HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-09-24, Page 4Is
Th:ursday. and Friday
Ottaber �St and2�d,X925
'r'.ft'Psi l` RACE, PURSE
$150 Oo
List of Special Prizes
ek$,.Kalbfleisch offer goods to, value of $3 to persons winning, high•-
etift number of points in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. First prize to
+a r irnat 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize I point.,
,RZYSItN FROST. offer .goods to value of $3.00 for 'best team of horses
'en Classes 1, 2 and 3.
41.. EC ELR, Jr., Owrter of "GreatWidower", offers a free colt for
ilea best foal sired by any Standard Bred 'sire.
- 'A !lf & WRIDO Offer goods to value of $3.50 as 1st prize for ein-
:,g0 Roadster. in harness and buggy.
OF MONTREAL, Zurich, offer $3.00 cash, for the best finished
-cattle beast, any breed, up to three years old, First prize $3.00
-second prize $2.00.
L. W RbI offers a pail of Dr. Hess Stock Food, value $3.50, for
the best calf under one year old, any breed.
bettr,.T'- Vii. O'DWYER Offers $3,00 cash as first prize for best milch
a'ow, Registered- Durham." .
.t.. .3. MncKlirN+.hN offers $3.0r cash for best pen of two pullets?
Anal one cocke.ei. The three birus must oe of ung: variety and
must not be shown "in any other class.
.4,„.:GASeixo & SON Offer goods to value of $3.00 to person. winning
.highest nuxr_ber pf point's in classes 18 and 19. .first prize to
•ctaaant 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1. point.
,;1, RENNIE CO. LTD. offer a Prize of $5.00 in Vegetable, Flower
or emeal scoot Seeds ,selected from. Rentnie's Retail Catalogue
.lour 1920 for the best display of Vegetables grown fronaRennie's
- Seeds..
.A PRIZE of $3.00 onthe same basis for. the 'nest ,display of
weld. Roots grown. from Re;inie's Seeds;.
PRIZE of $1.00 on the same basis for the best, (display; of
.P1owers grown from 1 ennie's Seeds.
. O'BRIEN Offers $2.00 cash, for butter in 1-1b. prints, six pounds,
la -rapped • in parchment (,aper Appearance as well as quality to
— a :.:<, :+ teen.ataking award.
121,.MATON CO. LTD. Offer the choice of the foilowing—(a) -Half
:dozen teaspoons, Half dozentablefotks, Half dozen table knives
A) Clock, (e) 1;able Cloth, (d) Pearl threestrand Neeklace,
'wai1110 from $ '50 to $7.95 for the best two pairs_ dressed chick-
S,' •exhibited by an individual owner and raiser, who o has not
eta an Eaton prize at any Fair since 1922.
IMULLICABLS BROS. offer 100 -pounds of Choice Faintly Flour for
. best loaf of bread baked from this well-known and popular
; ra:ad of flour.
. 'BO,1l LBE Offers a 50-1b, bag of Maple Leaf flour tp person
- ming the highest number of points in the Grain and Seeds
tss. First prize to count 3 poiit,ts, 2nd prise 2 points and
4r4 prize 1 point,
RITZ Sr. SON offer goods to the value of $4.00 for winners of
-wile bicycle race, open to entries front Township of Hay.
-111.ace to be held at 4.30 o'clock, p.m., on second day ';of. Fair.
C. Fritz, starter. First prize $3.00; 2nd prize $1.00,
':'I."NI9Pi!',SON' CO. LTD, Offer silverware to value .of $7.92 for 1st prize
.6 for crock or tub butter, winter use.
'me Williams Concert
`', RIGHT, OCT. 2nd;
'• 'D9RS OPEN 7.30.
` - Sart of Reserved Seats can
F.. Hess,
be seers at
Co., Toronto,
Office of A. F. HESS,
W. S. Johnston,
"Mr. and '.31r.s4 Thos. Mawhinney
tier. 'atsd Mrs. Siva. Lawson return-
. Irma 'visiting at Fonthill, Nin-
„ lara Falls and Toronto.
.F1c Taylor pur.cltas'eid the d'w-
•ing nn Leughall St. owned 15y
1?lltt*s,• ;Ketitte and oat present oecu-
i1it1 by Gen. Smith..
.1i3se cumber of ptipils on the
Vogl • dt Exeter eigh School is so fir
r; ! vit'tTi ".none. pupils eerpected.
'.Sam : c'k'arlanie,..of Calgary,'sp-
440 41, taw days with )hit cousin. 4W
lista Solorn 'Watts, the 113 -yr -old
nasrsitarii bred ro,adster owned by
a lxa'atsitrortg and F. Taylor won
Ai Prime aid sweepstake at the
eilfransoleat Fair.
-Mrs. Moses Be r
hler and
. .
hra Ve returned home after vis
rlEatag nri Toronto.
'Thom, 'Fitton hag been confined
Iiirt tome
and bed ' for the past
SU* lidi With iiln,es%
i.' ''mis'Itiu.rriay of C:hi'selltnrst has
visitarlsood the, residence of the late
Vitt: 1dIe t:eels; . on Main St. the.price
.: around $4,0o0L
mill. Mrs Wirt Rh'rde. of ?,
N l e
131C` ate' viSiti::v; ;ttith t:'5'*r
and Nlrs",..A,. 'S. 'Davis and other re-
latives in the community. They
were former residents of Dashwood
leaving there fifteen years, ago for
the West.
M.A. Ronald Witwer and babe, of
Stratford, are spending a `•few
clays with, the' fortnees another;Ntrs.
Taylor. ' • '
Mr. and Miss 'Wesley G. 'Hazel -
Wood of B1a.nfio(ta, Man,.', visited far
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Andrew„ `
The' depth took place tt Tor-
onto, of Mra..E•k S4' .XCing, •a form-
er resident of Exeter she was a
sit"r td Ernest llio:tt, wars 73 ye-
ws of age, :was born. in England
blit her early life (ways! ,spend:
John R'. Tutor is nursing a pain
fulhand the result -of an accident
while be was, nailing steel laths on
his Boma when he fell off the lad
derandh.is hand •carne in contact
Stith the ll;h inflicting 'a painful
weatilt and threatening . blood
Alfred R., Ten ant, VHS.., who for
over 40, years has practised in Ex -
ter died
n Victoria Hospital ,f,un
don, two years ago be tsuxi'ered a
i'rrtmi# itltf(es ' bort po tU onkr and
* w *the Alleast
Moisture System
saves money
Tests have p r, o w e d important
savings in .fuel where the warm
au' from the furnace is properly
moistetaed--the saving has reach-
ed upwards of 20, percent: .
The Hygienic Vapor Pan: in the
Allcast is designed to supply the
correct 'amount of natural moist-
ure required for health" and com-
fort .— atmosphere that. protects
the family from winter ills.
Other exclusive, fuel saving. ,.
features of the Allcast are
the free -draught Shell, -bar
Grates which insure perfect
combustion, and the fuel -
saving air -blast which
burns the smoke and gases.
The All -cast is easily oper-
ated. It burns soft coal and
all other fuels ea,ually well.
It is reasonably . : priced,
Come in and let us show
you its many important fea-
tures or write for complete
There is .a size and type' of '
Happy Thought Furnace
for every kind of home.
Hygienic Vapor Pan
Made in Pipe and Pipekss
Melick & Kalbfleisch Zurich
A7° flfAld?ieOR6 ; CA1VADA 817
r� a iel_ti% ±t:tn
since he leas .not been well. He
was taken ill only a week,,, anclehis
death canoe as; a ;Isurprite•. - For
2t, years' he pr c,ti'sedd in J. Batti-
den' sotfioe where the library now
lawn and dancing in the house.
The, young people after indulging
in sport for la couple of hours
.partook of appetizing corn and
hot -.dogs, together with ntiarshwel-
lows toasted -over a rosy campfire
cloffee 'was teetered.
ALF. and Mrs,. Troyer and on ,ofJ• Garnet McLinche'y ofStanle.
Glenco, visited with. the former's I had the mis,lortune to' get his �arr
mother., Mrs. Troyer; (broken whale cranking his car the
e.Elva Bolton ,and friend Iris's A. past week.
Campbell, teacher, near Zurich, at 11 Etta Jarrott, of Kippeni, has
tended the McEwen' -Norris wedd-Ir'etrained from her trip oversews
ing.in Mitchell on Saturdya last.an
d :has resumed her duties as a
en Swan, nurse, returned from teacher `in, Toronto.
Pt. Evora, Michl., where she has As the result of a petition, sent
been nursing for (some time. , into the Mitchell Council by the
Mr. and Mrs,. George (Case left businessi then of that town -the by -
for a viisit lin the states. law pertaining to medicine shows,
Jessie Bell is visiting . relatives etc. was. changed from $3 to a
in London. maximum fee of $115.00 per day,
Mr. and Mrs Lorne Zuefle and The Hydro Electric Commission
little daughter left for Detroit:, of Ontario have granted the Exeter
where he has secured a good pos- rural system' a 25 per 'cent.: red-
ition.. uction in rates. Aver `'a
The Epworth League of The° ing, effort is being y - get
United Church will hold a weiner tnough customers sto�extend the
roast at the home of Mr. and Mrse .line or: througl. to Grand ;Bend.
G.C. Pearce, ere long. s he. new' concrete culfert which
Win .Pfaff is building a fine has been put in this ,summer just
gasoline station on his property south of Kippen ,is nearing com-
at the Lonndon Road, which will pletion, traffic having been resu•-
he a great convenience to passing med acrosin same. The cost of this
job when, completed will be a-
:Krs. Lee Heddo•n� is in St. Cath- round $800.00, '
arines 'visiting for a week. JJolx� Viva. a pioneer resident
Mrs. Millar of in:d W'sor and fa+- of Basan!twat Tp., passed 'suddenly
rnerly of the village, is here visit- away in his orchard while gather
ing her father ,Rich'd Blatchford. ing . ,apples'' the other day. He
The many friends of Mrs. Fred was 72 years of age and apparent--
Bengouglt Will regret to learn of try` had' been in good health.
her illness, and hope for a recon- - Mrs. A. Sandety,�on, who lives
ery, utile north; of Blyth, and who has'`;
Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, a dau- not been well for ;some time, en-
,ghter of Mrs': Scott, was called to cod her life by hanngtng herself in
\V,indsor, o'wiog to illness of • her the driveshed on: Monday,la'st,.
son: She .leaves, to mourn her loss her
Very Geiger is visiting relati- husband and two 'small children,
ties aid friends in Detroit. . A, barn belonging to John In-
gram, Tl t Logan: Tp. near Mitchell,
was completely destroyed by fire
last • Fridays night when it was ,str-
twit` by lightning in the ,severe
storm which p rssed over the dis-
trict early in the evening, the ros's
is ani the neighborhood :o'f $9,000.
All ,the season's - crops 'were xa tlr
As a result of trying to blow
omit:; a gasoline torch which he was
using the other day; Norval Knis-
45y.' e nployed at the .telephone
office at Ailsa Craig, Ways. +severely;
Mi'ne'd about the head and face'
xuhen it exploded. IIe Will be
litid up for \a time.
On September 5th at ,the Pres-
byterian Mamie, Cromarty, '.Darras_
Parker, of Cttiselhuest, was married
to 'Mies Irene r t
e r •
only dart ht: • , and Mrs,
g �t of Mr.. Mrs, Os -
Wald Walker of Cromarty. Rev.
Dr, Ritchie. performed hte cere-
m rny.
Sohn' 11'. Jameson, aged ,66 years
clerk of Blanchard .Tpi, for the
past 35. years died 'sudrlenly on
Friday lash of heart failure, fol-
lowing an accident to his son who
was as injured in .t, runaway mini')
a few hours previous,. 1Ie its; =stir
survived by three sonis and one
ie wo new drains for which
tenders are called for are evoked
as: its usual considerable discu,sion.
W. C. Davis continues very' ser-
iously i11, with little o.' no change
in his condition,
Earl Parlmer, who holds a good
position in Windsor, ,accoixipanied
by his . wife ,'are here visiting his
parents', Mr. and Mrs. T. Palmer.
.Margaret, Louise and Beryl Dm u-
nlntontleheia n bazaar in •the'Aiygle
lean church Saturday last. They
intended holding it on the lawn but.
onaccount, of rain was held in the
church, the proceeds amounted to
over $60.
Dr. Gordon Knilpp was away
the past week on his honeymoon,,
ha't'ing been married to Mists Ma-
bel Carr, at Nortlt •.$rune on Sat-
urday last. .After a weelOs visit
with friends' at different point's
they will reside in. Hensaall, in the
louse directly opposite the town
il.r .
A. hoot of 'congratulations:
omit tt to the doctor and his
bride, as" he its wile It:xi;o'wn,
On Monday evening last the
Thom of Mr, and Mrs', Geo. 0ingn,.
north of town wan the scene of
merriment when about 75 young
with various amusements on the
held a• cowl; roast, togetht
We, arein a position to do Exj e r
Auto Repairing and Specialize o
e an : lain
or any make
of Car,
work guaran-
teed. aran-t,ee.
B'GTT'' RIR i2-4`RARGED AND REi Amity].
Gas, Oily Greases;, Tires and all Accessorie ;
DZ Angel, Proprietor
L Prang's Old Stand, - Zurich'
Newest Line of'
adies' aid Gent's Fall
an WinterOoata
Come in and see these real values3.
I'm sure Yo .' .1 be Convinced
Tailor, en's Furuis Ings - Zurich, Ont,
Znrieh ii;rug Blom;
1r*44 4► +++ 44+++,1
We have a complete New Stock
of all the new Tod, � hooks; also
Scribblers, Note Books Writing
D x'�tt>�n,g
Books Drawing Books, Pencil
Boxes, Erasers, Rulers, Compasses
Wider Colors Znk Pens � and Pen-
iso Line