HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-10-22, Page 1• Vol. XXVI No 10 ZURICH, THURSDAY'M( G, 'pci-paER 22, (925. }Y -tisiness isi rilladvertisingorf it is ,sllEST If URON TEACHERS MET Tho fourty eightwh annual. con- vention of West: Huron.. teachers Grit running! Chester 1, Smith, Pultti4411P. $1,25 a Year b ARIV0810/4 $1.00 T),TA.T.tRE P.Rs,$2 MAX Bks Qa.fiMillat Try an ad! as m hoolk of ,tint y, but, would recommended the:,writing of comp-- 'rn�alte, syd ntclLaif supplementary re- osl-lions on top,tsc''selecteci 'teem •aders; . Th aar�raugemept of the lists so thirst a clloica may be'mitae) matter isf pooh and. the wording is rat in Main St United: church, Ex- suchIds loo d pupae to hate" the rater ono Oct. 8th and 9tht Misls L. subject. 191'r. P. 'Moffatt' of Dash -- wood,; spokes along the same lines. Or taking a show of hands, every teacher voted ngainst the texts. A lively dliscuer i:crni followed by Messrs' Tom, Ross', 1T'hwsote Howard, 1Vic- Kay and Oforreec. Inspector. Tom emphasized t1 Le importance of te- achers istcnglimg ;n reports prom- ptly and ceirrseily so he mey do .likewise to the Department. The after 11:30)3/ setsion Opened with Mr. Gr . 1L Jones .giving his first isub3eet ;om, Composition., he McCulloch of W;naehf1sa a presided gat all .selssianlst „neve• F .R. Clya- dalel, p, 'sto a off the church conduct theopening severe:ea The first paper was taken, by Miss J. Buck finghenx -oJ: St. Helens on the New Speller, She conSideras the book Inferior to the old one, this was 'then discuesedl., ) M. C. Milliken eaf Zurich ,a. pikes au our present texts - in Hi!stor yawl scored theca `.1heuvily. Tao eIaiiib ell they are An- -suited n--isuited to the Public : School pupils OH LOOK! \If E .IIA.VE IT STOP; THAT CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORD SLIDE •CURTAINS ESS WILL FIX THEM SO THEY OPEN WLTH THE DOOR REPAIRING Painting 1* o -el Car, One ^oat, $15.00, Tw'a Carats ... $20.00 iCoveriug Loral Top Good Material„ keds curtail:1S $12,00 ,Changing Fold Onart'ains to open, with Bows __ $5.00 Painting Foggy $8.00 IF YOU WT SERVICE, WE HAV3 T WE RER hix R-'" 'OUH BUGGY WH.EEES. mosissikbasestora (.4001400005106, Olt alt )bre• asO:': 4 ' THE SHOP WHERE REGlT•- evidt1e4i9i44dR2arCsl�46 •a lmeoebogmeeseS ' �a st 'flies Cost Less and advised teachers. of einiil tr cl•, asses exchange papers. Micae. McCulloch then folio t ed with 111 x address on "The Teacher's eher's :Poetic'° which 'Inas full of Psuggieistil-e the i-. ght and, merited fa$'orable com- ment.. •. The following p'aipe s were then given -Mires Mabel 17 ohn..5: .PRenusaronneracroneuetarameramoolooraessamarai on Reading with Juniors; Miss \l: Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Brown we- lliott ens Arithmetic; Mists Graeo re Sunday visitors in Kitchener;, Mr, ;and Mx . Joseph .Ga!scho were weekend visitors 'at Kitch- ener, !. Mr, and Mrs. Sam. Becker are 'trisiting for 'a flew weeks tit Kit program was ,given, Inspector Tore,l chener. occupied,th„e chair, Reeve SanderS1 Mi: and Mrs's George J. Thiel extended a civic welcome ,to the and family were Sunday visitors at Loudon. Mr. and Mre{ Ted. M tt1c oltz left on Monday for Kitchener to visit friends. Kellerman on Busy Work. .,Mr. Roes Boss ani Miss G. Hamilton dealing, 'with Fifth Form Work in rural soli' ools, interesting :discussions :folio':;x eel. In the 'evening a eplendic1 teachers. The progratne was then. carried out which included some very _choicely musical selections, The. Friday opening' 'exercisers, were taken by Inspector Tone chuff Mr. and Mrsi. A. G. Edighoffer the election, of. officer. s'resuited as motored to. Full•arton. on Sunday in follows -Pres. Inspector Tom; their new, Esiscx coach Vice. --Pres MitsS M .A. 'Ellis Hen- Mx. Etat=aid Greb and family of sail; Secy -trews, G 5 :Howard, Ex- Detroit are visiting at the home I eter; Councillors, Mr. R. Stone- ;:of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. house, Goderich,Mies G. Hamilton,. ; Mr, :and Mrs. John Weseloh of Goclet'ich, Auditors, ?VI.r. H. Onanaon.•''Waterloo were week -end visitors Lsborne, Mins K. Welsh, sh, Varna, 11,6 • with relatives and friends here. solution C'ornm:ttee, Misses N. Misses Elizabeth and Rose Snow Medd, 0.Dickson; E. Dolan, M. clen soBayfield ab hisited at the McGregor, Meslsrs. E. Wilson,F. Ro4•s, and M, C. 1!I1uikan. Mince,„, hont'e of Mr. Thomas Johnson on the many resolutions passu,` are.- Sunday , that ori the opinion of this co.,ltireii Mrs.W • B':nikwiil of, Exeter,, vise "tem that the piety speller' :its much. itecl at t1,�' linen 'o£ her daughter, inferior to tate old one ;that Ila'?: 1,'Irs., and Mrlg. C. Milliken. one present text beoke in has+ort nee clay last week. entirety 'unsuitable. for, public sch- • Monday, November 9th., has cool pupl1s that, suitable 'select;ior F ! nn appointedThanksgiving Day. of preselibl d work should be pro- .?:Toverrliber 9t11 haS also been set '.ided in. Liter ure for Bettrance ei tb:eeommenoration of• armist- eta>11&. ' Ibat, the p><e's n, T, i,'„> .rwi" tlai this year. school-.,4ritbril^tic i's.'Il,tsatisfacfory ,. i ib- is been bars, � crhii Mior.; �:*}10 � has k nn and should he replar'ed by larger' i isiting at tate Noma of Mr. and book containing a, greater sebies of �Trs: Gearge Farwell, returned to (Concluded on page 8) 'her Home" in St. Clemens ouMon day. A large nutriber fram the vil- lago attended the Monster fowl _____� supper at Crediton last 'Thursday evening which proved a big suc- cess.a5 eonsiil,=,.1b'' over ; Elft) wag make, a special effort taken in at the gate. .CHURCH NOTES. 'gl'i'b:°n it +) t' I, I tt s'. to } 1)r,' ' ,,t at out, Services. We A 100 Per Cent. .IFT. Q`92.a -Perfect Diamonds Just Received a New Parcel of these Beautiful Stones, Set in the Very Newest White and Green Gold Tiffa.ny and Basket Mount- ings. Frond $2,i to $100; . Hess & Sons Coal Strike During the Coml. Strike use Otm Substitutes Sole Agents for the Rea Gem.. nine 'CONSOLIDATE') It •ttE/L 41 - °BEEK, The ].lest Soft ,Coag vii i tainable. Pocahontas, ;smokeless?! Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay reek, Coke and best Anthracite 1', COAL, • t TELEPHONE SERVICE --•= EBUR ER' FORIVIATION ISFREE. C,Alelliip US BEFORE BUi ING -F:ee WHERE, H E N SA C.,,• L. (DWG,. Eh'ones-Office lOw. Hall.. '.400,044) 44,<,-40.0.444,4,44 +4 416,4•4•4•49•4•4•446$AM.r c 4 4 6trai ry 1 0 4 Also a 4 4 4 A BIG Stock of garness.and .easo Tust Received a Blankets lorsa large number of Genuine Woolen Eca'ela in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, primme" Ranging from $7.00 to ......... SAVE MONEY BY GIVING USA CAL%, Halters_ always on Club Bags, Suit 'Cases sled 'Prunka at Right Prices. eHARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONR. ffR9< THIEL -IUR1 C a• m51 rl,,l 414 4 I sl, 04,,444. -4,44,4-1 4)44444+3)44 4,44,4..4.440:• 4.4.4444.*,.K AlliF"fla':.fir0 Kr • afl;: .rya• ettLAR PIt10] S PAVE'C1i'.'S.aT-' �1: a' l.' Ilti't it i; `st orttt'tt`hi1c,' Mr. F1n•uis I1 r: 11 -or St. C"1 ° Ili 2 t.. ,, 1 ¢t 1 ) r th Cnttr,ty ens lta.r i' : 1 it i ' a<11 e* lE l) A SRN xATICti , OW1I' .. , ,al . .. _• I !? Con-- . , i._ iiS;il r r ..:1 . l+t "tiff i - 1 ria 1! 1.'el r � 'TO THE HO\IN EROS. h '^: yg, Era + c^ r n to lin h 1 in 1111.111V1 'Er- 'off C.letioit tti3i + visit, is with. !, o. >y • - ... a_ :1 rtj,t S'. ll'ir'Ih 'n d.h 11•.itl:ty nI- andI'icr For,, r`.il i 1v.1 itl:`1 (t ...... rG iPi NE\V LOW. 1'iIUCE POLICE aid .:� 11t,,. 11 s �• .gkin `at end, '> VI NOW IN Ln t1'71.C-14 t.`hT,L\01: ':cColr .u. k, ���Er t e , 1 5 g , y , $, '?i t ill )t) 1 i 1 l4lr.t affil +:l':, 11 r 1 ,.11 i, i,l, 11L 6' ES THE FIRST ell 61 WING C1 :5 ,.• 0 t ' reeler , t i Cleeei1 .n, ca Hfa 7- 11 ' ' �.• ¢3 T t Mr. and t,irs. 1i ;. t'.'i' 1 ;u, of i4 ' v 4. OF NEW FALL 1"OOTWEAR i8 . Ei iailbij.1 di._sil :sl ii. i g,SOHO 0.1A SII6ES ,. _ ' r ,. •I' ,i, t,? '�., - cel `4; i�'4' ria 4 t 1 1 vice LoL: ! { .'4 r°N.� ''�`�� 1k' .FOR +�'t}t.I'ai' il�il'II.Ts.� .�,.! .i.-,. ,'t'ti;-4o • ' Joie A e ;s the e amongvre l;v Tn y1, Ntreekn at a,, 0,i )"Aii-9'11Tr. re, •, ' t114 ;oi 41 or E • .1' t ..r) n m t,'t .air fill take .\V, lona i ,:, ..1..1(.10113 ,ill it, FTv rib . fix ' lrL '&1' ¢0 1 ti•t n 1 l,f g a, 11 .'s l � l r 11, f:1• TO CpJ ,.,1 .1-11:7 .2irt Sn?r., i°i i ' n c+, i t i!rt. i •e CD 41 �. RE AIRING IN,Ti�:.T:E 1,4''NE? 5a i,: n!,....-:...., y`�cl, •i,l Jr all: es 4e.ith t'c;,, li.'- l' ', ,....Is. { iiut., x c,7+ +` , 4.0' a ._ ' . afA'r'iI ` a'` •.' 4h SE OUR t,'o- 11.:1' OW DISPLAY ,,ti • •i ri i. :,I i4 11- 1 tir ' 1 .. i 46 # ll, 4 - r;:•11t1 `;tt1tl • tl i ill S",, , 1.11- ..,e • :zl t'^ ^, ,•.; 1 , , '1 4000 4/9il)10,43'u°>:'4 0.4101,00 't t 810er lieiittaratiifl2;re0IG �ilk0.0e,;P 81)0'9 a0i2• .\• 'br ws t r its ii;:+' s ortr (),hc•r • Ei<I gy r t 7,1,y i, :CI : ., 1n irrt fy to .i 'l 1 4,et•171 ?. t.) e_�.i,...- r1litsotls: o` 4.04 `4 40 46.44 -Mar 4rai 4.ii x'1•04,4; ALL g' .cal front:MOO to $35.00 ALL .Ig BILTMORE, .. '16-31Z MAST Bit HAT, OF C,'i.NADA NEW STYLES - fUS7 lit . AGENT ''OR Tk13Ps ' h FI1ILOWI.1 G MADE TQ-MEASt3`€U TM, AND 41. OVERCOATS : \• <4 " -MVP-TOP' ?TOP•' . FASHION PAM PROCGB;BSS . ELU.kt. 4 WEE-iT: m Num. xi C6:1`r S'iii�'R,9:`l`iot5,1VOOIr, M�' E2 '* ED TINDK:'I1;it EA FOR `II N ,.AND Bo 5' S COM ' 013 S. R.A.saG1 ' ::. SAVINE•. PRIORS- •, -, ie ',Ili SiC e41.81e018r ?h V�. . .a'AS01O%Sr. ft 'a>' ST4 go a '4e0':. r�s+w45+1 F t'il it..• 1.1111 ,y 1l11114.)71,..:i1.:. n- v P?C')i11i? oayoir itti-'w•(1)1ren1'1tl'lf:l's;u'rn)+1 '3Yl,i,ii<151?. `i'`l make 4. 1-nlu'-eIrl.teh bim1..y. ¢' + srh'1ot alt y:0o p.m... and sox- 1'"t als.INS--rAT.BOT. v14 mi :215.•rim; in the. 14th con: A lire€• tti> autunlil wedding was clam ch. solerriniz^rl t)n ltu3 t ,`, Oct )i ' r .g. 'ali.1111 , x, s�all£� SC:a (hurC0l 7.0111. at h+;h 7inn11 it i 1' l:.iisitrcl 4 r i EV g s 1�,"� C;ltl14cli M'in5^t '. i.'tt1, tttt.'1) ZURICH, - ONNT. Willer it lu ,•'liar if 7r,an li. Tal') it, '"atil)le. Line, w,,ts united in' ir'!;.irriago 1:o 111r. Er11 5t Lloyd IVfa :11x. 111 of the ms=s rJ eye late. 1VTr. and :Mrs .\\.''11am Making, Stanley' Township, Mr, Kennedy, pastor of the United C'lnlrch, offic- iated. The bride was prettily at - .tired iia a ,;gown of honeydew .ge_ orgoteetow-e1' crepe de chine, trim med. with Venetian lace and gold. With blonde. shoes and rstockings. She carried a bouquet of French marigolds, baby0s breath and maid- en hair fain with stre•amars of Satin ribbon,' . The brick's sister, EV:iisis- Freida, acted hs 'bridesmaid, and was gowned in pink coral can- ton crepe with pleated trimming while `the groom was atssisted by 1Vzr. Boy' Scotchnn'er. The groom's gift to the bride' was a cabinet of o'f sib er; to the bridesmaid,, a van- ity cnse:, to thie .bust ,Tian(' a lea- ther collar bag. ,Phe happy co11- pia left -by meter a:nlid show es of r. c:211,frSti for ahor,,.ynloon at •-,: i.45 1.4 a, Buffalo halo;t (It:I1,1° points, :The bride donned for t. 1'.av't't1,n:t• a. 11"tt,•1ne bine canton dresis heav,� ily I,s t i;>tI awl t t +) 1n:1tl with Ntnalfin al, 1 °'itir with 1,.1t. r)., t l ; 1. t4 444 1 414'f V: ' wall l.tsi"lam. 1 ,,-r4.:t141 wh,'e ih,. groom has the hubl:r Biota ssi.o4, ..:.: R 4. hal I k l`h t i ' - ice li T.."1 Dernce a ;k, Trade at t St r. 1 {SHOE MERCHANTS$ ALSO SHOE REP &RING Many New Lines of Fall Footweal. Men, Women, and C7ilnoon arriving 1 y Our Stock of o1 er • Boats' is con:,. ;1e. 44�s 4r°!i^4)++++':4444!t4.+1�=>w�.14+4Ee .,.;..s'4^4.4r.t.g/.1.4,1 . >l,rt•+,,bec,0 l q,.R+1a,• o ,.,- IMCIPIUMP1.1..C21....11,.,n......1 N.M. 4 -, • Qy • 8 et ' QD c LIN-' SEE '•� itiG l Er.,l7 )l art Ifi4s;ii!, nl� ^''a w5 laii0N'e. '87 !tki8 I,10, o pts 4 '04)0+ .(!ilMi)+0.441. • AT THE Hat Shoppe ZURICH We 'welcome all the la.diays of Zurich and, vicinity to come in and inspect ot:tr fine showing of FALL and WINTER , I:IATS, We have 1 big as'soituiio•nt' to choose from Displaying 111 the latest ,st:y'lesatnd Shades,' 'vt`lieie Styria and l'eonomy meet, S1 Ii�l{x tOTJ'E 1I'R.IBNDS A- LONG AND ,SRC WTTIBM' OUR VAI,CPS .PRICES CONSIDEIUo ver,, RIED P We are taking good Dried App for which we are allowing tho h r,h est market 1 -rice We aim to give Satisfaction R'h1:1� LI 1�,,,q*r!ii ,,IV,s�: rA,r GEN ,fwt r iL rli,' EA t;„'17 IVT PHN Al au