Zurich Herald, 1925-12-24, Page 34.
in the Tea.
ithe full chars Of
'2" eiSko
Is revealed. The flavor is pure,
fresh and fragrant. Try It.
Black. Mired or Green Blends.
George Eliot's. Beauty
George Eliot's'eeeIing for the beau-
tiful was excelled only by her. passion
for the good. Her perception of the
beautiful awoke in her when she was
still a child; it was nourished by a
life of long familiarity with the best
European art; it was informed by
Rualtin's constant teaching of the ab-
solute importance of truthfulness in
art. It is •eas6- to deride Ruskin and
ask what art has to do with truth.
Yet, if the good; the beautiful, and the
true are ultimates, as ,many affirm to-
day, they must be eternally related,
and It Is our business to see that we
do not interpret the true too narrowly.
When her moral passion
tamed -highest it discovered beauty in
all sorts of ordinary men and women.
She did not look for the ideal beauty,
like the supreme artists; but she re-
veals a real beauty in everyday life,
like the best Dutch and Spanish paint-
ers, Her sense of the good and the
beautiful was inseparable, and there-
fore those who separate art from mor-
ality arenot likely to care for her
work.—Charles' Gardner, in The At-
lantic Monthly.
Burning the Bill.
When Miss Lloyd, the milliner, de-
cided to move to the neighboring city
that she might do business on a larger
scale, 'there was much regret in B—.
Apropos of her departure, Mr. Elton,
the coal -dealer, told his neighbor this
"That young lady is as' clever as
they make them," he said. "She came
Into the office one day with a bill for
millinery the women -folks had been
" 'Do you want to pay this bill to-
day, Mr. Elton?' she said pleasantly.
"Thingshad been going crossways
all day, and I wasn't in a very amiable
mood. I answered rather curtly. 'No,
I don't.'
"'All right,' she said just as pleas-
antly ,as before. 'Then I'll burn it.'
Quick as a flash she turned to my
bookkeeper. 'Please send me thee.
tons of your best nut coal, Mr. Pal-
mer. Good morning, Mr. Elton,' and
she was out of the office before I could
say 'Jack Robinson.'
"I stared at Palmer, who looked up
with a grin from the order he -was tak-
ing; then we bath burst out laughing.
" 'I reckon that young woman came
pretty near getting the best of you,'
he said. •
" 'I reckon sae did,' was 'aI•i I could
say. Then we laughed again."
CHILDREN'S COLDS Believe This If You Can.
Avoid Serious Results by Using
Baby's Own Tablets.
When a child shows the first symp-
toms of a cold, such as sneezing, red-
ness of the eyes, clogged or running
nose, prompt measures for relief may
avert serious results. Mothers should
always have on hand some simple,
safe and effective remedy for immedi-
ate use.
Baby's Own Tablets act quickly,
contain no opiates or narcotics. are
tasteless and harmless, Mrs. Joseph
Cadieux, Holyoke, Mass., says: -"I
have used Baby's Own Tablets for my
children and find them a very satisfac-
tory medicine. When my Iittle boy
had a cold I gave him the Tablets at
night and. he was well next day. I
give them to the ch•iI'dren for constipa-
tion, and they always do good. I think
Baby's Own Tablets are much Easier
to give a child than liquid medicine.
I recommend the Tablets to all moth-
ers who have small children and be-
lieve they should always be kept on
Baby's Own Tablets, are sold by all
medicine dealers or Will be sent by
mail at 25 cents a boa from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockviile,
The Boy at Evening.
We go for a walk at the close of day,
Down to the sea, where the sun drops
Finished my work, and: finished his
And we welt for the round red sun to
The gold of the sky and the cliff fades
The foothills darken, and gray is the
For dusk has put all the glory to rout,
'It's morning in China," says be.
--Isabel Underwood Blake.
Minard's Liniment for Chilblains.
Thrown into a reminiscent mood by
the story of a man who invited a party
of .friends to dine on a tremendous
puffball mushroom that was five feet
through and weighed twenty-one
pounds, Mr. E. Ia. Whiting recalls in -
the 73oeton I3en'ald a yarn he once read
concerning' a still more remarkable
vegetable growth, Thus -it goes:
Sir Joseph Banks; a worthy English
baronet who lived a hundred years
ago, had a cask of wine rather too
sweet for immediate use; he therefore
directed that it should be placed in a
•cellar, in order that the saccharine'
matter it contained might be more
perfectly decomposed .,by age. At the
end of three years h -e -'directed his but-
ler to
ut-Ierto ascertain the state of the wine,
when, on attempting to open. the cel-
lar door, he could not effect it, in con-
sequence of 'some powerful obstacle.
The doom was out clown, and the cellar
found to be completely filled with a
firm fungous vegetable production—
so firm that it was necessary to use
the axe for its removal. , Thisappear-
ed to have grown from, or have been
nourished by, the decomposed par=
titles of the wine; the cask wae.
empty and had been carried up to the
ceiling, where it was supported by the
surface of the fungus,
The terrific- consequences to the
worthy baronet " had be placed this
too -sweet wine in himself, rather than
in the. cellar, are too appalling to con-
IN SPARE TIME Nur Ear $5r IoSIW aWaet
Expert In.lnrcaon,, 12 weeks Marcelhog. S IFacia
Treatments. Man sunny H Colones. la Diploma.
longest established meowed Cn d, hof Mimi,
n and Eurnp eelnsimmon No experience 0M231117.
Money. Back G,enntee.
ltAfhln,'ro toHeirdreuin Academyli,57 Avenue
Rrr+d.Ton t Ootann.W,itt 6eptlOB Free Book
orprides-we stEtarantee
L„........._..........._„ for a week aiwad
toted over'n, Yeam•sacours Market — Montreal jrs
Order Your
Farm Help Now
TO BL OP'SERVICa to Eastern Canadian Farmers and help to meet their
_ needs In securing• competent farm help, the ClANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
will continuo its Farm Rolla Service during 1026, and will include in this
Service, au last year, the supply of women domestics and boys.`.
Omagh experience in the past few years, the Company is new Ai touch
with a number of farm laborers in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Prance, Rolland, Switzerland, Poland, . Czocho-Slovakia, Hungary, Jugo-
Stvie, Germany and Roumania and can promptly fill applications for farm
In orderto have the help reach Canada in time for Spring operations, farmers
requiring help muet 'get their applioations in early, to enable BB to secure
the help needed.
and CPftiirtyggterfcle
to fromnnyRa eriorfrohanof the listed blow.
Department of Colonization Mal Development
(tONTREAL T. »Doggrel, GenerI Arnimatarsil Agent.
C. L. Due Nor -weed, Lend Agent,
i'OItoNTCS WE. Per rCcnerel Ag
ent, bean fiaftic.
lialnaita.001:F1 r 4 ail aae, 'beetle Ccioniaatlon Agent.
aAI1TVIGL1>1 oraa re am eYerhi Mutative Dan, A
oticSAINT1Oi' J /Into dr aDistrict PReeenger.Agent,
OTTAWA. .X. baGlii,mee1 Apont, Iaeeah�or oyar[tionG
lk. E. TUORNTOI , .'_ ii. S. nussitS,
ANriitdnt Comm1Geioner. Chief Commissioner.
sAr IES W,in lsON'T L e'TI'+N TO MOTHE-1;.
Talking things over—Teddy: "Would- have been wise to let the loaves alone."
Eddie: "Maw's not as foolish as she seemed to be."
Mother Bruin looked at the two while in a lone cage there was a wail -
tempting crusty loaves which had,
been thrown into the arena with a
sniff of suspicion. "Think you can
fool an cid-timer like me," she growled
disdainfully, dwelling thoughtfully on
the stupid arrogance of man.. But
Master Teddy Bear and his' twin
brother Eddie were not so wise in the
ways of the world. They made a dash
for the luscious morsels..
"Leave that alone, don't you know it
isn't the regular grub hour?" rumbled
Lady Bear. Disregarding parental
authority with a haughty stare and a
disparaging . "What can Maw know
about these things," Teddy and Eddie,
like Napo,leon's army, marched on to
defeat. They seized the loaves and
bang went the gate!
Cut off from home and mother!
Loud were the cries of remorse and
grief as the two cubs were bundled in-
to a crate to be shipped to Liverpool
ing and gnashing of teeth as a be -
'reeved mother paced aboat in anger,
resolved never again to under -estimate
the power of an enemy.
But in their long voyage to Mont-
reaj and then across the Atlantic on
board the Canadian Pacific liner Mont-
ontGlare, Teddy and Ed -die had a real f �s-
ter mother in the Dominion Express
Company, under whose kind attention
they were conducted right up to the
London Zoo.
With the baby bears went six ra-
coons, six coyotesand fifteen chip -
monks, all intended for the London
Zoo, Toronto expects in return only
a few bar -headed geese, a comb duck,
a . couple of leopards, two Rheas (a
variety of ostrich), and a Barbary
sheep. The curator of the London
Zoo';, hopes Toronto will get what it
hopes for, but in the meantime he has
been unable to fill the order.
lie—"Whom do you 'prefer—next to
me?" .
She—"Oh—most any girl besides
Got Rid of the Eggs.
Judge—"Now, madam, 'why did you
assault your husband by throwing
eggs at him?"
Defendant—`Cau'se he anus left me
a-settin' at home, your honor!"
Minard's Liniment for stiff muscles.
Speak to Them Firmly.
A new version of an old theme, says
the Argonaut, is provided•in the story
of a lady, who, had been ertten,ding a
lecture on hygiene and had stayed be-
hind at its close to ask the lecturer a
"You told usin your lecture that
deep breathing destroys' microbes,"
she said.
"That is so, madam," replied the I•ec-
turer. "And I repeat it. Microbes are
killed by deep breathing."
"But .what puzzles me," said the
lady, arching her brows, "Is, how we
are to teach the microbes to breathe
Poet Worked for Education.
Whittier paid for his education by
making slippers at 25 cents a pair.
We sup_liy cans and pay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
To obtain the top price, Cream
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not less than 30 per cent,
Butter Fat.
Bowes Company Limited,
Toronto •
d Office, Toronto,
For t•eforences „�%ioa
Batik of Montreal, or your local banker,
Established for over thirty year's.
Could Not Get Sleep for Hours
After .Going to Bed.
"It is not natural for me to sit down
and write a letter in praise of a pro-
prietary medicine as I had always
been skeptical as to their virtues."
Thus writes Mr. Arthur Seguin, Storth-
oaks, Sask., who further says:—"But
three years ago I opened a general
store here- in Storthoaks and placed -
on my shelves a few lines- of the best
known proprietary medicines. Among
these, naturally, were Dr. Williams+
Park Pills. As there were three of my
customers who were obtaining good
results from taking the pills, and as
I^was in need of a medicine I decided
to try them myself.
"I had be -en suffering from catarrh
for years, and my inside work had
completely broken down my health. I
was coughing all day, suffered from
indigestion, and could not sleep until
three or four hours after retiring. I
started the pills, not with any great
confidence, --but by the time I had
finished the second box I marked much
improvement. At the fourth box I felt
quite recovered, but continued them
for some further time. My cough has
left me, the indigestion has disappear-
ed and I now fall asleep almost as
soon as I am in bed. In my store now
I do not hesitate to recommend Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills to any who are
feeling run-down or without energy, as
I think they are a bles's'ing to man-
if others• who may feel skeptical will
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial they will" be convinced as was
Mr. Seguin. You can get the- pills
from your druggist, or by mail at 60
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'•
Medicine Co., Brockville, Oath.
What- a Rain Storm Weighs.
They had a heavy storm of rain in
England last month --or rather two of
them—which kept up precipitation
for several days in succession. Some-
body: who likes • to play with figures
calculated the weight of water that
fell on the area included in the metro-
politan police district of London. It
amounted to ninety million tons! Mul-
tiply that by a hundred and you will
get some idea of the almost inconeely-
able quantity of water that the heav-
ens discharged upon Great Britain
during those foul• or live days.
Badly digested food, acidity of the stomach, and
sluggish liver cause headaches. Seigel's Syrup
will remove these causes. Any drug store.
Song of An Ex -Soldier.
When I go hawking with a box
That's full of schilling writing blocks,
And call at every house I see'
To ask the fork to buy from me
(Who fought for them away In France
And since then never bad a, chance);
They look me up and down, and say:
"We don't want writing pads to -day."
I hear that.senteh'ce inn my dreams,
Anti in my thoughts, until it"seems
The world is' fulll of closing doors,
And full of • folk who've scores and
Of writing pads; and sometimes I
Think with a grin of when I'll die,
For when I get to Heaven's gate,
And put my burden down and wait,
I know What Peter's sure to say—
"We 'don't .want writing pads to -day!"
When 1oor
1 "' b•.
sa use Minarr!'o l.;inlrtteriz'
%A+"dt li 3'..•:'� + Radio experts are agreed that Wet fa
Ssatteriss give more valuate, better
torte and greater range. $er'viee
S.tipercell h3,'s are built to give long,
i^r*lr;rl cervica et extremely low priceet,
Built in 3 popular sizes, finished in
wainut: -
b0 -Volt, 3,500 M.A.., ` $12.00
e. -V see, 3,ii00 llil, .A' ,' , , . , . $16,00...
100 -Volt, 3,600 M.A.... , . $22,00
Keep your Batteries up to strength with a
SERVICE Double Duty CHARGER. Charges A.
and Automobile Batteries and B. Batteries from 24
volts to '120 volts in series. Rigidly constructed,
silent In operation, easy to operate. 25 or 80-
cycle, complete, with Retigon
bulb , . s
Packard Built Sold by all good dealers. If your rltraler can't supply
you, write to us direct. Mall orders filled promptly.
Diphtheria. Classified Advertisements
When Kasslon and the good dog ��� l reinaanBesieges pleBin ooa a'ol; ON11.).
a pvolutn.: ma
Bette' carried antitoxin teethe people throueh their rnaQel ofllcea unrl rtnrplernrant
of Nome last summer, they were ap partment. razuculars true• actress rorty moor
pleaded. by 'the whole' American Con 11'rgt' Toronto.
tineu't, not only for trudging through
ice and snow on an errand of mei ey, When a Leaf Falls.
but because they arrived ino
time to I would like very much to find a
save many lives-. Even the smallest word or sound which wall, bring t
urchin standing in front of a bulletin
board marking the stages' of the race
with death knew the point of the mad
drive was that, -to be of use and save
the people from death, the antitoxin
must be given early. Every man and
woman, every mother and father in
Canada and the United States was
made aware that a case of diphtheria
is 'certain to recover if antitoxin is
given on the, first day of the illness;
that every day lost means so many
-chances less; that if delayed until the
6th to 8th day, antitoxin may be of lit-
tle' -use. Time is the important factor. SKATES I SKIS 1
Early administration means• cure; de-
layed administration may be too late
and futile. The parent, the doctor and
the medical officer of health share the
responsibility for early administration.
It is good to save a child from death,
but is it not better still to save a child
from disease? During the year 1925
research workers in the health field
have perfected "Toxoid," a sure pre-
ventive against diphtheria. It is safe
and absolutely sure; further, it gives
protection against diphtheria without
any bad effects. Take your child
while he is well to your physician for
the "Toxoid" treatment; you will then
enjoy an easy mind all through the
winter because you know he will be
protected against that dreadful foe of
young children, diphtheria, and all the
evils in its train, •such ,as an impaired
heart and general debility.
mind the fall of a leaf upon leaves. I
know it perfectly --the generic timbre
—the composite echo etched into my
mind by a thousand conscious listen.
Ings. But ft will not get past my eon-
sci:oueness to my Iips, and utterly re-
fuses to descend my arm and pen.—
:William Beebe.
Shellfish That Whistles,
Shellfish that produce a low, flute.
like sound are found in Ceylon.
Joe. Malone Tubular Banker
Saxton, riveted on rtrong bouts
with ankle strap,. Regular price
511.00. Our price, for moil ordercurtotneca, only $7„E0. 51•a and
egvinmca:t. The lerseat aasay&-
meat. All half price.
Ask for Derr catalogue and prtc,m,
, f Tent BANcitOFT Co.
ir,A ;i ?x247 Bleary St.
F•aR Vow? EYES
Refreshes Tired Eyes
Write lvfurtne Co., Chlrago,forEye Cpre";ooit
The Useful Umbrella.
Royalty, like the rest of the world,
is not in these days insistent on the
forms and traditions that used to be
considered important. In Sir Almeria
Fitzroy's Memoirs there is: an amusing
incident that shows how ready the late
Edward VII. was to dispense with his-
toric formality.
Lord Pembroke, when he was Lord
Steward, once went to Buckingham
Palace to inquire when it would be
convenient for the King to receive an
address. King Edward asked bim
whether lie had got the address with
him and, on being told that he had,
said: " 'Why not present it now?' "
Lord Pembroke replied that he had
not the Lord Steward's wand, which is
supposed to be required on such an
" 'Oh, never mind,' said the King,
'take an umbrella!' " '
And, rather to Lord Pembroke's con-
sternation, the ceremony was perform-
ed under those novel conditions,
keep Minard's Liniment handy.
.Fortune in a Fluke.
The rough bath towel that brings a
healthy glow to the skin w,as an acci-
dental invention.
A manufacturer of fine smooth
towelling had trouble with his ma-
dame**. Inetea.d of the firmly woven
material coming through as usual, the
threads were loose and tangled, and,
from his point of view, quite unfit for
lie set to work to readjust matters,
and after much trouble got the ma-
chine working smoothly. Bat in the
course of his work his hands had got
coated with oil anti grime, and he used
a length of the faulty and apparently.
useless fabric to wipe off the grease,
He was quick to note that the rough
discard -ed stuff did the work much bet-
tor than ordinary towelling, and, be-
ing always on the alert for a new idea,
he added rough towels to bar 'meet.
The new stuff became popular, and the
fluffy towels • soon became his chief
Clears theThroat,
Relieves Hoarseness,,
Coughs %Cokes•
Car, i}
Used ivr'6is yrd:,by
Palk. 3'' s
Speakers and Singers
Why f®t you?
permanently stopped
by Trench's Remedy
for'Opilepsy and Fitt.
Simple home treat-
ment. Over 85 yearn'
testimonials from all
parts of the world. Send for free hook giving
full particulars. write at once to
287 St, Stones' Chambers, 79 Adelaide East
(Cut this out) Toronto, Canada
Phone Elgin 2572.
FR°S--/ E °
Rub with Mlnard's, It
eases the pain and pre-
vents complications.
For every purpose in the
orchard, cutting limbs up
to i} inches. Handles-
4,b,8,10and 12feet.
Your Hardware Healer kaawathe NNa0fy
Our descriptive circular dent
to any address on request.
Soap And Ointment
Best For C1 then
Teach your children the Guticure,
habit that they may have clear skit;
and good hair through life. The
constant use of Cuticura Soap, as-
sisted by Cu icura Ointment, keeps
the skin and scalp:lean end healthy,
film a EPrT '1f Y,ip
p a a il. Addrere lee, Step
lrepal t."Vg.otlsa tlis! ntro " rrfee, 8.5"
f4a;C. Ointment ti nod Its, laleus, its.
. L Cutk ra Slsavlsie Stick g
ISSUE No. 51—'26.
.n •