HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-10-22, Page 5yi October -22nul *825 , I 'y E. lioLivrEs 11xrs. flan; of Lfzzid .n r i, Q U n i kt� t4cl'laer Illegelt'at ', SoReiter,"Notary Ppb]t *AI" O tice ons Haxrlliton 'Street oU the square, Goderich: Priv Sete titeida to loan at lowest rate. 1� e ill be i e s r o" ffilo � a Will n li n ai n iFriday .of each week. • .`dl ew r. loss, Township Glen. i pX to LOCAL NEWS dtaughter, Mrlf- ,D. II, Angel the past ;week, a, Mr,.' n a'l Mrs. Louie Sella() Were Suz dey vdsitoxls,; at the/ home of +arise 't 'r • ii M. is Jul. ul. 13`". oc l k 1 > 'Mes+etas. .Jacob ami Jen Brown attended thie fuuerad of " tine tate Rey, itttieh, rat R:itchener, lot r ,of maretege 3lceuscs, a Vail*, Oommistsioiier, Fire and Atit- jearnells insurance, Representing Versa ,ami lame:• eltietggage Corpora Sit, ''The Orman Tea Co. Zurich, y,. S. IL $A L D S. p "*".• �.. ;es>a DENTAL SURGEON; °VICE HENSALL OSCAR HLOPP' ifkraduate Carey M. Jones Nat- mal 13c1s001 of Auetioneeringtock INN ter Registered Live Breeds). Tens` in keeping will prevailing prices. Choice anal for Hale. • Will ;011 anything{ ; nc *beans 18— , P a 98 or write, Zurich Licensed Auctioneer eer tor Coulee; -Huron. I u a1Oposiiion to con eit - Valet regardless �t�t any auction sale, lei to size or articles to sell, I :rtlleit your business; and if ` not masted will make. no charges for cervices. Artie= -Weber, Dashwood, - ifoltetiv e 18--57 Zurich Meet Fresh s and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Righe t Caah I'x•zie: for Wool GASH FOR SKINS u" 111DE+S Eggyy,, a,ry,A yy��pp -0 A'f'.h46 L:t1 a A � F5 E RY 3. era in a position to acco'rrao- lihttts 01 requirements iv the Livery Mee, have Act for hire, . Any- c€eg done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3.. THIEL Mom Zurich . S. ATIKINsoN L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST StXE ER, ONT. Phone 34. At s:. AFIELD Every Wednesday SVENINGS IN..EXETI]R BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE IIP OU LT R Y. WANTED itteitela every day till 3 ()clock p.m, baa mot reed fowl earns, mornitte W.m "liirougbat in. [Highest Cash Prices Cres' it`1'1. and Eggs W. AA 'trim +Q•s84, Zurieh The iV J9 •sF" New Low Prices XI1:14;>DY THE ]PiNLST ENGINl,- IBBI.NG IN DIOTOR.C.&R HISTORY al lei they aitaat be served with oed Preduttis'laud by; :Pius me- .� NVEJ ', .. .Prop ttwoo» moTog SERVICr • Mr. and Mrss.. Jobst ]Iey Sr. eel- ' abr aced t]ieir. Golden Wedtdiug on Mr. lend AMS' Jacob, . Stfeth ' i `I,'uesd'ay_ qf' ilia% weej.. We hope' ,Detroit `were F -e. .- �t P 'lv':eerc rzd � visikoas to give, 'a' fell repoedt ',next vve9]c, with relatives here • ' Soar , to , Sorry, report that the lit iVlrs. W. G. ne!sS iu vi:`titilg' with' tie ;infant of Mr, and dtilrsl, r'p hers daughter, Mrs. J. T're'ed zek Schwab, , pasfsecl away tile past at .13rinslay, week; we syaupaathiee. with the be- ' Mr, and tett fam'i ly . s Mrs. Mgr, sober Mi. Walters and leen Joe of God- ,erich spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Chats, Weber. Mr: Wmi. Hess paned' cou'sini,' Mr, ,War_, Leiiamere of PontiacMiele, were Sunday- visi'toit at tie. boriie of .Air, F. M. Hada. , =RICH S RALD Mr. ,and Mrs'. fele, ie t ii et iegtareell 'are visiting r, ,}a'tivei ktere Mt- R... I elbIleis `!k'4"ref Detroit. spent the weekrend with hid; Par_ eats' here. Bev. and 1Vlx,st L, .JL ICalbfle edli; left. for their homse in Elmira on Mon P 'MOS 11thiel Hess who Mals kitperit the. Past few weedcss h Pontiac,, has ,&tamed tot her home. lilies Margaret Fisher of Wing - ham called oxy .friends' here on .Sane day. Re+v. and Mes, W. Y. •Dreier were Suncliay visitoes at the _home of Mr and Mat(: C. L, Bmifils{ Dir Dreier coiidut ted the ,services in the Evangelical chive* and prea- ched very able eernuoz s, • r. - Kine Vera! Siebert 'spent Sun- day le 'London, Mr, I . Qnsc,b tries is business vie iter at Tendon oza roue day,,. Mr, Fred, / etes of Detroit le .'vise icing his brother i\1r. John Fues,. IVO. ;and Milk, .11., Yellek is exit the week -end in Pigeon, Miele 1VIr, John Tush who lilacs ,spent the past few weeks in •Detroit,has returned to his home. Mr, and Mrs, Wro, Roffman, Mr, land :Mrs, Lee Iiofirrete and Mrsa Mildred Hoffman worm. visitors to Kitchener oil Sunday, Local xicetYa'a ]eters are. in roc- eipt. of news( from the postal ,'.uth unties, in wleir.h it is aanzounced. that ruzalenaail carriers will have the following holidays—Ne'w Ye- ars Day, Good Friday,; Victoria Day'1 Dominion Day, abLo ,Day and! Thanksgiving Day. Patrons on the rural routes will, therefore re- ceive no mail on the above men- tioned days. .:The limit weight for 'pareels posted to ,anjy place in Canada, is aaow 15 pounds, inetoad of e1e'vee as, foim,erly. BI(; CON 'FN;rIoN The Smith li steer Cetetty and Hay ToWnkihip Relig'iou's. ;ducat-. ion Coueciis 'will hold a 'Agint eon- vazitieli it the 1 vangelieaj.'Chur'ch, Zurich on i bur> day, October 22nd there will be afternoon and even- ing Ses'sioee, The eft•ernoon . es- siort will coxnaxz rues at 1.30 o'eloc.lc tvith devotional exercises lied by Rev. W. B. Dengls r ,followed by the Township Presicdent, Miss's L, Faust; various clepartmen;tal reports 'will thee be heard after which Rev. W. 13. Dope's wild speak on "!tOz'gen- ization" and instructior. for Teen Age Groups(°, Rev. 0, ' B'. M In•tosh. will ,speak. on. "The Home and Adiait Departments" and will also conzluet Bound Table Confer- ence. Tlae Evening Sesesion will] coMmence at 7.45 o'cloth with Song Service and Offering; folllowed by an address on "Young People and Religious We " by Rev. F,. IL elysdale, Exeter. Aliso an address by. Rev. C. F, McIntosh, Retiree eating the Eno lrl1 'A 'ER xa' A! AT Ep" Serz' gid. tenders, will be reeei vodt ' be the Clerk of the Township off', Hay, m) to •elel%ezz, •b'el ock, • Noire 2nd, 1825, for remodelling the plate• £ izxz z- stag.b and gall(ary of the Township Flail, Zurich. Particul- ars can be obtained a,t the 'Cierkei Office. Township Clerk 1 ayy NOTICE We wish, to advise; the publi* that we *111 operate our cider mill ors Tuesday and Tburisday of eae]si week,. Anyone wishing to hang, app_ebutter boiled kindly make that arrangementsby phone F. O. K..lbfleiscksl itf-10 STRAYED. "-F Unto Lot 21, Con: 7, HFlay Tee a white sow, .weight about ,1'iftyt pounncls. Owner apply to A. Fe Rests, Township Clerk, LZurcih, lot particulars, 11-2 Back in 1921 we sold the United States agricultural products to the value of $146,539, 3:t After the Feerdney U.S. Tariff of 1922 went into effect : • the United States we sold them only $51,337,733 1/Vo7tT, By raising their tariffs the about $100,000 00.3 per annun � " the C=anadian farmers have lo; What is the lesson to the Ca;;, -:e °_es fcarm' a he 'd pelt tie their IQCkl °.. U1C1 t farmer? On what terms is the Canadri ri Leer competing with the farmer of the United States? 'hh. y a,re tc r %td.at act only forbid the sale of his product] "n. the v .i, Ftr bat compel funs at the same time to ritrie.. farm products: re: lacing his own in. the home f Canada. Letus examine. some o7 t?e r • e . tt.rees. For Ee t r =..c :y PRODUCTS into C, pec? the Ainerite.es Potatoes.......... 35 cts: per 1CJ IbsI Eggs 3 tits, per , Batter_C 4 cts. p r -a l es 3 cts.1 Cattle 25f,7 Hay . ..... 42..0'0. per toss Wheat Fleur 5•l.( cts. per barrel • Wheat 12 cts, per bushel iCerna. _ . Free • Certain tants 25% rr J Q C 'u: .er dee 8 cts per 5 ds4-.,R.t'.lb. 40% A $4:O0 per ton $.2.04 per b:trre 42 cts. per I _ = i_el 15 cts. per bi.;vecl 35% The United States raised their tariff, in order to protect the American Farmers, and the purchasing of foreign farm products was reduced, It was, therefore, to the American Farmer's benefit, And' we prove it. In the next column we list a few Canadian products imported by. the United States under the 1921 tariff and under the a. z:'- d tariff of September 21st, 1922, These figures are quoted from 'the "Com- mercial Intelligence Journal" published by Ottawa 41Jgovernment (26th September, 192'1. page 324).. qp ' Y Sa hN • efi(* o tht • Canadian :Fares Exports to the United, States, 11 months ending Aflf:1.0 c21 and Ii n oaths endieg August 1925 Articles calte • L " mak, •." E, j Y..f j, tar . L $. �t U.S. Quantity 1921 or value :le. 'ser lb. d C3 " ) Tree 1.;!:P,4.'470. 49e =r• '1.5 ra'h *;32,a2;`� ..:'rev4'.',.73S,1:482 ;r.a t a A> 1 t ' 1)3. Eggs, per dor C Ropey .,s ...... . P4les Wax.. ..... . Fresh Meats Canned Meats Cannes] Poultry.... . Lord Tallow Canned Vegetables . Free Apples and other Dried 19, Quinces, Pears &Apricots 25 els. per 100 lbs. Canned Fruits is ct, per Ib. - l.i.,S. Led� y 1925 Quantity or Malate per ib. $2,L:r7,753 3' 'rW per :lead e1 ? net. Re 611,529 ' e,e 219.818 42c.. ger 30 lbs. 3,498,152 3c. rer ib. Ci,40. a cap 1,..113q enter C=:~atR..:a a: t;he o:Jowi e 1 �,, ..GG'�.:^ •.gid the £F. L' ✓l ,.r.ns :ay: Free , .. l, 4. oer• lb. A Ct, per w. Free � t. 15 .... 15'0 Free •, . 30% i•er i' t ante ieto a _. the Caned Grin pay: 18 cts. u as. 1,,Q4' 14J. 6 cis. per lb. 4 cis. pee ib. 3 cts. per Ib. 5 cts. per lb. 40% 40% 4 cts. per Ib. 1 ct. per lb. 30 cts. to $2.10 per doz. cans of % to 4 pints 8 cis. per lb. $l.'') per 1 0 lbs. 30 cts. to $2.10 per doz. cans, accord- ing to size Canada will be }flooded . with far r oducu c=� f• r i r � tho>r countries at these lowrates, but Canadial farm prod`i.acts are :7.:h•2ut out k':f r;:the>~- countries by high taxi s, Meanwhile half a million Cariadiring have tris cv := :'e to the United States because of the tariff reductioa$y ;.alit have closed d nip oil ;lovo?d down hundreds of factories. That is, half a million buyers of Canaddana farm products have be, n lost. The far- . niers are hit twicee r ATA i'rubA 1, Ji3 The ACaktseriiy Laacue of C ado, 4601\tich,raond 3h,.W