HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-10, Page 5eneenreda,lr, December 10th! 132,io '7y�YlY�opltw,w!Msiwr*r�.Mrwt!nMw �..w-.,+�frMn+ q..nr4�n,,,q•.nH!+Aw+rynvWx•,Yq`!M�S.,..,,�-. 'RUMNESS CARDS DUDLEY E oLM 3ry s ,ll$ " 1�In Solicitor; i Iofar✓ Pubtie flow Dffir;a on Hamilton Street, met ► the square, Godericla Ferre . GI<`t�rsi,,lda to loan at lowest rates, i maim 8 will be in `Re4 eaillF oe. fiiriday 'of t;iuth week, .es!WSW...W,!erY+eene•.INAeeee,,,s 5eeee W+'NYrrseseeWne....„ AOaithraste F. Blasi:4 ToWaship Cleric 1001100i of marriage iiceueete, .1+Tettta•y :11110 }''>`7,; '04043 01541i,p44e1r, Fire end 40- H�ilstlS IL4T4tieance, ReeeeFseettitng Omen and Ener 'Mortgage Corpior to siege% Tits Canada. Tenet Oo,r,,reerieli, ii:IL nJL L :' laou: �" IDENTAL SU GLO'N ,, 'OI OFFICE M.. HL+'NS,.A:L OSCAR K.LOPIP Terms in i#$ hottest! Carey M. Jones Nit- ale,'�cliool of A,ueti,oneerinSgtoc ry ma tom Registereded Live iceepi k ,7 dit Breeds). Terices. Choice Ifirutsr fevaili7]g prices. sale. Will :sell ,anything i t' ''>i''?$ere, Zurich. (Arnie 19---93 or write, -!!!!meed Auctioneer Oeitlonl to, con County ',trod. Tn a P re ardless t'ttwt any auction sale, g I ttG 'sive or articles to sell, ; !'Beit your business, and if not isuitaiied will make no charges for •sstmrices, Dash -wood, Weber, 1110fittais 13--61 Zurich eel Pr a 9a, and Salt Mats c,.w>a Etea Sausages, c I ighs,at Cash Price ger `r'Vaul (''ASH FOR SKINS & H1DDES tasm,,t `h eic at ZURICH LIVERY 1 am in a position to accoyao- te kali requirements in the Livery Mae, have Auto �,�011a$ done inthe teaming line. GEORGE 3. THIEL &lame iib Zurich G. S. ATxnSON ,L.D• S., D.D. S. VIIMIEStrts_ DENTIST !iIETRE, ONT. 'Phone 3 i ,alt BAYFIELD Every Wednesday :;I IVEN)7INGS IN .EXWTER BY • AIP- POINTMENT LIVE WANTED 111060 every day till 3 ()clock p.m. hili a hot teed fowl same lnoroin£p is brought in. i 1iest w cask Prices Cream- and Eggs W. 'O'Brien ..t ' •Zur.vh RADIO ;.I S RADIOD IO PHONES, OlD g lfi S ' MARSONIF110 12$ IGVE IT TO YOURSELF Y CmMPA.RI3ON AET'O1 111 YOU • 111.1 GI It 11 <' t CALL, W1I WILL SHOW; Milt SALES AND SEIMCE ARE EIORT1 'a 110 S. ,WEIN Prop,. \ PVT YOU .100i ,;o t0' Found, Novice, Etc. Ads T1+f � IZIsJ C01�01ViN LOST Between, Amish church and my "y'at0, i?rroiiS'Qil fame, a pair of spec' tunes,. Fiedler 1Cil - y return to Ready Sel'tivartsentriibt*i',' orleave at Herald Office FARM FOR SALE Y . trttttrllny Township, contain- ing 150 as'res; fifty acr'e's, good grass lend .incl 100. acree under ci ltivat. lois... O'rt• the prentistese is a good. brick hours, hams barn, drive's3hec'1 and hog peke. Fenit trees and plw e.ctt:y of water For eiarticul.ars apply to -A. E, Hess, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Const'stilig of 99- acres being Lot 7, con,. 10,, Hay Townsihip;. Soil is of a good rich clay loam, we'll drained and fenced and in high state of cultivation • There is on the premises a fine hardwood bush of eight acres, good frame house, bank barn and other outbuildeings Fm further' partienjars apply ,Un prenaist;s.—'Daniel Truemner, R.R. 3, Zurich; Ont. • FOUND A Buffalo Robe on.Town Line, r Owner Hay and Stanley.voce can have sauve by proving property and praying for this adv- from Chas. ;S. Bedard, R.R.,L. Zurie . FOR SALE CHEAP—Two Show Cases and about t0 -ft. Counter. They will pay for thetrtaelves in extra bus- iness Tat Ch:i'stmas time. Will sell sepfxatt.. —A. W. E. Hemphill, Duggis't, 'Remelt, Grit, Dr. IL H. COWEN L. D. SL, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON: At DEITZ BLOCS, ZURICH ev-' ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. - Main Office FIAWrLEIB'S BLOCK, DASI3WOO,O CO L POGAN T. S COKE Miller Oreek Soft Coal- GOOD SUPPLY ON IFILND \Case & Son PHONE 35 BENSALL -17 AUCTION SALE Of MERCHANDISE, LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, ETC:'. At WALPER HOUSE, ZURICtH On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th, At 1..30 o'clock, sharp LIVE STOOK—Pony, Cow rising 5 yrs. due in February, driving horse quiet and reliable, brood sow, 'several purebred Ancona cockerels; .brood sow due Decena- r ra 24th. OTHER A,RTWC,,I,ci fi,—fiord tour in car 1919, Stanhope buggy x:,00d as new, good 'single harness, dou- ble ?iazrtelshot gun, cutting bo c light wagon, fur ovetooat sliglitiy used grab boxes trimmings gal- ore, ladies and n en''s underwear; drosis shirts, fties, (-3113A glove, bra- • res eretans iv7ae tette flannel, madras; crepe, - galatea, curdoroy, towei ngs , b s,)ucner, kitchen ra- nge, dinner bell, 1500 ft. ' Enclhand maple floorince, g7iantity of rough 1u X be:r, seye.ra1 window saaatait avi,+lt ig5S, raecondli an d doors, ors, 5 inch grinder, stan taYt q`anti(9 of sYu<10 tllnbox;,• empty barrels, base 1Onburner, 8 plank 14 -ft.. long 3.x.9 inches, Empire cream 'separrator,. wagon parts via:; ?hpunds, asclo:s, bolster's, double trees, andboardsi, hoes, rake's, 'soldering irons, nail puller, pipe eefenehes, hack :saw, 2 Safety razors, brace,, reversible toilet sett and numerous other ,art - idles, y TERMS --All a4tleles of $5,00 and under cash, oven tla:tt amount 8 months. credit -ore approve.d joint Dr. P. J, O'Dwyer motof ed ate London, on Saturday'. . x Mi !�•., II.• 'Dofrrr, l:'iyclllo Sup't, of Exetcr., was in the villeens on 4 17esrlay• . o'f Crediton were, y'tinclay visitors the home f: r.s• , at t all of1VCt n.n t M G L. Smith, Mx anti Meat Ify. eh irt': and daughters 11:fabol an; Dashwood and Me. E.d. hiillcbeinez Mis. 'Earl Weida who i3 confiin'cd at the 1:1o'nclon AITo;xpata1, lil.. in pr.oving.' Very favorably. r I•• 1V.(i's. Sr1,1, Zimmteeman was eon fined to' her hiyd for a few clays' but is now getting along nicely., • Have -you seen our large , 1'e r aslsortmefat: of Nzna'a. : Greeting Cards, Deeeem:al:ion(s, and Fine Boxed' Stationery at Hess, the Jeweller Owing -to the unfavorable con- dition of the' weather last Satur- day, the auction said at the Walper House was '1 ostponed till Satur- day of tlli9 week, Dec.- 12th. Mr. -and Mre. Earl .Sm.ith tand,'son of Detroit, Mists Helen and Mr, Les- ter Mclshae of Crediton railed nt the home Of Mr. and Mrs1 A. Mel - ick on Sunday. Oall on. Saturday and see the new Criptallino lamps shades at the sat Shopper. We have quite- a !number of floor: lamp bridge lamp, rnanntel shades nncl different 'si ,e:4 of tabu:) lamp dhades for sale, and. also take oxdere. • Do'n't forget the monthly meet- ing of the Woreen's Institute itt the Town Hall, Zurich, on.,Thur'sc11y !afternoon oi' this week, Dec. 10th. Miss J'ockcll of Exeter is the main !speaker cif the meerting;, All ladies wee coa•dially invited to at- tend this meeting. TIl weather during the past week, hast given .lots of 'variety, last Friday an.nd Saturday was mild and the worse road's all fall, 'xvhi!e• to -day, Wednesdaer, ,Is real enappy- winter weather with silo-,• flurries. And th:'i, condition of the roads are .exceptionally rough. Why nut not pave the Zurich Road and have one good road in the Township. Our bis•ines-s men of the vit. l;age are offering the buying pl.b- lick here, a very choicely stelected array of article's for the 'Christ- mas buyerts. In fact it i3. as good an aslsortment es we Awe ever seen. And we can only urge the public to read. . the ads,: in, the !Herald, and read th.e`n.2 (carefully and tlism follow np by -.;going to these places and buy. and you will Rave even! a . more happy yule- tide. 6 Mrs's John Hey, Ji4, and Mfts 'Chaster L Srnith (and daughter Mae Ingold .n.ttend.ed the distr!c executive meeting ,et the South Humes \Naar:^ns' Institute at th, Rents of Mit L. Jnr'kell, E tc• Many interesting aliblects hetet discussed in which th 1 )c,a'l feat it'utes carr give • a Yelping i hat; 1 Mists Ellet Link frevot'r' t the 1,3x i -e with. a solo, which `i'.'il(' civet in a very eb1" mann" 'Mae Jeeckrll served a dainty Inneh, by which the ladies wart? .mai"h + rfre&lefl: next district m will ba betel at the brim= or: Mrs? Cl L. Smith. Zrlrich.. ;:°HRIS'1`MAS ENTERTAINMEN T Conm to Union School Secion No. 9, Blake Public School, on Friday, December 48th to scetnnd hear a good 'Chrism.e entertain- ment given by the .school children end th'' young people of the sec- tion. One big .feature' of the nigh!- is a very humorous play entitled "His Uncle's Niece." Aclmiesion 20c. Children under 12 years 10c. Don't forget the Christmas tree!, ,Come one, Come all Programme must begin! ,at 7.30 13harp- — W Finlayson, 'Tcaehler, THE MAGIC° CARPET Once urpon a ttiree in th my(- a'tie land of Persia, there was fo- tenud among the treasure's of eking a woe rifle/eel comet,, bne had on- ly; t't3 slit on it, wilsh• to be (somewh- ere, and away the carpet would .fly till they wishes for place was reached, For hundreds of years it carried kings' ,rid princes upon the ;most amazing adventures, oN one know! what ('finally ,became of it, buil: it may be. that its, last 'the • ends went into the mai u,p - .of tho first Youth's Companion. 13'or tike the magic carpet. The Con? paninn Cor. 19.26 card's you, to the land of your Heart's clesire-up to the Mains, woods • with .the lumber. Veen edit on the wesitern plain whore the warlike Navaho 1'nclians liwo; Car up- into the gold legions of Alaska; and away ion the South -ern Sean -Sri ;srearchi of treasuresand lost islands. All yo'u ',71.^,ed for such sexti'aordireary adventures !•s n young heart and a 'Y'outh's Coni- urpanion, Don't lose'•tini0 in gett- ing staeted;, l nbsr�ibe now ' and re col Ve 1 Screed€'iver, scoop, shovel, trunk* I—The "'nuth's ICoaipanion-52 is- 11t104 m 1029 and • 2—The rctmtinin ,' isl5tte5 of 10'25. .x,11 for. only $2.00. 3.—Or ;eighth.), McCell's M:igaizne,th.r' monthlyttl t authority an�fashions. .totes,"' 4% oft for cash on credit at i 'Roth nobli at ions, only 42.50, 1003r BRALD fJ CAL NEWS E Mrs, .11, Ileil°r,;ar iii ra Wet cr on • it Itk'•tripto , e' 1 t tz iii 11 C. 14th,!,.,,:.t ars the. s}chc list, but et •iutprut iia:;. . ' • 1\ir, and o'1ra, 0, .nr lstoop »ore( eel. nt +ieil')ee to i:Jetet)it. li m n, ee iilingtod Fe.; al ,c tfurth 1611 ,4111 T:111.1 Y .t la$!., Mh, Tint Prlr.a, 1 h.i'm. laina.m)t a of th.: a ii'.s it 1,,;,.r, (i l 1 it vi.tey pin;t„ is 1Cr Sar i) SI ,.,t tit • tv11'11, ',1'1 cele who its improti'in ,>' (in h„ 1'.th, • • ette;3 t'i'le' T e+il,lr! 1, th, 1-''1Jy• lots, s1) It 'Woad," v• with, rr'iatire.i and friends at Gorteeke , • About 2;000 matches are lighted every secnncl in Canada, of which t,fr00 are borrowed.. -.Nir. Vance, a prominent sports • r• -len near Forest, c !,sited w tb. 11T:•, CC. Elite last IVectn-e:i 1:1y night, 111r, R. X. Kalbfleiseh of Detroit and l)r. U. Weigel of Windsor wee" • welt! 'rat 'S ieitoi':; at thee bonus Of '4fr. sad Mrs. P. O. Kalbfie c'b The line, ar and sale of baking h, -Irl in the '1'ocvii !Tall on Saturday by the Lutheran Ladies Aide was '.1 .ley way a rlreidocl success. Mr. Armstrong is rrilitiving as a.cccunteat at the lona! Bank o'f Mx nlry:II here, in 1'. sen of Mr. ' at er, t'.h oie ntlac• ons a -trip io Detroit. D eit) the t,-rrl')tr r1,ntli ion'). the r, d. r n'l i 1rr? 1,.111 a .•.artier, a las C'' t ' L r._I 10 ths' j-1) o0 c a,tut t:.tt Th auetio sane tcl'.- .•a„ •3. ICir 'Out date -tr. , 1:nee:po)tled 11111 1l:ttur.3r,,; of thee week. 1 Here arta ile e • The Canadian Pacific steafner "Eine ;a a Britain will arrive at Quebec shortly on her first voyage 'frena -Liverpool as a cabin-c':ass St(,anter under h&tr new name Mont - royal. She is the fastest vessel sail- irg out of. Liverpool and is sched- uled to ran from there to Quebec in six and a half days. Brite •tit Columbia's payroll for 1923 was $150,000,000, according to the annual report:\of the Work- man's Compensation Board. The payroll for 1922 was• $128,592,- 55,2 e aend•for 3,921, $130,099,373. Em- ploying firms operating at the end of last year numbered 0,524, an in- crease of 145 over the previous year. The 1924 season for ther'port of Montreal was officially opened on the morning of the loth of April, when the Government ice -breaker Lady Grey arrived in the harbor. A big s€ason is anticipated, especially by the Canadian Paeii ' steamships, whose vessels on the S. Lawrence route this year will exceed 197,000 gross tons. Vancouver this seeeon has beaten Poi'tlaaud, the great wheat port of the Northwest and formerly the great wheat port of the Paeifie, Portland includes flour in its wheat totals, Vancouver does not. Accord- ing to the Portland press the Amer- ican cit,, has moved; over 20.0e0 00e. bushels of wheat to date. Vancou- ver, in the saaue peri•:d, shipped 33,- 000,000 bushels, exclusive of a very considerable quantity of flour, The ,much prized 1-Ciider silver medal, the }, < li:'st atvaa•cl of the American Pomologieal Society, the oldest horticultural body in North America, has been awarded to the Central Experimental Farm at Ot- tawa for the sixth time. The 4nedaI on this occasion was given for the Lobotapple, one of the many fine varieties' Of McIntosh Red parentage originated at the Central Farm, An estimate of $1,500,000 for fire protection and nlan.agement of for- est reserves has been placed -before the Government £or approval by the -1Vliniste'r of the Interior. The Min- ister stated that more drastic meas- ures of fire Prevention would be taken this year and in this eonnec- tin o the Department of the .Interior proposes to utilize the Royal Cana. diad Air Force for the detection of • fires, e An appeal for increased pensions for the originals of the old Royal North-West Mounted Police ie now before the Federal" Parliament, The present pensions are based on the pay stanciard5 of 20 to 30 year! ago and are herefore quite inadequate, Theappeal7 ie c in andasked a il; is as d s , that they be raised to the same level as those granted members of the present Royal Canadian Mounted psaistl,,pn tetineme t. 0�,01 emits S lsa t� etre Out -nave ssox8 pun Lee/ oeuts aseu,3ul etll o,temt x1laA silo :to; s, uttiaul) 1.8N i?oa . 'SZbT .. ut P exp3o s.yn urtialta lt'lci mil x04o &t2'L! 'I l•; 30 ast'a.zaut 1117 '010 -`0LT'LEt To 1lloar l.ou o inty Errl' >c•3 -`&9i' Io sesuadxa 13tcplso,tt '680'Lf -'901$ 7o s,lltrlu:aya s00.T.n ntotls 8114, cut atlb ` eeT '.xscluraao(I ;o lith O." 8?8'1:0ay', n a817axaal tar. '1,51 ,1 w'8$ eo eteoxd )OU,13 Puy `rii'm'Os X'(31r1 I 5aarretlxs 4upt.tes, 'VLteene'eee ,aucT, ire Ao.et Aotts ,1 tE le Ot seartotl et k;s r, O>i ; k03 lea:d 043 T^ o'r'rft7,1 t't; 1)711 :to ands 111 'paiwp.p. tt user 2011 1.t ttte to.t,iiut :Cpee3 s hail purr 'pau)Ll.utnlu' item used reti uoalllyrtt`s2.ro l.ltrdl Io uamsor :2uox4s 041. sato ,m,oits Jcsx,lliall aeon .0 itioUnt:The 'Youth's Companion, SN .Dept. 'trezpnuttCJ sty ,o sasuroctxo pun stir. i :l.UW,OO» l :O. OIA Slrt'iSJCC r , tI A .S� O5C�1` I�.,f Iij7y,. !�.tiC:i1f7t7L-`�t°%;p' �..,fliatfiil� .1:ia. Fettbsel`3 )tinily a")' "i.w, . tVY Si* Johnston, 3e , OIVed at Herald Oltfee.. +> - 1 1d r;y aRr 0 4a 0 31 r) cE of raj C k fie f) 51 2) 50 E3 929 55 m 0 55 0 55 4 t5 aD 55 rho .pagr� h"1 wrw.rwa.NWn*rrmn wm:wa, cot00000vipipoiamooalripeo, efvee toT, @ 113 7.0 t�rt +w•aww�N.sr„waw.rr.,.w.rcnmwm.rsctr.,w,wrr,+uwewucw:rNn.nYs . . erne,.wet+rz.wnl.,..resriw,zcrn,nunKc,ruu�m:.acwc,u Pnmp3, �Pip:ing I;ii 'fes. Also insJJ our Pumps otora Age and Tele- ) Er e l F-,- Erbb e% Tubes, Cremes a Ns LPrarlirs. Pro,41171 t ,a't V, s . >. t t acsoma" _ arcome.W,.... rato-e imA rw- ra tit We are in. a position to Repair any make of Car. Also do Battery charging and ''• C.5 c`7 !pairing. Store your battery with us for the. winter P.KROFF 0 eits 55' IXC? ti; G11+'eeer1eeSef;rMe SCigest!U8CY3E:; •"4"f,7filerfiNa •f)CMY..•� sfineir_s ___�,; �.emazeits ss:s3 •masremmoraziomesommiz Q 1 ea, one sJ7 �1 � . PI1 O o ^s They will 1 Fate cel' you from the cold 1 i ids and will makeW .$;ter 1 C? t o ' 7i g a pleasure IF YOU WANT SERVICE. WE LANE IT WE RERU 313ER i OUIt dine - }Y 4VII}IEI,S. HL -'SS - ZURICH . 1.'l. e , . ,, . 00.. Y : ; ,,,.i... • .f.4:o,i•.1•rE•,1,.;..,t..f,44+++.t.• +.1. ; ++,1.4, i F• •++3..4,44.1 dF1.41,..1..1-+•i• e..}, s NI • COMBINATION DOORS 'WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST COMBIN- ATION DOORS ANY SIZE AND STYLE; FOR SUMMER PUT IN' rill SCREEN EN FRAME, AND FOR WrN'tTJR TAKE' OLTi' THE SCREEN AND PUT IN THE GLASS PANNEL. ALtiu S 'C':1,T Wr';rlilt', Tn FrT ANY FT1ATTE ORDER NOW AND DLI`. READY WHEN THE COLD WEATHER (2OMES. ANYTHING IN WINDOW SASHES, FRAMES, ETC LET U e HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW, t300D SUPPLY OIC ROOFING, SIDING, SUIN ILPS WAl,t. BOARDS, ETC., IN STOCK. • PHONE + �e�6C 1111 : • d,,,3"4.,t,e•i•'i'+'1+`>•,4.,y,,; +++..+'-.e i.4..t.+01.4, .r4.4.+4,,},.i^.4.•i•,i„4•eee .3 4•'p4'.,3„3i,.:-+141) 69 ege FLEISCJ]: ZURICH 4 45 '—+—+—+--4—+—.i'_-•, __•;•—.p._,1•— ')'—,........,q._,-ri' --4'—+- +—•4'—+—+ Stone Built Clothes FROM NOW ON t All Woollens Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO - • HES aro treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO- CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a. $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond THIS EXPENSE? W D F GO TO THISSI,� +'"ECAUSta lltoth aro theg reateat factor in the destruction of C': -- P °thing .. that aro laid alaAy for even a short period. 'BECAUSE This now scientific discovery—The Larvex Pr'ocese--e, i Y 'entirely eliminates lx y 1 li any dtrn�,.i to your clothes am the rav- ages of Moth a nd their Larvae, TB'E ATJSI; Stone -Built Clothes with the added attraction of the, i.rt\1,.tiLX bIt)1'It PROOFING PROCESS, is a. combination that + dories all competition—that cannot be beaten. There Is 00 extra charges to you, Gs"1` SELL +TON'NE-l3I11LT CLOTHES 1 New Spring Suitirigs Arriving Daffy RCt , s - tTA LOR AND' UN L I S T Y Y 1 lT T' l i'I O +1, �" DAY AND .i, ,—,-.**; -,., . , , ; ,..l ri,..� r ..i .. d ,, + t. •,lea 1,::.� .;. i -•%-M ' *3.'a rct�m c r