HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-26, Page 311111 mili POTS ani PANS ani' SINKL00, Hard water injures the hands. ``Snowflake' softens water, dis- solves grease and quickly cleans greasy kitchen utensils. There's nothing to equal "Snow lal; e" -for keeping the kitchen sink clean. 3 prices for Snowflake ESltcteth ElaVaroesteg Launch. lere,-caeoris At all gravers Y®C urge package Why Does a Head Ache? This conundrum, which many p.eopie have asked themselves, has been ans- • ;wered by Mr, Clement Jeffrey, a spinal specialist, at a lecture .given in Lon- don. t Mr. Jeffrey made an •experiment by demonstrating on a Member of the audience the correct manipulative method of curing a headache. Conges- tlon, declared Mr. Jeffrey, #as fre- e SHIP US YOUt2 POULTRY, GAME , EGGS, BUTTER AND FEATHERS -WE L3UYALL YEAR ROUND.' Wrxie todayforpriaes-we guarantee the for a week ahead P POULIN &CO. LIMITED - Ertab!lshed ovm,•d0 Ynars 36-39 lions ocourj Market - Montreal TAYLOR,- FQRBES Tree Pruners IGUARANTEE) For,avery purpose in the orchard, cutting limbs up to 1 inches. Handles -- 4, 6, 8,10 and i2 feet. Your hardware Dealer knows the quality Our descriptive circular sent to any address on request. TAYLOR -1~ ORBES COMPANY,- LIMITED GUELPH; ONT. gtime begins the moment you board a Santa Fe train for Califo eon your way a sunny, scenic wonderbnd Fred Harvey dining service - another exclusive Santa Te cavort Enjoy the out klodrs this *butt. take your family Cabbala hotel rates are reasonable £Iiay 1 send you our picture folders? . Ci, Robertson, Trav: Dads, Agent P. T. llontrry, " General Agent Sante Fe ity, 404 Transportattoe Bleb;. betrolt, Utah,, Phone thin GS47 queatly the cause, and by ;manipula- tion this could be improved. He em, `phasized, however, the need for adopt- ing habits of living that would pre- vent headaches.. Overeating and working iu stuffy rooms are prolific causes of headaches, continued the lecturer, and the surest way to perfect health is to live on food that makes clean bleed. It is 'folly, added Mr. Jeffrey, to re - 'gait an aching head as the offending part aael to bludgeon. it aceordingly with the drug -bottle. A headache is Nature's alarm bell. It warn u's that somewhere iii the system them is a die:turbanoe, either physical or emo- tional. Correct diagnosis and the ap- plioation of the right methods of re- moving the cause are essential icor the permanent cure of this .annoying. com- plaint. _- IVfr. Jeffrey reminded }tis hearers that a headache might have• a mental cause. A woman could get e. headache over a spoiled hat, or a discourse with herharried husband on the mornings What wa_ s needed in such cases, he said., was atioidanoe ' of uncongenial thoughts -an'cl the cultivation of an optimistic outlook.. Drugs should only be used as a bast resect, and thenunder medical super- VIS]on. A Great Suggestion. Professor Morse, who invented the telegraph, once had a lapse of reason. He wanted to get the Baltimore and Ohio Railway to try his- invention., which nobody then believed in. The president of the road handed him over to a subordinate, a man of brains, who saw at once the greatness of the idea, and sat up halfthe night discussing it with the inventor. At length 1Vlorse confessed that there wa3 one thing that baffled frim. '"As long as the rail- road' runs where poles may be erect- ed," he said, "it is easy enough, but when we come to the big bridges, what is to be done then? We can't erect poles across the stream, and without. then the wire would sag and perhaps break from 1ta,own weight. I confess I don't know _what to do. Can you sug- gest a way out of the difficulty?" "Why don't you fasten the wires. to the .bridge?" 'as'ked his companion, with-. out an instant's hesitation. For a moment Morse gazed at him with open mouth, and then exclaimed, "Mite not, indeed? Why, I never thought of that way l " Tortoises Can't Hear. Tortoises are either deaf or stupid according to Popular Science Monthly. Most water snakes• cannot hear at all, but land snakes often have acute hear- ing. These interesting cbnclusiong were reached by Ryo Kuroda, of the College of Niigata, Japan, after ex- tensive experiments with reptiles, The wings of the house -fly beat about 800 times a second, and this carries the fly a distance of 25 feet. WE WANT CHURNING BREAM We supply, cans and pay express Charges, We pay daily, by express money orders, which can be easeed anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top piece,, Cream must be freefraxrn bad flavors and contain not tees than '80 per cult, Butter Fat. Bowes Company Limited, Toronto • For refereneeel--Heed Office, Toronto, Bankof Montreal,er your local banker. Esta•istret fti• aidr thirt'.years:'. Arabians and�an Arab Their A "osis YOU Should Know. zipxt to loves lie My LadyW- NQi'ses, In hie esteem they outrank Ben JoneOn was a friend of Shake- 1girkt'. W114eii i was in S.Yrla some yea?t1 .sipeere and regerdealby many of rats ago a famous sheik had 'Justr •tu v e eenternporaries fie the finer poet Ix from a pilgrimage to Mecca. A h'un is said that Shakespeare played In dred of his tribesmen came out to Tlhnsan'e fires eueceseiul yueee, "Every meet hint and, as a token of subnrrtsM, Man in Hie,} u ou'r," ;Won, lay clown on their faces in he He was 'admired and even loved by road, The sheik, mounted on bie his owtr ,generation, although it wale beautiful Arabian mare, rode over the said of him that "he would yather.loee prostrate bodies of hie devoted e'ub- a friend than a jest." jests, The mareput down he'r'' feet • • carefully on the backs 4f the men, Have you sees but a bright lily grow, bringing her weight down gradually Before rude hands have toothed it? so that no man,snstatned any serious Have yon marked but the fall o' the injury from this unusual ceremonial, snow Another time, when .1 was in Cairo, Before 'the soil bath senutched it? my attention was directed to a pair Have you felt the wool of the beaver? of black Arabian horses drawing the Or swan's down ever? -carriage of the khedive. Never have X• Or have emelt 0' the bud o' the brie o? seen su,eh perfect epecimens of Or the nard in the fire? horses'. They kept perfect step and Or have tasted the bag of the bee? seemed to have en iuteI' lgeut under- 0 so white, 0 so soft! 0 so sweet is standing of what they were doing. she' Perhaps you are using good tea. We think °ed Rose" extra good. Won't you try it? +� ted' , The same good tea for 30 years. "THE vvARra--A T r ci isea Adver cement, THAT'S OUR EARTH, cuiod7 C'19•l, Aiii', ll.GfStGN17\p, tT.i:Ytsxnam ! 1N6, Maar earl wilting thore,uehHY tangatt, y_+�+ . Named Rightly, l Studunta earn while they learn. writ, .ort Dutart. Marti twain Named It Rightly, meat, 5iew correvennenee dc110o1, 4$ XMOR Moat„ Toronto. So Modern Astronomers They attracted more attention than $how, the 'children of their owner. ttinople and saw thousand's of people Some weeks later i was' in Constan-;' EALT BROKE DOWN line ::th'e streets to watch the Salton go to prayers. His carriage was drawn by two handsome blood -red Arabian horses. They were the oniy horses •.I ever saw so trained that they kept per- fect seep,with the band. Their hoofs. struck the street with as i'egnlar pre - dolma as the feet of the scalers in the Sulten'•e bodyguard.—p.H.F. 0 StoriesHoaryr� With Age. Many of the stories' which delight tie heart of children are so ancient, 'their orlgie : is buried beneath the weight of centuries. Take for instance the story of "Cis drella." This is to be found in the language of every European country, and has been traced back to Hindu le- gend. "Aladdin" comes to us from the "Arabian Nights," but had previously beeli borrowed, from. Buddhist folk- lore: "The House That Jack Bullt" has a prototype in the Talmud; 'Beau- ty and the Beast" derive& from an, old Norwegian myth; while "Jack and the Beanstalk" is not only found in an tient Asiatic literature, but is the sub- ject of an almost identical story popu- lar -frown time immemorial' among the Zulus and Fijians•. IOW TO RELIEVE CHILDREN'S CODS Avoid Serious Results by Using Baby's Own Tablets. When a child shows the first symp- toms of a cold, such as sneezing, red,. mass of the eyes, 'clogged or running nose, prompt measures for relief may avert •eriou;s• results. Mothers. should always, have on, hand some simple, safe and effeotiYe remedy .for imam diate•use. Baby's Own Tablets aot quioklY, contain no opiates err narcotics, are tastelese and harmless. Mrs, Joseph Oadieux, • Holyoke,, Mass., says':—"I ,have used Baby's Own Tablets for my chridren and flee. them a: very setts, - factory medicine. When my little boy had a cold I gave him the Tablets at night and he was well next day. I give them to ,the children_ for constl- ration and they always do good. I think Baby's Own Tablets' are much easier to give •a child than liquid medi- cine. I recommend the Tablets to all mothers who have small 'children and believe they should always be kept on hand." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 25 gents . a box from The Dr. 1Z'illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sentence Sermons. ` ,.,_,Seven Great Adventures—•Trying to answer the deep questions of a little child. —Watching the . majesty of God through the giory of a sunset. —Looking et the universes under our foot through the eye of a micro- scope. • • --Standing alone weer the stars and estimating the boundaries, of God. —Waking every morning to begin life alt, over again. • --Metalling the powers• of your mind against the id'e'ae of stem great book. —Setting out to make a friend of an enemy. A Do you get a sensatk,n of pressure on the Heart? Don't be frightened it's not heart trouble—it's indigestion, Seigel'a Syrup will fix it. Any drug store. Friendship. Perfect friendship is that of good Men who resemble each other in virtue for thesetas good themselves, are equal in their desire of good things for one another, and they Who desire good things for their frientta, love them especially for the sake of these things.. For they value them for what they are and not for something acci- dental The friendship, therefore, of these men endures as long as they are good, for virtue is something Stable. And each of,theni is good in himself. and also in relation to kis friend, for good teen are both good absolutely and useful to each other,•--••Aris'tttle, The maid of a popular comic opera actress of England has devised a toi:ei, table tray on which sho carries a mirror, .powderpui£, glass of water, pack of cigarettes, box of matches, throat spray and a sandwich ready for the instant use of her mistress bbhind the scenes, M1nard4'Linintent tor Chilblains. Codd Not Get Sleep for Bours After Going to Bed. "It is not natural for me to sit down and write a letter in praise of a p'r'o- prietary medicine as I had always been skeptical as to their virtues." Thus writes Mr. Arthur Seguin, Stort.- hoalt's, Seek., who further says:—"But three years ago I opened a general store here in Storthoake and placed on my shelves a few lines of the best known proprietary m'edioines. Among these, naturally, were Dr. Williams? Pink Pillts'. As there were three of my custenrre who wen obtaining good results from taking the pills, and as I was in need of a medicine, I decided to try them. myself. "I dead been suffering from catarrh for ye:.rs, and my inside work had completely broken down mY hearth. I was eougliing'all clay, suffered' from indigestion, and could not sleep until three or four hours atter retiring. I started the piI'is, not with any great oonfrdence, but by the time I had. finished the second box I marked much improvement. At the fourth box 'I; felt quite epovere'd, but continued them for some further tape, My cough has Ieft me, the indigestion has die- appeared and I now fall asleep almost as moon as I am in bed. In my store new I do not hesitate to reoommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills• to any who are feeling run-down ar without energy, as I think they are a blessing to mankind." If others who may feel skeptical will give Dr. Williams' -Pink Pill a fair 'trial they will be convinoed as was Mr. Seguin. You can get the pies from your druggist, oe by mail at 50 emits a box from The Dr. Wil - Items' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Almariach Gotha Still Records Princely Titles. The A]manach de Gotha, -proud re- cord of the nobility of Europe, is not a victim of the war and of the collapse of so many monarchies, despite all+'•re- ports to the contrary. It is still a Iiv- ing and vital publication, which has adamted itself with surprising facility to the new conditions of the world and the new map of Europe. To -day the latest iseue of the famous book is di. Tided into three sections, In which the genealogical data of the princely houses of the world are grouped as follows•: 1.The genealogical trees of the reigning houses of Europe, as- well as many which have been dethroned within the last hundred years, • to- gether with the sovereigns' of every latitude, minutely enumerated, includ- ing details of reigning families in Japan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Siam and. the Indian state's. 2. The genealogical details of the famous families of the Hely Empire which . still possess rights of birth equal to those of sovereign houses, It le here that one notices the eonse quences of the war and the revolutions which followed, for in Austria and Cz•echo- S 1 i S ovak a titl'e's have been abol- ished. -In Prussia titles still remain, but the qualification of "highnee e." has been done away with. 8. The third subdivision, which is the most extended of the three, le de - Secrets of Solence Number One By David Dietz "The heavens deolare the glory of God and the firmament showeth Hie, handiwork." So wrote the ancient author of the Psalms in Biblical daye. One imagines him standing in the open fields at night, filled with awe at the wonder and grandeur of the heavens as he gazed aloft at the myriads of stars. And yet hie conception of the heavens was a simple one compared to whist modern astronomy has reveal- ed 'concerning them. Ills 'idea can be reconstructed easily from a etrudy of the Bible. The earth; to him, was the all-im- portant factor, a Dat plain stretching away in all directions. It was sum- •roun'ded by the seas and supported up- on them. , , The sky was ,a real canopy or roof over the earth. When it rained, it was because the windows in this roof were opened and the waters above allowed to leak through. The stars were so many lamas or lights. The sun and moon were simp- ly larger lights, "lights in the filament of the heaven to . divide the day from the night," as the Book of Genesis phrases' it. - To -day we know that in point of size at least, ,the earth is not 'the all-im- portant par eof the universe but one s't of the lealimportant. We know to -day that our earth re- volves about the sun and is very much grrra'eler than the sun. -- We Mao know that the stars are great ' blazing suns, ,}nary of them thousands of times larger than our sun° If by some sort of magic -we could suddenly transplant ourselves to some I' corner of the unevers•e where these ` gigantic suns are, our own sun would appear as one of the very faint in the s'ky. Cam earth would o be totally invisible. i\1a,rk Twain, who possessed the rare faculty of presenting great truths in humorous garb, givers a sharp pic- t tare of the situation in his imaginative "" book, "Captain Stormfleld's Visit to Ended by Taking Lydia E. Heaven." A Lesson from Japan. We could learn from the the Japan- ese in regard to title point. They dis'- piray only one picture at a time, choos- ing the subject that is appropriate to the season of the year, or some special occasion; and they keep It in its place ; for only a short time. If we were to take enough pictures (and it would not take many) to change at intervals those that hang on the wails, we sbould se them to far better advantage and appreciate ahem the more. The decorative effect of the home would thus be enlivened and improved, with new color in the old epet. Why. can't we have .a secret cyder pledging its members to correct their own .faints before nagging at their neighbors'? Use f EYES IRRITATED BY SUN,WIND,DUST &CINDEkS RECOMMENDED !O1'. ZYra Re5.5Y 01C NVSaiat¢ 5 0•CKiCA us• URNS Mix Minard's with sweet oil and apply at once. Quick relief. f courseS_ BACK AND SIDES Captain Sternrfield, upon his arrival i PiI'kkl1e^e§%t9S ' eaetahle universe in which our earth is Iocated,+®pound is so small that it is referred to as "the wart." Fusilier, Sask.—"For two or three Next article: A Modal of the 'Gni- days every so often I would have such in heaven, finds that the corner of the verse. Keep Mtnard's Liniment handy. At Midright. See, yonder, the belfry tower• That gleams in the moon's pale Or is is it a ghostly flower That dreams in the silent night? I listen and hear the chime Go quavering over the town, And out of this, flower of Time Twelve petals are wafted down —Frank Dempster Sherman. Reform is easy, but staying good is a man's job. GENUINE ASPIRIN PROVED SAFE pains in my back and sides that I could not do anything—could not even lie f uietly in bed,. and my head ached, too. I was this way about three years, but was worse after I was married. I was on a farm with not a house nearer than; Bye miles and there was not a person to advise me, as my folks live in Manitoba. My sister-in-law told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and told me to try it. I took her advice and have been thankful for it ever since. After taking the medicine for three months I can say it has helped me a lot and I am doing fine. I am glad to rec- ommend the Vegetable Compound to others and you may publish my testi- monial."—Mrs. HELEN BALANOFF,Ftrsi tier, Saskatchewan. Often some slight trouble will cause a general upset of the system. Such symptoms as nervousness, painful tizzies, Irregularity, backache and headache indicate some form of female weakness. Women so bothered should give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. This dependable medicine has helped thousands of women and it is reasonable to expect that it will help voted to the princely houses, non-sov- you. Try it today. Your druggist sells ereign,-in Europe. All the great ducal Take Without Fears as Told this medicine. q houses of Great Britain, Francis and Belglurii tare mentioned. ,.One of the changes wrought by the war is the In "Bayer" Package translation of the house et Battenberg to that of Mountbatten in the .peerage or England. Weaving was practiced in China 1,000• ,bears before it was known in Europe. All the world's a stage ---but the encores are few. W COUGHS AND COLDS INTERFERE WITH .BUSINESS 2 A Vegetable Preparation that. gives quick results without drugging the system Unless you see the "Bayer Cross"• m package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin proved stage by -millions and ):rescribed by physicians over twenty. dre years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheum iat! sm Nee Pain, Pain Ettch unbroken "Bayer" package cote tains proven directions: Handy boxe8 of twelve tablets cost few emits. Drug- gists also Sell bottles o -e 24 and100. k. That One Pimple May Become Many Prevent More by Using Cuticura Soap regularly and Cuticura Oint- ment when necessary. The Soap cleanses the clogged, irritated pores, the Ointment soothes and hrale. Besse 'amok rico Q stag, Addrees Catalclitto Depot: "a6anh yto Ltd Montreal," Pe14.44wr. 25e. Ointmamt 25 and Ste. Wean'. 2.M. • Cuticura Shrtviuu Stick etc. i:2SUi~ No. 47---'25.