Zurich Herald, 1925-12-10, Page 1KM, E s;fil Duringthe Coal Strike use Our buts i ut''s� Sole Agents ficrir the, Reil Gen - nine CONSOLIDATED MILE.E.RS CREEK, The Test loft Coal Ob- tainable. Pocohotatae, .'smokeless • =Sett ,Coal, Detroit Solvay nui eoka• and best Anthracite Pee COAL. • TELEPHONE Sl RVTO"E — OUR Ili ', FORMATION ]U F.RHEE. CALL BEFORE[hTIF�crL G ELSE!. ►' 71,t 1O H E &ISALL 0 NT- • Piionea-Office 10w. House 1.0.1 Our Corner ` its readers, to - s as i t The Herald >�. as ake these, column's their own to the extent of contributing social and persona/ 1ten: which are: of nxiterett. t£ .heti]•. Haavc friends, vis group r pictures of client nig y.,ou, there es' no nicer comp- sihecl with g, . - T liment ycoii can ).pay your ,:guests pionship teaiii from 18818 to 1925, theni to take,the trouble to see in fact, T the history* ofSport no ed ',t that their' names acre mentioned in Great National Winterp Tour local nil ,;s�IF.tp,err. tolri,.in pieture:a, Oicl'-ti era will 24U RICH, . 1.4 1J. n ? DAY M On N.., � »:. - �',,.,,.>...nett. ...._...,..�-.--• ,... DECEMBER 10, 1925, one,sir.,,�.,ruw.7,.w>w4p,xpnowr>Nuuw MAI (Terra V. 'Siebert, in11111]hi ab°eiTati+reri't•Tcl in the handsome half wishesannounce tothe public :tones of tile 'terms who were pro - that ,•inyone wanting new nats,or -rein lit a, g ^rice i tio.] ago, ,hila, the remodelling done should .call at ;•vain"er enthusi:tsta will enjoy the the house phone, LOU, if nio one Is a ^•r>lorluctions of • tilts- store recent in the shop-_ winners', The .bock 'is not only lavishly illn ,tr it;cl, brat• is literally _,�, crammed 'with ranch °.'interests Tg in- formation regarding indltnn'ua31s, cl.usb and leagues th Ori host. this country. . a,ocril hocleey fans tvi11. also fled vary. anter -U'ttng gvoup rat l ordwich: "ons Dec. lst and \will picturas or the United Sr it. a3 Aua- con!tinue to Fele, 2Gtlij, The staff t,teui 1.1o�cl;,oy '.Asia eel itU IT Omni - consists of R. R. Stri'n'there, 13.S.�1;► pions, who • are 1p.tatcticalty lriad•e as principal, and J. Y. Keilongh, up of former W,e11 known C�Lnadiarx B.ScA. a!s0 of Cliniion, and Miss (l)i,7,,y^rs: 11v'� hook, which is 1).0)., Edith Hopkins, T iindasay, assistants. lieh:'d ley; (;,•t orf, Klee, 84 Vietox i1 Sne'eial sixb1ee4A1 win bc, taken by fit. Toronto, a ;cell ].no'wn Toronto diffaren�t persons, experts in their sp i t. -ri t i is ,t ei dit' to the game, and its ,I)uhiaher. - The sixth annual 'school 'Elem•- entry� Agricultural and Horne, Ec onornice for Huron County opened HOCKEY,L>ICTORIA.L1:"saYiaUNtt':L BOOK OF CHAMPIONS The 1r g tiler monnthly meeting, The ,editor of the Herder has of th': council of*th" Township of received •i copy of ethe Hockey, Hay was bald 'in the town hall, Pictorial, 199 edition„ ;which is now Zurich. on Monday, Nov.30th. All on, Baur at all new3thucle, and 'which the members were p2's:,nt. The is at once the handsomest a'lnclonoet minutes of the pr' -;tows meeting complete 'publication- ever pro- . were nartptf,a .'ts read. The Poll- :rluced in the 'world for any single owing t;'•^•err appointed d as poll, sport It is x marvel in artistry ins planes. Deputy Returning Of - and industry of achievement. It Picea s anal :Poll Clerks For the set,'I;1r: �iTard Fritz impossible to ispeak too highly ere! polling-plaeos of the. Towle. 1Vin•tlsor 1a'sl wee?z ie p o r• e � 192 a and of ;it, The, Took represents ye- sltiP o. Hay Pref the lorcuglnt _;,cith hixr ars of ,effort: typogeaphicallyedd that Bv' law No, 10, 1925, confirm -- !pictorially, xwhi,t+h h.ic ,n :11a:n1114:111,:elie;litaa131;71::°)N17-;g11:c111 !pictorially, i<t is a "masterpiece .% iiia said .1ppointmints be read to the'old model, and it is all doll' From coven to co -ver it is embelli- three times ;and finally passed; No o:l pia; and aro l,'-ancr to o Fcilla 1, Schoolhouse, No- 2, 1j Campbell, the- pres�'id condition of tl7e, road's. CC. hL'Ulat1 No 2, eseh - '1 house 1- O B .:..nett--. tm Chester L. Smith; 11' tix!ifit,yPl+iTft;" x;1,25 ea Yom itvm A.i'yei, $1.50 iN 5.a rti't,ir a, $B m... t3P oVste l.giW ;c'y :•I'XiiSisre .Earl and Percy 'eido Metolied to London Wednesday. O tl'y, two 1nort weeks' till _Xmas iiakt3ayuu •douri yo ar 'shop pieg.yet 0 a ,deg• to tho unfavorable coif- ditac e -of the: weather Tait Satur- day, _tli'ti auction sale at the Walper Iluui'i ' was postponed till Satur- day O.5.1 this: week, Dec, 12th.. NEW ADS—W. r Hess & Sons, R. N. Douglas, J G;:io'ho 8z. Sons, t Prang, L. W. lIoff:t7:a.n, 11, ,Angel D. True nner, .A, P. IlesS, Etc. Mr, D. Oswald, cuanntiissio'ner of the%ur+ich road wishs to advise, the. pi�tblic that on alt t^ountyroads a) tri oks or loaded wagons tare allowed to carry more than, hal£. the 'regular load until the roads laecoin.ca better. west 8ta{28+Q,iiaig4fl:'gf1 lQ4aa,t+seciaatt39Fea+00Q+640tflt$00er1wariTtnea q,oesst a� 0 z 0. .11 g 9 tit, l a3 31< 0 Koop Your Poot ry a It costs no snore to wear a pair of "LTFERODY" Rubbers t cteci,le i1 iri,orenee Goa of 0, 1v a ibell Cit lio 49. 6 than than, cheapest pair made a Jr 1'ITf 0l'iccG Steckle 71, Mal- esThe difference In quality andd construction en b1e's'�yoii t`o keep to tndi 5,,;,;,a 1,+ fin. di on wearing ytnar 'pair of .LIFEBUOYS long _after you w Kalcl d f Sr..TT- tx aevT '; ti Etre Su, Eliz - have had. to tSalrartw, an, inferior pair away: 'raid 1 h St -lee -den, r 5, Jean Carnic 71 ,ee cl S I ti4"a't a• FTedular h3, Grant Turner 68, CO No. 1,.•D. Barns, W. Alexander; No, --Mi'. and Mrs. John Gillman who 3, To',:n :13'1.1, !ta'i-h \V. O'13roin, 0.. spent the past mini'+.-- of weeks Su eros ; 'vo. •1. WI. TI !lass' Shorn, an. Michigan, returiw 1 to their home W. G. Tresis, D. Oswald; No. 5, sc'h here in the will ] g They were oot house No. 32 E. Bender, J. Geo- :accom.pa`nied by :Tr. • Jansen of t -free; NO. fi, 'Fiir`lcib's Hall, J. K. Detroit,. wile lift for that city the aceta, A. Wober; 1Lo. 7, school following day. h+ us:, No, 3, W McAlli iter, J. B, Albert H 1 Fall est ; No, 8 O. O. San'th's shop, Heideman, a highly re- p. Jr. awn;yti ritesday . morning after XL "el sed• io;'s il+t1't o-,, aged 139 ,aa �. and t i,1•Tla,. years �ltit, mon t . Following. ii, the report Of, S, Funeral will tale place at 2 o*etork S. No. 4. 5 Stanley for :•leptein- 011 Friday altexnoo to the LuLh- hei, 0•^t, and Nava Gran cemetery, Sr. IV—Miry St3C1IJ 81%_, Lnuis'- A.re'w claaages have taken place Masse 87, Nola rtne tit, T.'O,' i Rue. . ,• business. .iii in tit. is cal garag,4 1. Gi., Elmer Slue 52, Angel whobas be.'n the meclaa,aic Jr, IV-47�ate!h Etue 71, Maryann at L. Prang's Gari:;' has left that ' spa led 1 Aideat• of Zurich passed F. Duah .rme�, J. Corsi, earn, . E �' C3A�',T L �.�' et fo As a result of carefully controlled Ixlaniafaeturiiig p7'raa asses an t4 the use of only the highest grade pure gam. rubbers, LIFE•- €i et B,' BUOY bbere withstand the hardest wear and the aging action 04 a of water and time.. 49 0 , There isno,substituting for LIFEBUOY, asIc ,for them byname, ;1 We hie a Fine Assortment of new Felt e. •nett. Footwear for your Winter's Co tl,fors �@@ �!! BEPp4IEIIV`4"riI+T3LATLY DOIVIf- BN,. 5 .�i. S. SEE OTJR �F/NDOIV, DISPLAY ;Q tl,liliat bi edlli€dfe leu,iFi1''A' 419etaM(60416, :';'00000000QfG4e0 00agore t,,0 6 0e 4.44 • • INEITMANIMMIOSKIlaifillaidatiVISMOMatiLit Airi �►fi' and NO IVien y •.. 1 • ya 'C'IRSa . ,a Tts the glad time 4when oyery heart is thrilled when 1,„r L, g.... .)'W } 4f',(✓•'�"�di<��V'4 'tl' ,4)414 ee- J J y THE SPIRIT Tx ” O:00D-P1: ;.LING BECOMES t3OUNDL,ESS BUY THEIR GIFTS FROM .t1 MEN'S ' S'1`L3^RFs-••.THE STORE OF "MID; CHRISTMAS SPIT -IT, 3s' OR 'MEN A))N BOYS., 1 NEW TIES. NEW SCARFS .r1.ND 'I`7fES' 7iCI Millt.TCH„ ENGLISH '13111'7 A'1 G:Lo s'� . SHIRTS, PINE GLOVES, NEWEST' �r',`a'116; ,' TiLRS,'. • "fir, yA , • ' LATEST! ' HA.T S, 111%11 3 4,14D OVERCOATS.. Cx'A.SCH, L f g` i ND A,,A,a n,Qi sli 1P1t!iON �A place ,and has opened up a i trtge in 3. Hey's Block. While Mr. Peter Kropf 'is now the me- chatiic at: Prang's garae,. CT iptallen'e lamp shades are the neer, i':st itt ''shade'f. They 4idd a 1:lilton.Talbot 16.touch of color andvariety to a Jr. Il --Robe. Cantle 80, Mary' rc'ont and the most of them blend CCanipbell 79, Eul,ilie Carnia 75, in with any color. Call and see 11'itl? 1. Hohner 60, Kenneth Etue 75 them at the "Flat choppe. .If Lenard, Eine 55. ; a' havent .what 'you want leave Pr.—Ilene Talbot 85, Asa Steckle y:aur order and woe .ivn make up 63. ;;hat you want. They make ]nice Teee.lter, Trin: "%I: Musass1i Lin Xmas. gifts and look; a lot for the --- money. CHURCH NOTES At a largely attended meeting of th" members of the Ladies Aid and Misision Sneiety held on Th- ursday ,.aftern:)on Dee, 3, in the c?uarch' • bntt0inetit. interesting re- ports of the y0ar5 work given -and following officers! were elected. .. Jt' ,r dont Mt -a. C. Fritz, 1st Vice •ere;'a:='i'1iss L. Faust. 2rtr1 Vico-Pres—Mrs. Dengis TeR'rc.' Secy—Mrs. Writ O'Brian Corr c c;•-9Ix, L Jiotrar l Aid Trews —.Mrs J. Geigel', hfl&&s, T'rr'••ts—Mrs,. 5 Zimmerman„ Organist—Mrs \V.H. lloifman 14,,3t. Org.—Mrs'. W. C lif:i.ce i,ilirnrians—l'T 13 A. Mot IS" au, Sia,( Nolan Sariria* Audi tors Mee` rC.'. L Smith,and in5'tanitly billed by his tallior:. this,. 1'. L. 11i4rirra' titer? ;teas no ,qehool in, the. after-• In Spite of the 'stormy 'Nve3-h`r n,'nn;. and Mr,. Deitrich, ill eOmTi t:ay last Sunni 1 tv .', a' ilei c ^ wen a~ with Jos. Regiiii and a cot'uple!o:f' l,ont 181 in. the FJ3rricq. Tho'ary lade went Iiuntinry rabbits. Only v, -ha t o-iiunerl for tat, sr. Leagiio li einem hacl gunsf Robert 'carry: enjoe4101.- a ig00l 1]"retTi1g,. . FT id.ny 7.311, Pr rex: t o y service, in`* the ammunition. MISTS the W expect a large' attenrlancr.', t +tgerly occurred a rabbit was aced l Mr. Kegler fired A. Shot II: c.'30, i.Lii.nrt- rly Co riafen00 and Chair priietico Sund'ty, 10 7;1x1., Worship Hour. 11 ;t.Tfl Bible Seheol 7,30 p.m. Seeviee for all, -in con- nection with W1iaeah Holy eo rt- rrinfl )n �oill 1, ,fit lrw.rsini d. All c'h1i:iti:t.i: li,'"° ,V ile: c0' to take,,' liar t, 8.30. ;it. r1 Si',' L ni tta,s, . .. ,„ T p rii id i' T'; ' Dec,"lith opal Srlr th Clarisi tir13. 'PaVa it 10 ;11'ls -hilt th" 1? 11111.*1 Clitu.'h 'citttix:d �1'l'h? a f 1T]^ little P''1' • i..rght 01 r,lh�g 'World," j t h1 toaa,taiy a^ Era' y1yyyy�r, ypyq� �•1 wM/ ,�yy] yyy Ip ?' it*'i 11:^1T�, B.E n1 J�lill N'C;,��, PJtl 11, tiiAical F64:�1�i'•{1 i111j `(}'j:l i)rilwy 'l l"1l�' totilali 0 iNJ ' i'1 1414. C':trnxi. Bayfield is; one of thi municip- alitys •that are holding their mun- icipal election a' month before the new year., and the sani'e took place on Monday with the following re- sult—A, E. Erwin elected reeve, re- ceiving 1'32 votes, RS against 100 GIST 1AT LAST ,J ii ec 'r �A o�Gs Store is filled n !"tE vS' � sir Store with i t That Last. NEW DIAMOND RINGS, MA S' STYLES FROM •$20 0'e to ;141ell0t ^ SIGNET AND STONE SET RINGS, :BU A.U1'IFUL- BAR PINS. 1N:< DESTRUCTIBLE PEARLS. WATCHES FOR LADIES ANTS Cr',I'•,`..1+3' ;.k 110.00 TO 1(135,00 WALDEMAR CHAINS, CUFF .LINKS, TIE I!Ii•S- SILVERWARE, OUT GLASS. Large Stock of Waterna:.an'e r..c e'aL euntain Pens, Fr'eaeh Ivory: and Pine Boxed Stationery, Sit � e „ia1eviiell 'THE GIFT SHOT'. tl - +*s*:•as44.4.444.0* 444>ab4*a*,ra+u �e4•�>�4i�rsa� '�r4.04,aa0�aat9t ?l�i'ig. t it Otti 'D P ,�@ M T` 0, : :A, kv •,i• ,3 6= � 'lt "sail + � Oil � T. x a aA •1 1' 4 . HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PROEM 1. FRED H.1EL -�. �§ dt?' U 80+3 Aid>f a.,n99Q4,904•B 0 1i �,,:�,am1:,<n 9"G*�CTv�GrdVQ+ffPiA($ @ai*4P nli? ia"� he, Tut Received a+ large number of Genuine Woolen Rome Blankets in Assorted colors Site 72x84, Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prlle. 4fa:. Ranging from $7,00 to ... ... ... ......._ ., x,11141 ai N.: SAVE MONEY BY GIVING ITS A CALIF, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Nand. Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices, 41eight e•�:.04. •4.4••3•x••1• •+++ +•3++4.4• f -40+4•5,f.4.4. •••i•+++++• •i••3+'% f144. 4.4,fol' Whiter Footwear Be prepared to meet Win- + ter with .a warm reception 'i' by wearing .Dominion Rub- bar Footwear. For those ,g• who prefer ' felt Footwear . our stock Is complete. T. Ladies ax>cl Children by your f Goloshes now, We- have the FLASH, ADJUSTO with two buckles and two dome fast- cast for Murdock 'Ross, The four ^leetedl :to theC•nuneil Sere John I + Parker,, 134, John 'Pollock 129; L.1 t Thompson 102; and E. F. Merrier; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++e+44+++++++++++++444/4 89; the defeated candiriates. were' George Castle 85.; Abe Brandon 48; ted T. Dailey ' ii8r ners, For Men we have one and fotir buckle Overshoes, 00 • Lumbermen's with red or white soles, face or buckle. CONSULT US 1F YOU WANT WARM FOOT`vaaiEAR 1LSVE. A GREAT VARIETY TO. SELECT FROM. PRICES LOW Eng - - 0. F IT & SON SHOE MERCHANTS FATAL ACCIDENT LLL :fad (tragedy took place; ir4 Stephen Tp, on • Tuesday= afternooai 11iit 1st, who nRh,�,ert they 10- tiear olcl son orf Mr. and Mi's Chris. 1)aitri.eh, of the 12111 Con,., was shot ` N ''' a se '+r i ` e�'N We are headquarters t'o you to ><. ' your Christi gas shopping. We have assortment to choose from a better than ever . before. Come an be convinced. ?, .a `ca.11e l to Mr, v-.itt'ich to w a c� Fresh raisins curr�i,ilts, heals, .0 ,lucot. Robert ,'t ;'.s•#hntx;li,t, ditr, } , 1 out to grin ht`s ; iJx t93r' ealldies, etc etc. t tzmunition and r„ ea •;i the .h-1 > ; 1 131 the. heal -0,1e) the, o'at', be boy died inete 1tly. Coroner P. 3. 0'Dwy-' of •1.'cb. was i-nl- t"tl and c1iy'td _l. t it -tn inquest t 1 l;'hs unneeel57.,' ' ' •,,'t ava:T: th^ iges't so•t , .e,e of • four; ,1 L wa.'1 a h ,'cttn e• 'grieved •1 ai ,alta y rat.. r. M9 ,ging made; f. r met ry, Good dried Apples Wanted. We ahn to give Satisf ,ctioa '� x' J� r1j{�,7�,j�[ ()p}� "4:7 R ` !/ 'F'' `f1AYY+::� iSYA,N1,w �• J�}�, /( [p' C: n M E' R O H A IV T f J,,�t .� 0 ! n flee,- NhawtJ'• ,�,rrl� fr',mM 11''t ..r.....,..6,.;h,•• t,.,. vi'