Zurich Herald, 1926-01-14, Page 7'f'huredray, Irrnauary rhtlll„ 199211 /i�lti� 1 kiftial.1) BUSINESS ••CARDS .D'CT LEsr E..oLMES Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public Mtn., Office on Hamilton Street, Viet oft the ;square, Godericlb, Priv- rands to loan at law'est rates. lilt Holmes will be in Bengali on Friday of each week, Andrew P. Deaq, Township Clerk MOM sot marriage licensee. Notary CoLnnaiseloner, Fire and Aut- Illataldla Insurance, Representing illtax,q and Erie Mortgage CorUora- 1l. The Canada Trnat Co. Zurich, Ii•. I. Knapp, D.D.S.; Lr IL S- DENTAL SURGEONI IN OFFICE HENSALL OSCAR gyOPP Ifiradnate Carey M. Jones Nat - %i School of Auetioneering. Try, la for Registered Live Stock Ilan Breeds)_ Terms in keeping With prevailing prices. Choice lianas for Bale. Will Bell 'anything, _-93 or write, Zurich. --- Auctioneer aaeer Lim 1,teeneed any aAuctioneOe position County al vron. Ina p n to regardlesst- uction sale, lifiatarticles to sell, i[ to po or and it not scill'cit yyour business, charges for aatistier3 will make no sordies.Dashwood• Arthur Weber, - IPSonie 16--57 Mi Zuriche .211K�K Fresh and Salt Meats $bllo$na Sa'usages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR S1i.INS e ES tinware &' '� DeiC er 111 ZURICH LIVER • I am in a position to accomo- ;a to all requirements in the Livery Ulna, have Auto for hire• line. Any - Meg done in the teaming GEORGE J. THIEL holta 61 Zurich G. S. ATKINSON L. D. S., D.D.S. DENTIST MUSTER, ONT. Phone 34 Lt BAYF1ELD Every Wednesday IIIVENINGS IN ..EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE P O U LT R Y WANTED 0ri<•n every day till 3 Oclock p.m. DO not feed fowl same mornings Arbon ''brought in. .Highest Cask Prices ----ciao FOR Cream and Eggs O' Brien iRlos 6s. Zurich TfaNS- .Atlanflc 'Ma't famous five tube Set. Seleetivity, clearr tone, distance. ;Witt atkrpaas anything in Radio -llrlkat Masts upto $150.00. Nalhing but the best in Batteries land equipment goes with ' my sieta 1'taia net ON TIIE ALR every de- +teal 'comp.Iete for $130.00. and ;guaranteed For one year, If its Radio T have it and the sales giro right SWEIN, a Prop.. DAMWOOD MOTOR SEE C's PUT YOUR Wants, For .Sae, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN 'I'U1S COLUMN 1 Progressive Euchre Party and Dance W U be Reid in WA.LI`R'S HALL, ZURICH On _. MONDAY EVE. JANzTARY 1226, under the auspiae'a ;of the R. C. Church, Lurch •vill hip }served. Admislsion 50e. ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 51st .Annual Meeting Mornbers of - THE' HAY TOWNSHIP FERMER3' MUTUAL FIRE..INSUI3ANCE 'CO. Will be held in TOWN HALL, ZURICH, Ori MONDAY, JANUARY 25th;, 1926 Ccmmen^ing at 2 o'clock L3USINESSReceiving the Dir- ectors', Manager's and Auditors' Rept�rts_ Election of .J3irectorsand Auditors and the discussion of -such. brytjness as nay be in the in- torest of the Company. ° Henry . Eilber, Sesret a ry. :John A. Manson, President, of the STRAYED Unto my premises on Dec. 31st, 1.0.25, Lot 13th, conn. S.I&, Stanley Township, a two-year-old heifer, Owner can have same by proving property ian.d paying expenses..,.. Emanuel Reichert, R.0,1. FOR SALE A good, dark bay thriving horse 5 years olds. Apply to Asericla l:risson; St. Joseph. FOR SALE 10,-inciv grain grinder in good condition., L. Prang-. FOR SALE A good: pair of,,; Ladies nkates annd shoes, Sire 6. Apply at Central' Telephone Office: FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 99' acres being Lot 7, con. 10, Hay Township. Soil is: of a good rich clay foam, weal drained and. fenced and in high state of cultivation. There is on the premises: a fine hardwood bush of eight acres, good frame house, hank barn and other outbuiideings For further particulars apply ;on premises,—Daniel. Truemner, R.R. 3, Zurich, Ont. FOUND A Ruffalo Robe on Town Line, Hay and Stanley. Owner can have Sanaa by proving• property and paying far this adv. from Chas. S. Bedard, ;It.R.;2 Uric* . ; Dr. H. H. C.OWEN L. • Ii . eh CD. D a DENTAL SURGEON; c7 At DEITZ BLOCS, 'LIJRICi3 ev- ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. Main Office BARTLEIB`S BLOCK, DASHWOOD 1 GOAL POOAEEANTAS GOKE Mj11er Creek Soft Coal GOOD SIMPLY ON HAND Case' 1, Son PHONE 3s.)r i. i'l S.A L,I.I.17 I 4.4 Mr. .and Mrs'. Q. Tag. al't tof south Bend, Ind, visited reiatiVos he the past; week. Mrs, Pierce ;Farwell and daugh- ter Luella left • far Chicago, Mil- waukee and oth.er points. 1lirisls . Thecla Smith of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mis, Wendel Smith. Pleased, to report that Mr. Steele, who has 'suffered with sore eyes in aomewhal improved. Mr. McGreggor of St. Marys„ is relieving as accountant at the local Bank of Montreal. Mr. J. J. Merrier of. Seafort'hli called on friends in town. on Wed- nesday. Mrs. C. Frit:, is 'spending the week with her daughter, Miss Pearl Warts, who unclerwem•it an over-, ation at London, "'NOTICE—My aceounts are now ready for those owing me. Kindly call and settle for earnest V. .V Siebert. BORN—On January lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wahl, nee Idella• Brenner, at Kitchener, a daugh- ter. The Ladies' !lid of the Evangel- ical church will, hold a silver tea at the home of MVS. B. Pfile on Saturday afternoon, January 18th, from 3 o'clock to 6j p.m. .All ladies and gentlemen are ,invited to core. Mists Pearl Weitz who left for London Hospital last week ' for i reatments, has undergone an .: op- eration and 'we are pleased .to earn is improving as well as can be expected. Mr. John Hey, Jr„ was in Park hill on Tuesday, and whiles there sold 300 ton of fertiliser, ,andon his way back he sold a carload to nor. Cochlira the bil .11falfa producor of Stephen Tp. The brand of material sold is 'a lime product manufaetured in Buffalo. The Zurich Beanrh of the, Worn- en's onren's institute will hold their mon- thly meeting at their hall in the afternoon of Thursday, January 21 The subject ins A responsive roll call of bcripture reading and wile ere it is found. Ali ladies are cordially invited, time 2.30. A. very ;appropriate- and in- teresting !social meeting was held at the hems of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nattier, last Wednesday erseee ing. the occasion' being Mils. hat tier's birthday, when, a. number of neighbors and friends met and a real good time is reported by all present. Our fast hockey team ins making a name for, thsmselees, Last Fri- ' + day evening they went to Exeter and played a fast game there vin-" ning by a considerable margin;, on Tuelde.y ee the fast Dashwood boys wore over • and gave the locals a chaise for the first two peroids, but the hanie 'team got a- way in the last peroid and won 5-2. The box social held in the Town Hall, last Thursday Evening un- der the auspices of the Woinens' Institute wa!s 'vary snicCessful con- sidering the bad condition of the roads, the boxes wer:> all decorated tc, hearts content, fillied with many dainties and those who were lucky enough in purchasing •one had the pleasure of enjoying many of the good eats. The program which consisted ali of home tal- ent, was much ,eppreciated by all present. The proceeds which ism- ntounted over $66 will be mostly, used for improvements for our, village. • The Department has made re- quest to the local Women' %Inst- itute as to ;sending an instructor for a series of lessons op home - nursing. Any ladies wishing to take this splendid course 'should let the local secretary, Miss Ida Rout - lodge know, no later than Jan. 13. If a class of 25 can be pro,eured an instructor will conic,. 'It is still in the memory of many, the fine instructiond given by Mrs. Drs Rutnvan; a few years ago, and it is'. t o hoped that- these instruct- ions will be eq. wally as good. The fee for Institute members is and non-members id @0C, ANNUAL AT HOME OF 13.. 0. 'le TO BE BROADCASTED ;radio fans in Huron County and throughout Ontario should tune in CFCA Toronto on Thursday even- ing, January 21st. The progratro of dance music and this Purity Fl- our QuQartette headed byy A. 0, Chapman will be. broadcast from 10.09 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. through the courtesy of the Western .Canada Flour Mills" Co., The I• .O,13„ has grown to a remmbership, of 1,100 n Toronto and the gathering this year .will be the largest on, record. Burton Till's Orchestra will tuply the music 'Which means the beast n the city,, Special prizes will beg ivenn for the winners at Euche, nand Bridge, which commences sh- arp at 8,30. Dancing from 0,00 un- til 1:00 ant Luncheon will be served at 11.30 All the peopL from Huron nro itivitod to be rr. • out AO I ,.lWww olid acquaintances, HOW STOCK IS HANDLED PRACTICES Wli1C1x ARE FOL., LOWED AT 'rijjE STOCK YARDS. Not Necessary for Owner to Be Pres.' east.-klumane Society on iGlusaal. Animals Are Sorted According to (tirade and Payment Made on Title Basis, (Contributed k)y Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto,) It is not feasible to cite all the deviations the stock takes gofnF. through the yard, but it is possible to give the reader some idea of the regular channels of movement. Stook yards are built on a definite plan of small and large pens to effi- ciently fill the various requirements and each class of stock is allotted a certain section of the' yard. • On arrival of stock at the yarns it is Immediately unloaded into the un- loading pens and the pens are locked by the employes of the stock yards company. Thescepens are divided in- to sections so that the different classes of live stock can be kept separated in cases of mixed carloads. Usually all the cars of the train -load are unloaded into these pens before the distribution of stock to the var- ious pens for sale or feeding. During this operation there is a member of the Humane Society present, whose duty it is to see. that the live stock has been properly loaded, eared for in transit andothat it is hatidled ju- diciously about the yards, also to direct the care of dead and crippled animals • It is not absolutely neces- sary for the owners of the stock to be present as their interests are look- ed after by employes of the stock yards company. Each class of stoce from here goes to its own section ix: the yards. It is not necessary to fol- low a carload of each class of stool; through, so will confine. this report to a carload of butcher cattle. Handing Butcher Cattle. • When the cattle leave the unloading pens they are counted and this must check with the railroad shipping bill. They are then moved and locked in a pen in the alleys of the commission, firm to whom consigned, where feed and water are available. (It may be stated here that most cattle are fed and watered as in order to receive a good price it is necessary that they have a good" fill to appear at their best at time of sale. If not, the buy- ers take advantage of this ane cut the price, so a number of shippers try to reach the market a day pre- vious to selling in order that the cat- tle may have a good fill and quiet down.) The gate is unlocked and the stock released to the commission firm, after it accepts the count and signs a slip to that effect; it is responsible for any stealing or mixing of stow:. Before the market opens the stock is sorted according to grade. The mar- .i,I•et opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 4 'p.m., and no trading is done before or after these hours under penalty provided by the rules of the Live Stock Exchange. When the market opens the buyers enter the pens, look over the stock and make their bids for the whole pen if they are of even quality or in- dividuals, according to grade. The price offered depends on trade con- ditions, and supply and demand us- ually establish it. When the sales - tam is satisfied that he has the high- est possible bid he completes the sale, as it seldom pays to carry the stock over until the next' day. Each party keeps his own records and a final settlement is effected later when the day's bargaining is over. It Is a credit to the market personnel that such a huge business can be carried on in this manner without the scratch of a pen to an agreement and with very rare disagreement later as to the prices and terms of sale. Sorted According to Grade. The stock is driven to the scales by employes of the commission firm, sorted and weighed into lots, accord- ing to ,the grade and price paid. A weigh ticket is made out and stamped by employes of the sfock yards com- pany showing the weight, owner, commission firm making the sale, purchaser, and agreed price. The stock is now out of the shippers' hands and driven and locked into pens, according to the same grouping as weighed. Export cattle are kept separate, of course, to comply with the quarantine regulations. Cattle that are billed through and stop off to be fed and watered are looked after by the stock yards com- pany. They are unloaded and driven and locked into pens fed and water- ed, and then reloaded to continue their journey, Calves and sheep are handled much the same as the other classes of live stock. While in the unloading pens the calves are inspected by a repre- sentative of the Markets' Branch for bobs bobs or suspected calves, and the doubtful ones are ear tagged and re- oleo. e- ej awl inspection when Aaughter- ea on the rail, do perat_ye ship- ments, of course, necessitate the bparking of the animals ao there can e pro Dated settlement. This is best done by ear tagging the calves and pe y.se of paint colors for the sheep and ambs. W en hogs leave the unloading pens they are counted and checked the same as the other stock. They are taken directly to the scales and w}teighedipr te, d thenand lo�qa ckedere intol pens and .@@ or pot, aC•- corcting >`o fbstruction from the Win- er, Most hogs here are sold on the "weighed off car" basis, They, are graded by the Government graders before selling, and a grading sheet accompanies each lot: The selling is much the same as for the cattle and the stock yards oonipany de- mands that all gates be locked when under" their care, and a slip signed When released, On hogs shipped co-operatively the terring weights are deducted trout he home weight and the shrink pro rated to each animal. Back lot mum bear a distinguishing mark se thraa each shipper receives the proper grading sheet. The scissors snake 1a.'iar1,r CY SigAs ,t r u e.." Page Fire, te0fit Ota 00/411,0000.484040 0,00.01af••ue,'' Vtfe Vers•Oki,*0144e'00 t 1 Parm Implements .� • e • Pmp,Piping an( Fit Zings ,Also instvll our l u1 )ps• 411,• • Storage Batteries, Hot Shots, tfr • • and Telephone Batteries Tires, Tubes, Greases and Oils • • r, L. A. Prang, • g, Prop. • e • • • • ••• • • • • • • • Garage! Garage! . _ sw We are in a • position to Repair L any make of ('iar. Also do Battery c:lrarging and ri • • • • e, • Repairing. Store M;� our battery • /with us for the winter lel • PjKROIFJMechalio 4/5 r to•••i;Ise••SISestecesssobiesecsiveeseasegstsseeiavo; •trs•e PRCTEOTION Getone of Our Auto Tops They will protect you f•rl lf,1 the ofc-Ni'7.riCds \\rI nt.e.r . motoring a pleasure ii YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE 1T RERUB13ER YOUK l31;613 -Y 1VIHEEI.S HESS - ZIIRICH +++++++++++++++++++++++4 d +++++++++++++•I••1'+++4se+3 COICBINATION ZOOR,S AVE CAN SUPPLY Y 0 U WITH THE ,I,A IRS f COMBIN- A'I'lON DOORS ANY SIZE AND STYLE; OR SUMMER PUT + 1N THE SCREEN FRAME, AND FOR WIN PER TAKE, 0•U>' 4. THE SCREEN ANI) PUT IN THE GLASS 1'A.NNEL. ALSO. 4. 4. STORM WINDOWS TO FIT AN Y FRAM E ORDER NOW' 'l` AND GEr READY WHEN THE COLD WEATHER COMES. + ANYTHING IN WINDOW SASHES, FRAMES, ETC. LET U9 a+ HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW. 4' GOOD SUPPLY OF ROOFING, SIDING, SHJNuLES, WALL 4' BOARDS, ETC., IN S'T'OCK. , e C. KALBFLEISQJEL +t• PHONE 69 - - ZURICH ili 'I' .0+++++.1•444+1.+4..1-1-l.+4.•÷4.+4++++,. io+++++++4.+++++++++++++•, •i +91 4•—+ + +—+ + + + + + + + +* rpollar for Dollar i VALTJES ON SUITS, ETC. 1Yes, even more than tyou expect for your Clothing Dollars STYLES WHATEVER YOU DESIRE WOOLLENS t 1' .FROM THE FINEST LOOMS. TAILORING !The Custoin Tailoring Variety, t + PRICES Second, to None. 1p ,1, OR AND 'FUUNE ASL DI E:CTO DA'Y' AND NIGII 1' 'P110 NE No; iii! -+