HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-27, Page 4HOW t Mast 14olisture .� saves money. "Tests have proved important ss iviaga in fuel where the warm Mit from the furnace is properly iaoistened.—the saving has reach-, ea upwards of 20 per cent. 'The 'Hygienic Vapor Pan lin the Herat is designed to supply the correct amount of natural moist- ure required for health and com- fort atmosphere that protects die family from winter ills. Other exclusive, fuel saving featiitres of the Allcast are the free -draught Shell -bar Griiies which insure perfect hustion, and the fuel - slaving air - blast which burrs the smoke and gapes. The All -cast is easily oiler- wed. It burns aft coal .and other fuels equally well. It is reasonably priced, Come in and let us show yriu its many important fea-• tines or write for complete mils. There is a size and type of Happy Thought Furnace for every kind of home. dick Hygienic Vapor Pao Blade in Pipe and Pivelesr Zurich 1Pnr l,fll` x Pl;t4ANTivi:AO ;CANADA •l3' --p. 4r ma FOUNDRY CO 1,4 iPAr'4V' LiMiTE 15, ea rtzt tllte' ID Sautuaeateeroelei ifal'gnatlead9,lealt000901111+11108.666111 100 as tli1i er Fertilizer! zit We are distributors for this tis- triot forthe popular Gun's Brand i 0 1 • per cent. .selling at $20,00 PER TON AND CAN ASSURE CUSTOMERS THE BEST' OF - VALUE P laALU FOR THEIR MONEY REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTeihr AGENTS OR CANVASSERS SAY. SEE US BEFORE BUYINGle We GOAL! COAL! 41 ire taking orders for a carload of . Al •0 DO YOUR BAKING WITH OUR CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR, 1 AND HAVE GOOD RESULTS -^- 0 1 WE CARRY STOCK FOODS. FLOUR AND FEED 01'` MOST • ea KINDS. VISIT OUR. VARIETY STORE AND SEE OUR FINE DISPLAY r,• i j i • berta Coal. Put in your order now 0 g Louis ,p Zurich fe S :' 1iipiit0 lirD00Gf3Ri6,3 r otisooa ?Cgsseet3'ouese4,09 liiiA 906.siseee R g GRAND BEND 1E. Ander on and R. N. Creech,skip' won second prize at 'the Goderich Bowling Tournament • MarerrAdam .`of LondotesuI' Mrs. R. Brintneil n.nd two chil- e _ret pair,€u" 1,-,r,;s and thw sum -,droll left for Monose Jaw niter vis- eaeer home at A. J. Walker* of Lon-. icing with' Brintnell's parents.. .t t3~ta was dee4royett here as a re - o! an 'exploilon of die Feist^- G_'orge Lawson of Saskatoon, ar- ; re range when something went +ria ed here Inst week, (and intend rr<rong with. the stow '. M.ss _itl snaking his future home, here, Mrs, towns was burned in attempting to i L cu yin and fancily arexpected ,r �cnae her belongings from the ys=horticr �_e:zing frame 'structinee. +s,; ah Haycock oC London, mid Miss Dxt and Mrs. Hollowa.y, of Peter- rrrasa:na and Miss Lur m.oy of St,' l;r,ro, who have been vi: iting 'Frith ).anies, narrowly escaped injur Y Mr And Mos. R. N. Rows and ot_ house was owned pad °cc tp-ober realtivea have returned to tho ,*1 wag a few dal ys ago by ' .1, J. home: Walker, a tesacher at the London i . - :•schnicai School, He with neem- Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Ingg rani,of -to• of hist family. motored to Torri Detroit, ars visiting the ratter's .—omory and loft the London and parents, Mr.. and Mrs. S. Hardy ;tnd 14 Y. Thetuta4 young 'women in eh -, ,.ford other r, atir��es, have returned rx `.tg+,a of the cottager( It NV33 i rn tra their home rasible ,to say e clothing, money' 1 furniture and the. four tact:fp-� T'hn Chinamen conducting the fumrte are .entirely test:titt.o..of 'oe•;rc'staurart south of the Teleph- Its :r ing Misys Adams.. with the on office have talc ye—" »i a five ",il:hers' made repeated efforts toter lease of the premi is now Occup itteNe their valuables, but only met' i:*d ha::Fa IL Kahle, balker, • Th: a. s.'itle 'bnrn,e& hands and singed hair premises vacated by the Chinamen trill b^ used by the .Tel dshoi sl Co.. es the Cer tr.il office. EXETER Mr, nu,J: Mr:;. Forest. Miss For - Vest or - r t ia.nd Mists . Newhart. rnotormi "'g'l'are front New 'York ';a distance qai2 •:tv'er 100 .miler. ...gni, i, D. P. Veroson. who has eml visiting h: re with hof j par- 1S w by r . and Mrs C Wanes, nes, left ...rues hex` 'flunk) la �i• r,ir'dlr, yr. F. A, Kehler, who ;or several nl years hos condoned a bakers bus. intori i,r Foceter, left ' th a lather day with his Wife :Anti flurry fro Nin; - era Pails. A:cu'e wedding 1. r t wedclrng ,;tv:rs solemnized s oat James St±. parsonage on .-Aug t•1 th, at 10 <rc;':r,. whon Vera Ire'no `y. trt+nge t daughter of Mr. and Mrs, rhos, Jt r s . Itot.eter, :redMr. •Frcrrt- c•rs •1°tti,r ltrt:s ,'1",tntfr.Yr'cl, weroun-' r C k1A,1J:Ci.: Car: ir!. ;DRICII H'E.Ai•l?. COUNTY NEW Bross'oits tax rata has beciia; ed at 30 ,tilts for 102'5 Liston of garage, ow'raod ii'y R. TciG7rllra>x Wrx$. ,destroyed" by fire, with au, estimated lolls of $10,000. Anlsa C'rarg has purchased a,Prow .tire trocik for $1,200 to> ethi;r avail 500 feet of hots. The many .friends of" Mrs, Allan Donigias, formerly' of Brucefield, now living near i'G�Testminaster,, will be sorry to heal?" that' she, is ` yeary d1, having ttka i a !stroke ' the other day;: ' Mrsj. Fater. Pithier :. pf Stanley, has sold her '100 -acre farnc; to Chas. Switzer of Exeter, who gens pos- ,oessio'in: 'at. once( In ' the•• ,meon- tunes Mr. s,,. Fisher, has . not ,ujrit j de sided' where ,she, will locate, . 1i biael Klumpp of ortoditgi , cel abrated • his 94th birthday ori' Sun . S>*nda�t oast•: at the home, of - Itis' dalighter,e•Mre. J'oh'n Smi,th', he • bii'thda .,:supper •wast 'rven Ised' to relatives'' Ad friends; -list \va'e';pre�s= snte4 4witin ' a' purse .eontauian6;. a. stair of•a1nolney: . ••, • • •Thhe other. rnorning James3l'rown a :eli14,o1)m:resident, eworking'.. onirtthys• GitlwTiR:` was in'jhred'kheu ar• jitnsy • rare over hisAkiOdy0 The' crO'ir bar. on this` jitney' yi''gli'd; off a tal'o'ne'end 'caught in`the•tieis the•. other en4, flying' ttp, eaght. Iiiiu 'end -direly Hint onto the track.The jitneyl 'passing Over the. upper Part of his body, •injuring several head and -body;. wound's, . Hlfe did not regain corisciousnes-s until the following dam Two cases wewre heard at Ex- eter on' Friday last before Z L'agis- trate Reid of Goderick Herman Gill of Grand Bend, was accused of being the °Avner of a suit case• full of liquor found Motile, bitnhesnear his home at Grand Bend., J. Wai- ner. steward of the Exeter Social Club, was charged with aqolatintg. t ., -o village. by-laws by operating ✓ pool room without a licenser arid keeping open after dT1 p rxr; R.I l'r:acken',of Chatham, appeared .40r Walper. and J. G, Stanbury o£..EX- for the village eozunei1. Jud- gment was res'er'ved in 'both case's, On Saturday afternoon • last an .tato occident oca.ured ory. the Than es Ra. nett Exeter, when a lady from Stratford, driving ,a' McLaugh lin touring CA rill which were sev- eral others, lost control of the ear v.hich took to the ditch and str- uck a telephone pole, breaking; it in two p ictea,I the ear was tray- elilgn at. an. 'excessive rare of speed. A buslittle bee was1r ee. one- _ibie or, Friday last for an ,accident in which tia motor ear turned a . corp.pteto sonimersanit and. a wo- man passenger received minor, in - y lnri' . A. ,Moto•. •party, ecntipris-, ing Samuel Fisher, of Detroit, his wife and daughter, were driving from their home city to Grand 8end;� At •a turn on the road, about eight miles from. the Bend, a honey bee was drawn into the car through the open windshield, and becoming excited an finding itself in uncommonly luxurious •sor- rounding gave battle and attack ed Mr ,Fisher, rhe driver, stir,ginb him out he facef The sudden' at- tack discconcertedthe driver and he lost control of the ear and it raced into the ditch, which ' vas sufficiently deep to -provide .a.per• - fert loop -the -loop track. The car trnecl cconaal-etel-y over, com- ing to a standstill omits four tt heels. CREDITON 'Ir, Smith o IDetroidt is NISI [frig his brother, tient Smithy Sr "John" Morlock, Jr -s 'and wjiis of St,.. Jacobs, paid ' their jrelaitis es a flying visit, the other 'd y . A real good crowd attended the, free movies in Crediton,Conimunity Park last Saturday. naght1, : Mr, and Mra. $tarry* F•auen,'and Mr.. . and 1Tra John .k•luxxxp, were rerent vilyitors' at the home of illi and lira. Dan Schwabe, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. J, -Il. Holtzmap and daughters axe •camping; at .. Grand Send. - Rev and Mrd, D. %Ie1Vavislt., and . emily are a any on a three weok's aeatior( They aro spending the h > idny e, in the vicinity of Ripley ani,)ng tlieir parents and.friendsW. P^ax1 'Gaiser, of Toledo, Ohio, is holidaying with her parents, Mr, ind Mrs. Wm, 13. G user,; Miss Lauretta Holtzmaix, -nurse- int-training at the Victoria Hospital _London is, spending' her vecatic) :± lith her p:'tre jrtsj, Mr\ " and AIrSt. H. Holtzni it White• the happy xremork';ni,i he 'i1T M,S, 'convention are still,with is there comes the antouncernent ,het the Canada 'Corrfereeee Branch of th0 ;Tvangelical League of,'Ch- „ sti:an Etsdeavour, will convene in In Amaral Convention Sessioe at .lull Evangelical chureh, Crediton • Werineeday evening, Au i st ;eth and will continue through Th- us day and Friday with full and rrir" pr oex'<tm for yottn;; " and old. Vielting delegtees, friends end tb n - eters of the vnr'ious coup -re ;''„iti r 7 rd the Young P_eop,e s. En- t rrronr Seri;ties of the Reangel >;tl ch.rtreh in Canada evil' , mentior - rer:'i;s rFf .yt,,l 'no doubt. Pras'- 'miens, of eievelanA, O., Generhi. '!'o v of Sudiday Schools and n a ; r,,,ton;('a $'ocieties of the QCC1MOI Thursday August • Mk, 192G ur-U t7B.i OICS". 't'AAU, i,?i'fJ:N'SLS fro TWELVE- WEEK% OLD. • nc most Morten' Appearaes ti p-: toots, Cause 'and , 'Treatment,— Prevention pntarie tom. 'Policy Meets. Approval—Meal for „Soil Acidity. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agrfcuftu1' , Toronto,) Symptoms.• In young chicks the -.symptoms are as follows: The cla,lcke sit or stand in the same position, appetite dimin- lshed, trier are drowsy, listless, ruf- fled soot droopy. In sb�me. cases„the • droppings may be stained with blood. Birder wader two months seldom sur- vive a severe attack and, if they re=- ',coyer: -are tumidly ,;stunted. • Older chickens have stronger resistance, more reco'er, but . stillplithe mortality cae. llokeapineese.- larrhti'e;s de- je�tfon rattles and` cot sb. oak:three weeks of misery, a exert period of Coma and then death are the:,more noticeable . symptoms in older- birds. The Post Mortem• Appearances. In•young chicks the ceca are tilled with a' bloody, semi-solid- mass. In older birds the coca are distended and contain a solid mass of. a greyish color and •,cheesy .consistency.- The intestine may be inflamed and the diver” 'enlarged. Cause. The presence of a protozoan para- site In the -intestinal tract "Eimeria avium." The disease is transmitted by means of feed, -Nater and soil. Tt is especially present where clicks are brooding on the same ground year after year, and where a second or third lot of chicks are reared on the same ground the same year. Chicks brooded in moderate numbers on new ground for eachbrood and frequently changed to clean soil, or soil covered with a ;good sod, will rarely be. affected ;with coccidiosis. Infection may be brought in by purchase of uew birds, -or it may be carried by pig- eons from infected yards. 'l reatthent. For young birds, transfer to clean colony house located on fresh ground: Use air -slaked lime on floor of house and also clean litter. Dose with Ep- som salts at the rate of one pound to 400 pounds of chicks, repeat this `in four days. Reduce, the grain ration and feed buttermilk. Bran should be substituted for grain: The - use of a disinfectant in the drinking water is .rarcommended, as one ounce of copper sulphate to five gallons of water. Prevention. Houses should be thorpughly soak- ed, with five percent. compound solu- tion of cresol. - Yards should' be dressed with lime and'ploughed, us,•erd for crop every;second•year. The use of- healthy- breeding stock, , keeping, moderate numbers, clean yards audi houses, and -eternal vigilance' against outside stock 'and birds bringing the' organisia in is good insurance agaiust coccidiosis. • • Ontario Roar Policy Meets Approval'. Evidence -cif the ever-increasing_ interest being taken by hog producers• in the type of breeding stock beim used is manifest in the formation of Bacon Hog Clubs under the policy of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. Already one hundred and ninety such: clubs have been supplied with, boars, an increase of almost one hun- dred withiu the past year. A number ,-of other' clubs have been formed and! these are being supplied with the best animals available as quickly as:. possible. Coincident with this increased 'in- terest in -the type of boar being used is a culling as it were of the sows kept. In many sections producers are replacing undesirable type sows with- yo'Cing sows, from litters that are well! ' bred and which are grading a -.high percentage of selects. , In some see, - tions packing houses and drovers are co-operating in this exchange of sows and- splendid results are being ob-, Mined. Now is the time for the hag ' producer who has not a good sow tc select from good youngbreeding stool; that may be in the. district, Good bacon type sows with plenty of ruggedness and quality mated with high class bacon boars assures the producers of a fair chance to make theprogeny of desirable market type. —I. B. Martin, Live Stock Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Marl for 'Soil Acidity. Mari - deposits are not. uncommon in: the older farmed sections of Ontario. While discussing sci•l prob- lems with many visitors to the 0. A. College exhibit 'at the County Fain many farmers mentioned that tires' knew of deposits of marl in their own districts that were lying unused. Manydo not realize ;that marl is quite• equal to the best grades of crushed limestone or hydrated lime as a oor : rective for soil: acidity: The use of auari from a local deposit if such h available, will save the purchase prig, and the transportation costs on other forms of lime. October and Novem- ber are usually good months in which to, excavate and tear, marl to the' fields where soli acids prevent the luxuriant growth of clovers. All Dale Calves Do Not Madre God Tiulls. No breeder should expect every call dropped to develop into an ani- mal suitable for the. breeding herd, 'raft too naey insist orf selling.every :rale calf tor" a bull. The breeder 'lto will ultimately produce the best cattle,, conrrnand the highest prices,. :Cara satisfy elastomers will keep only '.'gb-grade bulls. . ,r t'rv' church r 'i1l li* lite Cultivating not only kills the %pie., syt,., �.1 for the occasion, ae •cls but it ..�r o.es the psieal i rxitioxr of the sol. IRIN We are. lin a position to do Expel., Aut Repairing and Specialize 'o . . McLangin. pr any make of CaLL Aix. workguarau- teed. ° ar 4 B.4TrI•ERI1 S RIX -CHARGED. AND ED HREPAIR ArVIIIC Y I. y &1rt9R rii� dC lBAN'8D FROM OLD OA1{110W Bit OUST •.!WU'. NING PROCESS. 71 Gas,- Oil„ Creases, Tires and all Accessories; D. R Angel, Propitetor £. ?vane OIdPtant, VW!' , I - ' OLS S at TIPS aeeeeezeat 'here you take No chance. \\ 1u`> �T a vii y' eveiy Bich lkiatelial. difp1a' €d GUARANTEED TESD DEPENDABLE• IN EVERY RhSPEG 1 r , glieleeteeeneallemeezetzwegemixteee Neeeeeen ._ el,(3e SKRINECINiC , R ,G'a.elN.e, RAGGINii OR B•AGGINU "YOUR, M:OITKY IS NOT OURS U NTL YOU ARE SATISFIED E3 Tart t ,ft V ] u nishthgs a tEric1, WHERE THE GOtOD CL OTHES COME FROM. 'S SAI \ i t uale- rug, oto e litaitbYl@G l WG4INSIM6noe....r.:. ,.v_m.,1=13141JE$CIL-talit ,olXs+my,Y.[+.,in"ti• 48Minn"tLliC!i; L1Y van oar,- We have a corttplete New Stock of all the mew TY ,xt Bo.oks also ost Scribblers, Note Pools,. Writin g` ooks. Droving' . Books Pencil :. !Boxes, ]Ta+>s'•eTS, J ulers., Corn passe, Water Colors Ink. Pens and Pen - oils $+ +++ :i,+++ ..H.+"i,+4.+•r. +wr.«i.+,ij aLinoof sd • E ; t��irl, .. ai nerly f ]VlacKinnon,Zuric, ri 95� q , AMPO i' 8''z :r a , > Wtd M 114. D1w