HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-27, Page 8t,a t. lx!<ii �if.lis h OttrStockof Ladies' and Chid- ..' Hose must be . ,educed So for Two Weeks we are offering Silk lisle and Cotton Hose at laces that will move them out quickly. Come Early for Best Choice Ladies' S'11; Hose, Venins 'Cloxs Asst. colors, eRgular $1,75 for 88e Black Silk for -_ ... 53c Rib .sport lisle reg: 7'5c at ._. 63e Silk Ribbed Reg. $1.00 for ___78c Cotton white and black at ".. 25c Cotta f Block at ! 15e Princess ribbed in black, ,rown and white at 25c. to 45e Girl's 1+hate. hose all eines at 111c Kiddies sox to clear at 28e MANY OTHER LINES IN BROK EN SIZES, CLEARING AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. WHILE HILE STOCK PA.R•ING• AND IN MOVING OUR STOCK, WE 'HAVE !LAID) ASIDE LINES WHICH MUST BE CLEARED OFT REGARD - ESS OF I'iRICE. WE WILL ON LY ENUMERATE A FEW- ptieces 27 -In. Gingham, ' Men's work sox pr. ... ... 13c Reg 2. e. for. yd, .._16c Remnants in ,Dress goods, Prints, j$Toiles of every des:,ription Ginghanis, Voilesk, Shirting% Etc. • to 49c 63e GROCERIES at 25c Quaker corn flakes bx. ___i e Polar white, London Special 1.3c, srevento Laundry Soaps, Mc Reg. IOc, at per bar r..:. al 23e, yd. Irate }he erl+rra Vit a now at Apron ,Gingl en 30 -in. wide li pieces. sti pit toweling at 2 piece:' i'urei^h. tare Ing at Men's khaki work shirts at 06 GASCH Produce Wanted ITEMS Of 'LOCAL INTEREST. • MGs. Julius 'Thiel was at London on, Tuesday,. Mi. an•d il:rs. R. T, Dunlop of Pranleforl, vaned. on Zul?iclr friends receittlyi Mr. Lloyd Rey of L' ondoat, spent the past week, holidaying at • his home, here. Mr', and Mrs. George Ldigl offee of IV1itcJi ll cailed'on; frineds in' 111 village' on.. Monday, Mr. and 1thsl: C. L. Smith., and little Mee Ingeid, Were Stindayn visitors near DaehWool. F' Mr. ;Clayton ]-ioffman of Galt is .spending the week at his hoose^ here: • Mr. and Mra. GW. P. Brown and - eon Billie, of ;Foreet 'visited at western Farmers mutual the home of Mr. Virtu. Lamont un ;LOC AL MARKETS (Corrected every Vtrodneaday) }3uttnr per, 1'b. ' I -2I7-28 tene(;oes, per ha ( Dried apples Ib. .... Oats' Baxley B uckwheat I'l c i r cwt •Wheat Sliorts per ton Bran per ton Live Hogs 75e 50= 80 80 3.75--5,00 . 1.30 3`d1,00 30.00 13.00 f1lIonda,f: Weather insurance Ce Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Brown and daughter Miss Miranda. of Port OF WOODSTOCK Elgin, •aro; visiting relatives here. Carryaw Insurance of over Mr. Leonard Steck of Detroit is. spending' the week at •the hone $27,000,000. Number of Policies' in of Mr. J. Brenner.i. },' force 11,287. Paid Losses, in 1Q2,3 Mi Thee Gregg ,af Clinton,' lens- to amount of $56,143.20. No •acs- eral Agent for the Massey -Harris essment during the year and have was iris the village a few ddyw Last 'a'enalar ce on hand of $39,000 week..-> L B2r„ and Mrs. L. SehilUe and da -.i (- Holtzman—Zurich r, ughter' Margaret, were Sunday, visitors at the home of Mr„ ; and AGENT; ALSO -DEALER IN LIGH- Mize, H. Kraft, .at Dashwood. , Mrs Lottie Garlock and two chil- '11'NING RODS, AND ALL Imps dre;>i of Detroit are spending a OF 'FIRE INSURANCE." tf-34 few days/with Mr. and Mit. John AIbn chit(. Cho Hnrou County Veterans will hold their lannnal picnic With ga.- mos, etc., at Bayfield on. Wednes day Aug. 26th. Everybody is in- i-ited to. come and bring baskets. An exchange as mean enough to say tlh:at lady teachers. who have had no luck in the, matrimonial...fee eld are signing tap for. another IVIrs. S. John.stjhn .of Flint is vis - year c;l;teaching.. iting :friends in. Stanley at present_ Tho first Thursday in Novetn- Rev. and -Mrs. Miller tend Mr. ber is now talked of by those who 1VMannson• of New York are visiting • ought to know as the probably at thei home' of their cousins ,John 10 -date of the Doininio,n general -el- A. and Peter Manson. octioz?j. Miss Cassie Johnston of `Varna. Tlra engagement is announced ,of is visiting. her cousin Miss Anna. Isabel, only daughter of Mrs greet McKinley? Annie MacDonald, Brucefieid, ot. The Anniversary Services will Mr. .Gordon A Manson, Blyth,stirt be, held .'in; the ,United 'Church, of Mr. J. A. Manson, reeve of. Ste Goshen on+ Sundy, Sept: Gth,when. ley, 'Pp... The marriage to take Roy. Mr. McDonald of Eg•niond- place during Augu'st. n'ilie will preach morning and ev- There was some excitement ca-. ening, ` Mrs. Jas. M. Reid and „family 'of i'Cliritoix spent the past week at the home of Mrs4..-Thos.,Robin'son. Mr. Ed. Johnston and gr. Wil- bert Johnston made a business trip to Nen- Hamburg ; on Saturday. and 5c Phone 5,9 urielfs Garage Sas. Ms, , Greases Tires, Tugs, epairs GENUINE FORD PA: iirST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND''TTBES 'WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS et9 L LT, ati:19ELY F'F IN' NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE ;YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. ATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT_ AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE $1 i`t r i tivf'ft H. Mousseau Zurich :t e+post' ceche**a**ee®ae****ee***'alseo otfesms•*romeal►sto co •1110 SPEING TIME! is ,a, • m We have received a full and com- plete line of D •usl es.zi Oil Tarps 0 Lead Sherwin e .°Win Williams paints cFr 7 o Varnishes, Stains, Fillers, Enamels I Paints. l . mw a re. the q. ���:�� �..li�tt� Da�.nts. All these a old reliable paints at right prices, IN FENCING • 0 f9 a`ei • • :i ^:'_ in Goa erich the beginning of ;A meeting is -being held in the last wr:ek, iinee.n en American to- Slillsgreen church on T iesday ev- exist arrived there with three Aux; 'ening too consider 1, he „re: adjust erican nage flyin'g•on the trout o% meet of the work under the Kip - his Car and tied t� the spare sire .pen and Varna circuital at .the back and almost dragging Mr. and Mist. Henry McClitiehey on the ground, a Unitii Jack. The and family spent.'a few days;last Chasl ofPolice asked hiin to either. week, e„l;; visiting friends ,in Goderich:. rut the union Jack up wvith':'the turned '"home; the former intends others or take them .dewiv. Int going on another trip down the first the man refused ,to touch Ua lak, (, flags, . then las tool; the Aiuerieen flags dozen, and put e in his'The ladies, of the Uni`LecI c�' huff n held a car. Then; he untied 'the Urlio:i ' lawn Social 'on the grounds Jack and threw it '.on''the ground.' of Carnxel church on Monday eve w suing, Aug; 24th. A good pro- gramme of music, Songs, and read= ngs wit !given', WE HAVE THE GENUINE FROST LIGHT LOOK WOVEN ev e FENCE, d'bN'T Bit MISLEAD BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED 0 JUST THE SAME OR JUST AS • GOOD. AS EVERY ROLL OF FROST-ENQE HAS ITS I,IIOST o 1 op WE 'HAVE IT, ALSO BARB WIRE, STEEPLES, BRACE ,g • W1Rh, E'rC+. 0 d1 ' GET, OUR PRICE'S i ON COFIVG ATED GA.LVANIZRD IRON ROOFING,', CaUNCIL • STAND ART) ANL, 011..1[1 NARY AT RIGHT PRICES. WE'ARE c' TER ROOFING EXPERTS ag 0 0 • "� y w Ri i U C H TIRES! TIRES! fiENSALL. IRE - HANDLE TI•TE OLD RELIABLE GOOD'YEAR, AND GOOD- w BLAKE The; meeetinng fol he Mission - land will be'held in the church on, aturday afternoon, Auguoot 29th;. at 2.30. Miss' Viola Ediglioffe(r{ cep .0e- troit ;accompanied '.bye. Mrs;. Wm, Yule ,and Mrs. Marshall of Fuller ton spent several -days • with Erie end's in this vicinityt Mr. and Mrs. Miller and i"Vlr. Manson of New York, spent the past week with friends on the Goshen Line. Quite a number 'from this vic- inity attended the Manson-McDon aldnuptials at !Bruce/field last' Thursday. ( ,Among those who left . or the Canadian "West last Friday we not- iced the following; Mrs. Edighof- ler; Messrs Harold and Jim John- ston, Edge Finlay, Val. Gerber, Al -- vin Walters, Jerry Dick, and Joe Gelina.sj. Mi;. and Mrs. Henry 03osliart and family and Mi .and Mrs Eli Bosh,. art and family of Baden, spent the week -end with relatives in this vicinity‘vicinity‘itltyl'. Mr. Roibling of Wellesley +spe ent the weekend at the horde of. his daughter, Myst. Jake Kennel.. Mr. John Thirsk spent the wcet ell -end at the hone ol!' Mr: and Mss,: Bobt Boyes, st Egmondville. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Finlay, ace:, onapa,»ied by Mrsq. (Capt.) How- ard Burnit of Desecanto, left .On Tuesday for Kincardine to att- end the funeral of a ,relative., i 'Threshing is the order of the, clay ilY; thrs vieinityr • Mr ..and • Mrs. John Dick of Ore; illizettectonapanied by Mrs. Dick, of Hensel), called on friends in the vil- loge reeeatly'. Miss Margaret Meyers: who nen,. ent ~several .months in London, rree. turned hotae on. Saturclay, Mr. ,and Mrs, iV1. Brown, "accainee ponied • by Mr. 3 .A. Meyers, sp- ent Sunday with .friends in • the vili age. . - M"r, ;and Meel.- i41'; e•no-rry, rt:a;i tin .pini+ecl b Ms' . i' .rind h'Ir;r�, 7.reil ` 1' Y .Ste glee of Zurich, 'Visited friends Oountriah.t and :Detroit recently. Mr,. R. G. Nichol,og,Theinson, e t'- l.e�d' on friend3' in this vicinity last week,. RICH .i1h1.5. ?IMES ON ANY OF THESE' EQUAL TO CAT in- ALOCIU 11 PRICES IN ANYr... SIZES. I'ABRIC, CORD OR •BAL- a' 1,00N, 1 FOIL LINK; OF' HEAVY AND SHELF' HARDWARE, ,SEEDS a AND GRASSES, GRASSES.• O N T. HENSALL. Our hlalf h.olida�y, closes with,the end of this month :for the present ye�ait. n - Dr j:ltoir has quite a number of • people from the vicinity ,help- ing hip! in his' onion ieldE W. J, Johnston; of St. Louis', Mo,., is iiere visiting hi -s „relatives Mr !and Mrs. N.1L, ,Murchi, of Toronto, were visitorW at the par - 'nonage;. Mr !and 'Mils. W. E. Hedden and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Case . all of Se., Cathari.n(es were here -during the past week, visiting ,relatives and friends in the village' A and also at Zurich. Mrs. Ed. Sheffer is confined to her room ''through illrness,. Miss Foister of Tonawanda, y., is visiting relatives an town. ' Evelyn, Heffernan is visiting her aunt in Claecleboye. Lyrae' Ortwein, of ,Toronto, vie - Heel her parents and 'other relati-. yes Isere, Wnn McKny is busy raking_ s)me...improvements to has reeid- ence on Brock ai Mrs, Roy White land Mists Mar- garet Wilson are . honkie visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. MriL. 15Wi1'ston, Mr. Wilson stilt eon- tioues very pearly.. Mrs., John Blatchford has 'return `ed to our v'illkage after spending some Five months with relatives and friends in St. Th;orias: Miss Mattie Ellis. and Emily IVior rison,, who were*, away on a meter trip through Eastern. Ontario., �re- The wedding of Hettie Whitee sides of Goderich and) 1VIrf. Ede mood A., Eines, of Clinton, tool' place ;atthe pars•onag'e on Sait'tr- day .afternoon last. Rev. A. Sin- clair ef;ficia•tedL eAD'ter a honey - noon', "'trip, Me. and 14rsi, Pinen will reside at Clinton, where Mr. Pines 'la a beadier at the eolteg t An executive meeting of the South Huron (oneerz ai;iv-e Conven- tion to nominate n 'candidate for South Intron; in • the coming Fed- c 1 a , Clcetion(. The meeting wt's celitelargely attended, but Manx even cu rye feeling that. thero, was STANLEY TOWNSHIP, doubt 'of an election linthg held this wafsr ?thought better by the lltiss Fiance ',Reid and Misr Risby- ;ezeeutiiVe not to natio tt date tor Brratt 'rad'speeding a weck at he &tiling of a • ci avenita n at: the fianiilto1 ' aind Torontor, Thursday ., rigusl 27t , "t ' ABOUT Seasonable : ardware AT, Reasonable Prices Such a -s Forks; Hoes, Felicia Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Roos - ing, Etc. This is the time of the year; to 4,91 your outside painting REMEMBER WE SELL THR ONLY GUARANTEED Ie PURE PAINT ON THE JARKRT . MARTIN SENOUR IW..,.....,.o,.,1.1M. u,,..VE/.�,.. ,.a,;.P...,[131"1.....1•0..101[0/1=„111•111.. Some real good Secondhand Furniture an L. Stoves which we Will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT IN STOOK. ;1. 1 ails WE ARE : AGENTS FOR THO CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC= TUATE CARPET WEEPER. COME'AND SEE THIS OIC„ - AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. 1 ; ' it;, ;'. GET* IN T±I.d vVAY OF BUYING -HER, i ZI1bhiBoh i Hardware 8aniture Phone 63 11/44 patumeatinarm tutweraaumsrtmtztenattratentutta NUtr)9ren ,gg3=ttortnivarn1R1'kvanttiglCt LTAIIIMMISIIM.R. MICRO PEW INVESTMENTS ARE SO SECURE APE PROFITABLE AS MONEY EMPLOYED IN k'IAINTAINIING Ax' ON'.i;AR'IO EQUITABLE :'LIFE POLICY.. EVERY DO'L'LAR PAID WILL BE RETURNED EITRRR AS 'PAID-UP INSURANCE OR CASH VALUE. . With! the safe .investment Feature there is aisle ,the- ''refer- ence nlsu -once protection that is provided by no other investment It means -a guaranteed income that is not affected by re 'verses; It is the highest recur-ity available to the home guardua-J,' (GENCY A i ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE Head Office — Waterloo Andrew F. Hess,' ' Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? • Painting' and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, 'PAPERHANUIN., • & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TO MERS WITH EVERY Tand- OB . WE eer t icia i' EXETER • --- Move; TC: W:ALPER HOUSE, Ztr'R rr. Every Tuesday:, 10 a.me to' t Ix s3 3 JOHN AI D Drugless Draetio-u-, reArt.1 time. (' t ; f • DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT 3013, H. EICKIVIEIER, WB ZURICH -• ONT. Enri»oF2IQ: Do You Know?' ' WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOTYR SERVIOU POlt . -... GOOD PRINT S, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WRDDINGli ' INVITA.TIONS ANIS .PRINT ANNOUNCEM E N TS. +r•THAT PR NT CALLNG CARDS; STATIONERS„ SVCS, " 7 AS LETTERHEAD$1, BILLH>ADS,.ENVELOPES Asp STATEMENTS TH T WE' ABE AGENTS FOR"TWO EADINO'M.&NIT"A 3.'. . UREAS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS; AND CAN&Me 8 PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF' CHECK BOOKS tt THAT WE CARRY IN"ST(Ci WR/TING PAPER'S, EI+i•`VI1 e OPES N ALL -SIZES, CARD PAPEMtS, CA12BON Oft' ; TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAIte" ST'.., ", ;kTTONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT EO0ltS IN anvil, i; SIZES, FOOLSCAP, IRTC., ETC, • • THAT' WE PILL VOIYA ORDINARY SIZE /RIC FtBpXilili WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INK FOR 5e, AT BIGG LAWS - GER 1vilE lF.CIb;DUCTIi)}'I1;IkI' EIER QUANTITIES e THAT WE PRINT• POSTING B/YeLS, AUCTION SALT POS - 4;... - :rims, MEaCANTxi'.,E POSTERS I• AND A.Lr, 4115lNERAfe to PRINTING OUR SPEC/AMY ori ,y,