HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-17, Page 5Thursday, :l7eeeiirber, I7tiz, z9 is t',R GS asiti LD. B .%SINESF S,:DARDS VOIJEYE. HOLMES 'Barrister, Solicitor, Notary PublicI Office on Hamilton Street,got of/ the square, Goderich. Priv- 1410 iand I to loan at lowest rateli. Holmes will be in .Beneall on Friday of eaeb Week, , AnarewlerY: H�,kiPr4�►ns�til c , sow of inarrluge licenses, Notary commiellaA .f!'lre lid 4,147 1111110110 Insurance, itePresentla$ *Set and Fine Mortgage Corpora 131104 The Canada Trust CO. Zurllch; S. Knapp, D.D. S., L D. S. 161" DENiiintiltRGEONIC ;y. M OFFICE IIENBALL A U.0 -T -1 -Q -NEE -R OSCAR SLOP? Ilra4duate Carey M.. Jones ats IOW School of Auctioneering• Tryt On erose Registered Live Stock Breeds). Terms in keeping *hamprevailing prices. Choice Orion for sale. Will sell anything ilirehere. --93 or write, Zurich. Phone Licensed Itgtioneer hicenlod Auctioneer for County, position to con - leant any auction sale, � BurmaIna p re regardless g I Ss to size or articles to sell. pen t your business, and' if not .�idshed will make n0 charges for Onrvices. Arthur weber,, - Dashsnood, leans 15-57 Zurich heat and Bait Meats Fresh na SansageS, :etc Bliiabest Cash Price for yioul CASH FOR SKINS & 1 IDES. Tualebint - Reicher ZURICH LIVERY 1 am in a position- to aeco'mo- Nate ail requirements iu the LiveryBine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Zurich 53 • G. S. ATKINSON L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST MISTER, ONT. Phone 34 it BAYFIELD. Every Wednesday MVENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE .. [OU L. T R Y WANTED . WARNING 0 USERS OF RADIO All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty on, summary; conviction is 'a fine not excelling $500. License' Fee $1.00 per " annum Licenses, 'valid to 31st March, el.926, mar be '•obtainied fro,m;. Staff Post Officers, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, of froirt Radio Branch, Department ' not Marine and Fisheries;" Ot`•taWa. The proceeds from license fees are used to control broadcast- ing and to improve broadcast reception conditions A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine ,and Fisheries. PUT YOUR, Wants, For Sale, Lost, ,Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN TB/9 COLUMN Between Amis hurch and my gate, Bronson Line, a 'flair of spec- tacles. Finder kindly return to Rudy Schwartzenitruber, orieave at Herald Office. wo every day till 3 Oclock p.m. DO mot teed,, fowl same morning ,•gam bougbt•l,in. 11Hbest Cask Prices • --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs , O'Brien Zurich RADIO sv 11Th rtetD1O PHONES ITS MARSONIPUONES ' 1".ROVR IT TO YOURSELF MY COMPARISON illsEPOR1 YOU BUY GIVE US A +I.`.ALa, WE WILL SHOW SAT OUR SALES AND svitinen• ARE RIGHT. . S. WEIN, 'Prop. „.ossuisteolx MOTOR, ^blip.\ t.("ll FARM FOR SALE In Stanley Township, contain- ing 159 -acres', fifty acres good grass land and 100 acres under cultivat ion. On the premistee is a good brick house,; bank barn, driveehed and hog pen. •' Fruit trees and pl- enty of water. ' For particulars apply to A. E. Heels, 'Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 99 acres being Lot 7,- con. 10, Hay Township. Soil is of' a good rich clay loam well drained and fenced and in high state of cui.tivatien. There is on the premise's, a fine hardwood bush of eight acres, good frame house, bank barn and other outbuildeings For further particulars apply . on premises.—Daniel Truemner, R.R. 3, Zurich, Ont. FOUND A. Buffalo Robe on Town Line, Hay arid: Stanley. Owner can have and. same by proving property paying for this adv. from Chas. $. Bedard,: R.R.;Z Zurich. I Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON; At DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. Main `Office SARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL p�oAIiAN TAS COKE. Miller Creek 0 Soft(,Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case t ' Son PHONE 35 LOCAL NEWS Hay Cb•air cfi net on ' Tiiesd;ty Dec. 15th, 'for its last business meet ing for this 'year,, and a lot of business was tc'ctnsact,sd. nomin- ation will be held on Monday 'Dec. nth, when it will be ascertained to whatextent the municipal pot will be heated up to. As far as we know there is little rumor of any great changes, but these us- ually do not come up till the last minute. However in the mean time the Treasurer will have hit books closed and get out the an- nual financial n-nualfinancial statement where ev- ery ratepayer can easily see wh- ere every dollar of their money went, Mr. Charles Scotchmere of Bay- field 'visited in Zurich on Tuesday Mists Pearl Wertz visited over the week -end with ,}ler sister, Miss Dorothy. Fritz, London. , Mrs. Harriet McKenzie of Sit Pans, Minn., is 'visiting with Mre Chas. Fritz and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Luster Beeman of Detroit 'attended the funeral of Mrs. Bsem'an''s uncle, the late Al- Bert Heidem'aa. Mr. and Mrs; Herb. Krueger of Dash\voocl wore Sunday visitors at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schilbe. HENSALL -1T HILLSSREEN Mr. Wpil,Ik?idor ou is visiting in Port 'Hurons.,, Nomination POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv- en that a meeting of the Electors )f the Police Village of 'Zurish will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On, MONDAY, 'DECEMBER 28th, 1925 At the 'hour from 7.00 to 800 o'clock in the evening for the pur- pose of nominating candidate's for Police Trustees for the year 1926. and ',if a poll is demended, a poll will be opened on MONDAY, THE 4th�DAY OF JAN- UARY, 1926 At the Clerk's Office, Zurich Said poll be opened at 9 o'clock an:ne >eiitil 5 o'clock, , pm. ANDREW F. HESS, ' Returning Officer. Dated at Zurich, Dec..4th; 1025. fiENSAI.1. Edith Camerons left last week to make her home with her grand- mother,. at Whitevale. Mr• Feed Resis who has been .suite ill the last week, is improv; ing somewhat and getting a litl'le stronger. Mr. Earl .Weido was a ,Sunday visitor at London to Malt Mrd, Weido, who is', confined. et „the hospital there, and who, its getting better in health. Mr. Wm. Lamoet of the village made a very good sale the oilier day when he die'posed ' of five steers which brought him the nice sum -.of $95 a piece. Mr: Herman Satosky, Internat- ional Gincong buyer of New York City called on Wm. Leibold last week, where lid purchased. his 1925 ginseng crop, for which he relit• oived a handsome sum. Don't forget theb ig concertat. S.S. No. 11, Hay, on Monday, Dec- ember 21St at 8 p.m 'Come and see "Marriage under Difficultie's".. Adini pion 15c. M. Howald, Acta-. cher. The members of Zurich Jubilee Band are putting on t<2 public; dance in the Town Har,l on Tuesday. evening December 29th, to which e.verybody is invited, \The Av alon Orchestra of Lucan will ere nish the mul'sie. Be sure and let ire have all yo.er holiday visits or visitors entteed in our local columns It wilt, herb the interest of our live weekly. Call us up or :send it in, a lc. 'stamp will do the trick, Mr. Kenneth Routledge, who has •?pent the past six months in the New England States a's a trav- eller for D. M. Ferry Seed' C'oe with headquarters at Detroit, returned. „to his homy in Zurich on''FridaY, where lie wih remain for the win- ter months. A now weekly paper. in Huron Counnty has made its appearance for the first time last week, namely the Exeter Reciew. Published by Mr. F. J. Wickwire, and in future Exeter will again be served with two tiowsleapena. For ltlue past year the Times-Advcatoe hats been the only paper in Exeter. MRS. MACUMBER (VASES. The community Was grieved and shocked upon learning of.thedeath of Mrs. Macumber Which occured at her home, Foard City, Texas on, Wednesday morning November 25, She had been sick for over ' two months ,and was slowly improv- ing until about a week previous to her death, then rapidly grew worse until the end came. Her maiden ' name was Magdalene Schoch, and was .a • daughter of the late Mr. and Mit:4Chrisi!.ian 1301o0ht 14th son. Hay'., She was, Mr• ;fai5.ea' '4 el sfer IEna retort}' 1i6rn in 18fi5, hi Zurich:, and . was' ed home after spending the past week, with his sister, Mrs {George Colonna,' Mrs. John Jarrott, Sr., but been on the'sick list, belt her.mnya fri- ends are plea+sled to "know that alio is improving, married. to Dr. C. Macumber in 1831 and they, went' to Texas in 1900 making their hottia at different places until 1911 wken they „prov- ed to Fdard City. She is +surv- ived beside her hu+aband, by two brothers and four +siisters, She jprofesised her faith in Christ in ' Mrs. Frdairk 'Coleman is 'spend' hor early age and had been ' a ing a few clays. visiting friends. inn Lucknow, • A fine program was given in en - the United church on Friday even- ing v ing last ineluding a cantata en- titled.. "Song and Story," also' a play given lays' seventeen girl's, the 's'c'ent was a big +success and ,i large turnout took place. • Christmas ie coming iso is the CCluristma-s, intertadnnaent at S.a. NO. 3, Hay, School on Dec. 22nd at 2 pati. •Lunch. tend Refreshments member of'„ the Methodist church for 33 years', She and 'Dr. Mac - umber were, charter members of . the Methodist church Foard 'Cchurch She was, faithful in iron cli in Sunday School, and in sickness and will be inisised by a11. Dr(. Macumber is left alone and to hire is extended much 'sym'pathy in this cl,ark hour and point him to a higher one as the only Solace— The late Mrs Macumber will be i'emenibered by many in Zurich, as previous to hint marrage she was a cloick in Mr. Steinhach.'s store. served. Ei eryhed r Wellcome. D. hi the building Where .Mr, W. II ,Welsh,. ;Letter :r»> otf n is obis: located, meb••••••0 .•••d+►•slily l,t► ffromooke00N►#0•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • r • • ••• • • •• •S • • • • s • • • •• • • I • elesiseo Farm Implements Pumps, Piping and Fitin gg Also inst,: our;P'umps Storage y Batteries', ''Hot Shots, and Telephone Batteries Tires, Tubes,' Greases and Oils L. A. Prang, Prop. Garage! Garage! We- are ina position to Reair any make of Car. Also do Battery charging and Repairing. Store your battery with us for the winter P. KROFF,Mechanic IL o f Viola Hildebrandt is confined t.o •esT her home with e severe attack - of gnemuonia. i , • •' Johnston, who hg's been quite illL•es•�Oh••••••s•s••••s••ub•®Ees•••e••••6Yri•••@tg•ciS'a•ri••s is improving.. The froends• of Holland Little are pleased It oh:ear t lirat 'he is al- so improving in he ilcii. ' The management of the skat- ing rink are.gettingi t in shape for the season'•s skating. • Mervyn Brown druggist of Tor onto visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown( Wm. • Sirumenl who' has beet, visiting 'h.''s moh.ter for a week, re- turned to Detroit 'on Monday last• Where he has a g ood position. The death took place of Mr's Thomas McK.iv, who' for many ye- ars was a resident of Hensall, but who for the past few years cher, been an inmate at the .County Eden in Clinton, The many friends of Rich'd Blat- chford are pleased to learn that he is improving. Mr. Jn.o Parks and M s, .H C. Soldan visited for a week .with fri- ends at Hyde .Park. The friends of Mrs. Pope will _at t knowtl t Il • Pleased to beard that Miss: Mare • ee n is s ie is con- fined to her room. Mrs. P. McArthur of Vancoiuver B.C'., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs Robt. -McArthur. The marriage of Miss Elsie Sol- `.l>n,to Mr. Garnet Case took place on Wednesday ,December 2nd. Rev ''Ir. Edwards perfor i..ed the care- -uony in .London, After the cert omens Mr. and .Mrs. Case "left on wedding trip to Toronto, Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo, and on their' return they will make their home in Henseall. Congratulati6ns, is ?C ETER • Dorothy Kuntz has again ret- urned to London Hospital for fua- ther treatment. The many friends of J.W. Powell regret to 'know that he is confined to his bed through illness. Mrs: J. V. Mollard, who recently met with an auto accident and has been 'at London Hospital, ij.has suf- ficiently recovered to return to her home. Exeter lost another of its old 'pioneers in the person of Grace Creech: reliejt of ,the late Jas.. Creech. she was' the eldest daugh- ter, of the late Jas,. Bissett, arid' had' reached,the advanced age of 8?, years and 5 months, ,'he de' ceased Sva'.s a highly respected wo it an, an excellent.wifa and a won- dei?ful` mother, a Methodist in re- ligion. • A. quit wedding took place in Tris ttt Mem, church on Dere 5th, 'when Irian Hattie Sweat,' only dau- ghter of Ilir. and Mrs'. S. SWeet was united to Donald McInnes,. of Bruce Immediately following the 'core - Molly ' Mr. and Mrs. McInniss left by train for London,, St. Thomas and Toronto. The bride is one of Exeter's most esteemed young ladies, The appeal of the defendant, J. 0, Walper from conviction of Police Magistrate Reid under the $y -fans for operating a l.Pool- i+bon without a license and for keeping open after 11 piw came before Judge Lewis at the Town Hall 'the .other day, Mr. Riordan: of Windor, on behalf of Mr. Wal - per stated that he had up new ev idence'to submit and Mr. Stanbury on behalf of the Council expressed himself as satisfied with the' ev- idenee already before the ;Cour't nupen which to uphold the convie- tionns. The Judge then'asked that written argument be submit- ted to hint within) ten days' on the questions of law involved, The hot fowl sorrier given by the ladies of Janxc 5 St. Church was a decided success Over nine h.im- c'-,'hd pees:'.^ sat clo sa to the'stim- ptuous meal, PROTECTION Get one of Our Auto Tops They 'will protect you from the cold winds and will make Winter motoring a pleasure IF YOUWANT SERVICE. WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BOGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH +++++ +++ ++ •++++++++++++e++++++. COMBINATION DOORS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST COMBIN- ATION DOORS ANY SIZE AND STYLE; FOR SUMMER PUT IN THE SCREEN FRAME, AND FOR WINTER TAKE' OUI' THE SCREEN AND PUT IN THE GLASS PANNEL. ALSO STORM WINDOWS TO FIT ANY FRAME, ORDER NOW AND. GET. READY WHEN THE COLD,• ;WEATHER COMES. ANYTHING IN WINDOW SASHES, FRAMES, ETC. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW. GOOD SUPPLY OF ROOFING, SIDING, SHINuLES, WALL BOARDS, ETC., IN STOCK. ,•• �� •\ L ,; PHONE 69 ,. ':+.1,44+++,.i..•+++++at++++++++++++++++4++t;*+++ate++441 4T , FLEI6CH ZURICH I +--+—+—+—+—+--+—+—+—+-* for Dollar VALUES ON SUITS, ETC. .Yes even more than tyou expect for your j' Clothing Dollars i STYLES + 1* FROM THE li`IN'EST LOOMS. + TAILORING The Custom i'Ii.1TailC'F�Soring Variety. .. 1 + Second to None. WHATEVER YOU DESIRE: WOOLLENS W. H. HOFFMAN TTAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR •1 -- DAY AND NIGH ,' PIIO.•NE No. 80