HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-26, Page 8New Flannels in fancy laid and stripe effects in leading shades for fall wear, also plain colors in 54 in. width flannels, best quality 14 shades to cho- se from. Priced at 1.75 a yd. 6lg .I+,9 4 r e ra+ d,l ++ ,a r. ..Fi..e. P , 1 M"i"`rei ,ir. a }'°;.,�. � ..1+.§. r,, F ! .}' BARGAIN TABLE SEE sorri BARGAIN TABLE OF UNDERWEAR :FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, TH'ERRE BROKEN LINES WHICH WE .RE DISCONTINI.7EING, SOME ARE SLIGHTLY SOILED, AT PR - :'.:ES THAT WILL 1tOVE TIIEMOUT 1N SHORT TIME. ++++++++++44+++++++++++++4,41 STAMPED MATS AI new shipment of Stamped Mats Arrived W DUTCH SETTS DRIED APPLES TERED APPLES, -A, Produce Wanted MUST BE DRY, FREE ;FROM SPROUTS AND PUT THROUGH FANNING MILL, We Pay 6c. ib. WE ARE PAYING: Octs. PER LB. FOR GOOD, DRY, BRIGHT, QUAR Phalle 59 Thrich's Gara e 1s, • Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS A'UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES ?; i'E ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE I AMOUS egj=leVEel M a° EP IN NEED OF A IBATTJE.RY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. it'CTE• GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXOELL THOSE OF T. EATON 4.10,, AN I) OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE....GIVE YOU SERVICE. "+t 7E MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. \ MAl TERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO i1PAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- } 'TYLER E W ELDING, i 1 1 { 1 t ({: .•�>ir ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE • L Mou.sseau Zurich Commencing Thursday November 12 Never before have we made such big reductions and such a fine stock of 125 Hath to choose from which will be sold from $1 to $4 or below cost in • order to move them out at once. Come early for first choice. V Vo Siebert, Zurich ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ' Mr, Albert }legs motored to Lou- den on Friday. Mists Elda C'allfas was a visitor to London ou Tuesday. MisS Dolly Hagen, nurse, is at present in ekire of Mrs. Weido, who is on the sick list, Mies Dorothy Fribz of London. I visited at her home here one day last week. it +bia4 a gOti atatottfeenniebealid9i MIDOOMQ?® ee6600000eeR/111®e9ev6 „ e 411 0 OS . UC It . ,k �+t ES e W i iii • et t r_<xz cts • iIecia e *s GiIson ep .0! Mike Your :ioxe' sappy sin Witcosd weather rapidly being ea ` usber,.d in., it behooves us to look 1 6 4Eto adil!UAW heating facilities. 0 • Let *th,i COwifort your home by heat�- a W ming it , ith either of the above nam ed o p li t 4• • r 13 ar :.woes, 44 Bvery hm i 4,9• 1 Mr, and Mrs, Simon Greb of the Babylon Line, are at present !sr), ending a few Weeks' with relati- ves in Michigan. dardware. ,3.o• It JAW tit,uonmittea+ ,mak orepoo tomm,rv.vroa,nn«tirti�imini rmr 411 IV 1.4 ROSE (;-Di SOLENE e • • AL 1'i A)..J rut,:, Jl."PEP" ANDUICK STARTING, lVG, TTxrs e 41, • WILL ESPECIALLY NiO1It:1)D IN COOL WEATHER, w f .... .: h0 er: haE I DO 1 ni i t /° • *1rsorb aliit w 0 oet6e.10.0041140 + aelleeeeseitl eeHce e TM Mists Pearl \,Vuriz who has been spending a few weeks with rel- atives and friend's at Toronto ,and Guelph, has returned home. Mr, Haddon, ginseng grower of Brantford, accompanied by M. Sc+uthcott of Exeter, visited with Mr. \1'nt. Leibolcl on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jervis and - son �� illiarr, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Jer- vis of Homesville were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mx . S. Witmer. The next regular ir,eeting of the Council of Hay Township will be held en Monday, .Nov. 30th,com- mcncing at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. The. last meeting for th.e year will be held on Dec. 15th. 'Tho potatoe merket is rather steady and quiet at present which is •lite. to tlr:e_cmba:rgo put on by the United States of iOanadian pot- oto""s being 'shipped across ' the line in large numbers', and a's a con- sequence a decline in the price of the, same its expected: Our rnerelV1nts are getting in their supply of Xinaa. goods and a fine assortment is being shown, People,- ars requested to do their shopping early this year, while the choice is first handed. Real fine winter weather has pre\wiled the. past few days, not cold, yet cool onough to keel fro- zen, The roads ere good and the auto •runs along alinoast 'like on a pa\•emrnt. Warning has' been :sent out to radio opoiator that it is danger- ous to operatemachines during 1-hunder storms. IV>ren such is on listeners sh�,uld turn off. the power . and keep away from, radio sets. l3AflIELD REDUCING A siting of •the Ontario Raji- w ay and 113.uniepnl Board was, 'hold at the court house, Goderich recently Lo hear thy. applicaton of a nun h r of residents of B ryfol:d v illa;.� td have their .lands in that village which are virtually farm loads detached from the village corporation. and attaeharl to the tr,ri'nsliilis of Stanley and Goder- ich '1'p. A largo number :.of Bay - [laid people were. on hand to 'iateb the pioceedi.ugs After hearing the panties the Board iii- tiiyrat 1 that ranges A to M in the easterly and 'riotuherly portions of the village would b.•; dctaehed and ' ice l ri;i"th:e township of Stanley. The n'or'therly boundary of the v'i1- 1 rge ,it is understood, will ',remain as al; present except that the portion o;f the village north of the river and east of a line �druvwn nor+tlr from they point called Vol - lock's., Corners' will be detached' and added to the township, of God- Erich. This meting that about two- thirds of the present area of tiie village will hi detached and Srhat ,will r eniain will be a. fairly com- pact area of -boat' 560 acres. The cl'lac}hed laricls, it IS tindorstoozl, will on remain attached to tris Maws for school purposes, \ ith tho• status of a 'union school tiory, LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs . ..30.10-53 Butter per lb. 40 -Chickens, live ...... 11-16 Old Hens live 6-14 Ducks, live( ,. ,..;..... 13 Ducks.dressed 17 Turkeys dressed- 28 Potatoes per bag 1.75 Dried ;apples lb, ._. 9 Oats .__• 50 Barley ____.. ... 80 Buckwheat Flour cwt. 80 3.75--5.09 Wheat _.. 1.10 Shorts per ton Bran per ton ......• ........ ... 30.60 12.50 Hogs Live cwt este m Farmers.' WOOOaf. same- insurance Co. - OF' WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of 'over $27,000,000. Number of Policies i n fpree 11,287. Paid Looses- in 192$ to, amount of $56,143.20. No'Was- essi;enet during the year and have a balance on h,sp,nd of $39,000 G. II .r itzman-Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING. RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 'E' HERALD PRINTINo OFFICE ADVERTISING RATES eeued Wednesday noon from the in advance; $L00,. may be charged if not en paid. 13. S. subscripti- ons $X.T strictly w advance. Nu paper discontinued lentil all ar- rears are grid unless at the eptiob et the 'pub.liaher. .The date to a^hicti every .'aubecriptlon ie paid ix, uenoted on the label. Miscellaneous , articles of nbt sora than five lines, For nate, Tq 3a xt, or Wanted, Lost, Found, eta :stat- $neertion 25o. ddreae all communications to Display Adverti•eing-Made known .:ii application. . AUCTION SALES -$2 per single .neertiano it,not over,five inches it Kti gth. 4abecription Terms; $1,25 per year :tad of Thanks, Iu, Memoriam, 50c, Local and Legal advertising not Cee, reading matter, 1.0e a line for ret insertion and 5c per line for Tach subsequent insertion„ Professional Cards not exceeding inch, $5 per year, Stray Anhna.Iri-One insertion 110+1 .twee insertions $1.O0, Farm or Real Estate for sale i2 for first month; $1 or each sub- equent insertion. TiHE+ HERALD '` ThnrOday, 'N 'overnheir 269. it AMWInRm.M11IpM,T+M�..2aM,Rf!n.'A�MAA,IA'M�nE'.A�"}lbR.rtNAT.1'f SEE ..0 OUT Seasonable ` ardware AT Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, Roes, -Fe cin , Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Roof, ing, Etc. This is the time of the year to do your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED' £e PURE\ PAINT ON !DM MARKET ARTIN SENOTJR Some real good Seco>€>oa hated Furniture ai Stoves which we will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT f STOCK. \ , ,.ir1:Si WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC- TUATB CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ONB, AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. GET,' IN THE WAY OP BUYING' HEI eliok e,c,',`;, dem Hardware & Furniture. Phone do.wrnent The seenAlexandra Sanatorium A $500,000.00 Endowment which will will perpetuate the memory of the late Sir Adam Beck and the -late Lady eck, his wife Nov. 20th. to 28th. Give freely ndrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SER VICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting aid Paper Hanging: LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, CRANING, PAI?ERHANuIN " DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A Morro TO SATISFY OUi'R. CUS- TOIVIERE'`WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TR'% US ON YOUR NEXT; JOB. H. EICKNIEIER, ` ZURICH - ONT.. JOHN Drugless eer p44. EXE TRlt AT WALPER Every Tuesday, Praction-T' Optician HOUSE, ZtI'B. ' 10 a.na, to 41. &q} + ++II++p++'£ ^ ++++ 4++ ^F4.•;,++++++44-444 i. •t.44.4.4...l,4;44,?4,4-, 4.4. p4 4° , .ro -t. T1te annual meeting of the Huron Od polys' Association,. of Toronto, will be held in the aud- itorium, Y.34 A. 13uliding, 40 C4oliege s't. on Monday evening, November 30th. .. How -many of us! remembered that Monday last NoV': 9th, ways thej twelfth anniversary of the.. big storm ou the lakes in which' about a score' Of boots wont -down and two hundred lives were lest in the disaster the his- ryrr+�i•t terriblers<a.st r ml ..tory of the Great Lakes((' `It is alM so .rernear bored that 'after the. great storm in; 1913 the Sverithht settled rloa of aria cuntinitead fine a,iiiti.l Well into Dacerb6r. HERAL ' OPFiO Do You . Kn It'EIAiT' W181 AIM' ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PR INTINesi THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED 7T^d1i3II�1E INVITATIONS 'A%'D ANNOUNCEillENTS THAT. WE PRINT CALLING O.fa.RDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, WELLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND THAT' WE 'ARE SSTATEMENTST AR AG TS FOR TWO LEADING 11AN1 +'A.; 'ItERS OF COUNTER CHECK 13010KS, AJV'D CAN SUP. PLY. ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHEr''K BOORS THAT WE CARRY IN •STOCK WRITING PAPERS, J1 NVECL ODES IN ALL SIZES;, CARD PAPE'RIt. CARBON Ott • k' TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING 'PA.GS, MEMORIAM lei' ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, RTC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR 'ORDINARY' SIZE INK l :OTTLR WITII GOOD FOTINTAIX PEN INK FOR Se. . L..BCf• ., C1 -1"4R QUANTNUI'IDS AT RIGGER REDUCTIONS '$'HA,T WE 'PRINT POSTING BILLS, • AUCTION SALE P'fl - h' TEEI` S MEROANTJL1t', PCYSi7fERE AMID ALL, C'R 1,110. 'fi"�' 1'k;;.lt�l`': ING (1'l R SP1LCIA1j "fY ti $1444+4,44,11,44,44,441.0444#444,4,44-44,4444,446,4. sok m ,+E TMn,ifittw.R �wr� .H w a Hr;