HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-12-03, Page 1• Vol. XXL'@ Nc L3 tCHa;FT UR I AY 8ViC7RtVlN+Gly DECEMBER 1925. Chester L. Smith, liatilstiltheit, $1,25 a Year in ,.s dateles014 $1.50 IN A,RRk14R8, $2 M.d.Y 1iF CSAMIT.114 Your uirikat ,iswortha: rtis ng ..if it is worth running! Tryan Our Corner O ani a An- CaneellT�l.taxs. of 206rrt •.itomobile 'teeniest- during the Pest teerear should serve as a warning a- gainst reekiesu driving on tero- -teds', of the Province. t. 4+ Partridges and squirrel's are fra- `f este L againl for this aeaieon. Trhee pan were Fined at Chatham for tootingblack aid grey 'squirrel's, $15 eagle and their gens were •con- fiscated. A petition isin circulation among the merchants! of Oshawa advocate 'fug a change in shopping hours. 'the ob3ect being to ' seieure a. by,,. law whereby sittore{ . in that city • weuld remain open on Friday ni- .. lits rnatoad of on Saturday night. Il€ such; a change wet!e mnde5 says 'the Barrie &caminer, a lot of peo- ple would lose an excuse for st- • aying home from ci r a:eh on Suse- . day morping- L.- The receipts of '$8,151,078' nj '•ayment of interest and carrying 'charges and the advancing of $8,- S14,092 ore dapital, account 'cons't•- iirtute, the Story' in brie'€ of . the Ont- lario Government's financial relat- ions with:;the' Provincial Hydro '•iC'Rmmisisi.cenu darning the fiscal yr. Just enided. The hyldro''s inclebt- . e flneds to the public treasury as• a result of the -further advance's ma de during the. year now stands et -the sum of $l4e6,52ee)07. The w r• - sole of this debt, however, in inter= 'est -tearing, an alfa sections of the hydro enterprise tare DOW teaming and paying` their Sin]teresit and ,car- rying charged, ,. PLENTY OF LiVelgOR • • The bees lamed whiskey which wan ie•ed at the warehouse, •Goderich, setae time age,' wee taken to Tor- onto to the Government dispenser Joe, the !shipment making a truck lead of 4i6 to and Inapsector Fellow acconnpaned the load.. The £Yarling Brewing; Ce., who aee.sup• .posed to be the owners of - the beer, and the Consolidated Export Co., who are. supposed to be the owners "Elf the whiskey, are sup- pcsed to be at the court in God- erich on T'aeedt y of this week. Inspector Bellow and Inland Rev- enue ett-enue Officer Porter. visited, a farm isletasleety! T9rre east beyond Bay- field village on Sunday last and. made a sfearcb .of the premiises'. They had Made the search and were con. leg away when they met ithe 'farmer driving up the lane to his farm, and found two gallons of alcohol in the ear A number of bpeople Iliad been, seen at ltho phouse, apparently Waiting for. the arrival of the farmer with the sup- • fir --dr UN sup - DEC -EMBER ROD AND G A. wealth. of good sporting and hunting reading matter leavened with a good fiction story, The Way of A White Man, is' contain- ed in the December issue of Rod and Gun:, the magazine of the Can- adian Outdoors, which hats ,just been published,,. In addition to I I • • Keep Your a e 6 Feet Dry IIt costs no rte e . to wear as pair of "LIFEBUOY" 'Rubbers 0 than the cheapest pair made � • Tha3 d ieecein •quality and construction lyLee p on wearing your pair of LIFEBUOYS long after .fesu would have had to, throw an inferior pair away. 0 ID As a result of cas'efelly controlled manufacturing processes and the use of WAY the highest grade pure gum rubbers', LIFE- g .BUOY Rubb.ers withstand the hardest wear and the aging action of water and time. ' e de Thereis!mitabstituting for LIFEBUOY„ auk for , ]h.erna,byname/ ft 2 We have a Fine Assortment of new Felt i Footwear ;ar for your Winter's °Camifa rs BROWN BROS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ' e p Smart New IVfodeI:sn ns 4 ri .* v ALL STYLES To Retail from $5.0a to $35.00 BILI RiE s ATS a• ALL SIZES TUE MASTER Il eT OF CANADA. NEW STYLES XCfST' I.l`Ji ;SENT FOLLOWING MADE -TO -MEASURE STSikiII OVERCOATS. • SilIELTOP FASHION PARK., PROGRESS BRAS AND WHEN IN NEED OF SWEATERS, WOOL On FLEFICEE Et)s UNDERNIVElielt FOR MEN AND BOYS, &IN= AND SEE O1TR SAVOR AT SAVING PRICES. • fiy, G • L 4'E'AIs D • ' ASCr1ia► .4,44M44Vir4i' • 5ee 'ieefee Seiseadsdh' e+l dbl lti•01P+ds01Ml 00 oFF d J• "Any doctrine that ' makes it easy to 'sirs, whether b'y tiacusing it, neenimizing its enormity, or d^u•- S 3n t seest,en.ts is ' of hell, and rot mersly are thoss^ held guilty who t itch the rloetrine and prect- ice the sin, but that chtireh which is not clear and onttspolren itt its protest's nnaitist sin. " . (FOOD FOR, THOUGHT.) you; are' cordially invited to' t h.. 1011owing servicer.. Weans Tridny-7.30p .m. Prayer and • regular features of the magazine being in keeping ~with the por- iod of the yeses .the.. other attract - articles are very timay and, Al- oeg the Seowehoe Trail in W. C. Motley's Outdoor talk is praetic- ritesely steesonable .another xe-- frrshing'ly humorous ca:vtvon bey Jame Fein also appears ;,An rn- terestin' Article in conneetio.n 7vath the inereasing interact in fur farm' ing is Bonnyca'stle Dale's corer ibution, The fife of the•' Black Fox dealing with the animals in cart- rvity. A significant note in the matter of the protection of• game is =truck in the December edition and the publication of the syllabus of the 'British Columbia Game Pro teetive Association. The develop- ment of a Dominion wide protect- ive as'soci.ation seems to be be - corning more concrete. Published by W. J. Taylor, Ltd, Woode'tock, Oct. Hess224: •Beatrice153;196,RoomJr,'91, HabererSmithJr.15.Willert 'CHURCH NOTES Dr, G. Campbell Morgan 4 PHONE til elkesaledesial clays'Sat•Sorry• Mr. tesses Allsituated• aprogramandroad, day advised vis teat he would not ruled eves llayi 1 a Few ;loi- t rs more taxers if this roaei were paved.. a she would easily mike iR. up by ,slaving wear to the auto t' i wagons, and the •load's Torrid haul reach ntol+a easily, �vl iCll WO- 8'3.V.6.. O- ulcl 8'3.v(r , coislsrderabl * teas., es n„ yrs wish, eveeybody Would rut e the ,•1 7` a,irit 7,;" ass of the filet BAZAAR Don:'t forget the Baraar given in the Town Hall, 'Zurich, on Sat- urday, December 5the commencing at 3 o'clock_ A nice luech will be pert/ ed for 200. sill, kinds of fancy and useful article's, also home bak- ing, home made candy for sale. E't erybody Welcome. dv Phonograph Repairing Prompt Service on Duplicating BROKEN MAIN SPRINGS WE CARRY SPRINGS FOR ALL MAI ES OF MACHINES W. G. Hess & Sons Opal Stri During thexI:�. Strike use Our Substitutes Sole Agents for the Remit Geo-- nine erms nine CONSOLIDATED B ti,Bas CREEK, The Best Soft Coast eh— tamable. Pocohontas,• er eieen Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay nut. Coke and best Anthracite Fee, 'COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICE --- Oh Cg�Bt, IN FORMATION IS 'FREE; CALL US BEFORE l3IJ ING SL . WHERE. � .. C e:L ? „ HENSALL ;T,. Shames—Office 10w. Haase+ 115x,.: •►000400PO0►00♦000►0400►►�i4b 401• :,8404►04.t)44$44..F 4� lingn- n C 9 9 t 4) FRED THIEL - ZQR101-1 ieseeose•es s-e►e►a►►a►4-sese eeesneeeeeee eeeee eeel efeeese e easonable 11.6 yea: Test Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Hoban Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. A1so a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs', griea issa sae aTs Ranging from. $7,00 to ... •-- -. ....__ _... - sM4i SAVE MONEY BY GIVING U: A BIG Stock of Barriers and. Halters always 034 hand. Club Bags, Suit ,Casea..axt;d . Trunks, at Right HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY' Winter Footwear Be prepared to meet Win- ter with. Via. warm: reception by wearing: Dominion Rub- ber Footwear. For • those who prefer, ; felt Footwear. our stock is complete Ladies and Children by' your Goloshes now. Wes have the FLASH, ADJUST() with two buckles and two dome fast- ners:. For Men we have one. and, four buckle Oversthoe's, 00 Lumberm�en's Stith .red or ' white sole's, lace or buckle. seeeseef CONSULT US IF 'YOU WANT WARM FOOTWEAR, HAVE A GREAT VARIETY TO SELECT FROIS PRICES LOWEST( m FRIT SON SHOE MERCHANTS Christ L We are headquarters for you to ab your Christmas shopping. e have a better assortment to choose from than ever before., Come and be convinced. Fresh raisins, currants, peels,, candies, etc., etc. . Good dried ApplesWanted.. Si ley 1.0 - n Service. of Worship n Preis!) ':seri k e', Service. 11 . m Bibler School, We aim to gime atisfactiork 7.30 •1,n1, Sermon, "Thee Christian and Aarius'ement:s'"": <rnc g , 8,3C] lynx Sr L^.n,gu1 1 ^fl l !Let eneciel prayers be maelein behalf of our s;ervice'c Oft Sundays..�:`� Emanuel EVatige1icai Cburtii' tl hags we would tee next 'spring +�° " •ural be the :paving or, the'Zurien • ��!t ��•�`/�.,�,F�/p1R�• !ft6�,j�y, R. N. dib�,�'" '"N,wN" "�^" L '" GENERAL t?'EROHANT 'svt ZURICH, - , ONNT4 to Ilenaall road, 1 ,t"s QUI , I „ AKE