
. A baby was being weighed before an
admiring group.
"I will give a dollar an ounce for
Stint," said a.seporting unCide.
'.i'he babes s,maii sister pondered
deeply over this, and presently o'ffer'ed
some advice to'p'er miother',
"1 wouldn't Sell haby till he's big-
ger," she s&dt "I•Ie'li fetch more
"Why are you late, Tom?" "Please
teacher, the road was sa slippery that
every step I took I Slipped back' two."
"Then how did you get here at all?"
• "I-•y'-er—started bo )Vwik back borne,"
Mlnard's Liniment .for Grippe,
Tha potassium treatment which, flat pro•
rented by the late Dr, F. W. Forbee 9011
in England In 1912. has been solentlfloally
perfected, has won the gratitude of countless
Canadian and American sufferers who have
experienced Its unrivalled success. By com-
bining the two words "Conner" and "Pot-
assium," this home treatment for all dis-
eases caused by -the universal potassium
starvation In legally proteotod by patent
under the name of
Experience of many thousands confirms the •
great English authority's statement:—"CAN-
deficiency Is remedied. even far advanoed
and apparently hopeless cases will retrograde
without surgical operation, radium or X-ray
tortures and medicos expenae. Medical men
In all parta are .recommending or adopting
Cantaesium Treatment on behalf of their
!u lettere
o i
patients, and T thunk
from restored oaneer viotirno speak of AUTH-
ENTICATED RESULTS which bring Justified
hope to present sufferers.
A .moat Intcroating book. which will bo
mailed YOU free of charge, explains the
CAUSE and the most rational methods of
avoiding the diaoate or treating it whore
It already exists, Tito co-operation of every
render of this paper Is earnestly requested
In fighting the Cancer Scourge by studying
Ito Cause and Treatlnont and apreadlno the
knowledge acquired.
Canocr elairnod 160.000 victims on this
continent last year.
Cancer strikes rich and poor alike with•
out Warning. Protect yourself and dear
ones without delay by sending for this FREE
61 Brunswick Avenue,
Toronto 4,
Sole repreadntativc for The Cantaesium
Treatment in Canada and U.S.A.
'Qassifeed Adirertheroents
A iLnS'o0owgpTE .094 oOql, eg
4 Itpaadpreoea n4rgy
762 Rtes wept, Torauta
rt J"1 LVILIEVSX i'�:RN {vNFZV 1'k OTOPk'BT�`
by 'semi'' Remedy. simple home treatment
years mammas, ibouaarade testimonials. write all
ofwe Or trte beck., Tranvia'. Xteleelilep 1eindted, Dept.
i 79 A.delarde fuer, TorcnU. Canaria. (Cut usls nut.f;
Formeriy used In front of Tobacconist
Store. Must be In good condition.
Siete price and where can be seen.
73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto
The Gifts Desired.
For easy life I do not pray,
Dear Lord, but that my strength may
Equal to work of every day.
Far wealth, Dear Patbeer, I''ld not ask,
Only for such necessities
As I meed for my simple task.
Stop Failing
Rub the s'caip four times a week
with Minard's. It removes dandruff
and promotes the growth of hair.
Girve me good cheer, the power to see
The best in.verything, and honor—
These are the gifts I crave of Thee.
George Elliston,
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
Write Murine Co., Chicago,forEveCarcBook
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache
Pain Neuralgia
Acce t ons "Barer” ackaad
which contains proven directions.
handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 wind 100—Druggists.
ebptr itt is the tr'ul'y n irk (rrrtistnteal is Ctnadai of Sayer Manufacture of ltiiogaaectld•
*deists, df iiaiteylt+`ac1d (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A. ,'i, ai.")• While it is well knowla
that abide moms 'Bayer toanatacture, to midst the pnbiie against itaitations, the Tab1st
O Barer 0emytati7 will be stamped with herr general trade mark, the *liver arose,"
For every purpose in the
orchard, cutting limbs up
to 1* inches, Handles --
4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet.
Year lierdware Dealer knows the geaUty
Our descriptive Circular sent
to any address on request.
Mother of Eleven Children
Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Her Interesting Experience
Buckingham, Quebec.—"I am the
mother of eleven living children,
and my baby is
five months old.
I am only 88 years
old and I have
taken Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
for weakness and
my nerves.I knew
of it from my
sister, Dame Ed-
ouard Bellefeuiiie
o f Ramsayville.
For five years I
was in misery and was always ready
o happy cry. Now I to have
good health. My daughter, who is
18 years old, has also taken it and
will be happy to recommend it to all
young girls. —Dame WILLIAM PAR-
ENT Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec.
Why suffer for years with back-
ache, nervousness and other ailments
common to women from early life to
middles e,whenLydiaE. Pinkham's '
Vegetable Compound will give you
In a recent country -Wide canvass
of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, over 250,000
replies were received, and 98 out of
every 100 reported they were bene-
fited by its use. 0 ;
For Tender Faces
The creamy lather of the Cuticura
Shaving Stick, with its delicate med-
ication and soothing .properties,
enables men with tender, easily ir-
ritated Skins to shave in comfort,
even twice a day, and leaves the.
skits smooth and froth.
Samplo ]tact Erse by Iaaa. Address (t,,anadian
De'pot:v,Stenhdaso, •F,td, lltenteenl." . Peet, Soot)c.. 'Ointment Vi and t0o. 'Tetouan 255.
Cuticura Shaving Stick 2Se.
Issue NO. Uoiril.#ba