HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-03, Page 8',Plat Vert e Flannels New Flannels in fancy plaid and :tripe effects in leading shades for fall ear, also plain colors in 5'1-n. width a� annels, best quality 14 shades to cho- se from. Priced' at $1.75 a yd. BARGAIN TABLE i; SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF UNDERWEAR [FOR MEN, !WOMEN AND CHILDREN. THERRE BROKEN LINES WHICH WE 'ARE DISCONTINUEING, SOME ARE SLIC+HTLY SOILED, AT PR - ;CES THAT WILL MOVE THEMOUT IN SHORT TIME. STAMPED MAT'S - A' new shipment of Stamped Mats Arrived WANTED DUTCH SETTS . LED APPLES MUST BE DRY, FREE ,FROM SPROUTS AND PUT THROUGH - FANNING MILL, We Pay 6c.lb. WE ARE PAYING 9cts' PER L1. FOR GOOD, DRY, BRIGHT, QUAit TERED APPLES. C Produce Wanted akr:o S Phone 59 urieh's Gara _ e Gas, this Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENITINE FORD PARTS SUSI RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES NE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS SsL • IA TTER7 EP IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. NE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE i`4"OU SERVICE. iiAJE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND 'BAT'TERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO E2EPAIR1NG EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING.ItnII: Ldi ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IIR Moasseau Zurich testis+ eaewwesakesrseeesseeset••aci®• •eeelle•041110•r••••••45 tl1! i IHecia Gilson I1 e Your Hume Happy With cola weather rapidly being ushered in, it behooves us to look to adequate heating facilities. I Let. us comfort your ho tan by .heat ing it with either ()tithe above nam •ed Popular -Furnaces. URN ACES et,cr•6wse••••0•••••0••0• Everything in Stoves and Hardware r .-t l.:, W H �t 7 GASOLENE OSS �ASULENE a► 3 ALWAYS FULL OF "PEP" AND QUICK S'].'ARTING. T.HTS 'W' WILL ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL WEATHER,STADE & WEIDO ' aeti qli UC 1r • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• w • • • • • • • 0 "• 0 0 •1 • Sale of HATS Commencing Thursday November 12 Never before have we Made such big reductions and such a fine stock of 125 Hats to choose from which will be sold from $ 1° to $4 or below cost in order to move them out at once. U Come early for first . choice, V. Vo Siebert, Zurich ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST IN 'HONOR OF A GREAT EVENT Birthday Pare always important ,especially if one is very young or very old. Before long The "s"c,u- th's Companion will be a hundred years old, and the event is going to be made a memorable' one for The Companion's many friends, So although the date is! not until Ap- ril 16, 1927, preparations will be- gin with 1926. In honor of its birthday The Companion will come to you next year at the .new low price of $2. It will be dre.- sed in its party clothes, with new cover designns, enlarged illustrat- ions, new brilliantly clear type,and Live Hogs cwt. over 200 pages more than last year It will contain 9 book -length ser- ial stories, fascinating mystery et - LOCAL MARKETS, (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs .., x,30-40-53 Butter per Ib. 40 CChie'kens, live 11-16 Old Hens live 6-14 Ducks, liver- ,, ... 13 Ducks dressed. __•.. 17 Turkeys dressed 28 Potatoes per bag 1.75 Dried apples lb. 9. Oats .... 50 Barley __._. 80 Buckwheat 80 Flour cwt. 3.75-5.00 ",Theat Shorts per ton Bran per ton ories, tale Is of adventure on hand and sea, the new "Make -It and Do -it' pages, radio, games, booki, and puzzles, interesting special ar- ticles, and the ever -delightful Chil- dren's Pages. Don't miss this great year of The Youth's Come panion; • .subscribe now -and receive Youth's. outh's !Companlion-52 is- sues in 1926 and , 2—The remaining issixes of 1925. All for only $2.00. 3—Or include McCall's Magaizne,the monthly" authority on fashions. Both publications, only $2.50. The Youth's Companion, SN Dept. Bos''ton, Mass. Subscriptions re- ceived at Herald Office. ,a> BLAKE,.. The meeting of the Misision Band was held in the church on Saturday afternoon, the meeting opened by singing hymn 763, Scr- ipture, Leslson.; Mlatt. 6; 25 to 34, were read, followed by the Miss- ion Band prayer repeated in unison, then rs,ang hymn 194, the reports were mead, the Text was ,repeated, ./the Roll Ca11 was tae ken, we then took the Specia)t, collection, then went to elasrsels, sang hymn 746, and cloisecl with the Lord's prayer, there were 18 present. 11100•4110•0414•10000•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t DASHWOOD Mrs: F. Baker left this week for Briclgeburg wheee s]ie will spend the 'vintee with her daughter. Mrs;. Sherar of Gerrie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. B. Meyer. rtisis Arnetta Steinhagen is vis- iting in' Exeter. Mr. and Mr:l. W. Schulte of De- troit spent the week -end with''Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radei;, Mrs. J. Kellerman had the mile - fortune to fall and fracture her wrist On S atusday. . Mrs Dan Schroeder of Ettrick visited with Mr. and Mrs.. J. Lip- pert this. week. Mrs, Wn Nadiger and Mays: Hy. Restemeyer spent a few days in Detroit last week.. The Evangelical Congregation ere holding their annual Christmas entertainment on Wednesday Dec. 23rd. . Rev. W. B; Dengis of Zurich, and Rev. Meyer ext•hangod pulp- its "in the Evangelical church last SandeyevenTh g. , • On Tuesday evening the young people of the Evangelical church gathered at the home of Mr. Dan Tiauhg and entertained Mr. and Mrs, Milton! Haugh. with a rni'1eei- ,eneous 's'hower.. The evening was spent ,n gamely after '3vle ch refresh monis were iserveii. CONCERT' Don't ':forgetthe big Concert, at Weyburn School, S.S. No. 15, 3X miles west of Dashwood, A big erograMme, is 'being preparedby the young people o'f the set:fl are If it huts you to langh, don't corns Adanrssron, Adiklts „2Li ac.•rChildren 10e Rayfield Orchestra in „ attendance, --F. Talbot,. Teacher, 1.10 3.00 30.00 ...... 11:75 Western Fanners' Mutual- Weather Insurance Co. .OF WOODSTOCK Carry an 'Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of. Policies in forge 14287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20.' No ass- essment' during the year and have a balance on hand of $39,000 G. Holtzxnan—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tt-34 fHE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISING RATES .aeued Wednesday noon from the its advance; $2:00 may be charged 13 not go paid. U. S. subscripti- ons $1.15 strictly in .advance. Naq gaper discontinued until all ar- rears arepaid unless at the option ori the publisher. The date to which every subscription ia_p*id to demoted on the label. Mirceitlaneous articles of not core than five linea, For Sa1e,Tb; t4e•t, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc. :act insertion 25a. &ddress all communications to Display Advertising -Made known A) application. AUCTION SALES -82 per single neertiona ill not over Live inches is ength. rubacription Terms; 81.25 per year Jard of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e. Local and'Legal advertising not - tee, reading matter, 10c a line for ,arst insertion and 5c per line for aach 'subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding t inch, $5 per year. . Stray Animals --One 'insertion 50q 'Arse insertions $1.00., Patin or Real Estate for sale l2 for first mlo>atla, $1 or cash sob"' {equent ingertion ; , • THE HERALD Thursday, December '3r'ct, i SEE US AI3OT- 1'. Seasonable Hardware AT Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, foe , Fencing, Gates, Soreens,.Screen Doors, Roof ing, Etc. Vice This is the ,time of Llys year to ego your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED 100% PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and Stoves which we will sell very reasonable:, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT - IN STOOL. r WE ARE AGENTS FOR TIIE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC.- . TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS CNliia, AND LET US DEMON STRA'PE. a sLitiate GET IN THE WAY OF, BUYING HE albileisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Lgsimisorasivanosisraouiwatausrsromsssanmt It SIX REASON WHY I RECOMMEND •RURON & ERIE. DEBENTURES 1 They are authorized by the Government as a' 'propel in— vestment for trust funds • 2 They are isisued by a Government -chartered institution', which is Older than. the,Domanion of Canada. 3 Debenture ---owners, together with 'depasitores, claim on every dollar of Hurons &•-Erie Assets. 4 The Huron & Paid-up ' Capital and, Reserve 13'unal 1. provide surplus security totalling $6,750,000, 5 Over $14,000,000 now in•-v-estec1 by Canadians piroves the popularity of this !iniv lstment. + L 6 Interest is „paid. half -yearly "on t]ae,. dot'', at the good rate of 5% per annum upon $105 or morefor 12 months. or longer up, to 5 years Applications rec'ei ved'rat any time by -e • . i Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY. Have You MADE YOUR WILL? have first Painting and Paper Hanging LET ITS DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANuIN. • & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS ;WITH EVERT' JOB WE DO, TRY ITS ON YOUR NEXT JOB. . EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. JOHN: WARD . , Drugless Practio,i.. eer. %ad, Optician EXETER Piao•e! fle AT WALPER HOUSi,: TUR> Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to t FPS' • 4.�IIEItALO.OPPIOB..1. t_ Do You Know? ' 4.TILT WE ARE ALWAYS ATYOt7BB SERVICE FOR . , t bdb WiN'riNe THAT WI] CAl aSttPI'LY YOU WITH 3'sR1NTED WF DINT + INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS[ + THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, EMU. ,f .1. AS LETTERHEADS; BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND meslsezi;g' .of death has re- .t ' STATEMENTS Tho. c,ently' visited three .Evabgelical .., THAT WE ARE ' AC*i ENTS FOR TWO I,SAIWNC MANU FACT. parsonages in Ontario and removed URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- y 'PL Y QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS • , frorri <<�; y'er useful iieTd of Who hige to 't' I"LSc ANY 'IANTLTR ,,.,,..: ;. fo ow n ti 1 a a�axr� sertxc� the ]l x g' .g. 7i`HA,'l_' WE.C�..RR'Y IN STOCK WRITING PAI~IiRS, If<Z�'Y'8�- well anrd:favorahly known to Evan- +1+. OPES IN 'ALL SIZES, CAR!) PAPERS, CARBON as HW geqieai-.circlesr in this eommunit,l•!TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, • MRMORIAit OT.,:. +years an ef- ATIONERY, NOETE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TW11q IResv. L. Wittich tor 4 inister of thec_gospeI,died X .. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, 1� TCc; .HTC. fr.r�ive n7� .. ; a' hid hnmf eineKitchener; Mrs. : THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTI4- -r'' (evJ .A.; :W, :Saner, •Ioxxv-er,1.y of + • + WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 6e. LAR Uashwoo l dim; in,' the .Stratford: * . . ' (IER QUANTITIES AT !MAGER: RNDUC1' ONS .iu.spital,`' a�ind'""M't's, (at6V:.) `1., , R. 4: • TH..U' WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AU ION ''SAL'E pol . 41, ]Ernst died at Willoughby leaving a -a fvERS, MERc,ANTILE :POSTERS ,141116 ALL tioti ,„ sorra�v• Sirrekrrti, ;husband 'and .,g ;+ , *HINT/NG OUR tPECL&L .v. ' childr!sn,.: the young:ert being, g ,4A , b!abo .uf 3 tveck9. _ ��+q+4+4++1* ,r1h‘44444144+4."$"11t4., 1