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Zurich Herald, 1925-09-24, Page 2
Stories About IV ell-K.oWn People . tory." In reply, Sir Jos Witty as Well, eph wrote: "I M•r, Israel Zangwill, the author of;ant sorry that I am not 036 good at ooiti- "We Moderns," recently produced at!' ing jobs as you appear to be at coining the New Theat'e, Lonc;o i is famed l words!" not only for his books and plays but Concealing Boredom. for his pungent wit. One of his petit is interesting to hear one woman's aversions is the foppish type of man. view a another. "I am amazed," said 1 remember a rather youthful dandy f Lady Astor the other day, 'how the saying condescendingly to him, "How 1 Duchess of York can always appear do you do, Mr. Zangwill? Do you know, fresh and smiling on the most boring i I passed your house the other day!" occasions." "Did you, indeed?" said the playright. (But Lady Astor appears fresh and "Thanks very much." smiling in Parliament, so surely she Is It Magic? possesses equal fortitude!) "I have watched the Duchess of York with amazement," continued. Lady As- tor, "and she is a model of what we ought to -be when we are bored. It cannot be possible that she is always What ie the secret of the success of Sir Herbert Barker, the great manipu- lative surgeon, who has definitely de- cided to retire for a time from active practice in London? I was discussing interested, yet she never looks bored. ilia point with a leading medical man, This is really a .great asset in going who, having wateched Sir Herbert at work, insists that he has some special sense that cannot be passed on to any other man. ten smilingly to a dozen- dull .stories But Sir Herbert himself does not told by a guest, bacle him good -night at share this opinion. "I believe that my last with an inward sigh of relief. art can be taught," he said to me not "Had an awfully nice time," said so very long ago. "In fact, it is one of the guest on the doorstep, "and am; my dreams to found a College of Man- awfully glad you liked my yarns so ipulative Surgery." He added the as- much. I'll drop iu to -morrow, if you like, and spin some more." A Long "Meanwhile." Being in a reminiscent mood recent- ly, Lord Reading told an amusing story of how once, when he was a member of the Junior Bar, he had occasion to visit the House, and marched boldly He Couldn't Do It. through the Palace Yard. Sir Joseph J. Thompson, O.M., whose He succeeded, much to his delight, new theory of light, expounded the in getting past the policeman on duty, other day at a meeting at Cambridge, but his happiness was short-lived. The has roused the greatest interest, is one policeman .detected him a second or of the world's outstanding scientific in- two later, and, overtaking him, con vestigators. In the course of his die- fronted him with the question; "Ex- tinguished career he has made import- cuse hie, sir, but are you a member?" ant contributions to our knowledge of "Not yet," Lord Reading answered, electricity, the atom, and kindred sub- "but I hope to be soon." feats "I hope you will, sir," said the pollee - He tells a good story about a man I man, `but meanwhile would you mind who once applied to him for a job. "11 1 going round the other way?" have no educational advantages," the L: That "meanwhile," confessed the applicant wrote, "but I beg to apply for ! former Mr. Rufus Isaacs, lasted twelve the post of cuspidorian of your labora-1 years. through the world," It has its advantages, however. A certain host, schooling himself to lis- tonishing information that he has per formed between eighty and a hundred thousand bloodless operations. Magid is the exclamation that has fallen from the lips of more than one of his pa- tients as they have left his surgery, cured. The Law's Long Arm. As a result of the League of Nations and various independent treaties, the apprehension of a criminal in a foreign land is becoming a comparatively sim- ple matter. At one time a man who had committed a crime in England had merely to cross to Europe to elude his pursuers-, for no agreement existed be- tween Britain and European countries to effect his extradition. Now, how- ever, there are only a few small States where the fugitive from- justice may live with impunity. At one time there was no extradition treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic. This fact enabled Jabez Balfour the financier, to leave England a few hours before his plan,- ned arrest and escape to South Ameri- ca. For a year detectives watched his movements, powerless to arrest him, but at length Great Britain signed an agreement with the Argentine for the apprehension of fugitive criminals, be- ing careful to make the agreement date back in order that Balfour's case should be subject to it. Another extradition tangle that'in- volved three countries was that of an Italian who had escaped from Devil's Island. He was wanted by the French authorities. He had reached America, where he worked as a waiter, but was deported when his history became known. It was urged that America had no power to send him back to France without special sanction from the Italian Government. But Italy refused to intercede for him and he was sent once more to Devil's Island. In England it is at Bow Street where foreign criminals fight exteadltion pro- ceedings, and there Rogues, a French- man, told how he had been sent to Devil's Island for murder committed when he was ni>yeteen. He escaped to New York, and then came to England, where he was arrested on French in- formation. The proceedings ended with his return to the French,. peniten- tiary. Vacation Effects. After all has been said on vacations and their benefits, the fact remains that the only purpose of those two weeks in the summer is to give us. a chance to forget the daily grind, to allow the morn -out muscles and brain cells to recuperate, at the same time giving otber cellstbat have laid dor- mant for a year a chance to exercise and grow. In that [respect a vacation is like a good night's sleep.Some folk regard the return from a vacation as, one of the world's darkest tragedies. But that's nothing—there are a lot of folk. who greet the morning with all its possibilities as one of life's saddest moments. • The well -spent .vacation is one that makes: us return to our desks with new vigor and new resolves. It should imbue us . with new outlooks, new ideals and the reserve energy to car- ry these ideas to completion. It's All Wrng. "*bat's the matter now. Grumps?" • "My daughter is wearing knicker- bockers and my son is taking a girl's part in the college play." That Explained It. Brown was planning to build a green- house in his garden, so he bought an. expensive saw and in due course start- ed work on the wood. After an hour he came into the house and flung himself into •a chair with a gesture of utter disgust. "That new saw I bought isn't worth two -pence!" he stormed. "Why, it ©THE "INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE. SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WORb PUZZLES Start out by fillingin the words of which you feel reasonably sure. These will give you,a clue to other words crossing them. and they in turn to -still others. •A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. • HORiZONTAL 1—Uncooked 3—Freest from adulteration 7 --Furious • 9—A pitcher 11—Narrative 13—DIvision of Stralts 14—Reforms 15—Made stable 18—Part of circle. 21 ---Glided 22—Month (abbr.) 24—To wash by draining 26--MIId exclamation 27—Small Island 29—Literary collection 30—01d Venetian title 22—Antique 83—Chum p4—Scent 5—"Succor 36—Medieval staves 37—Among 33 --Kind of grain 40 --Endeavor 41—Phoenician Sun 43 --Diocese 44—Forming words 0 --Vanquish 15O—Seek for 0—To give relief 53—=toed 54 --Japanese coin §5 -Splinter 65—.State of equality' Settlements God_ VERTICAL 1—Revoke 2—Tumor 8—Imprisoned 4 --Incites 5 -Sedate 6—Mltd 7—Humans 8—Arld waste 10—Existed 12—Conducted 16—Opposed to feudal +, 17 --Slanting 19—Harvesting machine 20—Song bird 22—Associates 23=—To sell small wares 25 -Domestic animal 28 --Cleansing material, 30—To act 31—Suffix to form nouns of nano" 36—Distended = Keri 39—To confine within limits 41—An East Indian vine 42—Fine thread or lace 44—Large body of water 45—Toxo beyond 46—Close by 47—To roam about 49—A mirsh 61—Having fine corded surface -4 .4444444414444.44444,444 TUNA: FISING ..Q.FF NOVA SCOTIA Tuna ilsliing in the coastal waters ot widely special efforts were made to` Nova Scotia 7s growing: in importance build up a lucrative tuna aelhery, near- at Hub both as a aomeaercial fishery end as a'.l;v 600,000 pounds were taloa&" ,! bards.• ., ' meat,.! of attracting expert auglets to 1 The fish al's caugiat in trap nets, and epend their vacation on our Atlantic a"eaglet"' net is ued to draw the fish. coast, According to a report made to within killing distance, after which the Department of Marino and Fish- they are dispatched and then landed. cries tuna fishing for .commercial pur-I The head and tail fins are removed. hoses had its. -inception in 1919 when from each flea, and it is paoleed whole the first s.erioua effort to establish this in individual boxes and shipped. These fishery was made at Hubbards; Lunen- I fish. vary in size from 450 pounds to letrg county. The 1923 catch totalled 11,000 pounds and their value. as a food., 331,000 pounds valued at $9,659, and in 1 fish •compares' favorably with, any of 1924, owing to an error on the part of the largefish. The steak portions are, shipp'ers who confused tuna with elba- in appearance, not unlike a good` core or borse-mackerel which brought quality of beef, while other parts close - it within a dutiable claw in the United .ly resemble veal and are greatly relish - States tariff, the production dropped to ed by epicures. '169,400 pounds with a value .of $5,140. In addition to the commercial fish - However representations made have ery, Nova Scotia also offers excellent resulted he the fish being properly opportunities for sport fishing for tuna, classified as tuna and this is •e-xpected Each year finds an 'increasing number to result in an increased catch this of'••sportsmen, both from Canada and 3.tar. the United States, fishing for theme The tuna -fish, which is closely ,re- great prizes .in the coastal waters of lated to the mackerel and for some the Province, and catches running from time was locally mistaken for albacore 600 to 750 pounds have rewarded their or horse -mackerel, has been very pian- efforts with -rod and line. Zane Grey, tiful along the coast of Nova Scotia. It the noted author, holds the record to was for years looked up as a nuisance data for the largest catch, landing, a by in -shore fishermen, as it became 758.1b. tuna after a battle that lasted tangled do nets and gear and caused three and a half hours. During the considerable damage. However a mar- trip in which he secured his record ket for tuna was opened. in the United catch, Mr. Grey's party 'also accou:oted States, where it is in high favor among for two smaller tuna weighing 736 end the residents of Italian and Portuguese 684 pounds respectively. The smaller extraction, and comulderable shipments of these battled six hours before it was were made from the Clark's Harbor 'landed. 'Phe thrills: of "playing" these. and Port La Tour districts of Shel- immense fish are manifold and as the Burne county, and Pram the Hubbards fame of tuna fishing off the Nova Scotia district of Lunenburg county._ The coast spreads, increasing throngs of prices range from three to nine cents tourists and anglers• will be attracted per pound, and in 1919, the first year in to our Atlantic seaboard. - Horse's Fear - of Umbrol.. Cured by Love of Apples A prize-winning animal story in sf`The .London News" was written by a fourteen -year-old boy, Dean ''Ed- wards, of Somerset, who wrote this: Near Taunton •there is a farmer who has a horse which used to be very much afraid of an open umbrella. He would shy and do other silly things at the sight of one. The farmer was naturally anxious to cure him of; this undesirable habit. What could he do? He thought the, matter -over for some time, but could not find a solution. One day, however, he discovered that the animal had broken into his orchard and was busily eating. apples. This gave Mr. Brown an idea. The next morning he took the horse an apple on the end of a closed urn - wouldn't cut butter." brella. The horse quickly pulled it His small son, Tommy, looked up in off and ate it. The next morning the surprise. farmer did the same, and for several "Oh, yes it would, dad," he exclaim- ed earnestly. "Why, Ted and I sawed a whole brick in two with it this morn- ing in no time," !!!!j!-Zl Answer to last week's puzzle: H B U R 1 ES -r. ONE RI . `;- L G'1, P O :`L A N U a H R ,;:Y S ,=.IP A L A Y a �A PPEARA_NCE B TYRO ®, G0P7WHEL'P la U 0Y B 1 0 '; - N CV N,• USE 1 T G�''. ti k ,PER V A®E A mornings afterward, each day; open- ing the umbrella just a little bit more. The resu.t.was that in less than a month not only had the horsebeen completely cured of his dislike for an open,umbrella, but whenever he saw an open umbrella he made unduly fa- miliar, overtures, expecting, no doubt, to find an apple on every umbrella he met. Altus Summat. "How be Mary doing now she's mar- ried?" "She's doing fine. She's got the purt- iest,.iittle cottage with a garden, and ,time good furniture, four pigs,.., an' some fowls. Only thing is she can't abide her man. But there, there's alluh summat." The Value of a Map.\. Canadian Government departments issue many maps, and of many kinds, each one for a special purpose and to meet a special need. In a'young and growing country these maps are es- sential as they constitute the record of topographical, geological, military, water -power, forests, highways and other surveys. In Western Canada practically all settlement is carried on by means of maps. These show, the Iocation of the land, as well as • other features that may enhance or detract from its value• In foreign trade promotion, maps serve a useful purpose. Owing to the immensity of Canada's area, import- ers of Canadian good& require to know something of the country where'these are produced. In a letter received re- cently by the Natural Resources In- telligence Service of the Department of : the' Interior from a ,firm in Cuba, Eating Your Weight in`Salt. the .writer in thanking the Service for your hundred maps , supplied ; on request says:-.- salt last year? Iff not you did not get Did you eat y 1?ounds of "Thesemaps will be of great 'service your share, for thereare over 800 mil- to me, 'as I represent and maintain lionp ounds of this substance used or businea relations with .a number of sold by producers in Canada annually.''New Brunswick firms. I have said Even then we use less than the citzens many shiploads of New Brunswick po- of the United States, for in 1924 they , tatoes throughout the island of Cuba, consumed one hundred and twenty and it is my aim and intention ,to pounds per capita and have been maintain and'increase my business hi products from New Brunswick." Trade known to consume as high as one hun- Commis•siouers and British Con ular dined and.,twenty-seven th-seven pound$.e :whole of the Cana- Officers in foreign fields, immigration Practically tofficers, and freight and passenger of- •dian, production comes from near flcials of the' railways Make use of Windsor, Ontario, although the Mala -1 maps to a very great extent in their gash deposits of Nova Scotia are be- I work and many thousands are sup - coming of increasing importanee to the fishing industry especially, The Ontario epost s s I The tremendous .growth • of motor �thicltness of 250 feet. r Despite those splendid mines almost half of the salt used in Canada is imported. Six -Year -Old Heads Cult. plied by the Natural Resources Intel - d tsometimes reach a lig ence Service for this purpose. A boy six years old now heads the`' Confucian''cult in China. He is known as the little duke of Kong and he lives near Cbufoo, where tile family has lived for 2500 years, according to authentic records. On this site cul- tured men lived when the Battle of Marathon was fought,. all during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and through the Dark Ages. Not True, We Hope. Mistress—"What beautiful scallops you have on your pies, Mandy' How do you do it?" Cook—" 'Deed, honey, dat ain't no trouble. Ah just uses mah false teeth." Tarlac Happy Time. Bast portion of the various year, in which Nature rejoicetb, shilling on her worka lovely, tofull perfection 1 wrought.—Phillips. tourist traffic is due in no small mea- sure to the provision of road maps; this use of maps also has done much to increase interest in maps in gen- vice has recently Canada, showing highways in the enormous demand map from across eral. The above Ser issued a road map of also the connecting bordering states. An is reported for this the line. Maps constitute a tional feature and a few minutes of The dusk grows dense, intensive study of the Canadian map The sIIence tense; will reveal much interesting informa- And lo! the Katydids commence, tion concerning our vast areas and —Riley. will well repay the time given to .it. 'Of Course. • Right, Ohl 1st Fish—"Do you know -how they. "How can one tell if a girl is lntelli-� wonderful educa- Senator Dandurand Senator Raoul Dandurand of Canada was elected permanent president of the; sixth assembly of the League of, Na- tions on the first,"ba]lot. Premier, Pain1•eve of France, the temporary" president, in summoning Dandurand to the chair, greeted the Canadian as an example of how French and English civilizations could iiouri.h in the same. country solving the troublesome ques- tion of minorities. What Baby Fears. According to a series of observe; tions and experiments recently con -1 ducted there are only two things which a baby fears-,.instinctively—al loud sound and a leas of. support) Apart from these a baby has no nasi tural fears; it is not afraid of flre,1 or darkness, for instance, nor has it the slightest fear of any kind of ani-, Duck. The air falls chill, - T'he whippoorwill Pipes lonesomely behind the hill; weigh flela?" 2nd Fish—"Sure; on their scales!" --rr— When King,Geoi'ge and Queen Marry are inotering through•- London after gent?" "If she likes you she is intelligent.',.: Unable to speak- a wore of each. dark their car has a powerful blue other's language, . a Hungarian man' light .shining from the canopy over 1 married a Rumanian bride,. They the chauffeur's seat. The King's cars I each speak a little English, and eke also have no number. 1 this out by making signs. MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. Now, That's What We Call Travelling. 4e t- Hcatt-'l J1°1KC 1 I itthT': wriAC JAt<S (.EIS F'vlr bMUtyNL PtkauNU tl'iE 'POW 1>ez Luotc At NIM c (o l•1C'S '%UNC WREN WILL He sic.. BALK. l ruee ...tic tIKc:y laAt.a. pts FAST AS He.'l..t, be beat le r N r • /r. yM J g eae a Ile) 1. 6fJlii, l a ; ti '�J M, .0 rV;r..r 11; n 14114‘. kd:eo