HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-09-24, Page 1Vol. XXVI No 12 b.. Zl1R CH, THURSDAY ORl 1 cj, SEPTEM BER 24-, 1925, Chester L. tmntl x $4.25 Year isi rich,Il Fair, COAL ")SERE ISA COLD • 11 AY COX- ING. I'CF. The present agreement rbe- ttween the miners and the ii[ine twijoiisi expires on the 31st of August. There may and may not• . be. a strike, b:ut be prepared. inniee•s ,are aaow at bottom, till: up ;your 'bins with the beat coal. Gen- uine Delaware andi Hudson Anth- 's'aeite direct from the Dairies. It makes ,warm Friends. Egg, Stave sand Nut size:. • SOFT COAL That highest grade, the beat tanexcelled -for domestic and thr- e ping purposes_ Genuine Lehigh' Bullets and High 'Grade Coke. ..d.�.� C x1te1a . HEBALL ONT. ''-'•'ixone,s-off ce I20r0a_ House, 10J Ear .Corner Summsr'S about gone. . That's all right - picnic:erg have done enough damage tau Bast until next summer. Hamiltare police, :arrested a man Cor staring at Wazzren,. Why didn't they arrest the. -women? 1 Money talks; ;Fret you. never dh2 and . <a dollar talk back to the tax collector:. A stitch ha, .'r:eunte "saves wonde i>_ug it the hole in your sock;isbow:s r Among the siya.ky movement; on footis'ai woman( its tight !shoes, Leap on, ehheing women and one will eaatch you. Science is making headway. It has discovered that 92 per ;,ceirt of children tell Jos and that 'moist men: 'are merely grown-up boys. +zw»fa An exchange, sayti that a certain man's health is improving as he has been able to attend church oc- casionally c3uring this past few We- eks. Thiere's ,"i beep <of fellows that aim still 'sick;. Mr. A. K. '$'odginii •of Lucan, who is' the Conservative. candidate in East Middlesex= has just taken unto himself a. -wife, Some ,fell ows aro almost too fond of a fight. --Ex. .1 The a:ievenae from Ori. beer is not ,up to expectations, while theta on gasoline is swelling the Pror- inciaT coffers. Which+goes to show what the people are more inter- ested in. Hard worked farmers' wives will welcome a new syntom adopted in rtn easltern daiatriet during: the threshing tsea'son. Instead of look ing to the housewife for a hot ureal time neighbors' who assist in the work carry- their lunch with them. The host Tatrnitshes hot and cold , driroakst. $1.50 Ill .fie reetase, $2 Mar sit mats .the • event Oct. ist an,2n JONOTHAN JACOB MERNER Who carried the 'Convention of a candidate for South llurou at the Big Conservative Convention at Hensall last Friday. He ways the selection ,of twelve nominees, a- mong Whoine were some .able and capable menti Mi. arner is a Zurich old boy and needs no intro- +. cluction to Zurich.: people, land it is believed he will poll a large vote in: this vicinity; where he is so well known and has( many good ') friends'. Mr. Merner was a for- mer M P. for 'South TIuron riding for two terms ,but -gas defeated' four years' ago by Mr. Black, Pro- gressive, but eniteetainis ;strong topes of a romebacl ', Zeeeek,issicietwessooseowittito40urge o ••e essei se eee•s• • •: Brown oot Shop �R O Where 'Good Shoes tau SHOP VIII] E REfzU LAB:PRICES HAVE CRE ; T iC 1) A SD SA TION, OWING TO THE BROWN BROS. NEW LOw PRICE POLICY NOW IN FORM, ANN Ortf e ns THE: NEST' SHOV4'XNGest. sip OF NEW likai.7UL, li+"OO•T W EAR as 0 0 • Cost Less •s • • • • •� • •• s I SPECIAL .i:.'RICES FOR so> o LEATEHOEHER P. Sole Agents for theamou,is firth Shoos w: - far Mer:, ams.1 Boge • * SEE .OUR WINDOW ' ISPLAY g • 4) AS ; pe••4400d60,te' giggt • • ' vh „a • *. .40 444 +! i • 441,y -4' OASOH as .. .144 !.•: 0944-11,1-1,0•414- 4.0 OfP41)0(fr.0+01 ....***40. 4).0 1 CI= URC I NOTES . Our Rally : Day ' •anitici6ea'tions were fully realized last Sunday, in the. morning and evening. Those, in charge of the various services especially the officers 'of the • Sun- day School and Leagues, deserve nimbi credit for the splendid suc- cooses of the. day. The (rerspon,se. of the people, old and young was very encouraging. •The • tv o soros by Mr. Biaugh ,of Detroit were' gre- atly enjoyed. Orn Sunday, Sept. 21•th, the ser. ere,•+s will be as. follows - 120.01 am Period of worship. Make a spaeiai effort to be ,present to \hear the sermon; on the subject '•t'he comparative responsibility of the pulpa and the Rev. in re- gard to . the. truth." 11.00 tam, Bible School for alleges. • and ela.sses.: 7.30. Sacred Song 'Service by the Choir, assisted her the Paramount 'Male Quertefte of Seaforth, Ont. 8.30 Senior League meeting, Let us 'see whether a "Standing Roma Only" sign alight be ap- Propiate for our church, f Ern‘ mite' Evangelical Church ercoat iia: e 4, • • •I Vis+ P m w a • ZURICH; •— ONNT. ILLINER AT TRE .Bat Shoppe 'ZURICH We welcome 'ail the ;Ia.dies of Utter). and, vicinity to come in and inspect our fine 'sheering of FALL. and WINTER; HATS, We have 'a big a,slsortment to• ,choose from. Displaying all the lastest 'stydese nd ;Shades; where Styles and Economy i '$et: •BI1ING EireOt3R , F, RI':ENDS' I4ONAND SHO WT G HEM OUR VALVES PRICES CONSIDERED Siotert Ali, Frank Cochlin of Stephen, called on friends here lint Sat- urday. Mr. Newell Geiger has resumed hts 'studies ,at the Exeter High ti hool. 1 Mr. Christ Huss, tl.Iii. and Mrs. l's up, of Elkii;ardt, Ind, werCf visitors with relatives here r over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs( J. Routledge and -Mists Ida Routledge, Mrs. M. ( R. (Felber and son ,Charles motored to 7atton on Sunday; Mr. L, Schilbe is making a fine outside entrance to the lining of, the upper storey in, 'his block, nnbich• wild be a great convenience • The Paramount Male. Quartette of4Seafort} will give a varied pro- giamme in the Evangelical church net Sunday evening. . • Mr. and Mrs( Jos. J. Schwartz an baby aaby dauglatex of Detroit, are trisiting at the, hcsrne •of Mrs. Seh- waqz's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Fine.. • ?MMisi:s Vora V_• Siebert our local milliner, : Me again opened pular bUsiness 'and is. showing a fine, :die lay of the newest and most select head attire for ladies. Mr. Herbert Kalbfleisch left on "151'on:day td resume his studies in the Waterloo College. He has uor coriit'lr*ted his; first two nee 'sir!,`•,,yr• 'lt[i.yiCia _1n"`Airfe rind I:llteglcla. to gatrtinue until he has the B.A -degree inferred upon hire. • With%Vedneeday of this week the half -holiday 'season; will conte tb a close. The schedule as it was agreed'' upon, in the spring, extends on to October 14th, 'but 1Fith the extremely cool weather coming on the merchants dec- ided to discontinue closing on Wed- nesday •afternoons. The local branch of the Wom- en's Institute will hold a business meeting ep Thurs'dey evening,Sep 4th, at 8. o'clock sharp in the Lad es H.a11.. ,All niemhers are esp daily urged to be present at this 'eating • The cool weather the iast few ays makes one think of looking ver the coal bin. While the an- hracito trainers' are on 'strike, the cal dealers at Aenisall haet.'e•{ (a no pile of these" black diamonds n head, the big problem: , :with uo's't of uls•is ear \i^- raise the price o pay' our supply. Mr. and Mrs'. Henry S. Fau�st,and ughter. '1ti2rs'. Blaugh" of :Detroit, o pleasantly 'spneding a time th vain • here. Mr, Blough, Detroit rand the forener's 'son Mr Elroy' Faust of Urbanda, Inda,. tored over and spedn Sunday re. 14 Bliaugh whoa an even•- lis,tic singer, greatly impressed large gathering. in the Elan,,- el - 1 church on, Sunday fuorning. Preparations for the little'IWor- S Fain to be held at the Zurich it Grounds ,on Pet. let and 2nd, going 'ahead t'teidily and yo g and old' are looking forward to bigde ,-('• •T'1i,e Judges 'secured u the Ontario Department of riculture this year are as fol1- s-Horasa, Robe, 1Tarvey,Guelpb: tie, Sheep' and Swine, Alf Hales kphe Poultry, Win Cathoan,Lon- ; • Ladies Work, Miss I, Jackson, y, A d4atte, liar', the' big playtt,1 m:4 10 championship of South on has been agreed upon ,to on, friday eve. ,of this week, n the big Crediton team will over land pray the deciding ie witl• the locals. The team will win this game will no kit match popularity and. bo a big draiwin�g card next Et. would only be every opriate sug;gel,gtion, that one ur wotthy Parliament Merida - present tube winner+s with 'a b'le eup to be' i'ctainti only vimeng 'it thy, thre cotvaecu'tine I: Let es crybody e nue out, cls,•>er 'yQiu f'a,vot+rte to atxu o:tl:. r ictory, '1 2 i e d 0 t Io 'fi b IT to da ear wi of Mr urn h.9 • g:3 the Ica ld' Fa' are un a fro] Ag ow Cat sue dart Tro ga., Hur bo whe be gate that clow rvi11 iappr of h cis suite, by nears an 1 tb V t.. $5.00 Ready -to -Wear Spetitacles DARK OR LIGHT COLORED STIBLL RIMMED GOLD .MA'1 1n/re, SPECTACLES FITTED 'WITH LARGE ROUND LENSES, ABSOLUTELY' si-i: H. TEED TO FIT.. COMPLETE IN CASE. HERE'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY $5.00 W. G. HESS & SONS sestaet♦eaue.t.aea♦a♦ala*♦?*0•0•0+DE1♦♦****4*44a Vies- O co- Seasonable 11 rs $ aHare* Received a large number of Genuine WooleHare*a ♦ Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. o Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush 1 Rugs, pry • it Ranging from $7,00 to .-,_. ®• • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING IIS A. C•A.LLI. o A BIG Stock of Hermosa and Halters • always a liar o Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. a HARNESS REPAIRING- .A SPECIALTY • 1'8tA1 11 ; FRED THIEL - ZURICH 4aeaoobooaosa♦♦♦�♦a••as+t+♦♦♦�aaasa♦a•�+♦aeee�®�+��,��.. ale +l++II4'24+II+3++P+t++t•+s++ih+2^+'I++1++++++++ r+.Ir++++++++++ '3^3+++* °41+..44.4 Reliable Footwea At Prices that save you Money i a rs + Musses Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11.-2 Relala +Miseas Pat and Oxf. rubber heels,, size ii to 2 1 Childs Pat 2 -strap slipper's low heels, sizes 8 to 103i at 1 Infants, pat, slippers size 2 to 7% at • --- ,,, _ K e Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at .� e a. Growfug girl's light. tan. ,and pat. slippers,Murray'at CLOS +g Wino, 1 strap 'Pat. 'slipper, pow heel size, 2/t 3 to aw-l;' E Men's heavy work shoes at .. .•i..__ -P.-- $2,1 Greb's Work shotes, No. 1 grade tan, and black pr. ,., _,,__ ,Sat . Women's "canvass slippers, leather soles ,atlie, ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS• .� O. FRITZ & SON SHOE 'MERCHANTS + 44 ++ +F++1+$++ + +€r+$+ ++1+ ++,d+++t+d++F+ ++i++,e E++ +$++++%+1^++^t +F+i * , 14,.+xom Bargains,:M'argains We -are . offering very attractive Bargaing in, some lines of Dress Goods, Gingharns, Prints, Ladies* and Men's Summer Underwear, HOSIERY AND HOSE LIG r WEIGHT, OVERALLS AND PANTS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS. ALL OF THE U 1I S WaS CARRY ARE WELL FILLED UP WITH GOODS N.P*,l' G. Fen EVERY DAY+ PRICES AS LOW AS ANY, QUALITY CitldidStO Ell ED, r � s We ail to give'Satisfactio R. N. oL. - GEIVV4AL ME: 'OHAa'vr PHONE 11 Kj