HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-10-08, Page 1`1. ;V 1. • n _ • ur usiness Z.DRlCH, THURSDAY M �"NINO, OCTOBER \8 1925. R. ZURICH FALL (F- Wltlat loaked very jioraisang as alae beats Hall fair in the history of ethe Agricultur I S"cieietr east Fri- • Bay afternoon Oct. 2nd, faded a- way way like a million dollars worth of oil all aflame with tire. Eve r - &ryihing `hooked so Pronaitsing in ' e forenoon o ache Bun was 'shin - , i ung and everybody Io•ohed cheer- , Null ancl, people thorn a distance • Nei* gathering as severe before, • The 1i've shock Wats also coming in "neemarkable whim at one o'clock cr arknei s overtook the land follow- : eel by a continuous downpour of r euin which lasted .»t -E four o'clock ;which w.aahecl away all hope's of our big event aZ the,_year. Many I ft GRAIN AND, SEEDS r a frown could be peen, and it was 1 Bushel white gall }\vheat, '.11. Y7,. especially di scra gr rg to the chid draw wlro always cont iso strongly on the annual fair". 3t will 'lilcely likely 'be a ls'arnclai blow : to the society as, all the iiaside exhibf to were Ledged, while the. Governs- nreent' judges would not do any live stock lodging, Thence there are no Jiver stock priiaes to pay, whieh is' a big item. Tlhe horseraces pr- omisreci to be arse: exciting as there were at leastTt 'seven, horses ready to enter the track. Followh' g is a list of the prz., winners of the inside department; whic:ia was well filled ivrith •the best, of exhibits , OK LOOK! WE HIVE IT STOR THAT CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORA UDE CURTAINS HESS WILL FIX THEM SO 'TIIFY OPER WITH THE DOOR o _ REPAIRING eeraesafeessassaantereatacwattasis Painting Feed Car, Q'ne "oat- $15.00, Two Coats __ ._ $20.00 iCovering Boyd Top Good Materialness curtains ._ -_ $1.00 • Changing" Fords Curtains to open with Doors .. .__._ $5.00 Painting R aggy^ --- • ...... ... --- .. ...._....... -,.... $8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE H.11.V1.,FT • WE RERUIBBER. YOUR 134 UGLY WHEELS:. imss a • i II.. g••llNe/isomearata00lpB64.04114041nese1Rib aeciesamo seseTii••Eo•i YI J'Br�wn Boot Shop3. 'here Good Shoes Cost Less Li • • • • • ' e I • at' • G THE SHOP WHERE REGU- LAR PRICER, HAVE CRR ,.- IER A 'SENSATION, OWING TO Tttlit;t - BROWN •t3ROS. op • NEW LOW/ PRICE POLICY. aIlb NOW IN peitcA At.NNf3UNC •D ▪ ES THE'' Erli a` SAI4>z WINfx OF NEW: FALL FOOTWEAR ,40 SPECIAL PRICES P°' HOTSER fqo Sole Agents for the Farnoixs Oreo Shoes ,40 • for .Men...and.11os .30 1 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 01 �' �" t�rt'" e,• SEE OUR WFNDOW DISPLAY ^e oeit 0 • e • • ata to tit' • • 0 WIPOS•401P0001e>a40r0�110:;1tF10tB`0t(l:0NtSA061006i'".'9E•'+1499`X000'f, 006000,00300601 X000000.: 141.40,4 4'0:4. 4044E•p'O.:4.4 •oc`'04, 4,454).+•Rt 4'04,40•0,%7.0v>r u` 4A<D4 4,0F,, 0.00.., �i aFi ti Li OM $4444444.04444 *4 i.,€:k4h rri 4l4 Ib• PHONE' 67 v. . Sr fat***l44 +!A! e Snowden, G. Ji F� • ,�, at well, R. Larrt�nt Bush red afll wheat -NI. :Redee, A. Reichert, Spring wheat -M. R- der; 6 -rowed barley -W. R, Doee;eil M. Rader, H. Trueniner; White Gats R. Turner, H. Truemner, E '-, -1z, Snowden Large peas= -P. Schwalm; Sniiall peas -M. Rader, H. 'Trueini?er. Buckwheat -M. Rader., H. Truer, ner, R. Geiger; Red clover seG!d- M. Rader; Alsike clover -H Tree- mner; ;Sweet clover seed-T,',M... Snowden, H. Truemner,, W. 13 Eat;- tier ;Timothy seed -R. Turner„ :,11. H. Neeb, M. Rader; ,Small white field beans --M. Rader, E. & R. Sno wden, J. P. Rau; Coll, grain irt. beads -G. Jacobe, H. H. Neeb; • Al (alfa -H. H. Neeb:' `L. Schilbo sp- ecial -M. Rader. HO,RT'ICULTULRA Collections of app, es -R. Turner W. B. Rattler, J. Pfaff; 4 varieties of fall apples' --Cr. Hey(woo,de Rpt Turner, J, Pfaff ; ,4 varieties winter. apples -Cc. Heywood, r'. (Continued on page 8) LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES' All organizations of the cone: egation are back at their post af-., ter the summer `vacation. M'ondaty evening the S S. teachers 'Meet to conduit their first fall meeting.. Tuesday evening the Ladies' Aid .held its monthly business .session. Thursday at 8p en ' the Luther Leaguers come together to idscuss the following topic; How Can The ,Luther. League Benefit The, Com- teunity?'° 'The. Blame evening at. 8:45 the church Board meet's'. Fri- day eeening 'the members ;of the church., c.heir• .will; °hold thee. e,o. ekly practise. Saturday at 10 `a.in: confirmationinstruction. ..Sunday at 10 a.m. German service. At 11 a.m. congregational meeting, Sari- day unday School follows. At 7.30 p. m. English 'service. Theme; The Dox- ology of The Lord's Prayer. An- nual Harvest Home and Mission Les tidal a week from Sunday, -Oct, 18, Preache r,Rev. L. Kalbfleisch. rth ruffling! Try an Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Studer and fail+ily of Detroit visited relatives here the past week. ,• Mr, •a.ad Mee. W. H. Frank of Waterloo, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, tO. Eilber last week.. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank O'Brein of Staffa; were Friday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wi ;. O'Brein of the Til age. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed. Seim of New Hamburg, called on Zurich friends on,,Tuesday, pleased to see him so improved in, health - 4r. and Mrs Wm hailer and fatily of Brodhagen spent Sunday: at the home of Mr; and Mra Sam Deitz. Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Waerth and Mr. -Jacob Brown were Sunday vis- itors aft th;4 home of Reil. and Mrs G. P. Brown, Pt, Elgin. Mr,. George Lilley of Seaforth, acc'ornpanied by Mr. A,. G. Leh- man. of Stauffville, a former St- anley old_ boy, called pn 'friends in .,Zurich on Tuesday. Hay Council met for its monthly meeting on Monday, of which a reprot of the minutes will ape pear next week. . A •very inter- esting discussion took place at the C'ounciY in regards to the Tal- bott Tile Drain; award, as a great delegation uf' parties, interested we- re present' ,nd ' opposed' the pro- Teae matter leas left over till the next Council meeting; for re-•conssiidei ation. Mr. and Mrs Philip Koehler of Badena, .California arrived in Zur- ich on Monday .evening. They are staying with the former's sis- ter, Mrsl. Wrn. Schwalm. Mr. Ko- ehler is a brother to Messrs Hy( Peter and Jacob Koehler of Zurich While Mrs. Koehler is •a 'seater to CHURCH NOTES a sister to Me. Ed. Axe of \the Vil- lager. It is some fottrty years since they -lived in Canada, first moving to North Dakota, and for the past 'seven --years living in Cal- i.fornia;. Mr. Koehler is a very -smart and interesting man, and speaks highly of the fine climate and other conditions in 'sunny Cal -j ifnr nia. We will Ask our readers to bear With us., for a few week's as our space at crowded with big ads.that' it somewhat interferes with our ideal reacting space. The adver- tiseing space that we can will is our bread and butter, otherwise it is impossible to keep going. Some will think of the, big political adv. in this issue that we are express- ing our sentiment, but we wish to .state boldly that our thought's and. w-cui:s along this line are as nent- + Men, Women, and Children arriving daily res' triro uphold. the opposite ,s'rd, This week let ups emphasize the Prayer and Praise Meeting' at 6 o'clock on, Friday, Begin this week to give this im- portant service its rightful place in your life. Other 'Services as. follows;, Friday 4.00 ,pian. Junior League 7.15 Teacher's Meeting. 9.00 Choir Practice. Sunday, October 11th. 10.00 ;rats. Public Worship. i 11.00 a.m. Bible School. 2.00 pan. Bible School at 14th con. 2.45 pat. Service at 14th con;, 7.30 p.m. Services.. 8.30 p.rr. Senior League. Corns thou with us and we will do ;each other good. Emanuel Evangelical Church Bev. ,fir. B Den -gist, B. A, Ministor.i Mists E. Rennie, Organist and' Choir Leader ZURICH, - ONNT, AT THE nQp Zi.JRXCH We welcome; all the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to conte iter' rj inspret• our fin.^, ishowiiig of F.A. L t.1;1 \VINrElt II TS. Wo 1aa\ e at h.i,y Itsitiortmant` to choose front. y ,s°^aj,ty'ritg all the: late 'style , arr.l. Sha -Itis, xt;htire' Style dad, reset, • 'BRING YOUR FRIENDS .rl_ LC1GG• AND.SHO WTHEM OUR VALUES ;1?RICES CONSIDERED Vih Vra Siebel A 100 Per Cent. GIFT ��11iliJlf Perfect Diamonds Just' Received a New Parcel of these 'Beautiful Stones, Set in the Very New.st White .and Greet Gold Tiffany and Basket Mount- ings. ings. rori $2a to $10c1 W. Go Ness & Sons Chester L. St itir $1:25 a Yeses in ]!Ra $X.450I774RTt!ARS, $LbiA.I'leeCt» t',1 er ,1 dd OOA THERE IS A COLD �IDAY •CO.1 .. LNG. The present agre>eianetsti: ,bete;., tween the miners and •tJ e 1 Own(ersl expires on the Otter August. There • naay^ andspay exit be a strike, but be Y ,epareol Prices are•now at bottom 151tre4t, your bins with the best coal;. gine • Delaware and. Hudson Atuticale recite direct from the mine $ makes .warm Friends. Rem, Stspier.e and Nut size. SOFT COAL • , . 4 That highest grade, thel u:nexeelled for domestic sped tisiv eshing purposes. Genuine Lehigh Bullets; and :. Grade Coke.• Cc's' r tai: HENSALL ONT Phones -Office 10w. seam z•••s•••wa••e•••••o•0a•••4 •.E;,�,O/e!!a;!!+••••46�� �y� e • Sasonabl Ifil • o o rse • m Tust Received a. large number of Genuine Woolen 4 • • Blankets in Assorted colors• Size 72x84. „s Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rug. , priees• • • • Haws Ranging from $7.00 to .. __ easIti SAVE MONEY' BY GIVING US A CAUL Fn A BIG Stock of. Harness and;Halters always :on A Club Bags, Suit Cases and • s : ' Trunks at Right >Prices. IHARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PEON e FRED THIEL - ZUfO- For Quality and P I For Service and Satisfaction • Trade at 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ALSO SHOE REPAIRING, ,Many New Lines of Fall Footwear for` + axial .es over, And if the big dail- r,2 politics can;run tliirse ads. sure- Our Stock of •ti 'giber Bots is complete iy no ono would be so ;small and + • '°'11Y3'. yolocal editor t few dol- •te ur letele +++t.++++++8••air++44+4.3+ '++•:+++++e++4r ^+ 'G.1*dr4$1 lies that ho does not have to work so hard to get them. Friday, October, ;9th has been sit 'aside by the Government as lir: 'Prevention Day, andan ap- peal is beteg mode by the Govern emit for allrile citeeets of Caaida to look into their homes', cellars, :tt- ties, etc: n;id clean up and destroy ell suet). things and articlos that v.'ill .,.ashy ignite. See that no- thing is inenng.ct with electric: woe's, or places where you deliosit it ' r: Ye rt•otel co tering 'should be on th .flnnr in front o•f, stoves. Seri tilat your pipes and ch mnoys aro properly cic.a.ned and fitted. If • ou haVe any doubtfrl place a- 4 r:'u rel your ]tom a or place of bars iia?ass, b^. sure :and line •it with tin and n' bestos. And we might stay air that a littio cleaning up. on 1.:,.n:,. o four streets Would do a •,e l:d of g'oo'd in brigllttning up o. i. village. 'While 'we do -not bn.. 1t''°t-r in knocking our burg, yet we rl•i. not l new of rt ,phaco the. size of Zu ich;xthat:hss.•tso mach stuff piled on,.tho ,sattreets, cliickee eoops, (arm implements, telephone poles, etc. TheKing's Highway is no pl ec^ to kee 'article's that you de not w,n it''on you'' own propctty „> ce•ly through tin^ tosiency • of our Police 'Trustee's nri,d "t~ii', e11s tit.ttt- this ,'is •being alio aged. S ) at r We are offering very ain s. at urate• t,r e Ba.rgai g in some lines of Dreso (3Oods, G aglit ns, Prints, ulk,s' a n 4.L .Y 'e 11's S n in er 17(.Si. e r w e• - 1.' _ HOSIERY AND HOSE LIMIT VEIGF]:r, OVERALLS .4. IP PANTS, S1I011:S OF .,ALL K7NDS. ALL OF THE L1NB4, "c ' CAilRY ARE WELL ')r"JLLEL) 1JI? W1III GOODS 1\1::Ii"ir :r EVERY D.A.Y. PRICES AS'LOW AS ANY, QU ALI'1; 'x e...L e;;,L RRI3D. lin to give Satisfactions; DOUGLAS; l EEeil'F�'^yt7AL 3Pfi�k i G H NT HON 11 ° 7 14 �i