HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-01-21, Page 4Poul.. zr uCR HERALD DASHWDOD ' GRAND BEND ' , Ray Callfas bee returned 'hater Zpendixlg the pet m.olltha in •i�'t:ircant, fir, E. R. Guentli;er spent Mors <•iasa•e in London. els Ida Zimmer returned to 'leer home here Sa.turd:t,y, after vise ;irking ba Detroit for the past setoxi t e Rir.:lI. H. Cowen spent the wee ' iii- avel in London. r H. Bruer is visiting in Kit- eelhenee tins week. Mire. Ezra Tiernan, had the nils- 'o'rt-une to fall and break her viBprn 11laier — On Sunday, Jan. ith to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maier, a eilmeghtter. On Thursday evening, Feb. 4, there will be a Box Social heldiin Grand fiend Church given by the 'Y. P, S, Everyone': is cordially in- �iieri. Ladies' bring a bon.. .Ad- mi,,ioo ft)r boys 50c. Lanteresi- tern slide's, etlnelstl[tg of comic st- nrl 6, and other interesting plot- -oyes will bt' shown. We invif you all. Come' HENSALL. Mr. and Mrst Harrp Price pier trsantly entertained a number of friends .the other ret:ening.. We regret to le'ar'n that Mr. Holland Little still cont'inue's very ipoorly. A 13 INCIAL ORGANIZATI Main Office, Toronto EOR 107 years the Bank of Montreal has main- tained offices in the Province of Ontario ready to accept monies upon deposit, and loan these funds to farmers, merchants, manufacturers and business men generally upon terms consistent with sound banking and the proper custody of its depositors' funds. Since the first office was established in x818 at Toronto, the Bank has spread throughout the Province until today it has ..v49 offices in Ontario, with headquarters at Toronto, ready to give prompt and efficient service to people of this Province. Small accounts are welcome and are accorded the same service as that given to large accounts. Customers of the Bank have all the advantages resulting from, a Provincial Organization, combined with the strength and facilities of a nation-wide Banking Institution .having world- wide connections. BANK OF MONTRAL Total Assets in excess a 4/50.000.00o HEADQUARTERS FOR ONTARIO: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto Mrs, Eric MacKay, who hsals been ar.isting Mfrs, Hunt for :SQ113e ails':'• during her iilleel , returned to her 1iU1Tre, Wny, Tierra •of SL... Lonis is visit ince his rn;>tlr.er and other t'elati- Yes in town,' Mrs, Alvin , •SVurmeast 'Of the village is confinedto 41:e room with a severe' attack of znflera- ni;rtory shun atierne • Miss Helen G'i'shet', Sta,'lll'eyee11') is et.opping in town with ]fol ant Mrs. Me15Murtele, •hoe been engag:e1 as organist l'or the United church. Mists Fisher.' comes highly reconn- men ded. Mrs. R. N. Douglas of ,tlla,lcr is Visiting her - Mother, 1V]ras.:., `Y`har)Lrg, Dick, , ,. Our council has ••ben doing good work in .opening up the .side'wall s Neter tlta heavy falls of 'snow, The managers and• trustees of the United church are leaking go- od 'headway • in the way of iixrpro- ving and remodelling the interior of. the manse. G. a. Howard of the Exeter ,sch- ool staff, visited his brothers Hy. and Win. Howard, • one day rece- ntly. ecently. The 'hockey mateh played . on the rink here ori Friday evening last between Dalshwoad and Hen- sa1l,:teanvs was 'well contested. A largecrowd was' (rsesent. The score was 5-4 rn i favor of Hen- sall. • Mrs,' Alex. Matheson, who has been here for; a temple of. Months, ' isiting her p trent':,, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Truemner, is (spending Yz trues in. Clinton before going l to Arthur. • • • Mrs.. Geo Scott ,$s having 'some interior improvements made to fier• home, also Mr .Thos. Murdock. •There pasised away at his home on the Zurich Rd.,: on. Thursday Jan, 7th Erncs•t Ca1n`ell, in his 40th year. He 'was 'stricken, with pne-u iizonia two weeks ago and despite the best nursing and ntodical care he -never rallied. He was born on homestead farm, and spent his early life there. He finally went west where he lived for a number of years, coming to take charge of his father's farm 1,Vat 'spring,from Lawson, Sask. He was married in 1215 to Violet Carter. Besides his widow and one 'son, he leaves to mourn his loss, his aged par- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell of Hay; three itstors, Mrs. Fly.Strang of ijsborns, Mrs: Joynt of Heneali, and Mrs. Stickney of ‘,rashington. and si xbro'thors, Wm. Ben., Ed- ward, dward and 'Harry, in the,'west, Rob,t of Hens'all and Wesley of London.: eli.inson, London rd., aged 76 years. She Was for many years a' resie tient .of Sunbridge, Parry Sound Dist. and about a oar ago came h here for hor home. In July last she 16uf'f.ereti a ,stroke .and since lhit time had ,been ,enable to Move NTry much. She suffered a second',stroke a feel' dayls pre-' vious to her death. Hre maiden name was Mary Jane 'Cornish:ar d before her marriage she resided an l;'sborne Tp. near Zion. Mr, Brock predeceased her four years ago. pt,oeased 1's survived by two Ison1s, George 'ancl Fred Brock of Hen- son. COUNTY NEWS Tho death occu red at Varna on Jan., 5th of Mrs. Alex Parsons, in her 68th year. Mr. Parsons and family appreciate very slush the kindness and 'synl,path'yshown by neighbors and friends. Tt1p • 000 Karig•0** Seeee,s 01,0+SOrrga esc"+oaaelose•*•s•••••••••• • • ` • Flour and reed Pry our various brands of flour and to feed, =,ITh i ch are the very lest brands that money tan. buy G tEENFIFiLD'S Champion Tonic For Poultry KEEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR' YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT- ION. A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD V=im� .AFFORDS RELIEi• e'ROM NTERNAL WORMS ` 'TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 4111* ALSO HAVE ON HAND TEE WELL-KNOWN :HO'1VIERY FEED ta FOR STOCK.,Louis Schelbe t Zurich The new council of l reefield rnet Monday last and took the oath of office, E H, Johns' and Wnr+ 'Mustard were appointed auditor' ;and the council are asking .for ap- plications for the position p of as- sessor and village clerk. Eric Reid, Who has ;been vis- iting friends in Varna for a ime, returned to hie home at London. ":1", +++ i~ . 4. ii- • f " (. iiili r tf , ��j Y 'J f . :•., S� of so,��y{�jf Ann.ou.ii. t 4. IT I wish to inform r 'th'e Pit . file that l have ,;; dissome partnership with my former y� employer, and wish to announce • that • I. have o aenaed ant Lir, .o date Garage 9 in Mr. Heys s B s. iic �•�.. Thursday ,d'axauary 21st, 192E r11 {"1'$^3„ •1.4.3. + ÷1',+ «' u�; t«p �3•,i d ,,':i ' : . i, j 'r. 'F, ,•• d..S, i i 'i" • 1 AM IN A. POSITION' TO C4TV " K,d"E:RT SERVICE AND REPAIRS TO ANY' IY,LAKE OP CAR. ALSO RE - '1• • BUILD AND CHARGE 18r.' -1"'1'l Rills ON BOORT NOTICE '1 A FULL LINE OF GENUINE: FORD PARTS FOR SALE •3 4. ' Day and "Night ervice AT FORD D PE[C.21S SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Chas. Ferguson, who has been 1 'c sailing on thea lakes the past see - sen; returned to his hone in dray- " field, • , Much more snow than usual, has fallen along the ilake this year•,in fact it is many years since sit much has fallen. • Clinton Is to hare a new in'- dustry in the near 'future, Geo. Phelan and Murray McEwan fli'Q, to start manufacturing boy's blo- omers, etc, in the old Jackson Mfg Co's block, now owned by W.S. The citieens` generally welco0 e- such pan 'enterpri'azt Mr. end Mrs. Geo• Weight, of Mitchell, recently celebrated the55 nnl,ic ersary of their marriage. The day passed quietly at their hostas. Five years ago, et the celebration of their golden wedding, 'Mr, and and Weight entertained a family gathering. He has; been a re'si-. dent ,of Mitehelt for (19 year's,. CREDITON ,Cora Stahl of Y'mdon :who un- derwent ,an operation o a,.,l,une clieltis racenitly is at ipresent ate her holm Christ, Hoffman is assured the deepest' 1sy mpathetic intr+rest of he entire community in his prolonged ill.ne's�s. Mrs. Jacob Schwartz is fastre- cov'ering after her operation in Vic toria Hospital, London, and will soon be' •able to ,re'tuen home. Dr, .A{. E, Hanger, Cl:velland, Ohio, has been `secured as an- niversary 'speaker and lecturer. for Feb. 14th and •15th at the Evan- gelical church. H' is an outstand ing leader and editor. Mr.. and Mrs, S, GV. ,L,amipert have returned after visiting fri- ends at Flint and 'Detroit. Pleased to see Win, Mote up town again after being confined to his home for three months with a broken leg. 'Mrs. Herb Feltner and ,Mrk, Wenzel have returned home after visiting in :Detroit. Joseph Heist, was 'taken to London and had an 'x-ray taken which resulted :that he was in a serious condition, and remained in the city for treatments. Lulu Morlock returned' to .Ford Ont. after visiting her parent', Mr and Mrs. Ed. Maniock, 4 Mises Laurette Holtxrnnn, nurse of Victoria Hospital, London, vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. -I3, Iloltzman, •1•. 1 • • w •A • • • 1tl • • • • • 0 • • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • • 0 • • 3 • am y��� yam.q.m, AgI1, m e�e,.� a p� �y `g 1926 Sddetu1e of Cyclone bout Hockey League The HENSALL ( At EN.SALL Cyclone 1 ZURICH lDASII WOOD l At ( At i Jany. 22nd ( ( Jany. 81h i Peby. 12th I Jany. 29th EXETER At Jany 15th Peby. 5th Jany, 4th iiJany, 12 Jany, 18t h 1 Jany. 25th Four Fes. n xeby. St[ (Jany. 18th Jany. 15th 1 Jany. 5111. r ASHWOOD I: Peby. Sth Frby, 5tho� 1 Jany 25th • i l ik l Sally, 12th .Laxly, 81hi Jany, 1.1 J'e Teti • by. 2nd Jany. 29th ( ruby., 12th Ii 1 , 11• ,.. ...w. 11,11. «. .._ . EXFTER • HERALD PRINTING OI FICE ADV ERTISING_RA'FBS anaed Wednesday coon from the in advance; $2.00 may be charged •i not .so paid. U. S. euhserieei- ane:11,75 striptly in advanee.Nta paper discontinued until all ar rears are paid unless at theepriou if the publisher. The date to vhrck ery subscription ierra•id a Bien„ pd on the label Miscellaneous articles of not core than five limes, For Sate, To ;lent. or Wanted, Lost, Found. etc. "itch insertion 25a. address all communications to Display Advertising -Made known applieation. -.AUCTION SALES—$2 per single exertion, if not over five inches Iii' angth. lahe.ription Terms; $1.25 per year lard of Thanks, In Memoriam, Sate: Local and Legal advertising not- ces, reading matter, lOc a line for welt insertion and 5c per line for each subsequent inaertinn. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch, $5 per. year. Stray Animal.—One insertion 60e hree insertions $1,00. Perm or Real Estate for sale 12 for first month, $1 or each.. sub- tequent insertion. • THE HERALD • _IL eV eel rop. ::. 4--+moi•++4.1+4.+—H1'4wr '. -74.'• • ..1%10W • Qv ' ea ' � v��"•tit -^Z.', tQ b o mac= Jas., Grassicle, of Stanley Tptl'a�s. purchased rho property Q.E. Ti. A. Powell and gets possession oil' April 1st. Mr. Gra' 'ick recently sold hie farm' on the 2nd con , .of Stapley to Mr. Alvin McBride of near Blake for $8,000, This is one of the fir,es't;farms in the Tp. Howard Taylor; who for sev- eral everal years was butter'niaker at the. Exeter Creamery, and Who luftlast week . for Fanwood. N..7.., has..de- cided�ito stay there having gone into busibrss. Tb..e death oecured on Jen 12th of Ann Dearing;' wido'w of the'late, J. Mitchell, aged 80 •years. Thi:' deceased had been, confir,e:1 to her bed a week, the denti.nishieg of a strong •constitution being the r•ausam was born. i,n \De'vonehire, Ing and at 1the age of 48 yrs(_. cater to Canada, Monday last Mrs .Alb, Span-, ser, met with an unfontnnate ac- cident that will lay her up for. ne time the fell from 6, 'step ladder, while painting and in fel- - line frorr' •-r't"tri n t lt`!r thi "h. The death took pail.c6 on ,Tela. `th of +11w.,. _Moo, lsrlrzk ,ri;' ( the.• hate of .her neky, 41r'd, J. C, N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS • . MORNING • • • South, • Kippen ... ... 8 22 aero youth, Hens'all . ... 8.32 e'en, South, .Exeter1.8,47 a.m. Stage leave Zurich 7,60 a.ur, ' North,. Exeter 10,1.6 a.nt, North, Hens'ail .. .. 10.3.0 a.m. North, Kippee ... ...10.35 a.m. • AFTERNOON South, Kippers ... .-. ...4.40 pen, South, Bengali ... ,.. ... 4.:50p,.m, South, Exeter _ .. ...5.05 p.m. Stage leave Zurich .....3100 p.m, North, Exeter ... ... 6.04 p.m. North, Hensiall 11 11. ... 6.18 p.m. North, 1 ippon ,. 6.23 pcm. • He Earned a Bonus But It Didn't Pay He had a job with a big Transport Company, driving a teant and han- dling big cases in all kinds of weath- er. His mother was a ;widow and there were five to be fed. made $17.60 a week and a bonus of $6.00 a, month for extra loads. T used to get wet through, but If I didn't stick it 1 didn't get the bonus. "One day 1 fell oft; my load arid they said I had fainted, and the doctor Said my chest was weak. I 'had to po to work in the morning when my Suit wouldn't be dry. A few weeks more of wont and 1, got another spell and they sent the .up here." Irl the Muskoka Hospital for Con- sumptives, Herb is finding. rest, care and good food beyond anything he ever experienced, The Doctors and Nurses like this' quiet helpful chap, and have hopes that health and strength will corse back to him be- fore long. on . Contributions n)ay be sent to lion. W, A. (1tn,r1i'r111 PtOS1don + 223 Col- lege Strata Tetn igaieei peals ,• Ca SEE ..-....,.,.........,,.... MUL..N..IMIL•...............,.,..,....,,,„,«.......».Rd,-.11,..,..10.,—.1303.—.....,..,1.... e.,.._ our iarge assor merit of eck ware, .Socks and at prices to Su _`s Sheat You aentimmtam,ms snmeraza> ,Trmnnuu.nelmr.:se"c.suss..c... stow. man.au�:nHvmwew+.ar OVERCOATB 1 Right mow 'when 3'ouwait a good • warm Coat, we are offering them' at Bargain Prices Tailo3r, Men's PurnishthAgs - Zurich, Ont, E. E.WU'TI1 82x. Where the Good Clothes come from - n Cs•S1•'Ctis`p t'1`� � ®''L 'C." '�'r^ �a.� vv'''U'ra�`'`v 1•`�•� 5 Q"Ca 0.7 -Nii1UWAkhAWAV-:; lbo .441 s�« s ti WOW 4. �t t�t•. ( Zurich Drug Store E; We have a complete . supply of Toilet Prepatatlons ala d Patent I'ed.clnes- *-1-1-1-4-1-4-4-4-4-40+4-.444-4-4-1•++444.4/ r . Our Stock of Stationery comprises: Writing Tablets` of all sizes, Tine 7 o, ed Stationery Fountain Pens at a variety of Prices +Ie eeee ••><"• ee-e•1 a rete •4» ' 44 M I Drug Sundries of PlIOTOGIbrilIC SUPPLIES 1 tbdt eilre at' -`'i ;. fids Zurioh . Intimmtwenymnamw.Ptimmrwmt •