HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-09-17, Page 1Vol. XXV I No t1 n • ZURICH, THURSDAY M( NV,. SEPTEM-BER 7, 1925. Chester L. Smith', $1.25 a Year bit k , $1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BE Zurich Fall Fair, the c0 event, Oct. 1st and 2nd COAL THERE IS A COLD 'DAY COM- IIHG. The present rep agre ent .be- ;tween the miners and the Mine 'eurnersl expires cele the 31st of August. Them mar and may not '3be a strike, but be prepared. `?Prices •are now at bo'Ltom, efill rap :; •our [bins :with the. best coal. Gen- +smine Delaware and Hudson Anth 's ache direct from the mines. It 'makes [warm FsierFda'. Egg, Stove 'and Nut vise. ' SOFT t OM That highest. grade, the best -unexcelled for domestic amid thr- • cnbning, purposes. Genuine Lehigh RralEetu and High mow' ',Grade Coke.. Cain te1on:. H ENlBALL ONT. jT'bones--O1fiee &0w House 10J Our Corner There are 277,aett gaele crossings iim Canada 27',8111' accident, breed- - tares. There's ane nice thing ,about tr- emblem Yon get ,rid of old ones to make roan deli new ones. Huron Catirdtlfr shoulel certainly 7Vie welt informed!. regarding polit- 'Leal matters, Fraying listened t Premier King present the Govern- f mems side at Exeter and Rt. Ho; Arthu rMeighenr, le'n'der of the op- position speak fc'r the •other side at Wimghamc last rrreek. The village of Ripley was •ih- corporates' early in the present year,, anis they state that the ch- ange has been followed ' by a red-, uctionl of foie nrelia in taxation. The only gikaiu boat ;that ar- rived at the Goderich Harbor last. week was! Use steamer Glencairn, which had a cargo '6f 75,000 bush- els of wheat anal screenings for the Goderich elevator, this was the first 'shipment received at the port of the 1925 wheat crop. The Conservatives of South Hur- on 'have a/rceady taken action to place a candidate in the field to contest the corning election. The ,executive net at Bfemns'all last Thursday, night, and the convent- ion will be ,held on Friday after- . noon of this week also .at Hensall when a candidate will be :;selected. J. L. KILLORAN TO ,.COUNTY COURT" BENCH Annoincemurft has beenmade of the apypoinitment of Mtrf James L. Killoran, barrister, or Goderich to the County Court ,bench. It is wide 'sto'od, that Mr. Killoran will go to Stratford, succeding His Hon. Judge Barron, who W retiring. Al- though there im_ regret of they rem oval. of, Mr awl, anMrs`. Kilroran from: Goderich, but in future' he will be Down as Juclge' .Killoran. ni•••••4 - The following letter of apprec-` iation was received by Mr.' Eickineier, manager of the Zuric=1i;'. Jubilee Band, for service'srender ed at the big celebration at Exeter ons .Labor Day'. ' Guelph, Ont., Sep# 9, 192 Dear Mr. Eicknieier; I cannot refrain from sending to you a 'special word of thanks+, and eohrgratalation's on the admirable manner in which the, Band rendered the various 'select ions of mulsic on the occasion of my, visit to Exeter on Monday last o I hope yon will accept di convey to edire members of your Band ;ran ej preslsion of my apprec . iation of their contribution . to the success of the occasion, To me it was a "very !special, pleasure to enjoy this markedea preslsion of the )good will orf your-: self and of those who played un- der your direction. With. Kind Re'gjards, Believe Me, WL.• �MlacKenzie Mr. Eickme'ier, Zurich, Ont. King : nsetrvativ � ••••••gyre••••0•006•••••aa�azeseo tomege ae$00*s***s****: r o' oot Shop i ,: •s4 mio Where Good Shoes Cost Less • THE, SHOP WHERE REGU. .40 Y sip LAR PI-BIe:ESti HAVE :CRT! mow. - E I f A. SES ,cr_a10'1'+T, OWING ING r 4! TO TH1'. BROWN CRQS. �,,N, r+,,�4 N2 Br • • spa - • • ; fa ":= • . Xa NEW LOW PRICE :POLICY NOW IN' FORCE, 1s.NNOU vC e iES THE, FIRST SHOWING ,a 1` o ▪ OF NEW FALL !FOOTWEAR ` WI 13 SPECIAL PRICES Z- FOR AGITID !SCHOOL SHOESER 0 0 Sole Agents for the Famous Greb Shoes for Men •;,a nd Boys BROWN gm ROS' SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE :o• NSr11 r R@lit$so't fsi0000 s0000 0000eN{ oos000l at- -*••k • S 41110 ▪ .1 LILL 4F * kN • ,.*.4*-4‘4,44*••*•*••40 ,• ; r ar•**•a••••••ma.*•4 .. verce oho ea ii. re .4 casettes o u sormnal 94 ,•'•N. r�bdv 4 4, • • • 4p PHONE 'r Con enton A CONVENTION OF THE CON - SERVATIVES OF SOUTH HURON WILL BE 'HELD IN THE Town Hall, Hensall `ON' Friday, Sept. 18th St 2F00 Van. To Nominate a Candidate for the Roues of !Commons Each Municipality is' •entitled to send three Delegates for each Poll- ing Sub -Division R. V. LOSUEUR, M. P. of Sarnia and other prominent speakers will Address the 'Convention. Executive Meeting at 1 o'clock GO,D SAVE THE KING Robt. Higgins, ,Secretary. C. G. Middleton, President. CHURCH NOTES RALLY DAY, Sunday, Sept, 20th,,, 10.00 a.m., an appropriate Ser- • mon 11.00 a.m. Bible School Rally.. Pour Banners' will 'be given to the classes ranking highest in tour groups on; the following basis; j Ar -Every member present in the i class on time. B—Largest number of visitors br- ought to school. '1 Largest number of new 'sch- olars,. D—Largest average offering. The answer of the loyal member • is "I'll Be There.' BRING RELATIVES ANDFRIENDS '7.30 para.. the League Rally. • Several Ybung People will take, ,part. Last Sunday Evening out at- tendance record' was( broken. There were 'about 270 present. Can we mike'•it :300 next Sunday evening? We can if 'we will! *'i ' ***did/P******Aa4 dr*4** h*4 *********44,4 The Choir will be with us again: •next Sunday, Emanuel'; Evangelical Church ZtEtTOi , ONND, Mrs. Morriss Weber of Goderich ;Spent a few days 'with; friends in •.town. Mr. Les Benedict left on Tuesday or Detroit, where he intends to e for some time. Mr. and Mrs'. Alex. .Sparks and ion of Seaforth, 'spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs'. T. L, Wurm'. Mrs Geo Brock of Hensall, vis- ited at the home "of W. Ci. Callfas the past week. Mis's Mildred Hoffman has ret- urned after a week's vacation spent in Toronto and Stratford. • Mr. George Vollan.d, accompan- ied by his aunt, Mrs.' Alford, of Detroit, motored over and are vis- i'ting relatives here. irIr. and Mrs:: Chats. Way and ;family and Mrs. Wm. Rivers of Exeter, called at Dr. Routledge's 'on Monday. Mrs. Lydia Geiger and family, Mrs. S. Ronnie and Miss Elizabeth Rennie, have returned from spend- ing their vacation at Grand Bend. Mrs. M. R. Eiiber (and son Charles of Detroit, are 'spending `the week with Dr. and LMrs,. Jos. Routledge. :Mr. and Mrs Jas. Trevithick of Brinsley spent- Sunday at the home Irl f the: l.tter's' ;parents, Mr.' and Mrs W,• G. Hess. Re'v and Masi. C. Schrag, M. and Mrs. David Gingericli had a pleasant motor trip ,with friends at Kitchener, New Hamburg and other points, the past week. Mr .and Mrs;. Conrad Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of .Elmira were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: A. A. Weber Bronson Line. Mr. 'and Mrs. M. C. Milliken have moved their effects into thehouse owned by Mr. J. Preeter on Vic- toria. Street, • and formerly occup- ied by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. ,Albrecht Mis[ses 'Gladys and Ruth Spath, a r. who spent a month's vacation with their aunt, Mrs. P. Koehler, have returned to• their home in .Cleve- land, Ohio. • 'Mr. Jacob Regier, who was tak- ea to London Hospital some we- eks ago and operated on 'for re - metal of prostrate gland, returned to his'home here on 'Friday and is rapidly on the way of recovery:, Me. and Mrs'. Wm. 13•. Bender of Detroit, pleasantly 'spent their va- catioo with relatives and friend's here. Mr. Bender is earring on a succees`ful carpenter contracting business in that bury city. The final play-off game billed for last Friday betv,•ae.r Crediton and, Zurich for to decide the South Huron championship, had to be called off on account of rain, and a sthere ins rain, nearly every day since, there isono date set or this important deciding game. Don't forget the Zurich School Fair held next Monday, Sept. 21. We all know what a fine time we always • have at this / big event. The, :teachers: and !scholars are sav- ing no pains' to make this the beast ever. ' Bring the whole family a- lone.and encourage our youth, the colruung generation. CHARRETTE—JEFFREY. A very happy matromin,al ev- ent was celebrated in St. Peter's R. C, Church, Drysdale, last Tues- day, September Sth,, when. :Rev. Father, S. E. Gerard united in the Holy Bends of Weddlock, Miss Eva jeffreyO daughter, of Mr. and Mrs; George f'effreye of the Sauble Line Stanley, 'Township to Mr. Norman iChr.4rrOtte, eon o't.., Me. amid Niro. John ",Cli,arette, Sauble Trine, Hay Township.,' The. attendance i of guaet's. 'wer+ei..Mony. awl very costly gifts Weed . apteeenitc c1. They will lt, trz.a thtik'c`.+f#irs hn'rne tri Detroit Where they;' take' With them best ) r"n 0? <ri.. oxrds.,o ,�t1r rooriaediate community' 5.00 $°';.: Ready -to -Wear Spectacles DARK OR LiIGHT COLORED SHELL RIMMED GOLD' FE .it :' . SPECTACLES FITTED WITH LARGE ROUND LENSES, ABSOLUTELY GU TEED TO FIT.. COMPLETE IN CASE. HERE'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY $5.00 - W. G. HESS & SONS ••••••••a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••h;! e • • • • • • • • • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolens NOM • Blankets in Assorted colors Size flan. ••• • • • • • • • • Seasonable Horse Goods • tl FRED THIEL - ZURICH dPeoeAOL•••rseeee eeeerteeeeeeeeeee•••••••••••a••• Also ai Number of Beautiful English Plush, Rugs,, parte Ranging from $7.00 to -.. . - a..«ippEolk SAVE MONEY BY !JIVING US A. CAIS A 1310 Stock -of Harness and Halters always on blink Club Bag®, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FROBTMI €Thg +i:+.14.+++A+l++i+++b•++++••!•+k+o' • >r+•. ••sr+•+++•++++++4 ML Reliable Footwear At Prices that save you Money Missies Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heel's size If -2 ' 7r 'a,FE Misses Pat and Oxf. rubber heels, size 11 to 2, pr. _MOS Childs Pat 2 -strap clippers low heelsl, sizes 8 to 10% at Infants pat. slippers 'size 2 to 7% at ..... ,..- :.,e. ; Van Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at ..,... Growing girl's light tan ,and pat. 'slippers, Murray at WIN Wmo, 1 strap Pat. [slipper, low heel, size, 2i, to 7.4 ,,. . _ SIVA Men's heavy work shoes at+•k•••••• P. - Greb's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr. 540 Women's canvass slippers, leather soles at ,. ,... ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 0. F R ITZ & SON• SHOE MERCHANTS 4 Bargains argam We are offering very attractive Bargaing in some' lines of Dress Goods, Ginghanns, Prints, Ladles' and Men's 'Summer Underwear, HOSIERY AND HOSE LIGHT WEIGHT, OVERALLS ND PANTS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS. ALL OF THE LINES We CARR ARE WELL FILLED UP WITH GOODS NEE:ffr 'ize EVERY DAY, PRICES AS LOW AS ANY, QUALI'1'`'COMM FRED. We aim to give Satisfaction R. Ns DOLIGLAS QENENAL MERc;HANT PHONE 11 97 El A.