HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-19, Page 4ti ZURICH HERALD Tl M(lay, Novt xi 'ber 19t I3ANKING IN ONTARIO Iv the Province of Ontario the Bank of Montreal .has a complete organization, with head natters at Toronto, specially organised to give careful attention and prompt service to banking reclui.rements of the people of this Province. There are 25o branches important .in..Old and New Ontario, e, the. offices being located aeveryes potant centre of the Bank of Montreal in this Province, $ehind this Provincial Organization are the resources of a nation-wide Instituv tion, having a combined Capital and Reserve Fund of over $6o,000,000 and Total Assets exceeding t$700,000,000. Over z,000 shareholders of the Bank reside in Ontario 1 nal • a r, " • 11 r..1 ,t Cake, Toronto x rl ri; tLill,i,l. ONTREAL Tot al Assets in excess of 4700,000.00o Headquarters for Ontario: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto 4 i">. eses's,vvrs••0•••••ve•••!•410900••••00••••••••• •s • is •' •• • •• • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • •• • O 0 a ••0 a • • 1 a Goal Coal We are receiving a carload of POC AHAN TAS Coal for ,general I use. Leave your order now GREENFIELD'S Champion Tonic For Poultry e KEEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PP:OD .-CT- a#? i t ION. lip A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD au AFFORDS RELIEF i•ROM - . TERti 9.L WORMS e TRS' A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY ;TONIC ;31)'• AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIOI' S CAREFULLY AIoSG) HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMER'_ FEED FOR STOOK. is milt00•N•0•.O••••••••••••••ia•••N••00••• •.1/0.000 Vs�OAmmimammasa Louis Spline gm Zurich Veer PROTECTION Get one of Our Auto Tops They will protect you from the kola winds and will make Winter' motoring a pleasure IP YOU 1ifyANT SERVMCE, WE HAVE IT RERUBBER YOUR ,BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZdTRICH LOST Between Zuich and London ton j*OZ. litlil a 84x4.14, auto tie .aziC1 Aim .billed with Aero Cushion fillee. 4ado please leave at Herald OE - &e • xei:ur131 xo J. Hey, Jr: iSC' TOOL REPORT S, No. 1, Stanlley, for peto- ii• *atm. 'Zr,. IV—Lloyd Bedard, Florence Ste IV --Irene Rau, Valerie Corr- ,4eteatt, 'Clarence Bedard. ar. III—Stella Jeffrey, Kathleen rn J4inand. P• .tJx III—Lily Durand, Louis m . ` raeta George Bedard absent; RC °'.4 a Bedard,. Roy Rau, Gordon 1e - Lois Bedour, Ellis Jeffrey,* r a3iY, II—Jean) Durand, Verdos;r Rodoiple Bedonr, t'itet t 11ns--true Be 1 'd Y 10 tee., 'SCHOOL REPORT S. . No. 8, Hay„ bawd on 'writ- ten exams. by the fetipilep The standing asst it appears, alsolfoir- ms a very clofse estimate of the pupil's ' tafnaling during the _pest two months. x u tilt sen r p' 1 i a, i>it �n a number of days Isin:ce the ho .idlays Sr. IV—Antionetbe Ziler, Frieda Miller, xEdwin Miller ,Sr, III—Norman Walper, •'Albert Becker 'and Jolts Hartman equal, Jr, Irl--Emelia ,ldrider. Arnold Gackstetter, Pearl Wie;and, Lewis 'SV iegand, • Sr. II—Erwin Rad'?:•, Otto Bec- ker, Melton Weeper, .+'Elgin Wie- gant3, Jr. II --Edward G a^' et e tter, Har- old Feder, Dorothy &vier. h .att Weber'y Jr.1 --Elmore (r;u 1eeett:'r; Verve nein link Louise, Retiec €tucl Emil ' erker event Among the symptoms of love, it is' said, are a vacant 'feeling in- side and an enlarged vocabularly. To -day's definition—A hypocrite is a man who eats cloves to . snake• his friends believe he has had a drink, DASHWOOD Miss V. A. Schneller, who so sue- eeesfully assisted in the evangel- istic meeting in the Evangelical church, left on Monday for her home in Allot—a, I11, Mr, and Mrs(. R. F. ,Stade `fid Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft of Zurich, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. C.Stade on Sunday. Mr, Earl Neeb of Pontiac visit- ed his another, Mrs. Mary Neeb over the weelend. Mrs. Necb .accompanied them to Pontiac,wh- ere she will 'spend some time. i1r. Czar Kellerman is visitingl In Toronto., Messrs McWilliams and 'Keller- man eller-man are holding an auction sale of young cattle at the Dashwood Hotel, on Saturday afternoon, Nov- ember 21st.. HAUGF{--W IEGAND A .quiet wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage, Dash- wood, on Wednesday, November 11 at 1 o'clock, When. "Clara Viola, el- dest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Wiegaed of the 14th con. Hay, Tp.., was united in marriage to Mr. Milton D. Haugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Haugh of this palace, Rev. F. B. Meyer officiating. The bride wore a, gown: of rush •Satin faced canton with 'taut velvet trimming.. Mis!S Idella. Bender act ed as 'bridesmaid wehile the groom was 'supprtoed by Mr. Eben Wie- gand, During the signin,. ,of the register Mies Schneller, of A.uora, 111. ` slang a solo °"1l'1 !be^ . Tree" The greened gift to' the • bride Wars: a muskrat coat: to the bridesmaid a signet ring, t oth.e best man a' gold tie pin, Immmediately after. the eerernony the young, couple. left for a motor trip to St. Marys Stratford, Kitchener and other points. "• Their many friends will join with the Herald in Attending very best wishes for their future lailtpines. HENSALL. i Alex. Smith is buying 'in and shipping large, quantitues of turnip;' Mrsl` 'tdbt, Higgins ie able to be out again: after 'a month's. cone fimement With; illnesls. Mils Katie Scott has returned. after a few week's visit with her brother Lorne Scott of Toronto, MWS E. J. McEwen, recently of (Vancouver, is here visiting hel'sise tors on , t:11ie homestead littleso- uth , a 0 uth, of the' village, t Mrs) J. :tope wVn:5 's iei'ted the pasft week. by her 'sisters, the ilisys ns Graybell, of D,x'sh.wood, Mrs. Alex. Sparks hits returned from .a ph'asan't thre' month's trip anri vis4t with relatives out c a r'_ir.' of Sr. Primer-•4�'�1 �., i Fele, [i �;:�- , 'Tri � x• {rZ v . t,� ,, f 'l.nr- iir;tt,:xcl and married, in :t901, he ,i -t ` 1. , c r id 'Veleda "cls I .a: - ., „n to Durand, , 'fie d� 1.;, rt~i, 1 � , x , 1 , il�: , ii ❑•,...,t I3edour, I, Pr .. ---i11.1:. „ • ii'•i'l P • . � tet i r' eye; •j�l to London, eh lie. has Miss Alice Daat:gkzll, of Sarnia, spent the week -end here with her Parents, Mr, end- rMs, Wm, Doug:ai1 Pleased.to Seel Rein. Dr, Fletcher Muco improved ,from liis serous illiloss, Laura Seraris of Toronto, Sp- ent a time with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs,. Ro's's McLean and children of Detroit visited here, On Sunday afternoon last Rev. Foote of Exeter, conducted serv- ices in St. Pauls church for the presbyteriianIj to a congregation that filled the church. Geo. Heddee and family, and who have been residents here for a number of years .moved to Ex- eter, . where they have relatives,. Jessie Bell of WiltLleer, vI'sited her parents here. Mieeand Mrs. W'il'son Berry, of Windsor; and. Ed. Berry of Detroit Visited their mother, Mrs, Thos, Berry:. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dr'yscl:aleand children, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Hess, motored to differ- ent points in Michigan. ... Tuesday evening last the Odd - fellows of Hensall Lodge enjoyed a 'visit from the District Deputy Grand Master, J. Moore of God- .orich,. when a fine social tune was 'spent. CI EDI TON Mrs. McMurrayofWinnipeg is visiting Mr. and mei Jas. Cale:, • eIr. and Mrs. Ezra Orate ichar iof Wi::t1,:•or, visited relatives lyre Will Motz is able to leave his hed afte rh.is ren not illness. Pearl Motz r.,Mr.-.iid Mrs. Heath erly of London visited at Mr H Matz. Milton Finkbeiner of Seaforth, I Visited his parents here. • TheCeeditoly. Branch of the 1Vcmiens' institute held their Nov- eniber meeting on -Tuesday even- ing with. the Pres'. Mrs. !wicker in the chair, there Was' ar roll call by Nines. cake receipts, about 25 responding. Mrs. G.G, Mayardi. Mrs. Orin and Mrs. Zwicker gave Zfin,e reports' of the, t conven- tion at London. Mrs. pol. McI'saa,c had charge of "Current vents" ane read interesting armistice story. EXETER Ed Short, employee of Jones May, while attending to his duties' on- Sunday last, collapsed fromthe effects of a stroke of paralysis Sial" Pollen has taken a position in' Heaman's atllydwar•e tinsmithing dept. Howard Hunter and Henry Str- ee , were two menlberst of „,,he' Ruyan Co. jjudging team at the Guelph Winter Fair. • The many friends of Thos. Cam eron will regret to know that he has .suffered a breakdown in health Mrs. D. MsKitrick and family of C°algery who have visited friends here lett for Toronto to reside. Mr. and Mrs?, Harry Guenther and Jack Guenther of Windsor we re visitors- with Mr. and M'rs. Chas Guenther. - Gladman & Stanbury are instat- ing, an oil •borner in their furnace at the office and Mr. Stanbury has installed one et his residence, Alex, Dow was painfully in'jujred while clipping a horde the other day.. He was working on the front part of • the animafi when it reared up and struck him on top of the head with one /got inflicting- two deep calk wounds, the wonder is that the injujry was not Blore 'ser- ious considering the viciousness of the animal; COUNTY NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mckenzie of Brucefield, announce the engage - Ment of their daughter, Fannie to Andrew .A Moore, of Tuckersmith, the marriage takes place . e -this, month. A pretty weddin, gtook place at 'the 'home cef Mr, and Mrs,. Arth- ur Mollard, McGillivray Tp., re - c ently, when their daughter Cora, became the bride of Leonard Allen eldest son. of 1VIr, and Mrs. Adolph Allen of Parkhill. They wilt re- side on the groom's farm, in East Williams John'. Thompson .of Usbornet. had a threatening experience the other day. He had brought, a load' of apples to' iilxete;, and failing -to, dispose then, on his way home, the team gotoff the road, and, the `wagoretpseft ;iii, the ditch, the Wagon landing with the four whe- els in the air. He managed to of jujmp clear from the gwao4, Thos Newell of Stratford had the misfortune the other 'day to have a McLaughlin, car lepset in the ditch and destroyed by fire, he was on hie way home aand was 'crowded close to the ditch by an tap'proaching carr, when his. car, ;toppled over land ' was isoon - a masts of flame's.. Samuel A. Moffat, a prominent traveller of London pas&sed away at his horde in his 75th year, lie e' x and was born at Iii tl a 1851,u Kipp 0 of. W. D. Moffatt, tt a was a Son. �u > pic,neer of Stanley 'Tp. lie spent the greeter. part of his life on• tJho >1c1 llaaaestand icl,.,er•e he was ed- ,,, ,..'t.,.�.�) l' ;'..r�.i,'r, Iw r 7i ',,.rr�, t �v.:fi it,ei:.: d f'r'nrya.', 1,1 the '!'o1r Melon ei•nee.w. Th't reni.eine gar1r f e1 " 'ft i t O tt'i' len ng p +Y i" 1i`. "v [" t ,tris"d, iii n , lei i.Rtl ratlil Jil.. , .. rr' ;;", .:i ld'` i�' - .� t, t y ,q } j l ARAGE UPAIRING We are in a position to do Expert Auto Repairing McLau hI ,'n or any makes of Cara • 1. work guar.. teed... and Specialize o BATTERIES REeCIIARGED AND REPAIRED. HAVE YOUR ,MOTOR CLEANED FROM OLD CARBON i 1 BURNING PROCESS, Gas, Oil, Greases,iris acid L. Ur . Angel, Pr es Wand, • d, — BY OUi all Accessorte ,, +s 1rietor Zurich Stand Arotu y'd a i S . ter hy Leave Everythi to ate -- 1 Arouncl£ f arth's an he will'x you UuJ.o ate E % Tailor, Men's Furnishings ry Zurich, Ont. WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM oifikkiwomfiewwwiwwwwwwiwyt ti• Zurich:DrugStore 1SCHDOL SUPPLIES We have a complete New Stock of[all the new Text l300ks,, also Scribblers, Note Books, Writing lam' Books, Drawing Books, Pencil Boxes, Erasers, Rulers, Compasses ,Water Colors, Ink, Pens and,. Pen- i Cllr A 4 '4 • 4-++++++++.1 lzo Full i. Liiior f tatloner3r 3;o ,, �laL ,Zu. 414, ic-i AR MS ;m MA V -:P' 1 !3W,3" ,,11"U A ,; 'i3