HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-09-10, Page 8HER L AND INTE GOOD Our Stocks are now almost complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Goods at right. prices 7EW MONARCH AND PENMAN'S SWEATER COATS FOR WOMEN AND 'CHILDREN IO4,EPROOF HOSIERY IN SILK, AND SILK AND WOOL, • I1EW. ALL WOOL FLANNELS FOR FALL WEAR, t SEE OUR SUPPLY OF 34 -IN. CHECK FLANNEL AT 50c, • NEW. COLORED TERRY DRAPERY SUITABLE FOR DOORWAY OR OVER DRAPES. .MIEN ;WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. WE CARRY A COMPLETE RANGE OF MEN'S AND BOY'S OVER- ALLS., WORK PANTS, SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS, BOY'S BLOOMERS. 444.4444++++4+44+++++++++404. +4.4.+++4.4++4.4.4,4 EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES J. G scHp & SONS Produce Wanted, Phone 59 .Zurich's Garage Sas, Oils, : Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs!, Abe Witmer "1,''Sed daughter Luella frons Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs, John Warner - ,efrom Blair spent Siiirday, at the home of Mrs. D,"+ Witmer, Babylon, Line; The date for, the Dominion elec tion • Inas been announced at-Oct- ober t ,:October 29th,, which falls' on a Thins day.. Almost "daily we "read or hear of auto accidents and prop!ertyi getting damaged and people bet- ting injured. This is in . mostly every cane due t� too much speed and hurry, This fast age is cer- tainly a means,of hurrying 'souls onto eternity• Take your time,' just a few more ".minutes longer oa a trip and gat there safely, is a very good advise to follow. Use ua.11y 'tire fast and reckless driver when he "gets to his destination has nothing to do but loot: into space and brag of how• fast he; made the trip. I WESTERN FAIR Sincet he las.; Exhibition (the Western Fair Association ,Ira's put forth every effort,- to improve conditions in all departments for the 1923 Exhibition, which gives promise of surpassing all prey- sous 'successes. Many improvem- ents have ibaen made by altering the layout of the grounds and re- moving a number of buildings,thus providing excellent laccomodation for all outside exhibits and amuse- reents. The buildings have `also beenn greatly improved, especi- ally for Live Stock accommodation, A number of new buildings have beenprovided with the most ex- cellent and modern ,stabling to be found in the country. The comm fort of Exhibitors beer also been taken care of by providing excel- lent islepieng quarters adjoining, but entirely separate, from Live Stock buildings. Other impro- vements have been xoade which will add greatly; to the comfort and eon venience of the large crowds, at- tending ,throughout the week. Monday, Sept. 14th, will be )Chil- dren : Day, when children under 12 years of age from all parts of On- ,`nrio will be admitted free. -- Peo- ple from the rural communities and toe ns and cities will find it to their ,advantage to attend on Chile then s Day, with their families. All exhibits will be • at their' best, and the Exhibition' Board, as well as the exhibitors .ir • all .departments are making aspecial effort C.—to provide, evaryhitng that, can be desired ,for the instruction. and arnuseit ent of fhe children. Gene ural 'gal—Maslen to the Exhibition Ji UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIs1 ES AND TUBES NE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS • will be 25c Strip tickets of five. admissions for $1.00 are also on sale and may ,bo ;secured up to Sept.; etle. "With the spee.iial railway rates and special admission; rates prevailing, the Exhibition author-. itios ase making arrangements to handle capectiy crowds each day. 1116111 .6.TTE117, 9F IN NEED OF:A. `BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ;VB GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND o'r13 iR CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. c BATTERY REPAIRING AND 'BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AO- RTYLENE WELTT,ING. 71 I 'i°I i l i i c- 1 [1.kilii.itfi ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Mousseau ` Zurich • BATTERYLESS RADIO, A Canadian firm has effected the long awaited development in Radio—the elimination of batteries and aerial in the operation of long distance :etc„ Everyone who has heard about the new Rogers' Bat= , teryless Radio' has admired that it is 'a marvellous proposition, -".If it I works" and it does, work. ; In the -presence of the Toronto Star Ra - 'die reporter this new five -tube, ••ee yo egategovix heellotmese0R04•4,••••••••••0•.0•O• tuned radio-frequency receiver, op • aerating from an ordinary light ;sa- J..00AL MARTS teerrected every Wednesday) Eggs ,: 2125-28 Futter per ib. , 40 'Potatoes per bag c-.:,,... . 75e Dried apples ib 8c Oat's .• , 50 Barley',... ' ; 80 B ucl wktea£f 80 Flour cwt. ...,.. 3.75-5.00 Wheat ,.. 1.25 Shorts per 'ton' ....-3.00 Fran•, per ton .... 30.00 .Live Hogs! .... • ......... , . 13.00 Western Farmers'. Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over '$27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses, in, •1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $39,000 . G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. • tf-34 Med Edith Walper visited with friends in Thedford and Forest last Thursday.. .e Mr: and Mils. John Kuntz and son Arnold and Mr,. Clayton Pfile (attended the funeral of a relative at Tavistock on Tueadayr. Miss Hernia Sippel of Detroit, .spent the week -end at the home of Mil. and Mr 1. J. Kuntz, 14th: con. 22 Mr_; and Mrs. Louis Steppler and daughter Romane, and Miss Maud ,Weibel of Kitchener, 'spent Sun- day and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz. .Sorry to report /that Mr. HAS, 'Lipphardt, who has been on the sicl:; list, is not imp loving very favorable. CREDITON Mrs. ;Hy. Sweitzer :and children have returned to Ktichener, after ' isslting with Mrs. B. Brawn. ;Violet.,yoelker has returned afe. ter' spending several weelks with her• !sister Mr's. neW . H. "Smith'. Mrs. Cliff Hill bas .returned to her her home after .visiting at Pigeon, Mich. She was accomp,- ahied• home by Mrs. Wing,,Cora HHaist .and Mr. Lirnberger. Nola Feist, Helen Mclsaac and Elgin' Woodall left last week ;to at- tend the, Westervelt School at Lon ,don. Dr. J. E. Truemner, wife and fam By' are holidaying with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Geiser. Mr. and MS. H. IK. Eilber , and. Bernice, also Mrs. Reny Eiiber and'Mro. G. Nicholson have return- ecl fro'Yn( Ia motor trip to Michigan! Rev, E. D. Becker of Hanover, spent . his holidays with his old friends in Crediton. Mrs. H Young• and Shirley,have .returned fronut Tavistock atter vi -e iting with her mother. N. C. Dreierr t North Western College, Naperville ,Iii., who isvis iting. • ftiij a few weeks at his par- ent's home preached lash Sunday e- enitg: on "The more excellent *hinge. The englagenilent is announced of Miss Lulu Mae, only daughter of Oscar McFalle, `Lucanl, to IT. FF, Swartz; sone of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Swartz'-ix1"fQrediton. The marriage to take),' place early in September. • 31ra. 'Jaeob` ;Finkbeiner has been !seritus'ly ill for Some time. • Hbr many friends hope :he will 'soon recover,. I Auto and ra. to • les, tuned in 25 .station's in a short 1 WC or - • �tixria On,e of the first iactorysets Gleet and using no aerial or, batter- • e• to come through was used in .an • apertment in Toronto which has v a high tension power line at the • rear, trolley wires and telephone OWNERSwires at the front, and electrical • • machinery in the basement—about -tr ig - 1 Ravin n bong tit a tar`ge quantity o • C„, F NA,CO' Motor and Tractor Oils, We have been able to get special di ,counts as we bought at ; ,Carload. pri yes. This is a real oil and the regular prica; is $1.25' per gallon. ,,1 Now it goes at 90e. per gallion. .rY' O k BE e TIME TO FILi, YOUR,,. EMPTY CANS:. WE ALSO SELL THECELEBRATED I' ,; 'OSE GASOLENE W Y e 1 • • ALWAYS FULL OF "PEP" AND QUICK STARTING. • THIS• ur' VILL .ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL WEATHER. ALSO d • every handicap to good \operat--- ion. The Rogers' set wa's pia- ced beside a set which many re- gard as the finest set 'heretolore on the market. The Rogers' , eet'vbas •simply plugged into An ordinary • light socket with no -"A" battery • with i "B" battery, with no Aex • sal wiiate'tee, and every .station picked uli ' ou' stile other set was' tuned in equally as 'wellon the Rogers' s,et, and with less • distur- bance. As the evening 'wore•on and the disturbance faded,. even when using only four tubes, on a hot night in August, 'Stations were i:unocl in all the way from New Onleanns to Chicago without an;ix,j aerial. The Q. R S, Music Co of Teronto, who -ar'o dintributdrs far this product, are desirous, of hav41. ing it sold in;•Zurich by, one cif oto better stores', and anyone •e!sted in, this Might communicate 'With, tlsam. ( , 3 i' e. • i • • • • a : ATIONAL• T IGSIT s2, ® ANI) ORi1IN ARRY COAL •OIL; • lie •s A-"'a,i.1''). 1,INE OF HEAVY ANI) S1 -ELF HARDWARE, BED • • SPR '''G\TT.RESS KITCHEN CABINETS, ALWAYS j, 1 ON liAND AT REASONABLE, PRICES.• l WE ARE OPEN TO BUY YOUR ALSIKE•OLOVER R sE>sn FOR •GLOVE ' • •. 3; Wfli Ili Ii1UliES1' PRICE WILL BE PAID. • 4 7J VE Y''TiOT5 HIND, FURNACE WORK AIVI3+PLUMBING: 6 •' &WEID.I r c URu H OINT. • ••i••0••••••••0106(40••••• •a•mow•• ••••••; • Dashwood. ,Alar. •;Caspar: L. Walper. te- turned to his home here after two manth,ls ,visit with his ddu•- gr.terg in, Detroit. Wm'. Kruger metered 04,er from Detroit a'nd' spent the we k end at the horde sof'Mli�. Ca L. Wolper. 11T'i'ss Beatrice 1 lope, a.e+rnntpatied Mti. Ito eger' ba, k ttr Detzoilt, for, )alk .indetinits Mb% Whaling operations . off the coast df 13rittsh Columbia this season have been very.,' successful. . Four stations and six orseven whalers are working. Some of the vessels Have secured 30 head so far this Year:- Whale oil is sellingwetl England, while whale meat, canned, s ars, estabreshed commodity in West Assts, , the entire ,British Columbia whale .'neat pack of lash year hav,, ing been sold there. r. `- .Arrri igements for the .Rt -funding Of the•old .wing of the Chateau,ajk; • .anise, the 1 Canadian P'acificr9 cliazmirg ha;tel';in the heart of the Canixc�a ' R iesE are yaa 'ren dei•!. ' � The contract' h88 'been /overdid 'to Carter-ilalls,,,Alditiger„ 0. of Winnipeg, and Barrd`t and;iasis; actor areethe architects '1 he liuild� itrg �trill'`have a gi ater nunbiir of e'it.and public rooms than existed in the 'one 'which preceded it, as the hotel is now too otaiall for dire crowds which visit it. The work Is to be .'completed. in time for 'int -0414nt It will be recalled that the Old wing of4 the ihatean tone de. September 19'tka,;>r9 SEE US ;ABOUT Seasonable Hardware AT e Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, ' Hoes, Fencing,, Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Roof=' ing, Etc. This is the time of the ; ear, to do, your outside painting R =MEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED 1@Sl PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET, MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture arta Stoves which we will sell very reasonable;, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT Fa, STOOK. i Mat WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC-. TUATE 'CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS QN AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. ' t 1 4 illi GET IN THE WAY OF BUYING HERE l elitk &ICalbfigeisch Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 A SAFE TNVESTNlENT FEW; INVESTMENTS ARE SO SECURE AND PROFITABLEk AS MONEY. EIIIPLOYED IN MAINTAINING' AN! ONTAR:EOz •t' EQUITABLE LIFE POLICY.. EVERY DOLLAR PAID IN WILL BE RETURNED EITHER AS PAID-UP INSURANCE OR CASH VALUE. • - - • With; the safe investment feature there is alsol. tthe Inriva•. amts pro"tection that is provided by ncx other investnmeista It means a .guaranteed income that is not affected by re verses; It is the highest recur-ity, available to the home• guardianl. • AGENCY ONTARIOEQUITABLE LIFE Head Office Waterloo Andrew F. Hess,- - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE 'AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1f(, Painting and Paper Ranging LET US 1.)O YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANt-i IN a & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT JOB. - H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. SOH ` WARD Drugless eer and EXETER AT W.ALI'ER Every Tuesdays practi Optician. meroppi,top HOUSE, zilrt{' 10 a.ms, t.4 '4 lea>r, Rft +' Do You Know?,: - r + < THAIT.,WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR ,SERVICE; FOE GOOD PRINTING • THAX, WE CAN"' SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED ^w.EDDt tiff - - INVITATIONS AND Ai4rfdO 1NCEMBNTS •I' THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS;' STATIONERS, SUCH: ' t AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES ANNA'' , ,. • STATEMENTS ENT; •II' • THAT WE A..RE AGENTS FOR 'I''WO LEADING BIANUFA `I UREItS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAM RU• 11 PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK,1100X8 THAT,WE CARRY IN STOCK. WRITING PAPERS, ENraE q ,1 •; OPES IN.ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARRON O<i t. � TRACING PAPER, SHIP?ING TAGS, MEMORIAM Via• •emir" AT1ON•ERY,. NOTE BOOBS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO' SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC<,: ETC"; TIFIAT WO FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BQT? M WITH GOOD Fr OTI'NTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. LAW)* GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RRDuarrON& • THAT WE PRINT '?OflTING BILLS,. AUCTION' SAL POS- AVIERO.ANTILE POSTERS S .haiD1 ONNE14.44, ;. PRINTING 01YR SPECIALTY . _11' 41..+' ;'*;`4'„'*1./64 40"+*44.;'",04,44 `, i40,t..m., a, 4�E•e�F•b4•�k�4•��4•+F������%�� �i'li!»k^:,�E«4+4r���4^�^��>1�4+���,.�t II.BRALD OFFICE .1 1