HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-10, Page 4our ZURICH. REEAl4D Scl 1 A e3, e, A .AAr'y, delegate to x11,+ '•O.IPPUit,. s oltviietton ctl d ini.7; wiry ixli;irtiet1N,e. detail:l. bairait:t ,1'as ars'). •s;;rVicecl. Z 1oyr:1 Hoettlelr hail the tYti ,sor. time lat•114 t geto, Ms build bedly'. 0r'it anis injlti'.)r.t w11d1' opera Ling a nt tchinet Sorry to learn, that IToilalid'Ldt•- ti ei;tt:ill1 5 very ill. 111'x:,. 'Pei or L. n'fcActbinr,, of Vin nc),r, t .+r; 13 f."'. is hero ke itiiz Rohit Nly.`rtllari s. s• hy In :+y; 111cAvthor i'ec,ently had 111.mi•Afttiq.ttnd'• to get the end:, of b,iilly • c.r'lsh �cl kn ,a cn.•t, JUJU f s IIjl17 viok). Model R-3 Three -tube coupled teeeners e Live eircult LiamJ nm w ho5auy cabinet w•; 'i iworior at• o irnoda+Jon for dry bat, to -ies. Price inrlu, n tu'.e • headset and grid leak :84.00 r' i1 ..t!iR'.a• t ,r^r--" Sold . By IV G. HESS & 'SONS, ZURI;C'.ii , gecial d is ..vireNdests jjr tV pr,7n the 1 a bra,. O (1) Fitrfilg TEUAL in your own horzie, (2)3 ��r�n,01 dayPlaya. Priviiege. for any DeHorest & Crosley set of higher value. _u... (o) One Month's - MIL Service.. 1 (4) Guaranteed In q (5) stall -tier?, E< pert Personal Instruction. (6) Unusually At tractive . T. er'ts (7)" 0 ;;%113 in a. tri 2J:.1.13w. (inetead of addowing terms on the set alone and charging cash for other neces sari ect upment, we allow the small cash Payinent.. and re.t ed terns to cover -Ma - complete purchase.) (8)e.I i Q gut.- tSEwE213Q.3e Model R-4 '3hhe four -tube Sup r T irds n° circuit. 7tnpressire c t• :^t large enough to hold all dry 'batteries. Price, including tubes, headset and grid leak ......... ........0i 't � `- r eD Model. R-5. A wonderful five -tube radio frequency circuit of fine tone. .euality. Most handsome cab- inet of the year. Price, in eluding S tubes, headset and grad leak. 5175.03. The Musicone The sensational cone -type tone re -creator which has set a new standard of radio reproduction— and of EVER before was a radio set of ' such nation-wide reputation offered t Fes- unusual, easy. _errs _.al SO ,,.oa_ , o =term so , Look at- he nine advantages of our Christmas offer •alongside. Remember, too, that we are not only giving but also arranging for exceptionally small down payments. Improved broad- casting, wonderful programmes, a great feast of Christmas entertainment just being planned—now., indeed, is the time to get your -es,F,,, iR You can choose from the complete series of this Canadian -designed line—models which. we selected from the whole market as being the most efficient, the most refined, the biggest VALUE'S. A model for every home! .Only a limited number of sets can be sold on these exceptional terms. You'll have to. act quickly! Come in early! Sold. By W. G. HESS & SONS, : Z URT{CIH Ralf Fey -merits ar- ranged for reason- able Period in.case of „sickness ness or unem- • ployment. (9) Complete Satis- faction Guaran- teed. a D. A. TO M IS ;tel' i ��'�.� 1 i4 aittal1i@bit 00ea eatg�+soatils®cresec •3aavaicia4kaieeesottastme®o a S to • • • S I• We are ros eceav g a carload. of 'POCARAN'TA:S Coal for igenera1 •• •• . Leaveyour order y arw • I GREENFIELD'S Champion Tonic • .t F'Or Poultry •• • KEEPS ' , PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUOT •. t3IRD9 T i _1 1` I' i L 1 1 1d ..14 i� 1,1,10N. 4 or A BODY PUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD • AY'FOEDS RELIEI'' 1410141 NTERNAL WORMS ' 4 a gV TRY A PACKAGE OP THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC • 1,1* AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 'e ALSO . H `.VE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FEED a. FOR STOCK. II• • Zurich I 145 Ooal Schilbe **Abater sZ•tl0+ra11bt eX0timiseoes obseeoes moteeae• fig' ga ra, x 1;;;e pro v r: 11Izly arbl11 '11400 0 Witter Alm*. 1f» lour' 11Rfi „`t3 ekiri 1,tit iE past. "13*' • •rust<it+d . of Mr. anlrrr *bat vihh t :a('.' lin et 1.. „exni hi' atter ESkER 113 truck skidded On and turned cony- 'he ony-'he road being very 'be length of the .eon that has been • gilts a wok for es under the corn Heainan and Sgt. • 'had up, last fiiinal 'inspection by r to I. r'c ih i of lcan '7011 'returned I weeks hunting w- nneeedrel in bagging 40 skunk'ia 4 minks, 2 foes, 2 coons, 4i , gocse- and a number of rabbits. valued .in the neighborhood of ;11.50. J Imes St United 'ehurch celb.- ratetl their '64th anniversary.: on Sund_ty last; large eongre;,iations Were present. and Listened to very eluinc.`,ll: sernon'a by. RI-v...•'I.hom.- nfint Of London, pl'Osid13itt of the. L0111l0.0 Conference.' Mary E. Attack, for nein;; !xr a? s 1 s dent of Exeter, died hi Clin- ton on :i1:oli :iczy, 1 ov, -IAclr .tri her 11';010 year • • i+or ai number:' of ye,- i.ng li!'tchtnrA, Il i' was operating. Nathan Peck 1155 been very po- orly l4 the past tine and .seriou a con- sQ4ufr..,neen threat9niwi4.. A. .fin' enteitiOnnz 1°twill 1>r held in the town hall on Ds ci 1.8, connection with the public shool. • Wni,. J. Elder Who suffered sev- ere injuries from, a fall from a 1.'inrintill a month ago, is improv- ing • McDonell, the sale'r:nan for C-herrol'et -cars, has been to Osli- a ,tin recently. kr. au:1 Mrs. W. O. Goodwin,who have filled the duties of choir lead er and organist the past few years It'ave tendered their resignation. Mrs. G. C. petty has returned; from Toronto where she had been isiting relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Clark and little daughter •hter R•a.th. have retuned from a trip to Freemont, Orr The concert held by the Sun- beam -Trio. known as Gretta Lam-- mie • of Iron --';ill , 7iaiherine Sell., of London ;and Gladys Slay of Sarnia. gave a splendid concert in th:? Town Hall on Friday eve last. The residents of i'I:nsall and vicinity wore shocked on Saturday lea bt to hear of the death of Mrs. Robt. Caldwell of the village, silo. had attr'nded a concert pre,,uus to her death annd on r.'tul.li;ig home was taken ill with pneumonia which caused her death early Sat. Was twice married. her fi gat husb- and being Mr. Cams iron and from this union one daii hte.r 'survives, . .Ct!,r her marriage they took up farming three miles vest of the village, but a year ag'l moved to t•Iwn owing to ill health. Sh;t was 110 years of age and well known. i in' eti'T„' leo org'inixe a hockey 1 rub was held roti nlly in the hotel ,'. Bates was chair., in anti the fol- lowing officers Niree appointed,; Pres. W. A. McLaren; Vire, B. Bates; .Manager, J. Hudson; con- cites.T. Moore and W. Shepherd; nSe, y°--Trens, J, Flenvng; e t.cative J. Sangster, S. Pepper, L. Mickl,e, J Patterson and Dr. "Knapp; C'C.tp- talri, B. Shaddock. Sweaters worn ordered ill( green and. white colors. F m cr COUNTY NEWS. Thedeath occur -d in Sarnia of Mrs. Jane ii, Lovie, aged 66 years widow of- the lute lames Lovie of Grand. Bend. The remains were brought to Grand Bend for inter - merit. Service= being held in the Tl mstlay, ca:eenober 10th, 1895., 14+4"f"..3414.44+++.1.+, 4“,14+++++++++4,+++++++++,14.:• brought to town and the funeral being held in Trivitt Memorial ch- urch. Tw oautos'collided on the road south of town and' both slid iii a deep ditch ton feet deep. The rause being • of a fast traveilling Oldsmobile sedan coming frotu the nnorth and met Dr. A. R. Gibson in Ms Fodr coupe. The big car kaeg ,ging too fast it- could not be controlled and bumped the coupe oft the road and then took CREDITON - Chas, Zwicker is Int Toronto on business. Mrs. Fred Wr.ierth; is quite blit. She has reached her 77th mit estonti in life. Mr. anti \Mrst, J. G. M.Zri, faro visiting with Mr. and Mr's. Chas. Ellber. Mr. and Mrs. Fred.' Was,thorn and family have moved in.to0. Kerr's house. e Mr. and. Mrs. Conrad Kuhn, who have been very ill are improving Chris. and Fred 7lai'.st have re- turned frond attending " the funeral of. Mrs. Fred H'a'kat ,0t Ford:h:ill. Mr, and Mrs.• G. EWe'nrel have returned from Listo•trel, cyhe.Ta they alien l/.tl the wedding of Mist %en-. zel's brother, - - Mr. and Mrs`;. John Appleton, formerly of Corbett have moved lin C'raditon East'" Eckert;, wh ohas visited M? ld. Fahner. his returned to her home in Sarnia. • Laurotta E:Glt%n'-all, who hag carni plet:rd h a' training at Victoria Hoa pital, London, spent a -..few deems with her parents, but returned -to the cit-, where she'„ha's a ,j,3'ositior"c at the Hospital. Sorry to learn. that Mrs, Cod- frt,v Ntc;h.nlson has go,ie, t:ri Vict- oria Hospital, London, µhers• {slxc, will undergo an optintion '1•h.- c':rlrb.ath School workersiCon lerence of Zion Evangelical (Iii,irh ' wash t Inform h Public that I have. r dissolved partnershipwith my fernier « er, ,aplol e ', Mr. Prang, and fish • an leo l!a cca that I have opened an up -tax - I'. Ste, fl date Garage in Mr. Hey's Block *a) I AM IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT SERVICE AND I EFAI14,'S' TO ANY MAKE OF CAR. ALSO BE - SHORT NOTICE A. FOR SALE r -10 .70 sr �P- BUILD AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON FULL LINE Off.' GENUINE FORD PARTS AT FORD PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Day and ight Service rop. +'r 4F` r+I++ +$•r?+ X3`4 4- +4-14.1•' ,,, ++++ g : + n}' 4 44• + 1•++ ++; :• 2+s r43 4• i ,! . TIesbytcr,an church. Mts. Lovinl and family moved to Sarnia foul years ago anebas been in poor health for a year anti is Survived' N ived by two daughters and font son's. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's -par-nts, Morris. on \Vl'dne,sdrivast a: Edna A.,oaly daughter ofMi'..inri Mi'S'. john Coin! ing t oCiifforrl J. Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick Stewart of''. rind 'con, Stanley Tp. At the home of , f'1io r. A. McFar- fallene, Clinton last Saturday, Fan- nie. voungesl clatghter of Mr. and. Mrs, l.loe:. McKen:-ie of BrucefieId; was united in nrsn.rria gt' 'to Andrew Moora, son, of Mr. end Mrs. Isaac M'oor9 of Tuckersn•tdth. ' The Huron Plowmen's A'ssocia ion held .a meeting in the. Town Hall, S ea.forth. A good number of the north end attended as' well as some of the southwest part. The object of the meeting was- to place a -representative, of . each: township on the Director's' Board. Janet Coilac[ay, wiclot; of tllelat'e. Jas. Cowie .,of B'ryfi'eld, died in, Goderieh en Nov.1'1st, after a pro- longed illness, - 14Irs% -"Cowie .was born in 'Jackson, Mich,, and Caine with her parents., to Seaforth when a small child where she. 'spent her girlhood. Later the family moved t oa farm in Stanley tp., Where 57.rS Cowie lived until the time of her marriage in 183.4, when she came to live in Bayfield; which bad been her residence ever ,since, Mr. Op wit)._ predece.ased hi's wife 36 years ago. Jellies K. Hodgins- a prospero,ss farmer living about two miles east of Corbett alp the Town Line be- tween yfeGillivt•;iy and' Stephen To':t`l ships, eonanittad tsuc do -early on Monday morning lash by drown- ing himself tri a -pond of water pot far front his home. He was about 55 years of .age and had beep ill for two weeks', He ,suffered from tri laneh.olia, but Apparently ,had grown bather the latter part of the week, Late Sunday evenh'ng last 11 e,irtsr'It'e,.1. en etting (tit', of boll tl,n-1 in spite' of the cfforbs of his wife -to restrain him, left the House ,t aik:nd ,abet -t 70 rods to; ai bush; nearby, bi'oic(.' a hole in the: ire and drowned hinisielf in about. eight in -- :hes: of 'lZ'nt'a'.r". No 03.111 I'., can hp. ei v +n for his action otter titan 11;3 astir: trralonc!holy COitdri.aon. He is 011 ' t art:•i °sir+� 01,55 a eollectT� hr th n „,quarterly...i. In uarterly Yt:'�sinrrrril ,. l+'sr,l l) , 1 f and n • f ArrilV i lia'olo ;,;....,;:;....*;‘;•4 1 the 3 aaai .i3 We: -":1,;...4$ :ul!Ll t Uri the girt nh -o' Mon - - t grown; 1aap dhiir;,l.S. tl, all at Li -51)10, 1 I Stan Around ani:-. ! r Jfr.� ,.{.+. e Why Rve;rthm ” it (. Call at E uerth'B and will fix you TJp-To. ate TERM Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM n.mss - .. i .1=a" s. • ., .liar .:., ,.. .lam T anC ri, 4ivie have placed ink Stock a fine Line of 3'Mercbandise for the Christmas Trade TOYS! TOYS,! 'MIS OF 'VARIOUS KINDS FOR THE. KIDDIES, MEC.ITANt- ICAL TOYS FOR THE BOYS, DOLLS FOR THE GIRLS, : an*di t . PICTURE BOOKS FOR ALL. 'CHRISTMAS • /CARD `a_Mt WE HAVE X. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CORDS 1 i • -10 AT DIFFERENT PRICES. ALSO CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS;,_ FOR > THE HOME' AND CHRISTMAS ,.iDI]S. u1iC GIFTS! GIFTS FOR GIFTS WE HAVE MANICURE SETS, TOILET MS, A:,E A+ TRAYS, FOUNTAIN iAYS,FKUNPAIN ,PENS, AND FINE STATIONERY, Dr1 A. J. Mao 'LIM'IN . >r�! 1� dt mon .Zuridb. f•