HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-17, Page 1Oft Wa[. XXVI , No 24 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNhe, DECEMBER 17, 1925. Chester L. Smith, Pabllia .$U5 a 'roar t Ad1.11203111C $3.So IN A.RRMARS,$2 IAA 2' Your Business is worth advertising if d is worth running! Try an ad! Coal Strike During the Coal Strike use Our Substitutes Sole Agents tor the Reed Gen- uine CONSOLIDATED MILLERS 'CREEK, The Best Soft Coal ob- tlinable: Pacohoautas, ' emakeless oft Coat, Detroit Solvay nut Coke and best A.nthrae ite Pea COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICE -- OUR IN FORMATION IS FREE. CALL SIS BEFORE RUIIWG ELSE- WHERE. Ca ratelan. H.ENSAL-L.. ONT. Phones --Office law. House 1041 IA). CAL NEWS Our Local sportsman have don - 9 .- ad their >kin jackets'and guns "moi bun, %,,'" 3a g till another sone re, as the wild .geese and ducks have made their sneak to the 'd'©ii li. GIFT'S That Keep, on: Giving Kodaks and Films Victrola& Records Fancy Cra c k e r y, and Choice Boxed Candy Give Us A Call W C. Wagner it were nota for the birth of this New Born King coming in this world, and directing us the right wax. 'to eternity, we often ask ourselves to what standard would just alone our civilization be, we kn.ow's. littIe;-about heathen coun- tries who Worship. not the isame Only one week more till. Xirsas 'as- we- dor_ and we have no desire the most 'sacred holiday of theyear to live itt such lands. Therefore Let this on be observed. in the, let us d.o Our very best and , ob- tnost ley,al tray, ink honor to • the -serve this. Christy as in the right •ehristian religion r fee worship. If spirit. ' • •••O•.••••e efiflt• Gewi e..•••••••••O••••••••••••••: d, The Tbou.., btful Family •• GIFT • • ,i Here we iaa.' very kind of slip- ,� , ;t •• +.e• pers for everybody, free n• littler t f e • Puss in Boats Slippers for tiny h. • folks to, t1 ae inj which Father -4 reads his evening paper.. A .!-' • • Women's Felt Comfy' and leather n "' •• Souudior Slippers $1.00 to $1.95 Women's Fit Jra2Nie$s; a splendid "n til .` gift :at $1,5iii to $1,:95 1 (I J• 1 'lid'orner�.'s{ pat. Potn*ps $2.50 td $5 00 I1111WWWIliii i}�H iR Ail �I •• • 2 Mems Che Kid Romeote 2.50-3.50 „.f,+ "k.. a ,•. Ment Taik&eln Everette $2.00-3.00 • �_ 'Men's Fret Comfy and Leather Boudoir at $1.25 to' _.. „,... .__$2,00 • ' Men's, *eel and Felt Slippers at 85e..' to _. •$1:75 • Childrenrs Felt Slippers, ay L arge Asrsortment at 75e. to ,-$11....2755 • -fp mi.,. f Sizes lit to 'l, at $1.00 to - _ .. .j, $1.25 j "� Special. Prices *Rif Children% Minx and Wotnens •Goloshes, Mires • IS 'Womata's, Boyis and. Misses Hockey Shoes; _ - 2 i • 0 IBRO TV N BROS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY •2 • •••• m0e•epi•••.••••••••••••00•••0•4#••111041 s•• • • That 4 4i 1 Oys H. .appy ... . ` CHRISTMAS—Its the lad thine ,, when every heart is thrilled, when THE "SPIRIT OP GOOD -FEELING llwCO Sttt1lU Z LESS, r, v BIM' THEIR. GATS FROM A MEN'S STORE—THE ST7�RE OF ,",. i THE CHRISTMAS SP/TIT FOR MEN ADN BOYS. 41, NEW TIES, 'NEW SCARFS AND TIES TO ILlii..`L"'I ; ENGLISH t,- •1 BRG. DMOT SATS, .FINE. GLOVES, NEWESTFWE:A1' 1:TM, A ,P .coerawls ND OVERCOATS.'" .'" L •L • ..6P a ' Cx.AcS O'St. d l�. k STAND PHONE 1157 -w 4 " 4+ • f.dti w ova ab•44444**IN1F400******* 11• 4 I s••a•••i•••••••oa -e-el.a••40.0e•.•• •4 • • Keep Men and e 0 See our fine display of Xmas. Greeting cards at 'Zurich Drug Store Rev. and MrS F. B. Meyer of Dashwood called in the villageon Wednesday. Mr. A. Meliek and daughter, Gladys, 'spent a few days last weak at Pigeon, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Millar, - of Kitchener, visited at the home of 1VIr and Mrs. Jacob Ilowal'd. . Mrs,, ((Rev) Lloyd K<e'liflei•sch of Elmira is visiting at ,the home of her parents' here, Mr. and Mee, F. M. Reis, Have you seen our large new asaortmennt cif Xmas. Greeting Cards, Decoration's, and Pine Boxed. Stationery*' at Iles's, the Jeweller,, Mr.. and Mrs;. Albert Heideman of Jackson ,Mich, were in Zurich a few days last \\ ek, attending the funeral of the fornaer's uncle and also visiting friends: Mr. John, Dulnart left on, Satur- day for Kitchener, to attend the fun.eral of a relatiVe. Mrs. Harry Gallriannfelt for etrolea 'on Monday, owing to the serious 'illness of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Laurie. The Zurich Brnach of the Wom- en' sInstitute will hold a -box soc- ial in the Town Hall, Zurich on the evening of January ith, 1926. A good program is being• prepared, more particulars later on. Our mailing List has been. cor- rected up:to Dec, Lail, and weasik all subscribers to co-operate with us _and have same correct: The date at the end of each name in- dicate"s the month and year your subscription) is plaid up. We greatly thank the goodly number who have already paid their's, for L926, and we ask a few others♦who have not paid up for a year or two, to kindly do so and be •to good standing The lance Steady; cold` lveatlier i' a Very appreciative the past we •ek the former rough roads are get- ting pounded down which enables the auto to run quite smoothiy. The teams are still busy hauling gravel on the road to Hensel', and shout dthe weather continue like this there 18 no reason why this road should not be well supplied with. good 'Travel, annd it would also give ter farmers some earn- ings during the slack: winter mon- ths. SCHOOL CONCERT A Christmas Concert will be given by the pupils of S. S. No. 4, notrh; and S. S. No. 4, south, Stanley Township, on Mondays, December 21st, at 8 p.mm. The concert will be ;given in the South school. Admission, Adults 15c, chi), dren free.—Teacher, I. M. Mussel - Conte to the Christmas Concert to be held at S,S. No. 6, Babylon Line, Hay on Monday, December 21st, at 7.45 p.iri. The school chil- dren will take part in the enter- tainment and there will be a most interesting play entitled, "Daddy" given by the young people of the section. Mr. Franklin Moore, tat- canted and popular tenor soloist of Mitchell will sing. Do not miss this treat. Admission, Adults 20e. Children lOc.. A. e'„ anipbell,teaeher Stanley Christmas Tree will be held in Goshen School, Tuesday', Dec. 22nd at 8 p.nil. A.11 are cord- ially invited. CHURCH NOTES Of course everybody will go to Church on Christmas Sunday! The choir will render s'petal Christ maS music. There will be a Christmas lesson in Sunday School. The evening sermon will be "The Flertivesly Anthem, " Start the day right by getting up in good time to get the necessary work. • done- and bi, ,, in the 10 am, Service. :After the evening service, instead of Sr. League, tate annual elect- ion of officers' for the Sunday School will be held,. We ,expect i good time end i a' crowded church on Christmas night, Dec, 25th, when the choir and th' Sunday School will pres- ent the Pageant; "THE LIGt{T mo TUE WORLD" Prices of Admission 35c and 15cs Doors Open 7 o'clock. ," 1 Mr. Aaron Wein of Crediton cal- l`ed in the.. village on Monday. ;Mr, Andrew Thiel of Kitchener, called on friends here on Tuesday. 11r. Frank McCutcheon of Lon- doat called in the village on Wed- n,esday, Mr. 0. k4ritz . and son Ward were at Parkhill .on. Sunday to visit Mr Mich. Fenn who is seriously ill. The local skating rink is being flc.oded with water and soon a good layer of ice is expected. Mr. Gordon Turnbull of Park- hill, was in the village on Saturday. 2{e is district agent for the North American Life Ineura.nce C'o. Mr. Arson Keller who left some time ago for St. Catharines, has returned to hisfhome heret. The auction sale on Sattiurday as well as the Xmas. shopping,: nide the town rather busy on Sat- urday.. Mr. and Mrs'. Finlayson of near Kipper'', visited with their son, Mr. andMrs. W. Finlayson, one day last week. • Mr. Albert Hendrick and son Sem. and Mr. Ervin Sehade of the Saubie Line motored to Neto; Hamburg and Kitchener, one day last week. • We are sorry to report •that Me. Dan. Koehler of Kitchener, for- a -Orly of Zurich, was operated on *for .appy+ndicitis ,tt the Kitchener He upital last Friday, bu't i'sg et- tfhr�y� jt'veil .asp fast as can be e- - Mr. George Deway,,, of the Sa- lable. Line, nrtoh and Mr. Melvin Brown of the Goshensouth, have recently become owners of new DsForrest Crossley fa.lid Sets.Sold by Hess & Sons, authorized deal- ers, LATE .ALBERT HEIDEMAN. There paslsed away: at his home Zurich, an Tuesday December 8th, Albert Heideman, aged 69 years' and 3 months. Deceased was one of the pioneers of this section being in the vicinity for 48 years, was born in Germany and came to Canada 'frith his parents, .when is years of age, first 'settling in Waterloo .County, then came to Zurich where he was first engaged in the carpenter trade, afterwards taking up the huthcer bnsine+sd, which al,out 30- years ago he quit and since then, excepting the last few years, was in, the flax manuf- acturing industry, and was very successful. in this "venture. About a year 'ago Mr. Heidemann was/ taken with a stroke, which Ieft him in a rather weak condition, and was seriously ill only a short time before his death which was caused from arterio sclerosis. The late Mr. Heideman was a highly res- pected citizen and had many close friends here, which will greatly miss him, he was aliso a very devoted man to his church and interested in the welfare of th:; community in General, being a member for many years; or the Township Board of Health. One,. Son, Eghert Heidetriaa, with who.rd deceaed had !rhea for some years, is all the family survivors, Mrs Heideman his wife, having Massed away 23 years ago, anti one oao Arlo d. also :predeceased him about six ye- ars; 3 brother:, Robt. Heideman of Dashwood ;W m.Ileideman of Kitchener; Edward Heidrman of Exeter; also three sisters, Mrs, J. Wilhelm of Stratford, Mrs. J. Seltzer, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Sehoen- hide \Voodsitoa, beside more dis- tant relatives mourn his Ions. The funeral which was largely attend- ed was ably condu.dted by Rev. H. Bombe, pastor of the Lutheran church was held on Friday after - .noon to the Goshen Line cemetery, where interment was made. A t ery appropriate service+ first be- ing hold in the church, at which the npastor %gave a fine discourse. A- mong those frond a distance who attended the funeral were; t.Mc. Win. Heideman, Kitchener, Mrs. II. Heideman, Detroit; Mr„, E. Heide- man Exeter; Mr. and M_s .Albert Heideman, Jackson, Mich,; Mr.and :. G, Boorr•L;tn' and Wee. Seller, 1`li'at, Vila.; Mt,i Emanuel Evangelical Church M 1 I s.T. J. Detroit , John ZURICH-, -w ONNT. and Mrs. J. Wilhelmy Stratford. MakeYXrnas. our Selectjons Now! Our Store is filled with Gifts That Last. NEW DIAMOND RINGS, MAN Y STYLES FROM $20.00 to $ifl0.5„„ SIGNET AND STONE SET RINGS. BEAUTIFUL R R PIENS. 1.N,— DESTRUCTIBLE PEARLS. WATCHES FOR LjIDIES All GENTa.:1. $10.00 TO $35.00 WALDEMAR CHAINS, DUFF LINKS TIEPINS , SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Large Stock of Waterna,autTS Leal ountain Pons, French. Ivory andFine Boxed Stationery, Hess, the Jeweller THE GIFT SHOP. v•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t!I r e • 4 e 4 • • Seasonable. Horse fe • lust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen No3ae•, Blankets in Assorted colors Size 12d4. d 4 Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, primerr • Ranging from $7.00 to .. ...se MON, O. •• SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CAUL v A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters alway'S eat Bellk t' aClub Bags, Suit Cases and ,Trunks at Right Price... Ilk O HARNI•;SS'. EPkIRINO A•° SPECIALTY H • PITONS Int : FRED THIEL • ZURICH •>•o•o•••••e:.••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••q•it;e4"vel y t Winter Footwear 4. •' Be prepared to meet Winn- + ter with ,a warm reception , • by' wearing Dominion Rub- + ber Footwear. For . those ,'l3, who prefer ' felt Footwear + our stock' is complete .•3. Ladies and. Children by your • Goloshes now, We have the FLASH, AD.TUSTO with two buckles and two dome fast - '.1." 4 For Man we have one and + four buckle Overshoe's, 00 +4Lumbermen's with red.or rwhite soles, lace or buckle. 1: CONSULT US IF ,; HAVE A GREAT + 4. • YOU WANT WARM ' FOOTWEAR, ile` VARIETY TO SELECT laROM. —"- PRICES LOWEST( 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 'i1"Z'qi°,l.l..l.';ti'"pqi!'+.'b3++"1'"'b'J'.dd"p'l;lj£'"A+++t'•H"!1. t Christmas Cheer We are headquarters for you to do your Christmas shopping. We have a better assortment to choose from. than ever before. Come and be convinced. Fresh raisins, currants, peels, nuts 9 candies, etc., etc. Good dried. Apples Wanted. We aim to give Satisfaction R. N. !DOUGLAS QENEis'AL MERCHANT PHONE 11 ..97 SLAKE