HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-09-10, Page 1Vol. XXVI No le ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1925. A4 • $a.2 v.SotritIlett .,a:v ., .. $i.,GO i7+T.l+,R:ti•EAR�a:��di:T�'kY�+�Ey�i� Zurich Fall Fair, the co COAL THERE IS A. COLD LDAY COM ll G. The present agreement :be- tween the, miners and ithe Mine iewnersi expires en the 31st of August. There may ai 4 .pay not rile a strike, %butt . he prepared. rices 'are now af: bottom, fill up Your Ibin;si:wIth the besit coal. Gen - wine (Delaware and Hudson Antes melte direct from the mine. It ,ssaakes swarm Frien,*t. Egg, Stove stud Nut Size. , SOFT COAL That highest grmde, the beat to excelled for dears tic and tilt,- 'eashing purposee. Genuine Leh & Bullets and High Grade Coke-, HEP ' ALL ONT. Iniones--Office" 10w. House IOJ 1 RTILIZl TEST, During the past year fertilizer experi nates, were conducted ox, 3 Urals .in Huzron- Cnnntty to illustrate the use of various il"eriiltizet °Mall 'wheat. The followiiing are the re- sults from ths d'ii-Xelrerkt "plots on Ate different,1iaxnz +Ick Acid 2-12-2 Phosphate T,H. Krueger„. 17:R. Zurich eve t, Oct. 1st and 2nd C 22.79 44.66 46.09 UNSURPASSED AVIUSEMEN' P. J.Tyndall', R.R.4, Clinton 42-,71 50,15 4.7.46 J::]i►. Anderson„ lI,R,1 Belgrave 3E21 32:61 40.53 Average of 3 ",ra7ri'siis • 3:3.90( 44.14 i4 69 The 2-1211.2: fert%iizer was used at 'they rate all tlaret. hundred pound;' ,per acre and would cost approx- imately $.42.0(9 .per tees which wo- uld Mean $6 300 per acre. The acid phosphate was, applied at the rate of Ma )lust per acre, and at $25 per will cost $5..00. per here. Fromthis date istots win see that there is a greater pr°o•€1 left with the acid 'phosphate than with ;the (complete fertiliser'_ , Magistrate Reid, Go+derich, on �via�aduay' bit imposed a fine .of $20 'and eq'stss 'upon R ,M. McKay, of Blyth;, for dispen( 'ing drugs without being properly registered and qualified as; a pharmaceuticl chemist. The information was laid by an r -n ae tar of the Ont- ario College el Pharmacy, Another charge against XWtt McKay, of us •ing his name to, lead the public to infer that"he ase a registered che- mist, \vas c istraseed, 'On Tuesday last Magistrate Reid held court at Bayfield to )sear Chargers against Edward Weston, proprietor of the d•an.cing pavrlaon there, of failing to sell tax ticuketel as required by the Amusement'€ Tax Act. A fine of $50 "anal costs was imposed on $one charge,,, and a.fine of $100 and costs oz °'a: Second charge. - PROGRAMME AT THE -. WESTERN PAIR The Amusemen.t Prograinine ,at the 14esterh Pair, Sept.12t h° 19th, will provide whoilesoine unit- ,ertainment. of a, caliber never px!e' 'Fiously attained. The free attrac tions in front of the Grand Stand have been selected With ' great) care and no expenSe spared , in iasroviding a .programme of .070, - standing quality, concluding With: a Fireworkls Display ,which repre-: 15ents thin; 's'upreme .,achievement hi Pyrotechnic art: Jenny J". Jones famous shows wills oecupy the )Mid way, and for wholesome entertain- ment and amusement the Jones' Shows are into. clans by themselves Mr. Jones is recognized vs .Amer ica's greatest ish;owmani and is not ed for providing shows, •and j am- usement devices which are above reproach: All patron's 'of the Ex hihition may rust assured that the amusements. on the Midway are the finest that can be secured on this continent. Special rides and am- usement devices ,are provided ;for the children. A programme eaf harness horse races will be (condu- cted each afternoon during the -ex- hibition, and as the track at the Western; Pair is the best in WeA- tern Ontario, race horse owners( and visitors to the Exhibition are assured excellent racers under ideal condition. HAY. COUNCIL. •� �:•Thi regular eetirilg of the (.00, lseetwe letpaJf sesetuteeipasostoop4msewe F9� l esiiis Bcoso v unail of Hay- Township was .nerds fn Brown� oot rho no IliThere.Good $hoes Cost Less THE SHOP: W",l$ERE REGD.= L.R. PI:IC,ESI HAVE CREAT- En REAT-Rn kli SElvTS'`2,'IiIOAT,, ff i viT z7'+r€".ti- -TO THE litIO•lil ' BROS. -A NEW LOW PRICE J?'Elsl.I1.11 't ``'NOW 114' FORCE, . .IsT,IV€1'LTyC Es THE WASP BECOMING OF NEwl :F :L ! OOTWRA.R • • • the 'Town; Hall; Zurich, on Tuesday Sept. 1st, The Reeve, Mr. E. F. Klopp, and Councillors J. P. Rau and • W. R. Dougall were { present. sThe minutes• of the previous meet ing were ,adopted as read. By - P v law- No.. 9, of 1025, fixing the rates • to be levied and collected. on the • )Collector's Roll for 1925, was read • three times', and finally passed. The following accbunt•s were passed- Dominion Road Machinery Co., • Scarifier, $125.00; Serving notices, o Black Creek Drain, 27.00; Marie [fell • 1st award Soldiers' Memorial Schol • arship, 21.50; "Bertha Corbett, 2nd • award Soldiers' Memorial Scholar- • ship 16.50; Isabel Russell, 3rd .aw- • and Soldiers' Memorial Scholarship • 11.00; N;. Samaras, pay sheet, St- ephan, Masse and Schwalm Drains 576.05; W. H. Robinson, cableman, 65.20; Bell Tlegephon,c Coe Molls, ; '93.87; P. Thiel, iron for telephones Office 3.60; Empire Brass Mrg. Co. lead • cable -3.50; C. Walper, meals!, cabloman RAO; Stromberg-Carlson Co., • 'supplieel 35.90; M .G. Deitu, labor 16;90; The Council :adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, Oct( 5, at• 1.30 p. m. RSCHOOL SHOES.SPC CF°R SOLID R • • • Sole Agents' : for the Famous Gra) Shoes for Men and yse ZRO ROSTLY pomp •SEF AIRINWIII�T NG OW D sp j.y I • 0 ot a* ,•.A ' 4110 -41110 . 4 40. a •. • vercoa o,. • • )r'lio:N1 ,67 ,40 Rs� 0+a A. F. HESS, Clerk: CHURCH NOTES Members and friends of the 'church please note that at 8.00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11, there ,will be a :Preparatory Service for ,Com m.un- ion. ' Sunday School :song books will be used. Everyone is urged to bo present. On Sunday 10.,00' aen, Sept. 13, the Sacrament of the Lords Sup- per will be 'observed., All lire wel- come to take part 'who love the Lord'Je'sus and are trying to do His will, whether nienibers of the church or not: A,11 children meet in the church on Priday at- 4.10` pita. to organ- iez a Junior League, Parentskin- dly assist in this matter and see to it that your children are pres- ent. . -On Sunday Evening `th{e off e- ers of the Senior Lcague Will be inst4llP4,i and atter •the ',et ening so cep 'the' first League meeting will be li.eld, Let 1.13 make this 4a, gieat "day by being in our places and en time. 0 Emanue.1 Evangelieat Church ZURICH, •+ OhlNT. s� Mr. J. K. Ehlers hays taken) a position_ at the mill. Mr.. and Mrs'. J. (ley :Jr. were at London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. harry Rose of Win dsor visited relatives here over the week -end. Mr. Syrus Schoch•and family of Blair, were holiday visitors with friends here. .Miss Charlotte Farwell left for Kitchener where she will attend business college. 'Miss Matilda Johnston is visit- ing friendd in Kitchener, Toronto, land Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wesley and family of Detroit are ispneding their holidays at Drysdale beach, Mr. and Mrs!, H. Goodbread and family sof Detroit spent the past week, gnat the home- of Mr. and.Mrs. Ed. Axt. • { Z Mr. R. "J. Kalbfleisbh of De- troit, visited wtih his parents,Mr. end Mrs. P. 0., Kaljbflei'sch ;over the week -end. Mr. Louis Lipphardt 'of the west Is visiting his father, Mr. H. Lipphardt, who' is confined to .his bed. Miss Thel'na Oswald .`of . the rpusoti .ine, visited .l ler; .grand >athese; Mr. Cl is;1st. •OSivald; the past ':week Mr, •Jossph Geiger of Pigeon, Mich., fie visiting friends here, he being a brother to ,,Mr. { Moses Geiger, of the village. Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Steinbach. from Bad Axe, Mich, were week end visitors' with Mr. and Mrs, Hy Steinbach. 14th Oon. Mrs, J. 0. Seholf1, who • spent the pest week, visiting her friend Miss Ethel Williams,. returned to her home in Londoon Monday. 4 • Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Witmer and family . from Kitchener were visit- iting the framer's mother of the +3abylonia Line over the week end. A rumour is iaroiund town that the Wednesday halm -holiday will cliscon!tinne this week. But such is not the case, as it was agreed by all, interested to observe the half holiday till October 14th. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. ;Albrecht during the past week moved their household effects to New Ham- burg, frons) Zurich, where Mit. Al- hi.'echt has purchased a general shire bust;ioss. Their many Zur- nich friends were sorry to see thew go and wish thein much pro'sper- i'ty in 'their new venture. On Sunday evening last ttR.eA ' Reiixbe and a company of prom- inerent members 'of the. Lutheran church, called et the Albre,'ht borne ancl surprised them with an ad- d.reg's .and presentation. ZtJRTCIL WON SECOND GAME Last Friday evening the spec- tators on the local diamond sato a real exciting .g Sine of ball; the second of the finals, and it Vows 'so keenly 'contested that it was. no- body's game until the last roan was out in the ninth inning. Both pitchers, Motz for Crediton 'ancl Thiel for Zurich, played a very steady game, striking out the batters , frequently, yet at tinges their offerings were hit freely,. As bode; Crediton and Zurich have won, ono' _garne in the finals, it was 1eejdod to', toss a coin to 'see where the last and deciding game Inas, to be.. played, which resulted in favor of Zurich and the date set is 1+ridlay etre. of this week, Sept,:. It iss^ `a few years 'sincea deciding championship igame was staged in •Zurich, arid, those who Yien:ley this sport, Should avail thsms'elves :hd see this very inn- portant „ enao. Cont' bring your neighbors aliimg, and cheer for your favorite treatn. The boys need your:: support. Garza is called at 5 &&tock so ad to play a „fultnine inzz%rtg ,gariro ;before. dada„.. $5.00 enc .y -to -Wear Spectacles. DARK OR LIGHT COLORED SHELL RIMMED GOLD 1 Lam SPECTACLES PITTED WITH LARGE ROUND LENSES, ABSOLUTELY COMMA TEED TO FIT. COMPLETE IN 'CASE. HERE'S A REAL OPPOIi.TUNITY $5.00' W. G. HESS 8E SONS, baso+a 40oo.00oa44ia4444'!@0� aaaa�raaMaaaa�af4i e { s 4 4, 4 0 a• • U •0 a • a •i a unable rse Go 44, Tust Received a 1a ge number of Genuine Woolen HOME.) Blankets in .Assorted colors Size 72x84. AIso a Number of Beautiful English Piens Rugs, prlil Ranging from $7.00 to ... .,. .., ... _._...w. SAVE MONEY BY GIVING ITS A CALF A BIG Stock of Harne,sa and Halters always on tion u. 'Club, Ba Ba• gs,. ,. StYit Cases and Trunks at Right Pricers. HARNESS REPAIRING pA SPECIALTY Patna l t f .FRED THIEL - ZURI 43.0040000.00aw vs0as00000004 0*000r®04♦oama0a,r.o,Q+, , 4j1 4+44++++++++++++++++++++++.2.++++++++++++.44•4 Reliable Footwear At Prices that save you Money Misses Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels 'size 11-2 w Misses Pat and Oxf. rubber heels, size 11 to 2,• pr: Childs Pat 2 -strap{ slipper's low heels{, sizes 8 to 10% at -.,...,(0L Infants pat. slippers 'size 2 to 7% at ...L........ Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left sat ... ` g45 Growing girl% light tan and pat. slippers, Murray at tt..65 Wmo, 1 strap Pat.-islipper, low heel, size, 2% to 7.- +�, ; ken's Heavy work shpes at . ....... _ :l?'.....,. Grab's Work shoes, No, 1 grade tan and black pr.. ,, ..... . Women's •canvass llippers, leather soles at .�._ ' -a -Wm ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS .p. •l+ SHOE MERCHANTS 0. FR TZ & SON ar Bargains , sr. n . We are offering very attractive Bargaing in some lines of Dr E Goods, Crohn .s, Prins, ales' and Men's Summer i:Tnderwe ri. HOSIERY AN1) HOSE LIGHT WEIGHT, OVERALLS Ah PANTS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS. ALL OF THE 14NES 1+4'+.: CARRY ARE WELL PILLED UP WITR GOODS 1EED.Iir 'F,. EVERY DAY. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY, QUAL1T5A t' t1°N'S4 E14Ju», We ah n to give Satisfaction N N. DOUGLAS aRNERAL 1r 1�f O NA T PHONE 11 "- 97 el. 4 ii 3. { 0