HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-10-22, Page 800141C11 131+01141 nnei.i New Flannels in fancy plaid and 'stripe effects lu leading shades for fall wear, also _platin colors in 54 -in. width flannels, best quality 14 shades to cho- ose from.. P. iced at 51.75 a yd, BKRGA1N' TABLE SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND •CHILDREN. THERRE BROKEN LINES WHICH WE .;ARE DISCONTINUEING, SOME ARE SLIGHTLY SOILED, AT PB TOES THAT ''; Nyri.,L= MOVE TI EMOUT`" IN,.•SHORT TIME+ STAi5PJD MATS • new sinpoitelit of Stamped Mats Arrived WANT.: D FI TTr'�' MUST BE DRY, FREE FROM g SPROi'JTS AND PUT• THROUGH FANNING MILL, Wo Pay 6e. Ib. DRIE APPLES OR GOOD, DRY, BRIGHT, QUA TERED APPLES. 1 e aka z 3 44 .-produce il.7,anted Phorte . Gas, (rr'o ara Tires, Tubi, Repair H3NU1NE PORD ARTS avtIST RHCEI V MI .r. ti [PATENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUIFJ)S iE ARE AGAIN H AN D.L1NO THE FAMOUS & TET` a l'•17 �e Ir a P c L r �a 6' f kJ.K :...A g wi yy "_-' fit itsd f►��j 1 a -tail Fit REIN NEED 01A 1; 3.'i""E,P ', WE SOLICIT YOUR. P?,.TRONAa:.E. �9E GUA1iAN" ON- 1 lo •1'(z EXCELL THOSE OF T. Es roe; Co, ANDC1 } lx+':; CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES • WE t iVt yob' EItvie& WE MAKE SA,.•ISFA.Ci'ORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BA eT- ERY. Elk.T'TEEr;V 1•EE�2' ',i.+ Z ' 1,1 AT' ERY err AR(.;•ING, EXPERT' U I'rl REPAIRING- El t•i{l ! ELECTRICAL CTtt1 AL OR MECHANICAL. .AI.SO AC- E C:- ,ET YL Woo "`'all, i ' + f . .LANG GARAGE E ;3c2t:::,4...46f000tici 4:n:iipaa;.,017 ''':SiF:3306) Jf}IC*'',DOOiti",w"t0$'d�.'90tcr..fGa tinfirett,r40 i� as w ght a large quantity of ENARCO i�_oto? and Tractor O ils,{ g We have• �� bet✓�i�: able. to get F-�°�'ex�,�. • discounts s we bought at Carload prices. This is. a real oil and the • regular price is 51.25 pet- ga .lo'n.. • [No'W it does at �'•' 3. p e . ,d j�� e a a . A 4. REAL TIME '1'0 FILL YOUR EMPTY CANS, ?` ALSO a d WHITE ,OSE GASOLENE: ALWAYS FULL, OF "PEP” r', .Y • AND 'f.�UICis. SLARTII.Cr. THIS • S + � WILL ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL 'WEAT$Eid. . ALSO �' racy ao, 171 1113 t �E .34 tl' 6+4++1.3+$+3+ 1••t+++4*+ +4+'14++ + •+F°++++411'4*i^i.++49$4"0"1"0044+44.4+f+ik+14 4 OOMBINATION 00. ▪ , WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 'THE LATEST COMBIN- ATION DOORS' ANY SIZE AND 'wry—,LE;, FOR SUMMER PUT TINHE ISIICIRSECERN IANNSFYU7' ;INANTD13EFOGRLAWSISNI PANNTAX, AOLUST 4' STORMWINDOWS TO FIT ANY FR AME, ORD1 R NOW 4• AND GET, READY WHEN. THI• COLD WEATHER COMES. 4,• ,ANYTI:tING IN wriNtlOWSASRES, FRAIIEES, Em LET US HAVE YOVR ORDER NOW. +. GOOD SUPPLY . OF ROOFING+ SIDING, SHINuLES, WALL 1 1' 3OARDS, ETC., IN STOCK. +F II. C. K ! _ L LFLEJSC 4.PHONE 6n '1° +re++ +++++4., , „ ++.++ae•+++++++c.+l++4.414,04, . ,otee ++,x +s l.41,0f++F+f+,94 +ti.4 ZURICH I ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST' Mrs. E. Oeisch is visiting with her rn'other in Dashwood. Miss: Dorothy Fritz of London visited at her 'home on Sunday. Mr. .,To lin Deeher, Mi siseS Inez Yungblut and Flossie Weber were to London on Thursda-S Mrs E. E;•'Steele, who has spent the past week is St. Thomas, re ` turned home ori Saturday. Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Miss Vera and Mr. Albert Siebert made a husinels's trip to London on Th- ursday. hursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun and son Billy, of Foreist were week -end tiisitors here. On Thursday next; Oct. 29th the people of Oanada are called upon to .slay their racred word in, a t'ed•- oral election; and it is every true Canadian's -duty to come out and vote and vote intelligently. Pay no attention to the old hot headed apolitical crank, but vote to the best of you rown conscience and' we will have only the best legis- lature. A Goderich dispatsh to a Lone clan paper says—"The recent drive by O,T.A. enforcement officials on. illicit liquor trading along the•b1ue e Too. hIghw:ay, and especially in Western Farmers' Mutual Weather hisuranee Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry as Insurance of over $27,000)600. Number of Policies in force 114287. Paid' Losses iii 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of. $39,060 G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING ROi^E, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 BORN Howald-At New, Dundee en Sept. 23rd, 1925, to Rev. 'amid ,Mrs'. F. 11. I•l:owald, a, sorb. (Robert Andrew.) . . • IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Louisa Hutchinson (nee Howaid) who: pas- sed away 3 yea.iis ago to -day, Oct.. 24t•h,.1922... 02x, dearest .rn,,e we miss thy voice. No more we see thy Face. sumirer resorts ;saw a ,sequel in For thou ,hast found a home above Goderich, on Friday last when Har- Eefore the throne of grace. man Gi11, Grand :Bend hotel prop= Rre'll meet Lr Heaven, somewee�t rietor,was 'sentenced to a month ,sda • in jail and fined x;200 with ` court Pourer to _emaainr"' y :costs, The verdict will be , appeal Where' We'll john, rn . ;oy 'and love ed. It the fine is ,not. paid, Gill Andnever part again. 'must spend a total. of three mon- H;e: Loving Parents, Siistera and, the behind- bars. This' is the Msec- 13rothers; and time Gill has been convicted NOTIC of having liquor' in other than a :private dwelling. Tdiv case W4.,A rumor is .being talked around heard by Magistrate Reid. • ,Gill by some am so called friends was carrying a suitcase from •• •• .a. that. our gasoline tilling. pump booth to his hotel when seen byw,gives :Short a risa��the public hereby Provincial Officer Whiteside. Sear p lic that a thing the premises later, the • ot: government # +.islaector has been a- (icer found the satchel, containinground; anti n::. gisred arty pump • four battles o Seoteii whiskey, iand fou+Y' `i'i give correst mea's- ure A. Prang, Zurich. nes' my bushes. In court the de,- {fc'.i�z:ent denied knowledge of tlx'e I liquor, S. IIUFON REGISTRARS The registr•:•rs of each polling • division must have their first lists ie,e3,ted in • at least two places . in race „::Ming sobvivision and the varimi4 registrar% arii as folllows•- • Al,T4 LION SALE ,OF FARM `,::r'oeK, I;1 �T1'LEMENTS AND HO t ,:sH LD EFFECTS AT THE DAS vc70L) HOTEL ON SA.TU.RDA, OCTOBER 31st, 1925 ,Comemeeing at 1.2.3li o'clock, sharp STEPHEN—No: 1 J. I:ssorv; No, toltoweer, 2 V. lli g•;:irtlt; No, 3 J. Holtzman; 0A."ie I i. head. of cattle one <+ 4 M. I7n;l.,i 1; No. 5T. Tall; and river old; 1 cow due t'o. .� 1�o. 6 J. Iieher`ro n ; Ns,. 7 P. Mc- calf' " e„,e , , 7 years old. Ali- tli^5� c Zt a - •rT:`s Y —No. 1 J! Campbell; NO. E Na, 3 A 1+', Ilesrs• No. 1)1?-"'-'; No. Es W. L , : i ; .;Na. 9 Er', i • :: of very good qual- PIr>li ity and th best of condition. • Still ,..J? �.if 1'S'—iVLH.'. drill nearly mon; ."."' ire lo2.der nearly new; %agars; C.+�.lcs!aarltt foot -lift riding ait•;.i ; s'm;i1l cutting 1200 m, c a,., sutra., grain grinder sling r opts 12 woolen horst blan- keels lac;, baggiesonearly new; ono boast• seated . isurrey; 2 - seated tight s;e,gh, 1 -horse wagon; siitglfl h . , as, light horse color; set cinglat. is and meltyokes for. light beoro ay forks, hoes ,shoo - els, crow baits, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Ir kettle ',old., ei.aacl; • 5 -piece pb.y) suite, %single gibed spring and . m' tress,' child •s crib new, desk .;j �a boob case,6 titclien chairs, a clr.ai , . toilet: L sc;tt, ' dreaser, star, churn, T--�, it+e cream, freeze, laid. cans, 2' •be riches, elo .k, Some dislries, :seal ir..c, kitchen cabinet n sideboard y 'od as noir, a number *or " bed springs, fu's, poster washing new; 2 large roek>ng c+haat base bur.'stoves;• oak heat. Doherty r e, dozen bi+oonas, fold- ing writing ;'T* new, Easy wash. ing roacham., ,;,ew, conch imitation leather, 2 di'lipg +chairs, irorh $stead. ci.nal ktrr�ings, lounge, }sm� kitchen. tabs•,• 3 small tablets, rn tor, 2. That i"sarni rockers', handelei hand 1alte, basket, .2 muatar+d jars, step .latT.,ader, ;tobag,gali, 2 clot hoia;CO, :i2• .it ladder; pr. snowshoes crocks; 6 flower potis and other ai':tieien too iailiiterouta to menti, In cn.s+a of Pail), 'sale • will 'be ke, under rer'•r VIER t;°, UI sunt$ n under cash. over that mt ritli cralJit . will be given - ora P P. Jnat ter ;NI. E. 11 olbil:''isi1 ; J.yy;) h 1., I3 C eft; No, 73. . . • e listt i ,, No. 8 i:r.. D ?noninie. • • Stlni +,r—No. 1 Sart :', L. McWwan; ,a ;n. 2 J. .rider; N.a. 3 D, Aiken- ell head; No, 4 C. H:z •an ; No. 5 R. .Lun..int; No. 6 W. J. Tough; No, e 7 L "Brown(; - e EXETER—No, 1 J. Rows'; ,•No 2 El •Chr s'tie; No,. 3 E, Harvey. No. 4 A.' McPherson,. II.E NSALL—A. Murclacl4 is AYFIELD-J, Fraser, SETA: THE CELEBRATED • S. HURON TEACHERS (continued from page 1), graded exercises for all . grades Miss C. Dickson gave a paper' on Agriculture iu Schools which was very instructive. Prof, G. M, Jones introduced the subject of r Risibly and' showed how to inter- est C9'+. the pupil's on the subject by historical pictures and neaps. The report of the delegates . to the 0. E.A. was given by McKay and E. s;tiggins, teachers' may obtain a o' 'copy' from C. F, Fraser, 1Q Sylyan; w` St. Toronto'. Mists L. Porter gave a splendid tall: on School Pairs, tb- se cleat a desire to a cel and in- stils it the pupils a da sire to, care. for and train the animal to be sh- own, own, to" cultivate th,e home or,gar- • Oen plot, to phis'. at iperfeetion in ant, manual training' domestic ,sc- ience, etc, . Mr. W. Morley of Creditor, and Misis M, Bailie of God. rr:icli. Were appointed .a,s c1•eic:g- otos to the O.E.A, tweeting in Tor., onto nos.t Easter. A vote oftlt:- 2 ariks wastonderod the officials of St, cli.ureh for the nec of the • a.lnrri Ir, Witi1, "singeing of the to National Anthemthe convention was c'Ioised. Th^ number of tea,- / chars present iriclud.rng thosetront NATIONAL LIGHT ' . , • 0 • r AN ORDINARY 20:4', OIL, - a ,a'ls, A FULL LI"NP OF HEAVY AND S%IELF HARDWARE,BEDa R 0 S:PRigerS AND�f•� 1VIAT'.L'EII�Ss 1CIPCFIEN CABINETS, ALWAYS.0 a ON HAND .AT REASONABLE PRICII1S. 01 i • WE .ARE 'OPP•14 TO ,J3t".."'YOUR ALSIEE CLOVER SEED FOR a W7U(YtH' III :IEEST' PRICL' WILT, 13E PARD... a s EVETROUCTTIr;G, FURNACE WORK AN:D PLU Ne , at galMI3I,. _l. ,. j 14° k vagt ZURICH sti1d).liMca gioicog+a�'r t • �- ONT. 000 R otheiy iAspeetoxt tis4w614 , a7iEy , 1 ting bo -x; on' lei: �t- nd; arm CIt= +3. new bear ma- chine er, Id� on lned- Yeti it - gh lies' oes icer gin. apt f x{16.00 and amount- r it15'I'ir•r,�ryei V. ,, f for �� c,iah on eredat :ant i7ratisl .. 9, o i+e- Fee's e as tar.rythxng will be .sold to the, lair let+e't bidder. Arthur W ,r'n. „ct iCtitieer ' ' John, `Qraibi<el Clerk* i o • f i Il .I i ocrag- ab .:r i, ; alc; 04.,gs , T1aarsii�,y; .:October. 22nd, 192,"' 0011. 1100000010116,11011010011100 •em+........;,,,,o, , ' SEE US i.ABQIJT .Seasonable Hardware AT Reasonable Prices Suck as Forks, Hoes, Fencing, Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Roof- ing, Etc. This is the time of the year too�'.de. your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED €O' PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and Stoes which we will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT • +.f STOCK. • WE 'ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VA3- TUATE CARPET SWEEPER, COME AND SEE THIS ONB• AND LET' US DEMONSTRATE. GET IN THE WAY OF BITYING HERE Meliok eisch ardare & Furniture. Phone 6 Mtramrrcnsi.ei ra+nm,a r.T 1.113,11E er cent a abMe wice a Ye4r APPLICATIONS T .KEN`:FOR ANY SUMS' OVER $100.0P; FOR 1, • 2, 3, 4, OR FIVE YEARS, CONVENIENT — SAFE RELIABLI+7 ` APPLY TO r� drew J, 0 -Hess MY MOTTO;—SEI{VICE :i1!TI) SAFETY ave You MADE YOUR ILLS • ,r Xc • s'1 Painting and Pair Hanging '•""`"1 4:1„ 1r1LET LS DO YOUR PAINTING i tY@ CRANING; I'A1'ERH[ANc.:i_N.. & DE BATING. WE MAKE IT A. ii'IO.1' O TO SATISFY' OUR O'3S- TOMERS WIT EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT 3013. • rug1ess `racljou- eer a id Opbiciant EXETER - P1013014 + E',ICKMEIER, AT'iiTALPER'HoUa i„ ZUIiICI ONT. Seery Tuesday, 1E1 a.rn, to. C+ In.>, 610019E00000 00000+erk' y000:4;00000,0.0000000004' 0000'.ry 000170,71!0'\' et .0v' Qi eaF a . r +ao .41 harnpion P01110 FOR, POULTRY 0219• KEEPS BIRDSPRIME FOR., YEAR ROUND E:GG }r'RODUC+''.I-. } ION... w A BODY BUILDER FOR- MOU.LTXNG P]3B10D • AI ORDS RELIE10 r :RMC NTERNAL WORAS TRY A PAet AGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY FONiie t ' AND I.OLLO W INSTRU,OTION."3 CAI ElS'TJLL'iZ' Q9f .r -t ALSO HAVE+, ON HAND Tili3 WELL-KNOWN T 11x' k FEED FOR STOCK, ti