HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-20, Page 87.,1• ro, Eight • .....tr.4.4r."..,f). • , . A.P'gr*la 'N:tif.4.7.77P77.7.1177.4.740.,4.0074, i77700.7007,674777,4,77%,.10.,,l, Thursday August 20t1a ' S LE Oar Stookof Lathes' and Child - Ten's Hose must be Reduced So. for Two Weeks we are offering Silk Lisle and. Cotton Hose at prices that wall move them_ out quickly. Come Early for Best Choice Laclif.A•sSilk Hose, Venus Cloxs Asst. colors., eRgular $1.75 for 68c Black Silk for .....................53e •• Rib 'sport lisle reg. 75c at ..." 63c Silk Ribbed Reg. $1.00 for ...78c Cotton white and black at 25c Cottoo, Bliaek at i 15e Princess ribbed in black, ..,,rown and white at•25c. to 45c Girl's white hose all ,siles 19c Kiddies sox to clear at ...28e MANY OTHER LINES IN BROK EN SIZES, CLEARING AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. WHILE Frocr. TAKING AND IN MOVING OUR STOOK, WE HAVE LAID ASIDE LINES Will0E1 MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARD- LESS OF PRI.C.'.E. WE WILL ON LY ENUMERATE A FEW— pieces 27 -hi. Gingham, Reg, 25e for yd, .16c None's' of every description at 25e. yd. to48e New Readara. Vciiet: now at __ 63c Apron Gingham. 30 -in. wide at 25c E. pieces stripe toweling at __.16c 2 pieces Turkish toweling at 12e. Men's Khaki. work shirts at ... 8Se Men's work Sox pr. .. 1.5e Remnants in .Dress goods, Prints, Ginghams, Voile's, Shirting's, Etc. GROCERIES , Quaker corn flakes bx. 102 Polar white, London Special. and Prevento Laundry Soaps,• Reg. 10c, at per bar ... 5c J. �CHO & S Produce Wanted Phone 59 ,Zurich's Garage Gas, Ns, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS XUST RECEIVED A' SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN' HANDLING THE FAMOUS frpi lif ATTER IF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. VE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHEli CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES' WE Grvp YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY, CATTERY REPP_IRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REP AIRIN G EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO- AC- ETYLENE WVr.r NG. I; f ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE 114 Mousseau Zurich OSSIDOWLt•kh:,,,Zr$4 VD V.9) 0001580.060 3 0 41 2 Igelt 6 14 0114145.406660.00 * • e • • . ParitiNG TIME : i : It We 11.Ave .r_,...eived a full and _com- 1 i plete llue of Brushes, Oil, Turps, Lad, Saerwin Williams paints, g . Varnislics, Stains, Fillers, Enaraels .: e III 0 and A ,'1-,,r; Paints. All these are the 0 i old relip,bie paints at right prices. '8 al 0 1 FENCING 3 e e • WE HAVE TUE c ENUINE FROST LIGHT LOCK WOVEN g • FENCE' LON '1:' 3E AfSLEAD BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED 0 0 0 • :ICS" THE SAME OR JUST AS , e 0 GOOD, AS 'E'VE!:',4 ROLL OF FROST PENCE HAS ITS PROST 2 1 WE HAVE it. ALSO BARB WIRE, STEEPLES, BRACE 3 WIRE, ETC. ' 0 GET OUR PRICES 0, ON CORRIC; ,'D ,ALVANIZRD IRON ROOFING, COUNCIL re • STANDARD ,1•.7,i ' , f.'l r", i ,TNARY AT RIGHT PRICES. , WE ARE ro fit In ,the with the Farmer e ' , • IP ' ,;17.6 • twa. t , 1 ' a 0.Watt141' '• qt . ,5v:. • .IN whatever section of the Dominion farmers till their fields, there will be --- --t---.77214. found a completely equipped ,branch of the Bank of Montreal. , And in whatever branch of the Bank of Montreal you may find it most convenient to do business, there you will find banking co-operation 'especially designed to meet the needs of farmers and the farming industry. Each of our 600 branches has the strength, ex- perience and services of the entire organization. Call at the nearest branch. "A Bank Where Small Acco BANK OF MON Established atror. 1 Taal Assets in 4:access or ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr .and Mrs. Ellraore Oesch we- ra N.isitors to Detroit for a few days. 1.; Air .Oliver Johnson of Goderich was a Sunday visitor at- the.home of his ,brother, Mr. Thomas John- son!. Mrs F Moore rand daughter S THE .ROOPIN'..4 7.0:71'ERTS . i • . - ,,. TIMES! TIRES! t!') ir 3 WE HANDL. 1 il E r,)LD RELIABLE GOODYEAR AND GOOD- : 0 • RICH TI1r-.4 ,I'll "1,1'4 ON ANY OF THESE EQUAL. TO CAT g * ALOGATB Pilit eS 1', ANY SIZES, FABRIC, CORD OR BAL- ig :a LOON, ' . 6 .03 FULL LINE i'.:' HI ,•1 V Y .AND SHELF HARDWARE, . SEEDS AND GRASSES. , t •, •z=l3e • , 0 0 0 0 • , 2: U :ICH .-' ONT. •. 140,00000400c,6400,644.0400.44100,010006•0000. 060 0,4401 Lillian!, who .spent a few weeina at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Koehler, have returned to their home is New ,Haveen, Conn. Miss' Benedict of Totedo, Ohio, and Miss Almeria and Heb- ert Bone.dict of Kitchener, were visiting their cousin Miss .Cather- ine Volland the past weeli. • BORN Denoniy—At Bauble' Line, Hay Tp. on. August 1th, to Mr. and Mrs. Armand Denomy, a on,,. Masse—At Sauble Line, Hay TO. on August Sth, to Mr. sand Mrs. James Masise, a sonti Smith—At Parr Line Hay Tp. on August llth, '44 And Mrs Orville Smith a 'son, (John Wil- liam.) COUNTY NEWS. LOCAL MARKETS, (Corrected every Eggs Butter per lb'. Potatoes per hag Dries!. apples lb. Oats Barley Wednesday) 21-25-28 40 75e Se 50 50 Buckwheat __a.. ....... . .. 80 Flour cwt. 3.75-5.00 Wheat -.... • 1.30 Shorts per 'tort • _321.00 Bran per tort 30.00 • Efile Hogg ,. , , 13.00 1Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co: OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. , Number of Policiesir force 114287. Paid Lease* in 1923 to amount of $56,113.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $39,000 G. Holtzman --Zurich AGENT', ALSO DEALER IN LIGE- The War Veteran's picnic will TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS - be held, at ea3,rield on Wednesday „OF FIRE • INSURANCE. tf-34 August 26th. Angus -McIntosh, aged 28 years, son of J. D. McIntosh, of Parkhill was instantly killed when sruck by lightning on Wednesday last. He and his father were cutting oats and took ,shelter under a tree.The father was rendered unconscious at the s,airte, time. Mrs. Wes., Oookerline and child- ren and Mrs ID, Armstrong left Cor their,homes. in Piolt Mounnd,af. ter spending the past two months visiting on the Goshen and Parr Lines, Stanley. A heavy hailstorm broke over, Centralia last 'Wednesday and last- ed almost an hour doing damage to grain not yet cut and fruit tre- es which aro bearing heavily, Thosjohns or Kippen, who has been reepuerati,ng from are neent ilin003 ,had the misfoxtune:to' fall.several feet to the ground, when a ladder o.n which he wasst- 9,nding broke. He suffered a ore .strainto' one ankle. ,,• Wm, Towers of lisborne met with a nasty accident When his right hand was struck by a falling I stone. His thumb V,74S crushed be- twen two stones making_ it nec- essary to amputate it at the. 44int, . Rov, J. Foote of CaVeu church 'Exeter, has been, invited to preach in First Presbyterian Church, Mein (Teal. ' Tho boautitul home of Mr, .6.114 Mrs, Geo. Laithavaite, of the Huron 31-1,„ Goderich Pp., web the seene of the+, marriage of their daughter, Gladys Thlirna, Wrn. E. Living- s; -m, son o Mr. and !Livingston, of Waterloci, The other day. the officialte of Goderich were et Woodstock end Prirchased a chemical ?engine,. The olvrihe, will soon be delivexcdri,„nd two ra,M eau hiail t40y. place., It has twoi 23 gallon cylinders, which ought to enable the firemen to hold any firn,,.in check witt the steam engine gets there. The Morgan families of Usborne held a picnic at Grand Bend the guests on the occasion were Mrs. John Treble and daughter of FR - more, Sask. The biggest attractions in Ex- ater, for some time 'has' been the i,orry-ge,round and some conces- •sions 'which go with it. The Joy's Amusement from London which were in. Clinton for the Old Boys vitched tont on a vacant lot and for three nights they, attracted lar tir oroputoPoutrooramormirtuouromm' ipsomerratuinarrosormlowir7rwagnisilar SEE ITS :ABOUT Seasonable Hardware AT Reasonable Prices Such: as Forks, Roes, Fencing,, Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Itaiit: ing, Etc. This is the time, of the- year: to do your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ' ONLY GUARANTEED 30 PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET . MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and Stoves which we will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT• EN STOCK. , I I I i i 1 WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VA TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ONE, AND LEP US DElYIONSTRArE. GET IN THEWAY OF BUYING HERE 1 t tk. Melick & -,albfleisekt. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 A S FE INVESTM-ENT FEW INVESTMENTS ARE SO SECURE AND PROFITABLE AS MONEY EMPLOYED IN MAINTAINING AS ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE POLICY.. EVERY DOLLAR PAID IN WILL BE RETURNED EITHER AS PAID-UP INSURANCE OR CASH VALUE. With the safe investment feature there is also [the Insa*.- anee protection that is provided by no other investment It mean:s a guaranteed income that is not affected by re verses; It is the highest,sereiiaIt ctr-ity available+ to the home g.aa AGENCY. I ; ti ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE Head Office — Waterloo Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PA.PERHANU & DECORATING.' 'WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT JOB. 11. EICKMEIER, / ZURICH — ONT. 30EIT Drugless eer and EXETER AT WALPER Every Tuesday,. vr.einarawk Practiou Optijan Phi( HOUSE, rOali 10 a.m, to ,E wog ge Or 9W diV. As a result of the viligence of4 4. 4. * 4$, 0. T. A. officersduring the Clin- ton Old Home Week, Police, M.agis- trate Andrews held court the other day and convicted Mrsi. Annie Me Livakey of Niagara Falls , and ,e'ilarm'a, of violating the 0.T.A. and fined -her $200 And eOlatse Her gs-, sistant ,deol. Lalonci; wale tine(' $200 and cots and also .cortunitted to . Goderich lailj for two months, IVIrs,. 111cLittskey ran a refreshment booth during the c,elebration. Goderich mourns, the death of one of its most distinguished sons IVIalcohn G. Cameron', who hiss than •24. year ago, upon his appointment as 'judge of the County Court of the united counties of Northumber- land and Durham, left this, tow -n to take Up his rosidenee at Cobourg. ,IIPle,has been, in his usual health until' quite recenritly, and his death which °cowed at his tesidene at Cobetirg was sudde0 and unet- peicted. Mr ,Comerani IV 4.14 69 1 years of age and il:N survived 4 , Wifel 4.13# opt) tip.40:te4 i . • 1 ++++++.14$.4i444,4-t-H-1-,ro+tt-ffsi.tik+++++414,,+++-H4E-64440.+14* .14 HER AiliD OPPIOB 4 Da You Know? TIIAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR - GOOD PRINTIN* THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING ' INVITATIONS AND ANNOTINCEKENfilet, THAT WE PAINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUMP AS LETTERHEADS,, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND; STATEMENT THA,T WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAM URERS OF' COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUFI.. PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOK& '! THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVE0,. -411,b• OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARRON OR3 TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM S 4,c IATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS nirrwe. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC„ ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY &ZZINIC BOTTITA WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR, do, L GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDIYOTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING B/LLS, AUCTION .SAL' POW • • VE1S7 MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL, otwOlui.k. ,• PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY ilt++++4444+++++444+444444444444444.4•0411.4i4644".4•044 •• • .. • ..• • . • • . - • • •• • .• • .• ••'-. • • „ .• . • ,. . . , . . •,, • , „. • • • . „ , • . , „ •• • • • • •• •••:, , • • ••:; • • " " • • ,,••'