Zurich Herald, 1926-01-07, Page 4i' ri i ► - 1 r E• Louis S•chilbe- Zurich ► • •••dtliigg••r R 1 Res Li11114H 1ERAI,411 • FRERALD PRINTING OFFICE aaDVBRTISIN3 RATES 5. ihilissed Wednesday noon from the r *lrnlrioe;le may be charged V loot *0 paid. 17. S. subecrivti- :Illas 1111:714 strictly b eclvance. Nor ;Paper dUscontin'tred until ell ar- eSte s fete paid unites at the option fid the pnbihlher. The date to 'Width every irubseriptlon is paid SO denoted on the label. ilthroglaneola articles of not thea fire lines, For Sale, TO `fit. o? Wanted, Lost, Found, etc, IOWA Assertion 26ar. adrtass all communications to Display Advertising -Made known Ws acppllaation. AUCTION SALES—$2 per single it not over five inches is asibseription Terms; $1,25 per year lead of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. Local and Legal advertising not - Seek ?ending matter, lee a line for worst insertion and be per line for 'zionela subsequent insertion. ilhltoSassional Cards not exceeding Allele. $5 per year. Law £atlutel•--One insertion See Mae* 3snsrtions $l.0& II1Peria or Real Estate for sate for first month, $1 or each sub- sequent insertion. THE HERALD • erenvoreawareameamme a.E. TRAIN CONNECTIONS, MORNING " Irseeetile, Kippen _ _.. 8.22 a.m. " ' Semis, Hensel' __. _.. 8.32 aim. s t90e, Exeter ___ . - ...8.47 ear.. Stage leave Zurich _.. 7,00• a,m. Worth, Exeter ___ _.. 10,16 a.m. Nettle Hensel' _......._ 10.30 a.m, • Sortie Kippers ,,. ... .._10.35 a.m. AFTERNOON kith, Kippers • tin, ffenaail _., .__ _._ 4.50p.m. " South, Exeter .... _., __5.05 p.m. age leave Zurich .... _3.00 p.m. 3ti7C!rth, Exeter ... _.•. ___ 6.04 p.m. illy Hensel! __. ._. _.. 6.18 p.m. leioetie •Rippon ,,, ... 6.23 prem. Witty Danced— And Now She Pays MA is tall and slender, with co- eanitely auburn, hair of for Kitty .is nothing if not Tet hen -up-to-dateness ire! ineiale the ability to guard her Dances and parties. cold and •ramuli wens. then more parties and leneweinIck spells brought on what her tomalthise 'night have foreseen had she We. pen can't blame Kitty. Her ,,'nli. tier Prettiness and her popu- tlisZweta false friends to her. She y 11. Another year in the kindly amen es' the Muskoka Hospital for iil.Tasunisrytivea. where expert medical d ll satiwt and nursing are hers, will lontapelbsci see her restored to heigth and edbutioaa may be sent to Hon. W>tt' rill- Claattee. President. .• S23 Col- '�141e seFy: Ter'ente 3. Ontario. HENSAL,U, Mary McDougal, of in,Wdsor, n' visiting her lave*ate, Mr, and Mray Firm. Dougall. Edith McEwen, of Guelph, is visiting her relatives"' here, Emma Pfaff, of„, Ingersoll, i'St visiting her brothers, Wm. and J. Pfaff. . t Mrs. T. Pearson. and 'son were holideytvisitors with Mr, and Mrs. T, Pearsonat Brantford. Jean Maxwell of London, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Peck over the holidays. Thos., McMillan, M. P. for South Huron, was in to'syn Tuesday get- ting in touch with.his friends here:. We understand Mr. McMillan has been offered a, seat in the Dom- inion cabinet and in ease of the King Government being su'st'ained on Jan. 7th, there will ProbAAY be an immediate by-election , in South Huron. Wm. Buchanan. oft Dauphin;, Man. is visiting his etother here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein were visited t during the holiday week by their sons, Alonzo of Detroit, and Milton of London, accompanied by their ..families', i Robt. D. Bell, who lives, a smile out of the village, had the` misfor- tune to accidently cut his right hand while using a chisel and blo- of poisoning 'setting in, has given him much pain. Lorne Ballantyne, who has been visitinng hie mother here, return- ed to Detroit. • .. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of, Winde sor, spent the holiday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger Miss Short. of Windsor, is vis- ing her grandfather, Andrew John son. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. David Beeswax in the de- ath of their little twin infant dau- ghters, "their deaths occuring••with- in ,a few days; caused from colds The funeral was held in Hensall cemetery, Rev. Mr. Sinclair perfor ming the service, ' CREDITON The "t•illage trustee's were all re- turned by acclamation on Tuesday evening, everybody present at thje meeting was well 'saticfied with the work done. Mrs. Matt. Morlock is so far im- proved 'that she can: 'again" leave her bed and enjoy life to a fuller extent Mr. and Mrs'. N. -Holtzman,. and Mrs, Harr. oFlltzman and tam ily of Deeroit, were visitirs here. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Wilson and family of • Th.edford ,spent thehok day with Mr.; and Mrs; Jos. Heist • Murray Holtzmuan( of Detroit, N isited his • n;.other. 'eSiosie Geiser of Kitchener, .Mose Ganser, of Kitchener vise ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs; 0. Geiser, - C. I I Pearl Mote and Frank Scheidel of 411 is'ese•••••••••NN•••••••••••••••••••NtN•N•NN• Flour and Feed Try our various brands of flour and 1eecl, which are the very best brands that money can buy • a GREENFIE•LD'S Champion. Tonic 1 For Poultry • • • KEEPS • BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT-. • ION. ... A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD • : AF'FORDS'.RELIEI. ✓'ROM NTERNAL WORMS TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS,. •CARFt.ti,LY ALSO HAVE ON HAND THE.WELL-1 NOWN HOMERY FEED FOR STOCK, i 1926 Schedule of Cyclone Four Hockey. y League S _ WNSALL ...`I' UE;!IS,A.LL 'j ZURICH ' '(DASHWOOD( EXETER I At ` l At I ,, At'At Ja C yclone 1 Foby..12th j Juny, 29th ( Jany h . ' I I Ik'ebY. 5th i f Jany. 4th '[ , lase ('Jany. 25th (Jany. 18th WOOPID I Peby. 8th Ttf t • r Four1Jany. 12 ; Jany, lfith { •Fob. 2 , I Feb 1 y. 8th, i._ . Jany,:,15th Feby. '4h Hocikey Jany. 5th 1 Jany 25th • I r .Tang.: 12th Jany, 8th I Jany, 22ed y Oeby'. 2nd ( Jany, 20th r 'F@by, 1'2th, AS' Oc n London 'are `�vis•iting:Iy Mrs. and Mrs Ijlake H•ealth,r Windsor were holiday 'visitors With Mr, 'and Mrs. J. Kulenie Thos. Appelton; ifs going to Ex °ter oto live with his !son, Ernest for the winter. Lily Silber of 'Detroit, is vis- iting her parents; Mr. and Met iChas. Silber. Mr. Lint visited 'with Mr.. 'and Mrs: W. B. Gai'ser. Lorne Brown and friend -from Switzerland, accompanied by :hist' Mother, were holiday visitors at. :Kitchener,:' �. The Ladies' Aid and Trustee' ;Bd, of Crediton • United church, pres- ented their pastor,'Rev. McTavish with 'a Xni s; box of $1'0 and Mrs. McTavish also received' & hand- some pr. of gloves. The Xmas. entertainment at the Er'angelical church wag enjoyed by a full house, white Gifts for ,the King were gi^veii by all claslses of the S. School •ame+unting to $80r, for' the following causes; Children's Shelter and Humane Society, God-. erieh. ;the QQueen Alex: Sanitor- QiuQm., and . Byron and the Chil- dren's War Mento ial at -London. EXETER " H. O. Southeott, left Monday for Toronto prior'. tie returning to the West as traveller. ' Mrs. Wm. Wolper is !spending the holidays with:relatives in "Ro- nieo, Mich. e•• • • . W. H. Dearing, who underwent an operation' ,in • London Hospital, is getting along fine and returned home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs.'Jos. Davis of Mer lin visited friend's • here. Wm. Mansion of .Forest, and Jes- sie Manson of London, visited here Ont of the manyefamily reunions was the . one by the family of IM,r, and Mrs.D.Dais, it being .;seven .gears i8inee they were.• all together, A quiet 'wedding ,evas.•'eole'nnni;ced at fife: James ;St _parsonage, . on Dec.,, 39th, when " Mins ,Emma Fras- er, of Mount Pleasant, became., the bride of Jameg W. Brock, only' -on .of Mrs, Mary, iDearing, .after the ceremony a reception was held at the, homes of the groQtn''s• mother; guest's ibeing liresent. froniti Mt. Pleasant, Science•Hill, Seek, and of town. • ! ° W. A4. P.alkwill, ,who for- thepast ten and- a half ' gears . has ' been a successful prohibition officer inp. this district, has resigned .his -pos- ition as County Constable, his re- signation, being, tendered •to Crown Attorney "Sanger, of• Goderich, on Monday lash. • The prohibition.for- ces of this a :ilmunity, lose a val- ued officer, as Mr. Balkwill hes been (fearless . and -without , favor in -the discherge''of ht's duties COUNTY NEWS. The Women's Institutes of Blue vale and Exeter vent �Chri'stmas. treats to ,the Huron County Home. Such little (attentions' are much ap- precitaed by both manager . and inmates. • • H. C! Cox of Goderichi Tp. ship- ped a matched. spans of, black file lies to Root. - McMann*. of Milver. ton to be used in connection .with his undertaking business. A Serious 'accident secured at the home of Rich'd Taylor, near K ippon, yhen his ,Ison . was badly iiurt when a horse kicked him •in the stomach. I•t appears he was going into:the stall beside the an- imal when it kicked, severely in- juring eiim internally. Dr. Dougall was immediately .'summed and fo- und the lad in' a critical state, but with best of �itteiaition he is now improving. The other day W. A. Crich had delivered Ito him is•Seatorth, the first 'snowmobile to be used in Wes tern Ont. The ntachine was pur- chased through the. local agent;and is giving perfect'sati�sfaction. Dur- ing the summer months, Mr. Crich eis '--three large' troches for his bread delivery, and • during :last Winter he found it itiipostsible to fill his • customers eetriands .for br- ead ahem * eti'ver.d with the horse. It was to overconsr this that he purchased the !snowmobile.' -' Mr. and Mrs. John R. Govenlock 'for many years reispected residents of Seaforth, celebrated their gol- den wedding on Tuesday last at their .home here: The day. was quietly spent with their family,the only celebration being a dinner to about a dozen relatives and fri- ends, but it' was a pekoe one in that ...three of *the married couples present lead • celebrated their gol-� den wedding. Thes:n were :Mr and His Goyenlock; Mr .and hies, W. L Keys; of Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs Folin Govenloclt; ° of Egmond- �' ille, 'Avho tin the s♦atne day celeb- rated .the 55th anniversary of their marriage, lift,; and Mrs. J,R;Gov- enlock, were married ie Beyt'ie1d on Dec 29th, 1875. r F h s't�ateneent issued by the Pro- s'int<ial, ;Dept., of Highways' 1s t '' the ettect' that every 'effort wall . made to •keel the Provincial high»', ways,open' for traffic throughout' the winter, and 'that instructions to: this end' have been i!stmeel to ' the resident engineers. Judge Lewis has been urging on •the°Dept. the s nage slip of Itoppan;� the xo'id,be tween Goderich'and Clinton open particularly for' the convefrfence of l,rnonle who ritight delve by motor , s .is' in earlier date. Less fee kiU'1' IT EXPLAINS MANY LIVE' BTOCE PROBLEMS MS Neal' NEW, Et Ts Important to Know How the Absence of Certain Elements of , Food Will Affect Development of �, T Animalls. n'. ' horadayr Slgl1 tail ' tth, '.,i9`26 •. - �e �'.. ' . 4d+0iFf°11•i4Q4,4744F4l'iNth31d0t •h ►iannoun j ..... .T.x : 1 wish to inform the Public that 1 have 3. irso ve partnership with•' fin for�tner Ai ;tip employer, and wish :to.r• sn�nomatee that , , I have opened an ' LT ' to. date Gara e . , . in Mr. It1 (Contributed bq Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Young animals reared in. nature's way, where the mother was free to select and pick up the food plants that her instinct lead her to, did not suffer from the nutritional disease I Hey s Block. common to young animals rearedn- der domestication,. Ail men nave.,, 1,..;.s I - ' riot learned•-the'simple lesson neoni' AM IN A POSITION TO (Ilii a. g:_ PERT SERVICE .� w. nature, taught to those willing to ob- ' AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE KE -• - - - . _ serve the unrestrained young animal .l. that instinctively basks in the sun and eats green plants. Man's way of herding animals and poultry together i!1 derk yards and staples, and the use of fried'feeds.that �do not carry the vitamins necessary to proper nu- trition, have too often resulted dis- astrously for the young animal. Sun- shine supplies something, dry feeds frequently fall to supply the neces- sary something, required for proper development. Calves, pigs and chic ens that are born apparently strong, fail to de- velop .properly unless they get in their daily feed the mysterious food elements that we speak of as vita- mins. Diseases due to,improper feed- ing have been recognized for" many years, but exact knowledge of the lacking elements have born known but a short time, Vitamin A. is soluble in fat and is called fat soluble A. •It:is present in greatest amount. in butter, yolk of eggs, green, leaves, yellow corn. green alfalfa and cod liver oil. Young animals given feeds that ars absolutely lacking in Vitamin A. de- velop a sore eye condition called Zeropthalmia. Chickens lose weight the comb becomes pale, the leathern, ruffled and show progressive muscu- lar weakness. . A •white -exudate col- lects in the eye. , On post mortem, birds that have developed this nutri- tional disease show small white oi• yeilowlih raises nodelep in the tissue • about the size'of a'»••mlllet•geed;epee irregular in outline. These lesions' are scattered over the surface of the • , oesophagus. In addition to the no dules in the oesophagus, birds suf- fering from. Vitamin A. deficiene may shots' characteristic changes it the kidneys:. They are enlarged, •pa:le in color; dxi'd streaked with a networlre of white lines. Occasionally there '1<' a general distribution of ' urate: throughout the body and the surface -of the intestinal organs appear as 11 sprinkled with flour. The use of green feeds, yellow corn or cod liver oil prevents the condition. . Vitamin B. also known as water soluble B. This vitamin is present in green leaves, fruit, eggs, yeast, and the covering of most grains.' Its . Presence in the feed prevents poly - ;'neuritis in poultry, and beriberi in man. In birds, the disease, is char- acterized by nervousness aad'inabil- ity to co-ordinate muscular move- ments. Paralysis of the legs. frequent and sometimes paralysis of the mus- cles of the neck. The Internal organs appear shrunken and darker in color than normal. The muscle tissue Is also darker in color than normal. The free use of foods, such as milk. fruit, tubers, green plants, bran and germ meal. prevents the antineuritic condition. Vitamin C. The lack of this vita- min in the food leads' to the disease known as scurvy. It is usually called the anti -scorbutic vitamin. The main sources of Vitamin C. are fresh green vegetables, citrus fruits and to a Iimited extent in fresh meat, tubers and fresh milk. In poultry, the de- ficiency, is • shown in a general tra- thrifty tondltion of the feathers. 2a man, the symptoms are too well known to need mention here. Vitamin D. The presence or this vitamin in the food prevents the eon- dition known as rickets or leg weak- ness in young chicks, children and young pigs. This vitamin is present in green leaves, milk and cod liver oil. One per cent. •of cod liver oil added to the Chick's ration.. will pre= vent leg weakness. Rickets may also be .prevented by exposing the young to bright sunshine, the ultra violet may be absorbed by the skin and have its influence on bode metabolism. • , A mixed diet -for Man containing in addition ,,to • cereals and green vegetables, also some milk and freeh meat, is the best safeguard against the possibility of a vitamin deficiency, and, furthermore. insurer an ade- quate supply of inorganic salts and friotein iot•ibropier istelogle. ; irdr iani mali,•'green ISO tri eearoa, it*e11'iav-: rid•legume hay and'roots for•tbe-rest of ythe year, and 'sunshine all the tinge:: For Poultry, green:•flieds, nstlk. yelloi r.. cern and sunshine :all the time will, keep nutritional;' diseases swab -L,.. Stevenson;: Dept. of 11 ;tension, o. •A. Fede s.' Ouelpa. Ideal Apple Tree. The ideal apple tree is one that has been so pruned from the bein- sting that its main limbs are well ,placed and term strong crotches that Will carry the tree to `maturity alts- out breakages er iafusy, and enable thi tree to bear sane lla;cropt ray - infaetoiiy properties, sad quail low cost ,.RMI trttheat the neon for the tisi of preps. 'tea as' Treads. Tor tieing en loads, repo *wet, be beaten. Any' parson who has hod, enpertefaee in drawing Wed ba/,+suer rough roads knows iiia dlmonit it 1* gal e;itep the top 1st plaee. A, rope about Mir fent, long. drawn tight 'alleged; the top eonrse ethnics will Bald them to one stolid duster. Each bale then helps t° hold th. other.. Self �. Do not evert/sok the advantages et the self feeder in caring for the pigs. By getting their feed from 'a: feeder they eat. more, thereby making ldrg- et gains, anti come to marketable Feeder for :o C` intoli, • }�s neyuiXe to ere ,i5rlinS .silt] pew* : libbog M A 1n4 BUILD AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON SHORT ALSO " ', Q A FULL LINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE i AT FORD PRICES 4. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . •• +0} Day and Night Service a' 14- AISU3EL, Prop.t �'1 �trii'$"! I''F '3++++++++++44.+'►'f►1, N _• • QUALITY! SEBVI�E! WPueth; the Tailor has it! In all Lines of Artistic Apparel. Call- and See our XMAS. SPECIALTIES' ^HANKING YO UKINDLY FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE FAST .YEAR. WISHING YOU ALL A— MERRY . Anda PROSPEROUS NEW 'YEAR L. E. WUI!.RTU Tailor, Men's Furnishings - • Zurich, Ont. ;..... w.xnw.w.xwximxrcmv Zurich Drug Store We have a' •complete • supply .. ' of Toilet Prepatations a n d ' Patent' • Medicines, 44444+4 -144,44+I -1,44++++++ ++,1i 0 Our Stock of Stationery comprises: Writing -Tabletsof all sizes, Fine Boxed Stationery, Fountain) Pens at a variety of Prices • Drug ;Sundries of All tads PHO OTOGRAPHIC : SUPPLIES x Dr, AJ_MacKinnon, Z vvvommitemmemmpimiwim