HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-26, Page 41.;
E BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance,
is, prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge,
at any of its Branches in Canada,
Por the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept
the bonds at any time prior to December fist, and will make payment in each case
fl Dec:tuber lst, either by issuing a cheque or by placing the'amount to the
owner's credit in the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire>
\1'itlllkolcl not thua1 thy tend'e'r
mercies oftnt me, i, Lord; Let thy
1oa ingl iildnese. find thy lrttth con-
tinually preserve 40;11
'The fruit o1 the spiritie lov.o,
;say, p'a^e, loegaul'feeing, 1?esat enres
;,.aoilnes+il, faith, meekness, temper-
anc•e; _against''sush thiuge .there is
no Maar,—Ga1, 5; 2f32
'frust in tl1' Morel with all thine
heart; and lean .not -unto thine own
ulyt'i'arirltending.--Prov.' 3,5,
Th.e,. righteous' shlta interit• the
land, viand. dwell therein for ever.
,The law, of +?,.is God ie in his heart;
nl,one ;of his Leteles shall slide•.• -Ps
37, 29,31:
I am the wan the , truth, and
thie life; -Jni, .14;6. , e •
Thou shall \love the Lord thy:
,elocl with: all thy heart, and 'with
all thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy mind;
and thy neighbor 'aa thyself. This
do and 'thou shalt live,—Luke 10;
27 e 28,
Ithe Sanders M g Co, which ie ear-
�ait06•m®23•g•.•0i094.0000� 904411®••3•dr••**•9••41#••! ranging the work Loom era the set,_
I • and floor. They will have ae-
• commodation for ek
tra employe
ate tees. '
•. The other day while Mr. 'and Mrs
• V .Snell were returning from Lou:-
esee don they TLet with an auto ae
Ati We are receiving a carload of cident at Denfield, and were rail
N » • eito be a 'truck loaded with, pot;-
• t; a t iz c. ly Tails
ffA.TT 'P k Coal for general aloes. There wet; dr and -the truck had fps lights'.
• On Nov. 17, there passed away;
useLe` ve your order now • Mrs, E. F; Bissett, widow —of the
. • late Wm. G. Bisisett after an..illness,
GREENY IELD' S Champion Tome-: •,: of heart trouble for' some Ane.
• Lie and was a daughter of
• She was' 78yearsand 9 months of
1 • ! b , b e
r 0 ' ,io111.t1 • ate Bev. 'Hooper a .torn r 'Min --
a .aster here. Although she li,ad no
•it children. s'evei-el ne8 ieces and neph
lee 'KREPS BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT- s._ os hada good home, her hulsl�-
, i i • i ION, •aa esti'7pre•-deceased her 14 years.
• 1 A;10. BODY [Bi7I11DER FOR MOULTING PERIOD . ; The community loa't oars: of t+n
sele : 'K!''ORDS RELIED 1 RO\I N•CERNAL rORMS �_ •s finest:. citiezies oif Wednesdav east,
;tit TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC • an the passing of John T. AIor;an
AND FOLLOW IN STRUCTIONS CAREFULLY r trig pasisad away at the age 0158
• !years .and 3 menthe He moi el
an _ALSO HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FED e l to town only two :leeks previor}:s
FOR STOOK. • to los death. Was bucca near I u -
;i f can and aft the age trf1:3moved to
1• Exeter with his pixel—ate, at the.'
• age of 20 went 'wet where 11e ,,p -
AD • ent five years retaarraing .he took
` 100••••••S0eatem 9sasada0S*$ •ess®Cacstie •
ssoae e9®• sL
000 up farming in 'elzorna Tp, A�.�
•bout 32 years rco he was •united
„ - in marriage with f:ar::heel Bishop,
who with one, son and one daugh-
ter mourn his loss. For several'
terms he served Tesborae Tee as
councillor... In 1911 he was; the,
liberal candidate' m S. Huron for
the Provincial Legislature, ,being
defeated shy Andy Hicks, U.F'.
Louis Schne - Zurich
The' following is the report of‚
'Thee :regular meeting of theMis- S. S. 15 15, Hay and Stephen, lIn
fsisra band will be held in the chur ion. ,
the on Saturday afternoon at 2,30 -Sr. IV—Olive Turnbull 95, Ethel
.i, slseeis1 collection will be talteu 'Vnlper• 959.
sit➢ `t'als meeting. III—Jnaet Turnbull 77; ;';a.r
:fir, and Mrs. J. A. Douglas who tha Rader 57, O9illa Walker 53,
•;reere visiting friends in this ricin- Harold Keller 52,
elite; iret<urned. tai : th,eit. home at e Jr. II—Arletta Walper 62. Ida
ellyd Park. 11Tai•riott . 42, Large quantities. of turnip's are
mesad Mrs; ThosI7insnaore ep- Sr. I—Elva-a Turnbull 86, Luella being shipped_ from. the station
Xnit 'cast week frith, fri"iids in Tor Waiper 77, Ivan Sharro'a 72, Harty daily, .
eenix), they also attended the Win- Wilbert 62, Last Sunday lei ,rna'ng Rev, A'
Jr, I—Lillian Wilson 76, Jack Sinclair was able tc, take- hie sera
Turnbull 7744, 'vice after au iilness of several we-
"ear pair,
Krt. Gaischo of Pigeon, Mich.,
etedurned home. atter, a pleasant'
:cit'with, her parents; Mr. and Mi'S
Mr. and Mrs. Id., Brown of near
. spent Sunday at the home CREDITON
ref Mrs, V. Meyers.
ilas Mises Ga'encloline and Mrs. 'ChL's. Sch.rorde.r recently
ealturat Clark called •on Zurich fri- s'sited with. her ,sister int Strath- on December 1st.
c aar ,on Saturday.
rcoy, Miss Ethel Murdock spent . n
?dei: Alvin Weltare wh ()spent Glad to report the sick at Me. week with hrl s;st'r, Mrs, B. A.
t'all'Albert Morloe 's hoarse rare stn- CCarnpbell, of Toronto.
pto'cing_ Alonzo Ortwei and wife of De-
The Bible School of the Evian•- troit were visitors with the form'-
gelical Church with J. .11 Holtz- en's lfarente;
Mrs. M. R. Raines of Setiioreh
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Win,, Dougall. a,
Kate Bengough:, who has been-
rosiki.ng her home with ber niece
Mrs. 'a Hudson was taken 1111 and
and Kinkard.ine where he \rill be removed to .the ho meof'her stater,.
'Mee and Mrs. Harry Kraft and' engaged ea plumbing, 1t Either Mafia. Anderson, at. Kippen.
.11%s •cathern Pinkbeiner ;spent the is widely "'known for his excellent'The death occnrerl on Tuesday
'week -end in Sarnia.ticark. Nov. 17t11 of N.0, FaulBoa of the
Sau`a'1 King and Vernon Beaver London Rd. South„ Mrs, Boa, yr�i,�a.ls
'fir, and Mrs. IL Hotta -inn and have rwiurnpd home after iSpend' been . a life-long afesiclsn't of th i.
"es» P. Mcisaac visited in London ling the past two months in the i\'icfnity and will be• gristly aiiis'ded
_em S•ailnday. west. They report weather' con- The Sunbeam Trio. known as the
,l►Irs» , Meer is attending the'ciitions very unfavorable flee year Mileee K'; Sells. Grotto leautoieand.
4aineral et her sister, Mrs. idart in Mrs. Godfrey Nicholson is not Gladys Slay wile, have been giv-
attattaio. so well again, but we hope for a ing 'fine musical concerts are giv-
ing- D» G. Draft, J. Glligsen recovery.atling.a concert here in the Town
esd E, Wainer, epen1 Sunday and The. surveyor ofChatham was Hall on Friday eve, 27th.
eert enday in Detroit, in town and approved of the work An iesp etor of the Hydro -El -
Mrs, MacKenzie of St° Paul is of G. Silber on e eea<iri;1 St t -1.-n. eetrac Comm, was here testing the
7• Sims • :metersand owing to a break in
u,i�iting with .trieaitlia in thi's vie- lies, W. Sira's and Thelma ba.L.� U
have returned home after visitin;p th' •ltnes,»betweean hete and Exeter
'Rev .,Bruer is visiting in Stiett- Mr and Mrs, Percy Cave, of lien- last Sunday evening, the light's,
Nerd and Kitchener. Sask, - went out` and church services 'were
14iza and Mrs. . Tiethen, apt!. l4i>, Rev. D. McTavish was in GoJ- gnashed,
i„ornd Aire- 3, Kellerman visited in Crich on Monday stttending a nae•- Our local huntsm m, David.'Bee-
erarirlarll on Sunday. ° eting of the Goderich Summer seh- wax, is 'Securing a ,,..fine lotT of fur
Rev. P. B. Meyer is visiting in oar exectiv'e of whuich he is pres this fail, and while In the vicinity
efet attorda ic1Qnt. ` of Varna he captured' sa coon
Mr. and Mrs. Miitoe Hnugh.ht'e e An oxecutivo meeting of the
etaturned after spending their hoar EXETER LTY.,0. end W,l:l'.i ' 0 was held ie
arxr 'warron. in Kitchener; Stratford and ., the Town "Hall on Friday.` afternoon
ere ,.
:I�Aer places. "4§'.. .T ,Strlath'rni, "tune recently, last and there was .,r good ;attetid-
On Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, 1,eL•chassed i 'bakery business in St anee of both the men and serine\\
t lenther'at`a 'La.di.es Aid treated Than as, nmove:d•hu-i hou0oholdet- of this organization. W. •D. Sa ni-
eerheir hueban,dt and pastor to ' u foots. to 'that city. dors, of Exeter, as Pres occupied.
%%wi supper at the, 'p- aarona,re itHandford
d 1i
hterleft »
Le chair
and Nr. Laytontorwas
the first nnia•t creasy of Rev for Tbronta, fora i iinee rotary; r.l.y- G. Tori,buI1 of Seaf orth„
rnror. After supper MN. Wm, ' A canaasrs es being made in EX.- W Slack of Senforth and rtont Mc-
'i>k'QCarliger read a very appropriate etel' to assist in rai.ehig anoney . Minter' the candidate for the •p.n ly
etteadrestewhile Mrs, J. Rader pre- for the $500,0.00 i ndost•a rent Fund gave l;nteresting rliscortrses, The
>i141f3ted. Bev. Bruer with a l,.lrlor for QuQeen -Alexandra Senitariene appointment of officers for the
ii;ble' The evening was .spent 111 Mermen,'Andel awl Ernest Wil • :rasuing 'C 31 sass also a feature
and 1ppeaking, A sere lett reteened front • Alberta; ,'i het,, of the meeting '<rod t°91301tnd at nee
�arcrr4c1'bXea 'txan.a is''reported 1r`v 'fheriforrruet� spent four v^'iris, `risy :til9 the rirfrcerg,yy of the past
;e eatq .'i ll�' 7l rw' Jiiitai �s, fieleh,':ul , •W e .belee eeeeleetetk, .
Pr —Bills , Sharrow, Freda Rader 'eks,
Hazel Marriott, Erma Keller. ••
Teacher, Miss F. Talbot
Wm, Sangs'tei r? opening up a.
tailor shop of A. Miu•dock',i blo k
he being a•Ypractieal tenor.
A nnanber from he,'e will ata
tend the Conservative banquet at
the King Edward hotel, Torozito,
Too Much ftockey
Ruined Donald's Health
It is often said that tears are just.
a step removed from joy. Poor Donald
knows that. At the age of 16 he was
attending' high school .playing on a
hockey team, going to parties and do-
ing allthe things_ that a red-blooded
youth 'will do. When joy was at its
height gloom made its appearance in
the shape of consumption.
There was niothing to do, the doctor
said. but drop everything and go to
the Muskoka Hospital for a thorough
`rest and skilful, constant treatment.
Donald has now forgotten his resent-
ment at fate in his happiness over
the news that he is soon to be sent
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A. Charlton, President, 223 Col-
lege Street, Toronto 2, Ontario.
tate elamraer out west, return
Ireae home last :ke'ek..
Vise Grace Mans'", aceompan-
Zed lire Mies Sparrow of Hensen,
.i95ro ni t'he week -end at the home of eian as its en berprieing :superin•-
and. Mrs: Peter Manson. teuclent are making large . plans:
and preparations for the best et-er
�. 'Christmas Festival to be held,,onn
the evening of December 25th.
Dashwood Harry F, Eilber left for Durham
Here axnd'There
Tourist business throughout Can.
ada has been remarkably produce
tive this year• and it is estimated
that its total value for the Do-
minion will exceed .1100,000,000. ,
This places the tourist traffic high,,
among Canada's industries:
The "Princess Kat !leen", one of
the two fine steamers under con-
struction for the Canadian Pacific -
Railway's British Columbia coastal
service, was launched at Glasgow,
Scotland, on September 27th. _ Lady
1lrMount Stephen, widow of Lord
Meent Stephen, former .president of
the company, performed the launch
nig ceremony.-
As an indication .of how plentiful
wild game has become of recent
years -in the Province of Quebec,
conies a report from Montreal,.
which records the recent appearanrer
of a full-grown bull moose in Row -
mount, a suburb of the city. It is
thought to have strayed into the
neighborhood from the forest to the
north.. The animal was quite tame
and was easily captured.
The Duke of A1ba, who, with
other Spanish grandees, recently
completed an extensive tour of Can-
ada, purchased a number of very
valuable furs for gifts to be pre-
sented to his friends, including the
King and Queen of Spain. The furs
were acquired while the Duke was
sojourning at Banff, the popular
mountain resort on the Canadian Pa-
cific main line.
So greatly has the turkey indus-
try grown. in Saskatchewan, that
marketing pools' have now been ar-
ranged by the Saskatchewan De.
partment of Agriculture and" the
Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Asso-
ciation for the marketing of both
dressed and live turkeys this fall,.
Inspectors will be furnished for
grading and giving kilii,eg and
dressing demonstrations. 2
Auto Repairing
,W Wf�q,UY
are in a position to do Expert
'.. din
and Specialize,. co^n
or any ; ia.aket
Of aro:
• work ua'ra,n-
So` heavy was the movement of
grain from the lakes to the port of
ontreal recentlyent
i that serious con-
was feared. 'the storage
capacity of t'he port is 10,100,000
bushels and'the. grain insight was
greatly in excess 'of this figure.
But skilful handling quickly re-
duced the amount in hand to 7,956,-
442 bushels, relieving the situation
completely: No further ,possibility.
of congestion is anticipated.
It is expected that before the
season closes, the work of rock
ballasting the main lines of the
Canadian Pacific Railway in tha
Quebec District between. Montreal
and Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto
and Montreal and Quebec' will be
completed, 'the latter section re.
quires only a,.few miles to be fin-
ished, while the other portion's of
line referred' to have already been,
finished.. As a result, the Canadian
Pacifi., will have in these lines a
road=bed which is not excelled by
any other en this continent.
, i , •,EHRNIE() raocas9.
Gas, Oil, Greases, Tires and
all Accesserce; '
Atigel, Proprietor
L P;ri g's oraStand, - Zurich
Why Stand Around a
S' fiver
Why Leaye ' verythin
round at E.
uerth's he will fix
E, io t `'jr. LERTH
Mn'ieS Fur gs - Zurich, Out.
We have a complete New Stock
of all -the , new Text Books, also
Scribblers, Note Books Writin
Books, Drawl 1s1:Books, Pencil
Boxes, ra,sei s, Thler s, Compasses,
Water Colors, Ink Pens and` Pei
hod es', •
le°+ 8.4;4^44.3- 4°
r .A144- MacKinnon,:
511 ,IA