HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-26, Page 1• • • ri`..q.w' • V '19 41 XXV( No 21 ZURICH, THURSDAY 114101NING0 NOVEMBER ,g6,1925. . . our amass fs worth ad er mP isf f 11 is orth running! Try an adf Chester L. Smith, PO , $1,25 a Year 1,* $1,50 A.RRBARS, $2 1A.41' Ces,tyrAuP Pur Corner Sumpaer retiort---A plaoe where ou nrt sweat and Eight boredom and tarender when ;you eat. tt:t•—l• On reason Alloy the broad' road. Reads to destructn iobecianse gracourages ape.e.ding. tg••••-th An: exchange lie mean enough to :ay that ,Schooli toa.chers stareiy 'lave a hard life. Now that- thier teloovention is over they won't liave another holiday. until election. day. 'Atte rthat they hatt'e to• -work hard every day for nearly wo weeks until Thanksgiving I)ay and front then till Christmas and New Years. Oh, Lilt it must be a etre/tons life. 1-.44 Wrigley, the, chewing gum Ivan, ex.plained how he built lap a lbusinc'st of Millions of packagea a %day. Ile has done it hy waver,- tieing it; He spends 45 ver. a mil- eloliarer a ve.ar in buying news aaaper staace to WET the world a- t. oc..)h ut 5 cent eolng gum He ham educated people ehew guru and to chew Wrigleyl Mi, ii. Aexchange sayis cOut each voter in Caoadle fifty cents tocat kin vote on' WIsa it -worth. the inanegi It might have 'been if anythioote had been settle(' Teat it looks as it we'd have to, slat- •er.d. another half detlier almost ally day to See -who its going to run the •o n t ry„ • _____ .___,_ „,..,..........----.......—....................„... . ,..,,,,,,,,,, - __ a Ph e Wroxieter NowS and the soul which conditions prevail • , , ' g ttea tor or less degree ovor („11,6 ktio,--- --"o- .....--7--__„/ ko,o,o, . -• .... ,••".ko-os ;-4.—,',...,.;4L-_::&41-".2.9. / ......„ Coal. Strike ar,-•-•,..mr. ? A 11 hough this a Li illInn season•has• ..=, vse -- -,,,,.,,..: Phonograph bsen rrost univocal and any gravel cool", however Well built and Avail)", toincil, would „novo li.,:!11 in 141 shapo 41nring this sea,,ori, kbero 11; .orrie ic te oavo closed their doors, owiog to lack of hisinuess. Both paperat wero taken over by the Wingliami Advance -Times and two thriving villages watt now b' without their regtaIar 'weekly e sage. The News was established ir Wrexster ti yeare and the Viclotte ba* hold a life of only 5 yearso It is indeed unfortunate for towns of fatly Importance to loose the ativantais and influen- COS of a good local paper. It .is not until the Fourth Estate batt •disappoared aril the corronttnito les maize the WI extent of their logs, ancl it e thr.toil the pangs. of rogrot wilt pr4Aiab1y ha felt the m.erchants aod citzens for not ex- tending titer undivided support •and patronage to their homotpapei. HIG liTAYS DE PA R TMENT Court; HouSe, Goderich, • November, V3, 1925 To the Editor, Zurich Herald. Dear Sir—• receiverthe marked copy of y•our• paper Of Noven1. ber lath Ilast,„ and note your ar- ticle on the had onndition of the Zurich Roaeloind the necessity for at improved type. Public op • inion is the• moviog spirit behind Toad improvement., and I am glad to See that you are publishing the conditions 'which exist on this road, etsaisteeeme•egmeetteteefsereirlseeteakepossolosambess,efolles*.• #40•• • a • • • Your Feet Dry • ea It costs no more t.o 'wear a'pa,").• "LIFEBUtlY"'• .•..Rubbers than theotchespest pair made, •' • • •• The difference in quality and o onstruction earablets yon'to 1•.eop on wearing row pair of LIFEBITOYS long after you would • have ha& to throw att),inferior pair away., • As a retain. of carefuliy controlled manufacturing pirocoates and te the last of orally the highest grade pore gong robbers"; LIFE:. BUOY itethitsza wit/Vahan:di thelaircleit, wear and the aging action • of water am% time. •• ThereWnottauhatitutiing for LIPEttrOY, ,ask. for thstrihydaathe, • • • ‘s We have a Fine Assortnimat efxxew Felt 1,1 Footwear for yottr,Winter's Comfors ' t D el„wrvi Epp int a RBPIRIN'G NEATLY DONE I k, ..Lyrikkiii As, "Sa.MAILP)adt SEP OUU, WINDOW DISPLAY • -(th • ' • • talltitIeteteattittortaleetaitseStatfillieCtitestaattaltele804114Malt• 01.616.04:400; 414400404, 04,441,4000-.0.04,4 64004,1,140,41,4e000.11,44,04. a - • • f, .. 1 • .„,,, . _ .. .,,. mai •: ,...a„, .. .: c,,,,, 4.47, wr rilli 17 il t , .,1 ari +1}, • ALL STYLES • * OR THr„,Lo 'WING ImADR,Tty-m.t. A( suve, . OVERCO.A.TS " Tl1OPIvASI:Ei&Nr PAMBZ., ROG Jo( els i, A SIZES To Re tail front $5.001 to $35.00 • 131-4441S4.444•4404.14444.04,414440.044•P4•0314MMAY•11•444411401.14.0•114 , BILTMou 3.4AST IIAT Obf terADA ,tqaw STYLES .111/ST• AGENT oet• PESS BRANT• • • VI,,ZICEID COME .kollal) SEE • AND , WHPItflIititrank OtrA' SWEATE,RS. W001.4 ED• trzzosstweArt voR M1 AWE, BOYgo • OUR B411,141catt AT SAVING Plt/OES, ;• 14) Aitit V1V Lt4 • GASCITO'S lT 1Witig .0404<ti, *40400,604•44 to44.•40.414.0 .4t44410411.444404 • . , • Repairing no doubt, as you point. out, 'Iba.1 ntoro •• maintenance • (xpeudituros $c1111c.1 111 V 1,e)1made-430i. oniy this year, Init in the past few ,yeare This yea): the County Council gran - Led an Ill(Iroas'ad appropriation r'r-Pl Ilighwl•ty work, but, weather ditions have been againat tho program eompleted oat:I:3feet- (tally. 11 j knr ihieresied 'your ()pinion that the Vensall-Zurieh road shollld ba paved., I have recogoizedfO5 lit ;in y -.years t ha t „11(.1T g oper7t ations in this count))) qn the sh w yri ould include the Z.Zaripti f1,1 9 ,1-( e Lee-Dm:hot Odd road aincorg, the first roads so into. proc ed, because m you •euggoet, they are subject to heavy. trartio at an V' al,1011:1 Wile tiler the. road '1.?"- good or. bad, and further hoc:M.113,e ohny aro far ronot-ed from sources t,tro 001 road ra Paving costs have decllied sob. e ant ..illy d uri og the past few• yeand al anat the pres,:int *time...the a on ul 1 Pr/Be prop-rly maintain,- ina gravel road under heavy hod Lao. iq approochng itho animal coat of I'].ief. I have heel) et- peetiog that within the ueettof,OW years a riernanr3 will arae lfor the pa vitig of snots of the Highwaya a) this county, and your article fiao hen tao .tirst of its kind that:1 Nave aegis, ttC.IP2, I:11A WO U be able to get the Zurich road rof4 in. good Condition again, and tliy mnt ehol's•of !he County Commit Sheuld ON'e encourageraient 10 their efforts. to provide goodroads for the traffie, They have done' so up till now .at a Rover rate of tax than that paid by any other county for road parposel,g, .li1Ut they, es.nnot br expeCted to triain, Only five more Weeks till Ii.J3),40.:, • lvir, Ward Fritz was to ,ItOnalon On TLW(Itlay, • Dr; and Mrs, fictotledge (mid MisS, Ida Routledge spent Wednes- day Exeter, • „ Mrs'. F. M. •Hess called on. friends Hortsall on Tuesidg ay. . Arida Veolo Plan01 Stratford normal spent thtl weekoend at her• home here. Miske Thelma Elsie or DashwoOd ie 'spending the week 'with friends here. • Mr. Wesley Callfes and L'eon- Lon- 1l'(IPaarter, spent Sunday at Thedford, Mris . V. Tress and family andMr. Mr. Milton Hey motored to Lon- don oil Saturcloy, Mrs, ,r. 0. Jacobs, who has tap - cut 'the past few weeks with fri- encts her"- 374 tiI91Prl Iter bona(' Cheat bra Monday. Mr. Casioe Wdlper of Dat911- wood is' visiting with his daughter, Mre NNOt7secl...r Klopp for a few days thls expert •telcohooe of Toronto is lv.!,re •making repaira to the (table which (octet de •to the wost •4trol of the. • Nr. and . Mrs. Ruay 'Schwart 7,F,` trubcr of tt)1.3Bronaen Line were ,Sotolatt vittitora at New Haroblirg •Mra. Orerind-BeCblerOVi. thb.''''Vdthige )Sjici had beer( visitiog at that roturned with thrill', A Bazaar and Horw- Raking Sale wilt he held in the Town Balt Zurich, on- Saturday, December 5th 'air:Lep:ion and evening .hy the loth drair Ladies' Aid, Light MitchviIi (1 be ',uor v , o 01) n ( 3 o*-- clock. lain this indefinitely With° tC413ORGE SPOTTON WINS' NORTH out sacrifieing the condition of the rcads,• MYRON ELECTION . o Yours Trulyth , s Roy Pattersonc, • C.oupty Engineer. EDITOR—We are indeed grate- ful to• Mr. Peror attson fthe kind n informatio, • an well as ',•the 'keeo interest maniff,ste,d in road • .provement right hero front -Zur- ich. to Reosoll. And should. Mr, Palteison al any time, hAve any, such. valuable information to give vs, (e,n it on, h000r to &ion it Lim same publicit,y.• • As .a- re,oalt ludgmcnt hooded • down at Goderioh, or) Nov, 19in connection with the recent rcrount in 1.1i9 recent federal election of N Pfuren, George W. Sp,)ttoo, Con- servative candidate. .the elected msrdter for th:4 ri(11/17... a j- Progros4ive oppon- ennt, Jelin WT, King, is 11, the total vvte Spotton ),‘,189 and IZIng 5.ct71; •Tly.), original election tettirns ,,31C-ve King 'a, 111 F.) it of 109,, IMO rec( t u t )Viid, eat a nded by Stratton upon the • grbuouls. of iregnlaritilits bi some. polla, The protist• we; hnrd, by Judge Lowis oho 'banded dwn ohis 'decision dis- allowing the votes -of the polo:, thore polls bocaus,..' the •counter- 1.VIM'O not clet.ohol from the ballots, than olecting Mr. Spotton. CHURCH NOTES • , • •WITY A NEW. ONE? It is NOT e new, religion that \Vo . old. old story (evey now) or. ,J0:.;IN 43),1 Dig ...13.pve" •is 1,( Ce•iitr thorno, 'with its pp,!,.:ticial bearing noon all of hurnan IlLe4nd •6":)::1:'• of our friends coaicie,i, it ,worth,vhil'i to COO gulta- dis- tanc$. to attend our aerric.7s. Only delical .* -pt:i YOU READ YOUR tir.vLin manuel EVEin t raw hoots -tett for.ort0 rooto,(lar Soo day EYe. servie:.%, "First Firs rtt served. • Sandrly, gov. 29tK ' 11) S.1001003 "The Gospel of Good Cheer." 11 a.m. School for all. 1,39 p.m Th a pilator Coha11g04 Pow. B. Meyer, o1. :Da 13 woo (I, 8.39 3:) 1)3 Sonic)", League. Cona mod ell:joy our Prayer and Pr3li61 rice, Friday ovti. 7.30, Supt,. ,139?).o School—A, hoio 1:tender and p.rganit, Miss E. Millist6sti—W, B. Dooglif, ZURICIL ONNT, The Church that stands for =tool aid he wortAtin aid in the proof:Iwo of the Christian life- hive asked a few of our C04;eribrs whlt coMinent tinny tirY bal‘no to make 'f rco-ards to Oho ,artiele in last woolts issue 011 ttr) condition or 11 Zurielt-Heosoll road, nod sorry to ,say in .ru.6 41t, erVi..!.9 the subscrtbors d l not read the artiele -at all which '‘‘',6 think is tO their disadvantage. We ho,,v)- oVor sent a, copy to Mr. R. Pat- terson, Comity Engineer, Goderich tool wo• wore favorod vit1i a moat splendid a nd encouraging, reply which wou tolt-ot the liberty or omb- liehi ng oo a no thor eolumn or this W:1 _COM sofo in saying that if • the Zurich Road were pavod, it wonli bo a hie,' boon to ooth •l•trrieh -and Heosall, as it Would in - (taco people for considerabledis-, tine to take the paqement 10. mark'Dt t11O3 rodncts (wen if it wero rt few miles farther by way or payeatsat, and such persons ioould, also do: thoir buying at • these towns.. We think it would lot to tlot advantal.p or both 'Zur- ich and• businoss men to g1 bait ;id this moven-tont and mei what, influemee they can., cVe r,t4,,tan ' Zurieh is .spending several hundred dollars' .•en.oh year in try- ing to, keep the &List down in the, summer, this is •Ont' item that woult1 OW be eliminated on the coat. aod west street. We will , be' photsed• at any tionO•lo publish oi114:',1.1 14.) 1 1,1 favor 01, this movemeot, • Let's. banat It all we can. I 4 Prompt Service • Duplicating BRdEEN MAIN SPRINGS WE CARRY SPRINGS FOR MAKES OF MACHINES on ALL WI G. Ls &Sons During the Octal Strike use Oar Substitutes Sole Agents for the Rest (teut;:i nine CONSOLIDATED fillifilLES54 CREEK, The Best Soft Cott eia- tathable. Poeollontas,. anitoket•msa Soft Coal, Detroit Solvai.F root.. Ooke and best Anthraclie Begat .COAL. TELEPHONE SERVIOS — Gt • FORM:ill:ON IS (FREE. CO4).E4ai , ••)i: US BEFORE BUYING AT.S4filo, •t• ri Clarl4te7103=1: FtE NSALL Phones—Office lOw. Haase Yr- • easona • • • • • 4.1. t‘i 7,1•00,1,1101trf 4. lust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Hamm Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. .A.lso a- Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prima • Ranging from $7.00 to ... RAMO SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALItit A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always. oat !siva. Club Mee, Suit Cases ' and Trunks at Right Price HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PROEM ahl 42. FRED THIEL - ZURiCIFf • 044 ••••• • s). •••••••0{P••41,0 4.44 04,,(a.,4+4,s,414•4.1,41:417-04P141.11`i,, 41T.,• (2k 41•11'n, ,F.040$ • ARCH SU PO We wish to inform. the Pablie, that AT ANYTIIIDI„ YOU REQUIre „ARMEE SUPPORTS Olt QTEER., + FOOT REMEDIES THAT E CN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ' AND SAVE YOU' FROM $1.50 TO' $2.50 PER PAIR ON Alt= + SUPPORTS, -1%* BE SURE TO CONSULT US BEFORE SAYING art .A, PAM WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE VER SAME .A.RTICI.B FR= US AT $i1.95 PAIR. ti•• We sell Dr. SCHOI.,US ARCH SUPPORTS O. FRITZ &,,SON SHOE ERCHAN TS L++++:14++ f 4. 44+ .144. +44+444.4.4K1+++ +to +4444 •lotot.+*+011•44•1/etaseotop `.) awn.•nadameAregyc•Otworekimio‘wsliameri•r•WIPPKI,V.371.47.4,1•14.,17Wnrom111,,,,, •••••00.1416.1,1•41...,..1.411,0,../..mq 1 • . We are taking good Dried. Apples for which we are alio wing tho high- • est market price • We aim to give Satisfaction R. Ai, DOUGLAS a EN EA AIL MERCHANT 'HONE 11 - 97 AKE. ,t1 -41 4 1 • al