HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-11-19, Page 1Vol. XXVI No 20 ZURICH, THURSDAY !WORMING, NOVEMBER19 1925 Chester L. Smith, fols11014* $1.25 a Tear bat //lidifissaillk • .0 IN' .A..anueS, Sa MAY ER eltilkliettlf4 Your Business is worlfr:40-1,0010lOtititiO:yOrth running! Try anad! 'MEE ADVERT/SrbIG Hardware ,and Iltfetal magazine astimaates that each year the local ylaper gives' trona $500 to $1,000 in •ltree advertising to the community • Sim which it is /acute& It adds; 11,110 othier agency "can ,er will do this •The, editor, in prepoition to Tits - =Leans ,does more fer his town than •cavy other man, and in all fairneas he, ought to be supperted-enot be- ) tense you, like him. er admire his 'Writings, btu; 'because the /Deal paper the beat investment the onommunity can make% • The next annual cohvention of the Canadian Ttechers'. Federation will be held et Charlattetovres, R. Edward Island' in Aug,. 1920. A visit to this province, known as the • 'Garden fo tholGulft must prove in finitely interesiting to the, educat- ionaliat. flj. i titich! in hietoric in- terest, wonderfully fertile and ,pic- tweeter:Am Up in the North woods the boy'a are already, bringing in their game in the district between Quebec and Winnipeg the moose und deer Ise- aS033: opened Sept. 15th, and will icontinue until Nov. 15th. Throng out this district Which severs mil- lions of acres, hig game, is always very plentyful and every hunter who gaze( north is Almost sure of bringing baek hi s cemplement Beginning: in .29.0 Faster Th to be a fixed date, the second Sunday in April Thai it the efforts made toward the changing of the calendar and is the fleet step, toward that nand. When that is accompliShed we Shalt have a year • • • • .• • • • 1•44+++++44.44444+++++++++40 -4+4444.4.44.411441.+44++++4 I COMBINATION DOORS WE CAN SUPPLY. YOU WITHTHE LA.TEST COMBIN- :t ATION DOORS' ANY SIZE AND STYLEi FOR SUMMER PUT • IN THE SCREEN FRAME, AND FOR WINTER TAKE OUT 4. + THE SCREEN AND PUT CN THE GLASS PANN. EL. ALSO en STORM WINDOWS TO liar ANY FRAME. ORDER NOW I ea 'teo an AND GET: R.EADY WREN THE COLD WEATHER COMES. .1 ANYTHING IN WINDOW SASHES, FRAMES, ETC. LET US '42" lEfAVE YOUR ORDER NOW. ie 45, GOOD SUPPLY- OF ROOFING, SIDING, SHINtaLES, WALL BOARDS', mra, IN STOCK. ete ;0. KALBFL_ EIS II It PHONE 6 9 MB ON ZURICH I .........; 4 i4 44÷4oHoot=4.+ 'otos,,,to+of.-÷ofoo+++.+4.-otr+i-to ++++++41,44-I-4444.4.444++++4444.4 , . 4 elhoo6801111100160130€1,96#43 Ggeeetteaaaa000004kaallaateaaaa006001000' • a 0) a \ -Where Good Shoes Cost Less el; THE SHOP WHERE REGU- LAR PRICES HAVE ORBIT- • . fgo ED A SENSATION, ,OWING it TO THE- BROWN. BROS. •ta an NEW LOW PRICE POLICY 4it3 NOW IN FORCE,: ANNOU C •40 ES THEFIRST SHOWING .;61 • o•m, OF NEW FALL POOTWEAR SPECIAL PRIC , tat CM -0 FOR SOLID LEATHER SC11001, SHOES 0 -to :2 S Airel ts. for the Famous Gre • Shoes fo --rob • VII • ill BROWN - 00060000)0000e0ca ete for -Men and Boys :mosREPAIRING FTIATLY DONE co SEE OUR WILIOW DISPLAY eeeelloa.4000000eeeemeesseewestracommeee• •,>404,•4,041,,, sio4,41-4440,o- '4,34,44,,,t,ir<01,44.41,4*04.0,4)11,, ... . ‹. mart, N Dw. ,, • .., . ‘oil. if "..,11,4* . virl .7,:ni;,,p, crA ,to 44 • ' .r,i§, ' ,.* g 4, &li .4) ALL STYLES ooto zOi 4, QV? 4,11. to• 'NEW ST YLES oTITS? IN. cao -11), PoR THE. FOLLOWING MADE-TO-MEAS,,URE STSIT1 'AND OVERCOATS., ; • TIP-TOP — FASHION PARE:. •& • PRO() RESS BRANDI, WI -JAN IN •NEED) 01? SWEATERS, WOOL OR F.:LEM:ED LIN- ED UNDERWEAR FOR, MEN AND Boys, CO A,ND SEE OUR RANGE All' SAVING PRICES, ato ad( $:1•rTi JL o Retail from $5.,00: to Fry., n ALL SIZES •BILTMORE raB MAST* ER HAT OF CANADA. AGENT eete ITS •GASCHOS (alder STAND ‘19. '-kft 400.44 4.4,414k0 • PHONE V' -et* 04,1•,40044' Go 0 • if of thirteen( months of exactly' fautL weeks, twenty,- eight days each, All holidays And all' 'other dates,te will then °emir on the same day each year and a calendar' W111 lat a lifet:me. • STILL GOING STRONU A report from Ottawa says that Canada's net debt increased by . ,421.080 during •the month of Oct-. Mr. 0. Fritz was' in London , ober, and now stands at $2,360,1)22, Tuesday. , 809. During \the month of Octoe High.•Constable, A. , Whitesides ber last year, there was a decrease., of Goderichl called in the village in the ,debt amounting to $9,057/-',- on Tuesday, 176 .The net debt tof the Domin-: ion hasdecrealsed, however, 1 :by .$16,326,266 during the twelremon.„, ths which have elapsed since 0(.4.. Ori Mr. Ed, Wurrn and his little dau- ghter Kaihleen of IVfarkhana atten- ded the funeral of his isitter Anna tober 31, 19214,.accordineto figuree , . iesued through the Departraient A - Finance, nazaar and Home Baking Sale •• will be held in the Town HaR on • - Satuxday Dedember the .5th; after e noon dna' evening by, the Lutheran Ladies' Aid. Light lunch *fib be LOCAL NES served, doors open at 3 o'clock'. Mr. and Mrst L. Schilbe are moving •tlier effects -in the newlj made living quartera above Mr Schilbe's flour aed feed stare and we welcome them aa citizene, of our village,. Mr, and Mrs. T. kid. Witrna spent Sunday in Seaforth. Mr. Fred Miller spent thewee end' at London: Mrs!. Wm), Ba'ssow and son Harry and daughter Edith, spent Saturs day at London. Miss Vera Siebert and Mrs. M C. Milliken, were 'visitors to London on Tbursd.ay. • Me. Garnet Waiver, Who lett Zurick a few weeks agn, hats refr- . ured a good position • with the C. P. R. at Toronto, • Mee. Wm. Rupp, who hals,,spent tb.8 past week At the hon./not M. and Mrs:,,,Johnolss, returned 'to her home in Detroit on Monday- Mesisrs.• Lee O'Brein, Theo and Ferd Haberer, Lawrence Rau, Gee. Deichert, Gideon Koehler and HY Weber, are spending the weellfin theo..,Pin5,ry hunting. • Mr. W. L. Siebert, our popular postmaster, returned on Saturday evening from northe.rn Ontario, to where he accompanied a party of men from Plattsville on a deer luinting trip. Mr. Siebert was 'very successful in his hunt as' "nrottiM*1 two, but owing to, -co-trollntions h-' is allowed to bring flrlly nu, '11Oii. so he fetched a flou7o hiox clow to Zurich and is lir- ing high on fresh \Tolson. Z. R. S. SCHOOL REPORT •(# Room TV, Zurieh Public School, • ,Sr. V—Victoria Dciehert, VerA NO11),Eleisch. Myrtle Web,r, Gladys Aleack, Martha Heloicm in, Mire- Far\v1, RoAntioVU Slrnr,I8; Jr. V—D,onis B:‘,1•ard lion; Dor- othy •%:ottel lion;ll•:2oyo ;•:.lop -ii; El- Callfas, 1311:wvyn SchwAint, Le - Lorne Hopp. - Sr. -.rv—nore•oh Saritras, Ruth Wi1ic 1, C;1.110:•ror, Ro:Q 17lwar Pt 90 w 11 ne,r, A111- 1 I I. 1. ace Ii -?d' Dirtharro-. cAtr•ro;, Cl- are n;:.1?, Farw ; Nap 01 o 11 Se de ard, Green. Eertheeen • Ce Petacipal„ CHURCH NOTES The winty blosOi will not harm us it we have mad%) th_i belt pas,- sibl2 por'ziol: ill the way of cloth- ing. fuel 1.11(1 Vied, etVe haveanach to b.- thankful fo in the abnifdance of blessings wh'eh -w ours. There is only one poesible iniee win ter blasts rrrrr do and that is it on spirits become. chilled and, our inteest in the cervices weakens. This each onto or must detemine fo himealf bereelf. The following oganizatione and mnireoes iovita your le:es:nye and 'wholehearted co-operation every week. Teachers me7elne 7.15 Wedneaday Jr League 4.10 Friday. Prayer and Praise 7.80 Friday. Choir practiee 8,30 Friday. Sunday 10.01 amt Morning Worship 11,00 'tun Bito School for alleges 7,30 p.m, Service, 830 p.m. Senior Laegue. Emanuel Evangelical Church a ZURICH, — ONNT. 1 Th.) church that stands for mutual t, aid in worealp and hi the practiee, e of the Christian life, Mrs. Loyina Rupp and Mrse Lonise• Iledinger, daughters of Mrs Catherine VTurni and both termer residents of Zurich, left on Mon- day for their home in Detroit, they Were here, to attend the late ob- sequins of their 'sister, Anna Wurna, Mr. Theo Rader of the Goshen Line, south purchased from his neighbro, Mr. Dan. Truemner the 1.00 -acre farm being Let 7 con. 11 Hay Township, situated on the west side of the road. Possession will beg iven next *ring. • PRESENTATION • Mr.%,,and Mrs: David Gingerich of the Goshen 'soiith,' were greatly surprised last Tueedayeee ening, when their :Babylon Line. friends gathered and had a moot sociable time when the following address was read. November 10, 1925 Dear Mr. anti Mrs, .Gingerich. We have gathered here to -ni,oht to show our love and esteem. Al- though we regret looaine. you as friends and neighbors. We know our loses will ho Zur- ich's gain. We. wish 'you every happinesis in yonn, new limn?, you . • AT cce•pt this little presont from Babyloo Line Friends, 0131TUARY It is weth regret and pro- ld sorrow tint tie) rf.picl•:,n.8 t Mulch Ivo rol or thc uatim;iy rlf?ath •:fo' BE SURE ',F0 CONSULT US BEFORE PAYING oT A WOrrn " (Vr tht. ÷ WHEN YOU' CAN BUY THE Viet; e SAIL ARTICLE'. F,Rom ,flok prominant and most acts ee work- e. ers in social and church a :ir.o t US Al. $2.05 PAIR. Zurteh. II II rih NI:11.1' ill Was wn • A 100 Per Cent. Coal Strike GIFT During the CGatt, Strike use Our . Perfect Diamonds Just Received a New Parcel of these Beautiful Sto4es, Set in the Very Newest White and Green Gold Tiffany and Basket Mount- ings. Broral $20 to $100. W.G. Hess '& Sons Substitutea Sole Agents for the Rea Cali-. nine 1CO.NSOLIDATED •CREEK, The Beat Soft Ceat obte tainable. •Pocahontas, ezatralketesvo. Sof. Coal, Detroit Solvay rant. Coke and best Anthracite Peat - COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICH MST tilte FORMATION IS (FREM ttatttleo ITS BEFORE BUYING WHERE. =La.- Carltician4 HENSALL out.: phones—Office lOw. Eralilffie 1144ik • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••4011191111111 1 Seasonable Horse Goods; • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse • • • Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72nBol. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, price*/ Ranging from $7,00 to SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US At CALE. • • • • • • • • A BIG Stock of Harnets and Halters always on blattda • • Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • • HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY • • FRED THIEL ZUREO 4.• flifr PHOIDE 40•1r „Vo atg: t.,1•04-3-00.54.Gtot.G..S..So:-.o**4, oo4,41.4,G4o*.8,4)...40.41044tVZ4V91.4k4t. ot4 iefelete+44+++++444044+++++444.144++++++++++44,44,4444443171444S 4 AF - 1 , o 4* Altag b P ' ,RT ...1 We wish to inform. the Public that .AT ANYTIME YOU REQUIre ARCH SUPPORTS OR O'TIIEH 44.• FOOT REMEDIES THAT WE CAN -St,7PPLY YOUFt• NEEDS AND,,SAN,:'.11 YCLT FROM $1.50 TO i?:!.50 PER PAIR O Al,•IlITE 4.* • SUPPORTS, "4-i• 4 and respected by every reaident Iof this villag..,, Wher0 ,:=.1., -•:. • la -,,I i, %Ye sell Dr. SCHOLL S ARA, tti SUPPORTS o and worked-. Inc th.:, \\nlf.ir:> and it . Ibest interests of tile comamoil,y• all 1 1. ,.. - MO 01.1. • her lif:!; 111w.lys effc.ilog, or to. happy and lovable cliso•oetilen.TIer death will a sad 1110'.,,,' to tit" children o the village ,;vho iearnnLl 10 kilOW Id ce hr, for her lovine words and cheery dis- p o sit i o ow Ards t 11mr • At the tinti.of lizn• Worm was 61 years of a Slito 8•71.6,i1 111:Ts t of thes,:, -ars in thu. care sna, UtSe•triolh dovItioot to her mother, Afrs. Warm who is now •entering Ith year. It was this wonderful j�','4 and con- stn.nt CarcA, of hnr mother that a y2.4 Tago breught on a nervous breakdown, when she went to ,Chitago, to live with hersis- ter,' 'Mrs. J. Oliver Jueelts. atter being there for abaut a year she again :responded to the call duty, to take up the letosoluald Were< of•11.6T brother, Mr. Ed. Wurm nI Mareham, feeble -Hy Who .wai.; suddenly bereft of Me wife; while there and in the midst ni:.her work she was-en:Ulm:Ey str- icken and taken to the liqmeral- .11nspital, at Toronto, where the beet of - medical care .and. att!mtion e -ns given her. On the 2nd of November she, was removed. to Zuriehi tho place she loved and on the .1.0th of Olds niontb surrounded by all.ntembere of her family her ee'eS were closed in that immor- al sion,,TP porn where eine) no wakening on this earth. The leek eegard of love and esteem vial, held in was host (widen - d by. the large, atteadatee at the; ." weeral, frfi ri ?I SON SHOJ MERCHANTS :++++++++++++++444444++++.04-iee+44-4eteleteeteeeeleleteleediaisidelievZ 0444 OM 7, P. *PM. I Wu Mrs,11. 1.1VM l• .11 MU rt% t• • trj, ;•s0 '4ihn laCileia trtiku „ 47, w4o. o Jfitoo WTeetre taidag good Dried Apples for which we are alio whig tho high ebt market price We aim to give Satisfaction AI DO(a?Jtz4PLAS: GENERAL MROHANT PHONE ii- 97 4;1=4 BLAKE