HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-17, Page 4ZVRICU HER4L Tyxx1!rac !tt1r I'Vee) 1Ae'c '',Mita 1.925 :yclone �'iv� Hcack�y Leagu Sch�du°le The ltTa,ICI't 1 /IIN'SAI.L E.�.CETE. DASHWOOD ! 'Clt,11DITON 4t ! .SAt. I At I • At I` At Cyclone Jan. 4 ,tilZTCkI I 1—Jan, 12th Jan, 19th Jan 25th. I Feb, 1st I `Feb 12th i Feb 19th 'Feb, 24th Jan. 15th J. 29th • Jan, 22nd I Feb, 15th I t Feb. 25th. i Feb 26th Jan. 19th' Feb. '18th Jan. 8th I • �•��+ 1ENSALL I Feb. 3'th Jan. 14th 'i Jan. 11th EXETER I Feb. 16 I Feb. 11th Jim 2?,nd 3, Jan. 18th )D4.SIIWO0D•'- Feb. 23rd Feb. 18th Jan. 29th Jan, 21$t CIEFUXTON 1 Mai. 1st I Feb. 22nd ffi Jan. ' 7th h HockeytT Feb.: 5th I JaT'pb 110 I Assoc'n . Jan, 14th Feb. 15th Jan, 8 Jan. '11th Feb. SLIT 1 Feb. 12th •I 1626 .�i 'N(K (317), Detrail. Nlirh, (210 miles). 2 p m., w ; 6. dinner coil. cert 6 ; B stadia' pro - Roma (800.)) ,Piltsburj.' Pa. 1920 milei). 695. p.m qq__i,��,ner_rt• 730. KUlRA maliboz.•No11f1fd1S" 7.45. 'Vito Oft gin and Accumulation of.011 and Gas' • Roswell 1f. Johnson; 0, hour of music. Pt'SOF. (246) Milwaukee, -Ms. 423 miles). 6.30 p.m., twilight hour, Aunt Tulle., children's Morten; Eimer lhrke, pianist; 5'an Buren's Hawealans; 9.30 Twice Traveled To selections, talk. 1.11P (30N.2).Philialelphis, Pa.' (340 miles). 6.05 P.m.. Benlalitin Franklin concert orchestra; 7. 'Uncle .Win's bedtime stet•, end roll Sale,-._ -• _ .. �C WHAQ (447.5). Chicago, 111 (430 miles). 7 p.m.. Chicago theatre organ recital: 7, tr. Georgene Faulkner. store lady: 9. Northwestern University; 9.30. sa ressman, soprano; 10.' WMAQ players. WKRC (326). Ciaainnetl 0. (410 miles). 9. p.m . Alice B. Coy: 9.10. Alarlon �ils Swiss Garden or- rheatra: 9.45. poplar songs; 10.15. Marion McKay's Swiss Garden orches WC,Y (370.1), Schenectady. N.Y..•'(270 miles), 6.30 p.m., program for children; 6.45, Albany Strand theatre Floyd H. Walters, organist; grain;.•8.15. "school and Teacher .Day.'', Dr* Frank' r.• Braves. €heJdec2ftof ;has Moderlaye Now is the Time.! 4 Circuits 64Iode1s Model R-3 Three -tube coupled regenera- lava circuit. Handsome ma- ihogaaay cabinet with interior etccomxnodation for dry bat- teries. Price including tube,. headset and grid leak $84.00. • Model +,R-4 Tito four -tube Super-Trirdyn circuit. Impressive cabinet. large enough to hold all dry, :batteries. ,,Price, including tubes, headet and grid leak ......_...$135.00. Model R-5 A. wonderful five -tube radio 'frequency circuit of fine tone duality: Most handsome cab- inet of the year. Price. in - eluding S tubes, headset and grid leak $175.00. The Musicone The sensational cone -type tome 're -creator which has set a new standard' of radio reproduction --and of l value.......... ONLY a few more days and we must withdraw our special Christmas offer. You may never again get a chance to secure 9 such advantages as these listed alongside. You will have to act at once also to get: -a radio set on such Small Down Payments Special Extended Terms Radio is the miracle of the age. You know your home should have the pleas- ure, the education, the fascination it gleans. You know' `what a wonderful Christmas it would mean.! Take advan- tage of these sensational special privi- leges to secure a DE FORESTE.C.RCISLEY RADiO This is the line which has swept Canada from coast to coast with a striking sales success. We selected 'it (1) because it was expressly designed to meet Canadian conditions, -(2) be- cause it was the most up-to-date, (3) because it has the most refined appearance and quality, (4} because it is the outstanding VALUE of the year. A model to suit every purse. Come in and get full details and select the set you. would like to hear demonstrated in your own home FREE. Sold By W. G. HESS & SONS, 2'URIICH 9� 3Pecial Induceme for but NO (1) FREE TRIAL in your own home. (2) 30 -day FREE EXCHANGE 'Privilege for any De -Forest .& Crosley set -of higher value. (3) One Month's' FREE onth's- FREE Service. (4) Guaranteed In- stallation. (5) Expert Personal Instruction. (6) Unusually At- tractive Terms. (7) Combila- tion Price. (Instead of allowing terms on the set alone and charging cash for other neces- sary 'equipment, we allow the small cash payment and extend- ed terms to cover the comrrete purchase.) (B) Relief :In- surance. Half Payments ar- ranged for reason- able period in case of sickness or unem- ployment. (9) Complete Satis- faction Guaran- teed. r:l alae this a i0 Chris •. i•••••••••••pMS••.••••••••••••••••S••C•/std•••• Coal Coal, • • •• • We are receiving a carload of = POCAHAN TAS Coal for ,general I I use. Leave your order now . : REENFIELD'S Champion Tonic For Poultry • :• • $KBPS BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT- I I ION. A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD .A. "b'ORDS - RELIEV *FROM -NTEI2NAL-WORMS "TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRYY TONIC AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY • ALSO HAVE ON HAND THEE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FEED ;' FOR STOCK, s• LouisSchilbeaZurich •e >e .614104044440.6640440041000004tei CREDITON Clarence Holtzman is visiting for a few days with relatives in Detroit. Mr •and Mrs. Conrad Kuhn are againable to be out' after their. recent iilnes!g; , Mrd . Jas Cock will', has returned after visiting at London. The many.friends of Mrs. I+'1gd• Wuerth ' will 'be pleased to hear, ,that she is impi°Y)ving,.ln health and may again be fully rebtored: 1Vrim. Motz, who haS beenl confin ed to his bed \with a fractured( leg, has laid off the cast and soon will hasp •full use of hit leg. The operation on Mrs,. Godfrey. Nicholson at Victoria Hospital,. London the past' week was sue- ceslsful• and good hopes are ent- ertained for her recovery. Dr. and Mro. Orme, Mr. C, Beav or and Mrs, W. Smith motored to Detroit recently. Prepartory Service and, quart- erly conference session in angelical church was held on Thurs day evening and on Sunday Rev. H. A Kellerman, presiding elder of thedis'ti'hit ,wafs present and ad- ministered cemreunion 'services in Jeo. Campbell, Clerk. the morning 'anti evening. Oscar Klopp, Au,;•ti(,ncyer COUNTY NEWS J'as, Smell & Son of Ibi'lett, ,the wol'l. knnown sheep breeders, have rounded up a very successful Ise- ltson at th- v r'iovi exhibitions by taking several. ,prizes at the Intetr- niational stock - show Chicago. ; The prospects for as • 'large win- ter sleet of steamers at the God- erich harbor are as yet • very un- certain. • There are now three ste- amers in the harbor Which Will re- main for the winter and a number more .are 7e;;:pecttd. Three eases were on the' list .for• the county Cotirt, Godes lel} which opened -.Tesdayu Dec.' 8th.' - Judge Lewis.' presiding,_ All were adjo- urned. Salmon •v.'.'Wilson is fixed for January 19, the other two, were. adjourned. indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs'. Nelson Heard of Stanley Tp, celebrated the fifth anniversary of their marriage on Dec. 2nd, when they entertained 35 .guests. to a, dinner..and a most en- joyable time wan ispent.• By-law; is being voted on in God to the;iamaunt of $12,000. -to provide funds Iot' the erection•of a new brick municipal building' of 100 feet 'by 775 feet' three stories high, to: provide adequate, accom- modation for municipal offices, co- uncil' and committee chambel;s%firc. hall and firemen's apartment's', pub lie rest rooms with conveniences, community. rooms, 'auditorium, pol- ice quarters, police dourt, arrom'od•- ation for.magistrates and childrens aid department, and to equip the salve. What cart !be Considered a geoid calf„ is owned by Wm, Rinn, a well known stockman of Hullett, who has a calf 8% months old ,which tips the 'scales at 310 pound's. A quiet but pretty .wedding was solemnized at the United church parsonage, Corbett, on Wednes- day Dec. 2nd, when 'Rev. W. J. Maines united in m.arriage, "Susan eldest duhgtera of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Adams, of Stephen, -tot. Leonard, only son of Mr. and Mrs Angus Patterson, also of Stephen. The bride,- who was .unatteitded, looked charming in a gown of - white •satin, which was trimmed nwith silk radium lace.`. After the ceremony the happy couple ;re- turned to the bride's home where a wedding dinner was served'. .4- 3**++++�3•�t++++ + •++++4444i• + 4'•>s.'k'' 'liK1:'';r1`44e ,14+11;41$++. 4441 +�h . + nt . I ' ' `''r ,,. .ff 1 I wish to inform the Pnblie that I have . • i dissolved partnership :yiitit,nay former 4.; .ci employer, and wial h to' announce that Int I1 I have' opened a>t- �''`o+.ditte Garage' IE an ' Mr.Iey's Block: 4• a 4+ 4• . I AAMIN A POSITIO.iii., TO . G'1 XPERT SERVICE; ..1,,,. 4 +II ANT) REP -ELMS TO ANY MAKE . ar CAR. ALSO RE- , q• BUILD AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON. SHORT NOTICR . • .'f. A FULL. LINE GI' GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR ' SALE EN • 4 4 AUCTION SALE EXECUTORS AUSTION SALE OF FARMS, PARA STOCK AND I IPLEMENTS - 'The undersigned Auctioneer has received instruction's to sell by Public Auction on \Vednesday,Dec ember 30th, i1925, 'at. 1.30 p',m. on Lot 6, Coni. 3, Hay': Township, the following .property- • • (CHATTELS -HORSES -Pair geld ings rising 6, 1 mare rising 5, 1 mare rising 6, 1 mare rising 7, 1 mare 13 years old; 1 yearling colt all good ,heavy horses. . CATTLE -1 cow newly freshened 3 farrow • cow's, 2 ' cows due in March, 2 cows due in April, Reg- istered 'Shorthorn Bull 2 -year old, 6 steers rising 3, 6 steers rising 2, 3 heifers rising 2, 5 steer cal- ves, about 40 hens. IMPLEMEN T S -Ma sls.e y -Harris binder' 7 -ft cut; Deering 'mower, 5 ft. -hay rake, manure' spreader,rid- ing plow, 2 walking plows, 2 fur- row ,gang plow, 4 section drag harrow; F. & W', need drill, Cock- shutt Fertilizer, drill; 2 cultivators M. -H. and F. & W; MasIsey-+Hatri's bean cultivator and puller .com- ined, 2 wagons, 2 wagon boxes, and stock rack, 2 gravel boxes', 1 hay rack, 2 set bob 'sleighs, tan - sum disc, light wagon, top bug; y, cutter, Fordson tractor, Oliver' trite tor plow, 10 -in. grinder, cutting box 2000• -lb. scale, fanning miii, 2 s'ott plow harness, 2 'sett heavy harnesis, • 1 sett driving harness, Melotte cream separator, 1% H.P. Iiit engine, 21 H.P. •Gillson engine forks, •c'hain's; doubletrees, !shovels, hoes and numerous other articles HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Box stove, table, cupboard, couch and other, articles'. • •At the: same time and 'placei the following real estate will be of- ,,fered for sale- • ; PARSEL 1,. Consistsof_100 ac- res, Lot •6, Oon:.'3, Hay, 'large bank barn, good frame house, pig st- able and other buildings, good bush and plenty water, ;well fen- ced and' all .under -drained. • 15 acres.. fall .wheatand fall plowing. all donne, PARCEL 2. Consists of 100 'ac- res, Lot 7, 'Coli. 3, Hay,'large•bank' barn, log hoils'e, cement pig' Sta- ble and other outbuildings, "small bush, noverfailing 'spring, well fen- Seel and drained, 18 acres fall' wh- eat:, vh-eat;. fall plowing all done. PARCEL 3. ' Pasture farm, west l< Lot. '11, Con. '5, Hay ,Tp. con-' tains 50' � acres, watered by spring' creek', well fenced. , TERMS -Chattels =A11 Sums of $25.00 and under, cash Over that amount 6 inpnths' credit on ap- prof' ad joint- notes' bearing 6% interest REAL 'ESTATE -10% cash at the tinle of 'sale with ' the balance in 30 days. For further particulars an.d con- ditions of . Sale apply to-- G•LA•DM.A.N & "STAN'i3URY, ExoIPr and Hons•all,'Solicitors for Mrs: V -; "'1,.'',ft Collado$ tett & J q•. Stanbury, Executors N`nrtheott Estate. 4 •• I AT FORD PRIGS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Day 'and Night Service +4• .. Il. ANGEL, T' %• rop. .2-÷4•44144444-1÷1444++++4+++++44:1-1444÷14+44+4+41÷++++.1.r: • UALITY! Stands For SERVICE! Wuerth, the' Tailor has it! In all Lines of Artistic Apparel. Call and, See our XMAS. SPECIAL TIE S THANKING Y.0 'UKLN-DLY F OR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE PAST YEAR. 'WIS'HING• YO,U ALL A- . MERRY XMAS. And a PROSPEROUS NEW- YEAR L E. WUIRTI1 Tailor, Men's Furnishings .. Zurich, Ont. �vYitwWlWVhni1�}Ll�tr'1N4WV�Y�liWY4YMWINWYYLYYV HRISTMAS GOODS We have placed in to a fine Line of .as • � o TOYS! TOYS! ereiiandi'se for the Christmas Trade TOYS,- OF VARIOUS KINDS FOR THE KIDDIES, •MRCETAN- 2r (CAL TOYS FOR THE. BOYS, DOLLS FOR THE GIRLS,:' And PICTURE BOOKS FOR ALL. . CHRISTMAS CARDS "5747E HAVE A. LARGE. ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CARDS 1r AT' DIFFERENT PRICES, ALSO CHRISTMAS DECORATI011TS' FOR THE- 'BOMB AND CHRISTMAS TREES. GIFTS! GIFTS ?OR Gil J S WE HAVE MANICURE SETS, TOILET SETS, A -2 :RAYS; FOUNTAIN PENS, AND FINE STATIONERY. Dr,.A, J. lYfacKimion, Zurich :tc