HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-27, Page 1Vol.• XXVI No If You have any ZURICH T 1URSDA' . MDR 1 pAUGUST 27„ ( 25. rtides or ea s Safe: craekersi of the most. dare ian'g type visited thiA Ailsk Craig IC;. :- R. Railway, .etatielnl >0431,` a of 'Saturday morning antic, after blow- ,' ' the safe with nitro-glycerine, they obtained, $iIi for their trouble band departed hurriedly, leavingan +entire kit of burglars' tools+ and km.. can of the high expl'o'sive. Mat • lithe burglars laiee:eumething of 'beat coeditions iss the, belie; of those ix 'touch -with: s 'ages'' to -days. elle exceptionally lame sum of. 'money was in. the •sa:fe the day pre 'alone ,owing to the feet that 35 "or ,t0 young men lett for the West Milli, Canada harvest .fields' and had Inst ptxreh'asect their ;tickets. How- ever, the burglars.nalsjudged thin things because lay a trick of fate the money wasp seat out the 'night before the !station was closed. Dashwood Mrs. Berl Gueat'her spnte ' a few dam vaith her parents in Lon- don,': , Miss Ent and Boise Zimmer and little Saiimnay Mon are visiting `with Mr. and. Mrs. WA,. Zimmer. Z Miss Lilly Hoffa iia' of Lon - den visited • aekitives in town over the week-erelf . Miss Evelyn Isaac of .Greenway is visiting; her cousin Miss rJ.`heda HHay'tes.': ''* Mr. land! }i+frs: �. Cochrane and lankily of Guelph visited wtih: Mr. 'and Mrsi., L. Mere nz. • The C. (t L T. are this weelt camping at Tials'n11"e Grove. (/ • ®Q lliMe ttlIR O'iedirQtYme,g40@X66'0�i 6 • lt 4!da60914r81 01(IN iFtsOMDEse.$004100QAD •,a',a NIk• • OttIan '4111" tommark.i.....momonarrawararte.ussma,"..Mrstuvrnmusssmasocomosmorosomummaxamalmws 11,11.1 n iiBros. : g .rc'' °n.- OFeU e t ane / vel e A; Vi e: ins jhursday August 7,� o $eptembe tap�l�As 'HERE'S A TRIBUTE IN REAL PRICE CUTTING THAT DE- MANDS Y'OtFfl „IMMEDIATE ATTENTION; - PRIZE WIN ING ,BARGAINS THAT AR] /SOUND TO r, TYR, CORE%, WB ARE' GOING' TO TEAR REai FILAR -PRICES SHAMEFULLY; TR:SIRE'S.NCD ARGUMENT NEEDED. ' VTR'Q QUALITY ANIS I PRICES, OF` alansE SHOES eAY IT: TtiiE SUPREME SELL - ,* OF THE YEAR. sr REMEMBER. WELL, THE DATE.' 9 DAYS ONLY. ce • Men's $4.0e Cale Oxfords, Blkanid Beaman $40 art Men's Calf ox-farcle',' B1k 'and Brown, $%-lie fes __ .. _.._ $3.95' • Mon's .$4.001 Elk Bluchers; Grab's included at Hem's $5.00 Grain Bluchers fljp Ago es 3 c• et rte. BROWNr1 REPA1R! G; I' }L 1 LY• ONE N �`' e SER OUR �W"><I�l'.D0 7• IRIS ?LAY leo seeecif& secs ie4a eese1?>bisease064.9t+k'i ta434RuT€osee N esetis se $3:•45 Men's $5,06 Eine calf Blucher wi,de fitter _e_e __ ._ __ $3.95 Boys' $4.601 solid calf, tslucher, rubber ham .at Clbild'st Slaudalst and Kid boots 1-5 st ____. 95c kraut ;sort soles 0-5 at_ 25c Womexxis VeRCP Pit. Strap Pomp at _a, � , ....y1.95 Women's Bok Canv"asls 1 satrap, Rubber Heel :at -. - _ -•_- $i:10 THESE .BIKE ONLY A FEW OF . TrIPI MANY LINES. EVERY SHOR 7i TAB STORE REDUCED. SEE OUR 'lVINDGtWS .4 :,11•0 • •,ess • ea tip 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • O9 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • •A • • • • • • • • • to0 • • • •• .• • • • e O 0 0 • fit 0 0400 ,$0,0, •,00,14 rl"404e00e)01,04i0.40 So 0410004000404>A444440e1,ar Chester L, Sreiith, „1a WO a WWI' , AdWalfalt �.sozx�ARBL'A1 S, $2.MAY.exekra, iiia or Sale, try an Ad. in the Herat _ Miss Geage, Kellerman has retur- ned front Suanmer Seb,00l at Tor"-, onto: �•, Mies' Cather I',nkbeiner has retnrnad froinl a visit in Sarnia.Slle was accompanied home by Mrs. Hemble and children. Mrs!: Don`ahey orChicago is vis- icing her parents ,Mr .and Mrs. J. K. Goetz. • Aliirehav 434 4 0 4 0 4 4 ; . a&&, anything 3 .rare,' as . •- rf ` TANS �0 ' .04440 .q:. r ga lel ee) •.3 ::4. ' ,4)4; ,e,lew`'eiiF'e•i7*Cr GAscoms Y11J CbNE (07 h1 vCd!944.4 a' if Mr. and Mrs': A• J; -Brunner aad children ol Kansas City are visite in with Mr. nad .Mrs,. G. Oestr- either. Rev: and Mrs. Garfield Iteller,- m n and family of. IVlonrds, Mahe and Mrs,.' II. Kellerman of E1ktou, Mich., are vi'sitin'g at the home of T. Kellerman,. Mr. rind Mrs,. Art,augh;, Mrs. Guenther and Gladys and Misis T;: Miller spent .Sunday in Mitehfill. Mr, and Mrs. D. Pfaff of Sarnia spent Sn;iday in town. • bliss 'lx =rta Holtman, who spent her 'vacation,. with her pareeta•re•- turned to Kitchener on Monday. • Mrs. 0,-;,...taintz- of Roineo; Mich, is visititag friends, hi the vicinity vis- itingGranger of Sarnia is is iting relatives in tosvni '1,1r.1r. and Mils_` 0. Schilbe and d.sughtcr. of Zurich, Visited at the hams' e f14Ii4( C. Kraft on t$unday. Miss R. Avery of dtiitchE it =and Mr.. and Mrs. 'Moffattcallea on friends in town, on Mo1idty. ` Misses Pearl and Susie Kraft have had the .telephon,e ttstalled in their home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam• .?-ixik ,and deea- ughter of Detroit- are visiting 'on the 14th, cone." Mr A. I�.n s,srel: and •,two 'sisters iMiss C'1<-r,^� Kuntz and : Mips. b' ^L Sipple pf ' 'ing, Mich'., spent the 'e evetknd. <cLx1:1i Mr mtd. Mrs . 1?7. un Z Mr J. Melsaac Jr. and sisters of Detroit ate visiting. relatives in this vicinity. Miss Lucile Willett left for De- troit on Tuesday. • r COAL THERE IS A COLD 'DAY COM- ING. OMING. The present agreement, be- tween the miners and the . Mine Owners' expires on the 31st of August. 'There may and may not be •a strike, but e prepared'. Prices are now ,it bottom., fill up your bins with: the best coal. Gene nine Delaware and. Hudson Anth- racite direct from the mines. It ,Hakes waren Friends. Egg, Stove and Nut size. ' SOFT COAL That highest grade. the best unexcelled for domestic and thr- ashing purpose's, Genuine Lehigh: Bullets and High Grade Coke. . - c r'1,"a.telo , " H E'N SALT. ONT.. Phones -Office low. House. 10J, CHURCH NOTES 1114sa lar,garet Allen of..Exeter • wweek with•"' ilex'' lVlrs �:�sr Routledge. 1If <cnd Mrsj. Roy Oliver of Loizta,i Lie visiting at the ,home of .1V1r. end Mi s. 'Ay. Eickmeier.• • Miss Ida Routiedgle, who 'hays apeeta.4,e past. cavo weeks in De- troit, y e-tcr t l*5: returned to her home • i\iL caul airs'. Sam. Gb'iger .of Pig 0op�, ;i Mich., and'Mr. and Mrs, Jug T idOfniann of Detroit are visit- ing r eii civ •es herel leMie'„,Winona Kaercher and Kath en Kellerman of Kitchener, :sp- ent their holidays at the home of MVl. ata: i Mex. N, Sararas. te < M,Ce Dorothy Fritz, nurse in ' teet ea•"44,,to..®*'s"ea0n, .,.. •,0 a 44 e a?. sra•04vrd4,0¢s^4 Q+a:t a' training, miss Erna Fritz. and Mr. r irl'ack, X11 of London were Sunday .T. _. vt6ilei -, at tho 'bore of Mx'. and (� 4nabbo fig' ' r G' eq' p i tr Qtr(: es e• � ; _ r u, _ +; Cl btu, �' � � i�,�s" sii�4it. d�'14 We, irtd a, good time in Emanuel lE uigelie'tl church on Shenley, liugust 23rd, Th;a attendance and th' spirit -was, gond Tho bible !study period in the Alible school was ♦ ery interesting and helpful. Come ,again on August 30th, .not to 'Lticitize , bttt to 'help,' laud be. helped; and we will all 'fee' better for it, '.rhe minister may, riot be able tci call to s you personally'• Be often cis• you desire it,<: or he wo- uld life, to, but be 4assni ed he is reedy tci : respond to :any call for help .promptly. In the mean- time h' will be busy in lies 'study, or otherwisa itt the.itetest'e of the ns;dont :am.ong .'itsi. • We ,11nc1 for tent,al aid inwor,- ship ail in ':he practice o' ' the christian life. REV. tiV't. 'I's.' :DENGI$' • •(Minas,tee) •. Emmanuel Evangelical Church ;Lt ! i' scl'ltoii tiai� 7+riclay evening, $5 00 , $5.06 .7 p `.0 `:, Ready-te- 'ear Spectacles DA 33�, OB LIGHT COLORED SHELL • RIIVIMED GxOLI8 rim SPECT•,r1CLps 'LIED WITH LARGE ROUND 1 LIi' S, ABSOLUTELY ff . ; 1ti TEED TO FIT. COMPLETE IN CASE. HERE'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY 5.00 G 4J �� •� , ESS , mrd, .0 Fritz. Till. C:1rnpbeil• and daugi-' ala tare •tiereMisses. Jean .and Dorothy: Trust Received a large num ei of. Genuine Woolen H' �a:Qs * of ' tial k rto a.re calling on Zurich A g d. ' 1 ientle �'* Dr. B. Csainpbeli was al- Blankets in resorted `colors Size 72x84. tam so' in t.bi eillage on Satilrclay>.Therra.°Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, price% veiny :Zurich friends aro pleased to a4ii see theetu; • Ranging from $7.00 to .. w.�-:-;•� ,lhi eta; Ivtiasm: Marie :Sell and isertha 'Cori . iL, r of Hey Ci . have reeei- s -. t word from Mr. A. F. Hess, ro Clens of Hazy Township. to. attend .# the eS . Lien iieetieg at, Zurich, on .i* } l t • apt 'kst, nFhen. they,will„ nit to l<i ,Sr�iit�rxlixas thfLl cite an .tet thy, recent•nnfrnoce";exam-.- inatio•.o,s • Mr. and Mrs, Eriiie••.Render and sen; Edwin of Blyth, and Miss Lilly Carr, Deaconess of Montreal, vis- ited is-ited at ofhe hoiize of . Mrsi Lydia Pl'ile 'o over the week- end'. Tho( latter, :Miss' Carr is leaving "shortly for 'Calgary where whe will con - time -in her noble workQ Farmers) in this 'section are ex- *ceii}tionlallyw busy these 'days pul- ling the big 'season'ls c'i.Lop( of beans. And if the weather stays as dry :as it'i . has been; for ,some time, it will ,:be only' a matter of very short time, until this import ant crop will be, in ;safety. Band •Tatoos ,seem to be the popuarl ainusenxen these -days; on Tuesday evening our Band inot- ored to-Brodleagen where they tool part in, the tattoo at that place. ,A number of other neigh- broing betide were also present and a. goodt ime, was the result. 'M:r David "Gingerich of.. the Gee ion ,Li.o,s south, has purchased the flue dwelling property at the north enol of the village owned by Mi A. A. Weber, and recently pur- chased from the Ti J. Snaith est- ate Thin will snake an ideal hone for Mr. adv Mrs. Gingerieh to sp- end their future years in retire- ment. - The neat ,public holiday is Labor Day, which falls due on Monday, Septtmbi i' 7th, there is soma re- nter that a millibar of sports in- cluding n baseball tournament will be held . hers in Zurich.. It is some time since 'sus'l an event was staged hest, and see have the as- actaneo that it, would caus'i mouse attraction •and interest. 11Ir.. H. Joy, Manager of the local branch, of th,i Rank of Mon-, treal, Mee .joy and son Kenneth, left lns!te Manday on their annual tsvo west s• ,tourist trip by ,motor,. This year they will visit ,the big Atlantic coast and go through the city of °'Bostton, returning by' way of Nova -Scotia and Now B,run'5Wick the trip will couplet of around two thou sand ' "anile. •., Zurich won their bast league gameof baiseuall from Daehwood• . last Thu.rr,day evening at the lacal, diarnand, score3•--7, . An( as'Crede iton also detorted "•):3ensall last we- ek, this M:1: ees Crediton. and Zurich the two. contending 'team;%s to play off inti' outfit Huron-Chateeions, 'clad the *St g,anie will be played Z'tY.RtcH, •, 0, tinct yr) ,,IN:t.•XX;ale yet 'eeott Set for the,`l.;iti..aoli g Pae. :SIVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALE„ A BIG Stack of ,•Harness : and Halters always on haria, Club Bags, Suit; Cases and. Trunks at Right Prices. a HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PITON THIEL ZURICH 6'}444,44 /+9404e4.00. 0444• 0 5 o•<104.49tT• .44- 4.48.01EFI 1 I,za !' , 044 0' 4 44++++++'f ++++E"++. °•i'•e44-ae..es+ x<a.+ ;.*g.44r f 444, 24°ff'.$ 440. 16!; Reliable Footwea At Prices that save you Money Mi;sstes Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 1l:--55 fee* Misses Pat and Oxf. rubber heels, size 11 to 2, pr, .._; -WE Childs Pat 2 -strap slippers low heel%, gize&s iS to 103, at Infants pat. slippers size 2 to 7% at ..e........ ... .........ee.- $11. Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at ..... ........ Growing girl's light tan and pat. 'slippers, 1Vlurray at ttZ.n Wmo, 1 strap Pat slipper, • low heel, size 2% to 7.._ ._..' ... ,fa Meal's heavy work shoes at_,,,. P.._._ ttetii5 Grob's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr... ,.,.;.nViii, Women's canvass slippers, leather soles at ...... »- ALL OTHER. LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 111 argains h; arga Bi l o We are fferin very attractive v Bargaing in some lines of res Goods, Ginghams, Prints, Ladies' and Men's Sumer Underweii, HOSIERY AND HOSE LIGHT WEIGHT, OVERALLS AN' PANTS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS. ALL OF THE LINES wa CARRY ARE WELL FILLED .'JP WITH GOODS NE .»I'i: EVERY DAY, PRICES AS LOW AS AN,Y, QUALITY CONS= BRED. • We aim to give Ss.itisfaction, 6 N N 4L MERCHANT PHONE 11