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Zurich Herald, 1925-09-24, Page 5
bander, ,;Sap 2.ifl ' 92 , USINEO,S ' CA?RDS iiu'lerriett."', Solicitor, Notary Public lAttee fAfliee ou Rain,iltou Street: 401154 Ii the taquars, Gode •icl*. Priv- tends to loan at lowest rated. Org. Hol nee will be in Hessen en , C�'radaY of each week. C e Kf *strew P. Hess, Township Clerk emarriage Menses, NOarY FIRST POSTING G OF VOTERS' S ' , ult*1e, 'Commissioner, Fire and Ant -1 ;LIST afees'lie • la uta„nee IldenronentipS ! . l cele and Erie Mortgage Corpora yep,,T a Canada .Trust' Cad. Zurien, itt Knapp, D. Da S.a.. 1. DS' IDENTAL SURGEOl PUT' YOUR ants., For Safe, most Found', Notice Etc IAds IN TeH1S COLUMN was OFFICB HENSAI•L + t ©BCSr, i V OP- Jones Nat- IMO. at l tannate Carey M. Jonat School of Auctioneeri0gg T 1i 'Registered Live Stock keeping 1yy Breeds}: Terms voice felt eveiling prices. ogres for sale. Will sell anything; lieersitere. Zurich. Vexes i.'8--93.. or 'write,. Licensed Acta®nee>� Whew:used_Auctioneer t Couo'ny Buren. 113 a positioardles- tact 'ani' auction sale, reg g not lie to adze or articles to sell. your besiness,. and if for 'sia'4lali+ed will make no chargee ;seernieeea. - Daeiiwood. ,ortbur Weber, 33--51 'Zurich Neat MARKET F• resh a el Salt Meats +D.1e7'�na Sausages, etc • Mishear CO241 Plice for Wool CASH. FOB MINS ,11.1Diiti. Voters' List, 1925, 'Municipality of the Township of Hay:,: County of Huron N 0 Tiell is hereby given that I have complied with Section 4,0 of the Voter's Mist ° Act) panel that I have posted up at tmy office at f uricih on the 12th day of Septem- ber, 1925, the list of ttali persons entitled to vote for 'the said Mun- icipality at Municipal Electians,and that such. list- remain:'s there For tn- s'p'eetionl. AN(D { hereby, call upon! all ;vo- ters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or ommis- Bions corrected ac:• ordirig to law, the last day for appeal ;being the ,4th day of Oetoher, 1925. Dated at Zurich, this 12th day September, 1925. A. 10 TIM eC erk, Townsbip off;Hay Apples Wanted At the Exeter Evapor- ator Weei will` be ready td take your lapplea" on, "and: after Sapternber. 11th. Any kind, large enough to peel. FOR SALE A limited number of small York- shire pigs,, 4 weeks old. Jae:At, Galina', Zurich. FOR SALE -- Tara cIa'.zraber setts and one'sec- ond hand trunk.. Apply at Herald Office.. r • DeicheTt FOUND On the Goshen Line, a sling rope♦ Owner Can ,get same at Herald. Office: ZURICH LIVERY -= I era in a position to aceomo- eate ail requisements in the Livery line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing :done in the teaming line. O]1e7.ORGE J. THIEL IitaO Elf Znrlen G. S. ATKINsON :,, L D. S., DENTIST D. D. S... lorisTnat, ONT. Phone S4 t BAY]P7eELD Every Wednesday 4V;EN1NGS IN .EXETER EY AP- POINTMENT pPOINTI ENT L I r • o LT R Y WANTED leeiliest every day till 3 Octoek p.m. DO not teed fowl seine. morning{ Brought in. ;�ghest Cash Prices e---CArSB POR -- Cream and Eggs W • O'Brien 4. Zurifeb Mod�Is With New Lo rrices ISTINSiODY THE h'Il+?ES+T E1 GINE- 11l1a«ll if6le 14 MOTOR CAR HISTORY' .A rite r metier be 14eerved ;With ! ! highest quality. !eott 'rodnet$ and by fine In* OI307D,.SUPPLY 'Ip1 $Abibr tthstailesl, itte Se ` EI , Prop Case & Son STRAYED Unto my premises, Hay 'Town- ship, a yearling .heifer, owner can have !same by paying expenses and proving property, Conrad Sielnon , • tf-S FARM FOR SALE Consisting eJ 55 eaerels, good clay loam; being Lot 30, 'L.R.E,, S -E: corner of Daysdale. There is on the lot a good frame house 18x24, also frame kitchen and woodshed soft and heel water, good barn, 36x54. .Very +convenient to both 'school and ehixreh. For fuirther ,partieulare apply to Ed. Mous- seau, Drysdale.. Mfrs. Peter L. Denomy,. Peoprieterees . Tires! Tires! CASINGS 30:x e% Cords ._ », .. $8.50 Fabrics .. ..,» $5.75 TUBES 30,04 'Olympic at -.. I... ». 1.50 . ale.' Retra Heavy Tabes $2.95 Wei lietra Heavy .Tubes $3.90' . BA,L0 ` I TIRES Any party getting 5 Baloonnard giving me f, old easings. and tubes, I wilt anew them 1$2790 for tame, wad the ,. ales tires for $67.00 cash John Ueyr,'MTr., Zurich. All Dr. I4. If. C O W E N L. D. tik, fD. D.'11. bt [TAL SURGEON; A.t DEITZ BLOCK, ?URI+Cl11T ay- ere. yere'Thursday, PFiday and Settee day. • Main office HAIiTI;Bfl1,' 1!Il,QC, !DASHWOOD LOC NE Mr. Ed:' BoSsenleori•y, is spend- ing th+ 'week with friends at Bay- field. ty-field. • Axr, Hamilton, ,of Kitchener, . is spending th'Q; week e't the 'heat! of Mr. and Mrei John Gelestea Mr Ectr iie,dd Bedard .left for Kitchexr!er, -where he will. attend. St. Jsromes •Crllege. 1VIi.s!s Orsnda. 'Worland,; bf•. near Kippenf 'is 'visiting a few days in 2itiric14 ' Miss Tillie, "Sol ralston visiting at TCitchai er, Buffalo and Niagara F, lis.: ,. -• A 'large number.'- from the "vil- lage villace are attending Exeter Fair on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Chlarles Eilber of Detroit, visited relatives her over wt the weete-ernd Ooitobor oth is the date seCfor big annual Fowl eeipper held -on the Evangelical church property,. Mr. Norman Rupp and Mrs„, H Schluchter of Detroit ; are visiting at the honi:e of Mrsi B. Rupp. Mies -Wok Prang left for St- ratford oa Monday where -she, will attend Normal School;. ' • • Oniee.oef .the big •attractions at the ,Bayfield Fair 'next week, will be the music' furnished by the Zurich Jubilee Band. • Mr. and Mrs,. Win, F,, Braun, and son. Billy from Forest visited fry - ends and relatives here over•Sun- day. ' • Mr: Theo4ore Wagner, left .for Waterloo on Monc1nv where he'wi11 resume _ his studies at • the •Wahl! loo college. Mrs S 15:ne.ch`tel of Baden, 3V1 E. 1 echl 1 Th I l iVtr and ;171 S '.I3 Knechtel ni Krteheeer, :spent the week -end with, Mi•+s1. S Bennie; Mr. ,and M'rs. W. ,K. Finkbei»er .Ind daughter Miss Hazel , were Sunday visitors at the home pi,' elr and Mrs. W. H. Heffernan. 4 sacred son !service .Will•✓, b given in the Evangelical church or Sunday ovening by. the choir, as- sisted ssleet lel by Rthn PariunaunetMale Quartette of Seaforth. Mrs'.: M. R. Ellbrr and baby sor who have spent the past week' with Dr. and Mrs, Routledge re- turned on Monday to +their home in Detro'it. Mr: J. Decker; Jr, hast beegverly successful in'winning many prize at the Leedoil Fair the past week with his: fine , e+3tring of st I.ncleo d bred -horses, including the grand Championship ribbon for stallions any age .eith his celebrated sire ho'ree . "Great Widower." • The 1Zurich School Fair held on the Agricultural grounds on Mons- day was'in every way a decided ducces!s and despite the raw and cold weather, the attendance was very large and much inter,.Ot'rnanu ifested. We will try and publish an account pf the prize winners in next week's issue. An out-of-theordinary challenge comes from the village of Bensall, Mr. Robert Moir, o ,fh tta. phren, cha111enges' anyone. to a contest of "recitation of Eng1'isb,.poetery," earl te,s ants tot recite ' alternately from, standard authors and the winners to be the one who can keep going the longest. This would ' not be as' exciting as a bo,.ing bout, but it might be quite as' worth while,, -Ex. Only one more week and the big day for 'Zurich, 'will be here, Oct. 2nd. The committee has put forth every; possible efter to make thii, the best fair ,ever held: Not alone do the exhibits proini'se to " sf.rp aess. previous year.:, bot when one .considers the many sp eeieal attractions, which include a tug-of-war, large pprie§'z far the horse -races which will bring out' we are ,told, some of the best b:orsees it Western ZOnlario; :L foot or walking 'race; bicycle rage,• 'in fact a.lmose everything a person would desine, • Be ewe and do not miso . it, and 'being the whole twi- ny, ad well ars your friends. .00TOBER ROD AND GUN ie. What promises to beterne of the best ani Most interesting of {wild life series commences in .the \Qet- ober issue of Riad annd Gun, ju.eit it)ublisited. ' The ;series la. written by rife well-.itn,owx'i ,naturalist, Ray - mon olu.son `d t stn. c lrs ar- ticle"1'h lit , ti f•l ticle is( a •lengthy and very inter- esting account of the beaver. Judeg ing by the material contained in this artiel:a!, the rest o file series should. prove valuable,. and . inter- esting reading .ruatter for the lover of 'Wild. life. ,Appropriate to the seelsou a number of ,hunting •stor les are included in this fall nun - bar, The reguieax heiticles and de Scranton - +,p� irtntrt,s covering ,birds, dog outdoor life, sih,o+.rting and fishing Chesnut17 urnace This is eapeeelelly true of Fishing ' seen even, better ffined than usual. i l7e$.0. .Spy mut O .Notes, which contains 'in addition to the articles of Robert ,PageLiir ,coin .stories by Cl ? Sleadee of Toronto, geed to make -a splendid Section for the angler, The open opeari seasons for genie birds (rti Ontario are included in .the isnse, r, Rod and Gi,m is published lnxonthly i f^OLONNI..36i VASAW004 AtOoTIA ; BVICE +i.aC1$1 HERALD FOCAL NEWS Mors Greta Forrest left for London where she will attend Nor- mal school. • Mr. and Mfrs, Sam Gottschalk of Seefortka visited relatives here ov- er :Sunday, ` Mrs. P. Koehler left for Port Huron on Tuesday, where she ex- acts to 'visit for a time air., and Mrs; J. 3, ;Kerner of ueeafuit'h, were 'th the village Ov- al; Sunday. • Mr.aiccl' Mrs., Mosses Bock, of 'i.kw Dundee, visited `over Sunday ,vhth their nephews !Ce 0. •Smith if the Bauble "end a L. Smith of the village, Mrs. A. G. Ehnees, .who 'spent the past few months with her son i!>!Er.• Orville :Slimes; of Calgary, re- turned home lash week, and looks ,yell after her long. journey.. Our popular Jubilee Band ,.is. keptquite busy filling engage - meets, on Wedneisday, of this week they play at Exeter Fair and on ,V'ondesday next they furnish the 'music for Bayfield Fair. BLAKE iftionummosloors The .meeting. 0 'f the Mission Band Will ba. held, in the church on Saturday afternoon at 2.30, �t gaol attendance is requested. Misis Margaret Meyers left on hfonday for London ,where she will lttcndNormal. Miss Marie Denemy of Detroit is at' preaunt visiting Uneler , the 'par- ;iLal roof. 1.2,alie a number from this vic- sn ty attended the Zurich School it on Monday. Me. R. ;N. Douglas, spant the i r .k -end et London •Ind 'hylic- [ , k, combining . husine ;s• with Mb <\Iberta e inlay visited fri- ends in Da>hwood ; t'SL week. Mith Lydia lJingcrich. who is trreining: in the Seaforth Hospital spent th.o week -end unc jr ,the par- ental roo frecently. 'Me, Jobe Think ; -iant a few deers iest week at the WesterniFair Lendor, Mrst Sho in'a.ker of Exeter, is 1 ,Cls;in frisn la on the Goshen. end Mrs. M. Brown, of tl;e !1-0 Line, South, 'spent Sun- +h friends in the village. t' + + a ,number from j`.his vie - ::attended the C'onsrervative ;n, .on which iv as held in Herr- a.t .1..t Friday, . T :lad Mrs;. Sana Rupp and null of Hensrall. !al;•ent Sunday, With. friends' in, this =isinity.' Dashwood Mr. and Aird. Harry Harris of S,rnia, are visiting in t'on,w Mi•is Gladys Guenther• left Mon- day for Kitchener ,where she ✓.fill enter the K. & Wt.. lin's pitat as a nurs'.I in training. Mr Ind Mrs. .Earl Guenther and t ee Jana Guenther viiest,ed in Mit- chell one Sunday. Mrs, Witzel 'spent' a few days with friends near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs'. Ezra Tien -Ian and Mr. and Mils Addison Tiernan 'sp- ent Sunday in Stratinrd. Mist lice Hoffman has accepted :1 position in the post office. Mr. Leonard Birk ;eft Friday for Geelph where he ie. attending the 0 A. r.. ",Lisle Alice Willert t'0 visiting in London . , The Dashwood Band is attend- ing -P rrkhill Fair on Wednesday. The' Dashwood school fair will .Meld on 'Saturday, 'Sept. 26th with tl'(e band m attendance. Don't' forbt to patronize the booth un- der flue auspices of the Evangel - choir, Fil), Evangelical congregation are erecting a new shed ithies fall and • .also purpose holding a, fowl supper On October 21st. aCR0OL FAIR DATES IN HRUON COUNTY Sept, 18 -Colborne Sept. 21-ZTIRICH Sept. 22 -Varna Sept, 23-Goderichi Soot. 21 --Blyth' S ept, 25 -=Grand Bend ;Sept, 26--Dashwoodt Sept..30-Crediton) ''. l"�et.; 1,Winchelsea 5-Hensall ' 0.,t, 6 -!Dublin Oct. 7 & ,8--O1inton FALL ;FAIRS elide 4raig, Sept. 24-25 Bayfield, Sept. 29-3ii C i lti th, Sept. 23-21 „xuwesei3; Oct. 1-2 E rtes, Sept. 22-23 •ee eiit, Oct. 5-6 Tlclertnn, Sept, 30 Wirhton, Oct, 6-7 Lncknov+, Sept. 24-25. Milverton, Sept, 24-25 :Vlite1 elt, Sept, 29-3o ivlolant `Brydes ._ Oct. 2 Por n:texseton, Oct. 6-7 ?arlchill, Sept. 22-93 it Marys Oet, 1-2 Sceatorth Sept, 24-25 Stretford, Sept. 22-26 'Medford, Sept, 28-29 Winglraer, Sept, 29430 DENSALt\$1'f(by W, J', Ta'ylolrrn Ltd, Woodstock ZURICH, Oet, 1-2 Ont, r 1: rFROM =a NOW 1 e sm Off LOOK! , . T-TAVIJ IT THAT., CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORD SIDE CURT+.IN'S Fuss WI ,l..T+'IU THEM SO THEY OPEN WITH 711.5 DOORR ��iPAIRJ O Painting Fo .d ' Car, One "oat, $15.00,' Two 'Coate $20.00 iCoverieg Ford Top Good Material, less curtains ... _.. $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains 10 open with Doors .., ... ,y...; $5.00+ Painting Buggy . ...., ... _ ..... . IF YOU WANT SERVICE, .WE HAVE II' WE RERUB•13ER Y01Jj-l3UGGy WHEELS. HESS - ZFRICH +++++++++++++++++++++++4.+4++++++++++++++++++4++++++ ++i••3++++II'+'E'+'l•+3' '3' ' + + I'3++t 4.+4++++ 3'•D'+++++3'+ '3' 'N' 4+++•33++ 1 GYPROCK The Ever -Ready Wa1I board. ;Will [not crack, `�t buc1de. G-. 3 4 warp or burn Gyproe is cleans .and easy to handle it saws and nails like timber. • _ ' Gyproc goes up in a hurry but once up its up to stay, al- ways troufble proof and repair proof. Gyproe will afford you the satisfaction of knowing your rooms are fireproof. that Gylproc may be applied toold or new walls and may be pap- ered, painted or panelled. For information, ;samples ann•l quotations earl at our ()Mee, C. KALBFLEISC:j PHONE • 6 ra • ZURICH �' ▪ 3 p i+ 3+ 3+ i+ i+' i�f+ b+�+•i ^p.+drg •r �, ..� s +» .,, a �t % -b f •3 3 r € i 4 f ti i € : 5 b > f+ --I. + +-fl+ +t+ -+s+ 3 + + d+ M-4. i+ + + ,+ 4' + 4 4 Stone Built Clothes +..4.11 Woollens Used in the manufacture of STONE 13UTI,T CLO _ THES are treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO -- 44 GESS, and guaranteed harmine from the ravages of Moths under a 8250,000 Glove Indemnity +Bond WH'i$' DO WE pore. THIS EXPENSE'? +•BECAUSE Moth are theg reatest factor in. the destruction of ci- l VI ECATJSE This new scientific discover + entirely eliminates any danger to our cfr Process- your clothes from the rev-�- 3, ages of Moth a ne their Larvae. DECAUSE Stone-13uilt Clothes with the e.:3.3ed attraction of the a+ LARVEK MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that t. ,i, defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra • ;n charge 'to you. WE SELL STONNE-1?TTILT CLOTHES +. New Spring Suitings Arrivirig Daily 1' othing that fere laid away for even a &het period. IWs H. HIFFrAN ' DTAILOW AND FUNERAL DIREGTbR DAY AND NIGH t..PI30..NE No. 84 ; +€+ +i+-+ 3+r-$+ i+ 4 +i ! fi cien ZURICH BERALUS 1925 I. i, 4e400deC'elr, ei 4111 QIUIr!!Me:I. ItIl!'111)INIIIID.;'MINIMEMEIIIIIIIIIfIIIMII0I E11111 s i 1111 111011 Clubbing List Eatirr HERAt,- acid Toronto Daily Globe _..... ,.. 46.00 e+'1 .E►1.+ uc1 ins; i, 13hily 'Telegraph .., ! $5.10 i11+e a�n.1� '.=,tri» ,Dally Mail and Empire ,.. 86.00 rtattAies. ^ wtp®..,.. eiEwday Mail and Empire $3.25 Etltk" u r,e. • au4'm,- Daily Star ...... ........... $6.00 h2l+tua34U ani.. ii4ranta.P Weekly Star 83.25 tIERA..to BUM i,.v,eoti6+,.3. ;cello News ..,... ... $6.40 Hrrtirtut tuba i.•+^+4411 iTf.11.4 +'riees, Morning edition ». W1.00 HERAI40 ane life! , h°.;,: : evening edition 46.00 IfEitelielle and a+ ilialt ,A4 t, Morning Edition $6,00 lER.at.D *rad k: ++.'tee Arai +^"ti'.r, °t venrng edition ... $6.06 HERA:s.t) and ai:+teritee Pe". '' 94i't•ocate .,,i $2.25 • ERERAL1 • and ourutithetenee, .,....+.....,$2.75 HERALD MO `eeeetiere,Ilsfa.... ........ $2.65 HERALDa.no e• ad dler gleam woof `Weeely Star ...... $2.75 HERALD end Cia.nsldereA, t oratra:nan ..., . <..........,:$2.2C IERAL» and Weekly' Maness $8.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine ._.... « . $2,50? HERALD and "Y'outh's Companion .. ....,,$3,75! HERALD 'and Seaforth Huron Expositor .,.,.; ...... $3.25+ HERALD' and Ontario Journal $2.7 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Granada gm .. _ N1 II syr ,� Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us %r papers not listed above ERALD OFFICE, Zurich UlU 11111111 fi11Vfilllif fl II11111111 611I "11;20AHC112111VNlllill111111 11111I11111161411111111111111111111II(1111111i1[ ill