HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-31, Page 1.. . I . . I . . . . . . . • . . .. '. ', . 1 • • . . . . I . Vol. XXVi No 2 'ZURiCH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31i 1925. To our many Readers iagailifsiAn0 Friends Coal Strike, During the Coal, Stile use Our Substitates Sole Agents for the Real Gen- • nine CORSOLIDA'PEW MILLERS CREEK, The test Soft Coal oh:. htainable. Pocahontas, annekeless 'Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay nut Coke and best Anthracite Pea COAL. TELEPHORESERVICE — OUR IN FORMATION IS FREE. . CALL Alp BEFORE BlilifING ELSE- WHERE. Caxa,teion. HENSALL ONT. Phones—Office 1.0w. Rouse led 0 The Winter, selatiehe began on 'Tuesday, Dec. 22. at 3.57 exale At '.Ithat time the wan reachest its far- thest poiet on its northern journey -and starts south; again. Tuesday 'was the !shortest day of the whole _year. Beginning then the days -will become longer and the nights !shorter, instil the longest day is reached meet summer on Mine 21. Chester L. Smith, $1,25 a Year ha Adealiailit. In.se IN kiiRNA RS, • MAY AN C10400111111. extend the Compliments of the Season ,•••••••••••......44,44•••••••=•. 414,41411;' HENSALL CURetTU CASE SET- 1. It is' 'said that out of 245 mem- PLED - • ---77* • Through the .church propeety. contreiSsion the Hensalh United ••Churclitles offered the former thedist chuteh building free to the noreceneurring .Preebyterians ' of Heisall for their place of worship and the offer his been, gratefully, accepted by the commialsion. Thee the Hensall ca es his been settled. The applieants 'united .for the for- mer Presbyterian charek which the Unionists are themselves using. NOW ITS KING. • The re-count, as Judge Lewis termed it, in the Nerth Huron el- ection ;catie was held at ,Qnderich court house laeh •Wednesday. 'Re- turning Officer Nairn produced the ballots in the three dieputed the judge tore off the coneterfoils, examined the ballots and counted them, 'adding the numbers to those previously counted ,,and de- clared J. W. King to be elected by a majority iof 170 votes, ANNUAL' AT HOME The annual At Home of the Huron .0Id Boy's Association of Toronto twill he held in Oddfellovt Temple, ,229 CCellege Street on Thursday evening, January 21st, 1926 1926 Bridge, euchre and dancing will be the mlain featured of the evening's entertainment. The pro seeds of the evening Will be in aid of Huron county eleepitals. Buy advertised goods—their qu- ality is more to be relied upont AE, .11141110111•4000011411,110111101111000111011111111110111111011111111111141111111110•110100111111111111111111/0. .1 g , We wish to __extend ta Due - many Customers and Friends: a Bright and Prosperous • • • • LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES New Year! •• • hers in the next Ilouie of 'Com- • „t, .• stone, 119 werenot, in the.latitipar- (lament, It is erobable that there are many former Men:here ret- urned,'hut even counting the new elemennt will be exceedingly large Jobe & Booth,, the lumber king, who died at les' GetaWa home last week, worth millions, left his farm home when a' boy, to find work in the city, with bet nine dollars in his pocket. •' ' ROD AND GUN • The Christmtre .number of Rod. and Gun just issued 'seems to • be just the thing, for the rest periods 'of the male members of the (am- ily during .the Christmas holiday. • A wealth of good reading for the' healthy man loving the out/leers, is to be found in this issue. The Leerier; and articles this inonth-.are not merely seasonable but • cover all sporting activities and seasons. • r:,•Dr. H. H. eOlVeott, snent Xntesi, *IA his parents at Fergus ' `tiler.• Kenneth Koehler epend- ingc'a 'week with reettiths at Tor- .'Zr. Archie Bender of the 14th, cos, spent a few days at Blyth with hie uncle. •',Mr. and Rte. E. B. Steele visited in-St—Then/es and Delhi over the holiday. Mies Margaret Prang of Detroit, - is '.spending the holidays at her home here. , There are good hunting stories that are always good reading, while ',„ihtids Beatrice Klopp of Detroit,' trout fishing in Nova Scotia is 'Bon is spending her holiday's with her Hre nycastle Date' a theme and ethers is' P.littL fishinng of all 'kind touched on -Mr. Edmund Bedard of St. Jer- in G. P, .Sladetee Fishing Notes. A mite's College, Kitcheper is holiday - good article in the Guns and Am- log ,with -hia parents. ',munition ept. this' month ie Sight •• 'Mr. and Mrs. Was. Finlayson are • ting the Hunting eine lee Major spending their holidays with fri- Townsend Whelen. Thi' seriese of ends at Seafoi'th. articles In the Big Woods of don- • ada and Breezesi 'emu the 'teeth Mr. Neale Sararas and son Lloyd are 'retaining their very, fine 'qual- of Kitchener, spent the holiday's ity and Prise ha's another winner at their home here. inn the January, cartoon. • 'Mists Dorothy Fritz and Miss Mc- " . IN MEMORIAM . Leod, nurse in training at Victoria In loving memory of mil dear Hospital, London, 'spent Xmas, aunt, Sarah Geiger, who passed a- with Mr. and Mrs. Ches. Fritz. way, Januar h 1st, 1925. _. . Meseta. Lorne and Herbert Pete A year ago, dear aunt of Detroit, called at the home of You gently passed away. • Mrs, BePfile one day, last week, Prom this dark world of sorrow', Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of To reline, of endless day. • • Helmesville spent Christarna at the And we have sadly missed you •latter's home, Mr. and Mrs: Sylv. A's pessedeach weary da -e7 ' i,4ateter„ Babylon Linea' . ' . Your loving words' of council Your gently, kindly way. • A very unique family gathering But in. the golden future . took place on Christmas day ab Some day we'll meet again the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dec•her Sr., when all his children Behind us, all the 'sorrow , nuns - The striving and the pain. as -well as the ,grandchildren num- And you will give ns welcome ,bering all in' thirty, partook of a sumptuous Christmas; repast. The To that bright and shining shore evening was pleasantly 'spent by 'Where he shall wipe all tears a number of neighbors accompan- parting is no more away ing the gathering and a most on- Andreported by' Sadly missed by niece and surpessable time. Wee. all. !nephew. • ' BROWN BROS. • • • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE i SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY I 1.004110410011100•1011004110••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 441044`414. .4014..-4P'e*Olt,IP, 0,4 ,,,,,,,t4a-ii-ww44•444,4004104,41,4klksto.44.114-0-414,444.4,4, 4 4 • • • , ' We extend to Our Sustomeea and Friend Our Best Wishes far • (.•• • . jtcr) f!tstilta4 and 'Algot du tztr ay the the New Year bring to all prosperity and a' hail measure of health and .happinesis. ' • • ' • .4Atelani elta ttr.AND 1, 4, 4 4' 4 4 4, 4 4 '4 4 • . , • ; •<; e e• • • r IPSIONE 14}:;, Emanitel Evande c C urch nays, ,Victor St1434; Couneillotaf S r• -ice in English, Dec. 31, at 7.30 pen. Sylvester Ser- vice in german. and english. Jane, 10.30 a.M. New Year's Ser- vice 11.30, Annual Congregation- al meeting, " Jan. 3rd 10 'Di'vine Service in 'german, Jna. 3rd, 7.30 pee New Yeah's' Ser- vice in english. Let your holidays be Holy days. Come to Church!' CHURCH NOTES ;WANTED! At least 100 people (old and young) to attend. our Watchnight service on Thursday, Dec 131st. The choir will practice at- 8.30, The program, will begin at 10.00 ohlotk amid ;will consist of ,special /topical numbera, sev- eral short adtir Sgee, a Bible 'ques- tion contest and other items, of in- terest, aber • is no better place than ithe church, in which to spend the' last house of the old year and usher kin the New Year. Let us make this a family 'service, every NOMINATIONS member of the farnil3r sitting to- gether. This service ts open to the general public. : SUNDAY—January 3rd, 1926 ' Morning Worshipt-10 .a.rre Bible School 11.00 attn. Evening Service 7.30. In this' eervice the minister' will Eve., Sermons on the eulajeeeSeven hoWever did not q ualify so there Will bee no election, • give the first of a 'series of Sunday Ancient Churches —Their : Virtues Zurich Polis Tr°8teel8; and Vice,s" Haberer, D. E. Bedard, Hy. Truem • "The Ephesua Church" nor, Louis Kraft, Mich,. Meidieger, • At 8.30 Sr. League—Tefoic, CCon tSchilbe, Josiah Geiger, -and "Where $1.13,00,0 would count most C. L Smith,,: The latter three in Zurich," Write your suggest- are the only ones that qualified, so ions on a' of paper and petit there is- no election, in the box in the cherch lobby next Hemet, for Reeve, Owen Gel- genclay, ger and Thos. Hudson: '• All are welcome to all of our Ser- Stanley Tp. all ebrnier council vices. , by acct. Stephen Tp, Reeve, Alex.Neeb Vhe Seeitter; Deht Reeve, ,i3'eltn The Department has made re. quest to the local Women' 'gnat- itute as to sending an instructor for a series of lessons op. home - //ursine Any ladies wishing to take this 'splendid course should let the local secretary, Mir96 Ida Roitt- ledge know, no later than Jan. 13. - If a class of 25 can be prepared an instructor will come. , It is still in the memory of many, the fine instructions given by Mrs. Dr, Betetan,• • d ,few years ago, and it ihe o hoped that these instruct- ions will be equally at good. The annual school ,meeting; of Z.P.S. was held in the school went on Wednesday morning, and was exceptionally well attended eby ratepayerts of the Section.' 'Dr. A. 3'. MacKinnon, whote, teem ot trustee. watt 'expired, wee reeelect- .ed for ae new term of ' three ye- ars, the doctor lie also secretary of the board. A committee was then appointed to investigate the running conditions eh the new Act of having Township 'school hoards in the place of the present 'sec- tion board. Meeting will be called •en Jan. 20th, to decide What steps be teketh in' recce/mend- ation• of the Act. The Township nomination • in the Town Hell here on Monday af- ternoon was largely attended.Reeve E. F. 'Klopp for' reeve by' acclam- ation,. Councillors, A. Reichert, W. R. Dougall, J. P. Ran, L. H. Rader and George Plackwell. The 'latter tical h UJ ;eh Si,O440;114,40411•4444,44,4400.0.1444.4fhlatteleattet...***eltemaket) • ea ZURICH, ONNT. ace, • • . TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. AND FRIENDS WE EXTEND New Year W. G. Hess & Sons That Keep on grog Kodaks and -'-F Victrola & Records Fancy Crook eiy, and Choice Botect Candy Give Us A Call WO Wagner loomm••••••••••••••••••••••••,, ,0b • • • • • 00000* 4-0 • • •410 • • • • • 114044 ************404440.11, Auto Tires and Tubes We have a large Stock of Tires and Tube& on hand which were purchased at the low PRICES PREVAILING LAST SUMMER. AND WE ARE GM— OUR CUSTOMERS THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE it WHILE. THEY LAST. •Zei THE PRICES WE ARE ASKING FOR THESE TIRES /St ei BELOW THE PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. Get Yours 'NOW! . • FRED THIEL ZURICH • • •)*********4 ;1•41**********00*0*************** Winter. WiFootwear. ▪ 'Be prepared to meet Wteet, ter with e recenlion T,.f• bey Footwear. For those by wearing Dominion Rube .1; who prefer felt Footwear + our stock its complete`h. Ladies and Children by your' Goloshes now. We have the FLASH, ADJUSTO With two buckles and two dome fast - Bore. For Men we have one and • f,pur buckle Overshoes, 00 e Lumbermen's with. red or , • • white soles, lace or buckle. CONSULT US IF, YOU WANT WARM FOOTWEAR, eteR HAVE A GREAT VARIETY TO SELECT FROM. PRICES LOWEST ea • • am••••••••••••Amoneamramosammaromoilmal, • I t SHOE MERCHANTS .+++444444++44444444414.44.1444++++++++++++.041114444904.300%, C. FRITZ & SON ••••••,1111.61•••••••••••• ••• A •••••••••••••••••••••Amennamesewom•Awnememmvxmokno•MamakAilik, Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year TO ALL. OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS N.' DOUGLAS GENERAL• MERONANT PHONE 11 — 97 a. • BLAKE • 4 4 I