HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-20, Page 101. XV1 No 7 ZU 1C Hn THURSDAY MQRtNING'i, AUGUST 20. 1925. ttie+r er_r...S o, 9.6o1NARItsARS. s2.1*.* ekrerteltetan' If ave any:A►rtic1es or eaate for Sale, try an ,COAL editor; anc1 pu-rAc ttI to The - , icipral , and Drainage meet Taac1 mailed n !no- tices to all perserds, esseseed under the report t'sta>tin; gthat `the said report Woad& be read at th.e Coen 1VVERE IS, A COLD ifi9A.Y CONE- cil meeting ta, be &o 1d 11;o4-rl.ay;. In yj1'G. The present agreement .be -'pursuance to said • ramices, the re- t ween the miners and !the Mine port and •speeifiea'li ns were read. Owin{erel expires rrn the 31st of The report hes received and ad- august. 'There ma yfr aid ;may. not :carted (and the clerk is hereby au- ibe ,a strike) hot Bae• prepared; thorized to have the By-law as abriees ,are now at Nottonn4 fill up •provi'siolnally adopted, (prilnted in 'our (bins ,withw the be coal. Gen-- eaamplet for,ri a%geltsding .the not - wine' (Delaware and Hudson Anth loss of the sit -King 'tthe Court of 'Incite direct from the mines.' It ,Revision and the proceedings to sakes (warm Friends'. Egg, Stove :gnash; andteeevediteun all persons :and Nut sizer.. (as provide& by, seetion, i i5 of The Municipal Dramage ` Act. The ,By -lar' •wacs them provisL tonally adopted :and it was resol- ved to hold a bourtt of Revision to Mean` iaappealis, in the .Town Hall, on Sept. t7t's;, at 2 p.m, Geo. A. Me.Crablrin, O.L..S was requested to make an examination of Thio Wafl'res' TRraint with the ob- ject a giving the eontractor an esttierate for work perforMed. That the eierlr: advertise for ten dere For the co et:ruxction of Vict- oria St. drain No. 2,, IOre'diten, to be STEPHEN CCIUNC1L ,raoeived up, to Sept, 7th .next at $ p.nra: A grant of fifteen Dollars was made to The Exeter Agricultural Society, They folictwin{g orders were pias- sed:- Rich Hill„ gravel `$14A5; Wick- wire Print Shiop• aceta 80.00; J, Campbell, gravel 22.50; Lon,cic n The clerk informed the council Rolling MITI, iron. 882; P. Hogan 'that Geo McCabbire .C'1,L.S. hada .gravel 9.75; ditto 15.40; Joiaali Ire's. .tailed with him on; druly 115, 1925, a sell, rep. Tari.dge 5.00; Exeter Ag, 'report with. piano, profile ands[- Soc. 15.0e; D. Mahohiey, .gravel 2.45 ••ecifications. of The Victoria Street Geo.. A. IlfeCtBbein re; Viet. ,St. '?(Drain No .2;, in the Village .of Cr -!drain 89:0.0: SOFT COAL.' That highesst grade, the befit . rnexcelled 'for douses/CO and 't`hr- +hing purposes:, Genuine Lehigh; Bullets and High •rade Coke. 1 • 7:ZeehtlAwe Cazitel al HE S-A.LL.ON"f ' Zbones-Office lee House 1OJ le The C'onclin of the T 'wn'sship of e-tephen convened in the Town kali, Credito're ea 1C7'enc1ay, Aug- lets umlets 3rd, 1gn at 1: pen. Council-' llor Sweitzer absent'_ Minutes of 'previous meetiaab, retard and ad • caip'teda, 4►' 4 • • 4 • a'• -•► 4 .1. •4 4 9 .4 4 4 4D •m. ".4 .,i, eko -10 •.` en's And Boys' We have now opened the new Meres and Boys, Fiunishing Store -and are in a pos= 4 'tion to give' the public anything they rued is 4 0 m 4 •4 •• e • • hN THE. LINE OF R71a•;'N'S -SUITS, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS, GABRA•DTL '(VATS, BOY'S SUITS, BOY'S OVERCOATS, HATS, CPS:, COLLARS, TIES, UNDERWEAR„ OVERALLS, IN PACT EVERYTHING IN APPAREL FOR MEN AND BOYS. CALL IN AND, SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN THE NEW STAND. IT IS. OUR SINCERE DESIRE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN EVERY BEST WAY PO1SSIRL ._ Wu ARE ANXIOUS TO MERIT TOUR PATRONAGE ,,� ar La� P RE GASCIECIFS Irl :lis STAND PHONE 4 8 4 47 4�iF14,•44••4.44@4'40• di in the W .eral ThI Council adjourned to mee again in the Town Hall, ,Crediten1, on Monday, -Sept,: 7, 1925 at 1 pe $ Henry Eilber, •Clerk,: SEPT. ROD AND GUN • in Rod land Gun' in Canada for September, a new 'seriei : Of .13e- itish Columbia sporting articles• from the pen;' of A. Bryan Willia't U commences, 'Thisr (series is. eiitit' led Breeze's from the West,."anel the first part inLttb,e new islsue proxrc-• uses: ,a number (of hunting and out door yarn's of't.he first water. A•' nature story, off al more+untasual nae tura for the magazine, Sehuffle- paw's First Fishing 'by FL R. Ev ans is a moist graphic account of: a young be'ar's first lone 'season: In'addition to the regular staff are: ticles covering all phases of hunt- ing, ,:angling, shooltin , and outdoor life. September Rod'and Gun con tains a large number of •very go ocl stories ada'p'ted to the lath summery Rod and Gun. in Canada is published monthly, by. 'W, Taylor, Ltd Woodstock, Ont. ffi a° 00OMNfi'&k0r1R#:00000Ei:�k.•Bfm luso,0tosaeoaaasCcilfttopeaQ1vaaa oaseace: r rdm 0 V ff. �a tr focal F otwe r : Her and Save e ne... Infantle. Seat su Infants Paan;_ •S5sli ;ue s, sizese '1-5 -- Child'iar Kid Valets and 'Pat. 'Slippers!, 1-714 "at Girl'eat P.., :,,Steatro Slippers -8-10; ._ ...._ Mis&' Pat Ereerr4 Siad ISIk..C'alf 'O;cdorde, 11-•-7. W,emmeras; Pat_ pomp Law ;14.Eiee9l .2l--9. W,oiiaen6'tu, Meek aT"c,�'"+avat#af, '1. 'Strain R. J,i, e: `e - .- _... IV1enle ENS work, Swell. Grob, Work. S';hcre sb ;; :& •ier Tam ...- SRO' (__$1.25 $1.50 $2.50 $2.‘e5. $1.25 13.15 B;,far 4 REPAIRING /VMXTLY DONE E OUR WI Il e'W. DISPLAY 0 e •m 0 0 a 4 0 • • L 0 OA L NEWS Miss Edighoffer of Windsor' r's- visiting her mother at Blake. Miss Mina Brenner of Kitcherre ner, is at present vi' iting her par Buts, Mr :and Mrs ,John Brenner: Miss A meda and Mester Herbe'' ert Benedict of Kitchener are vis-: iting their cousin Miss Mildred Hof, imam. BEDARD RE -UNION .A. ' erry h;afppy event took place onSunday, August 1'6,tli, at . the home. of Mr And Mrs,:. Joseph•Bec1 •ard, St. Joseph, in honor of their ttaugb,ter, Sister , gugent.a..:n£_ .C.hr hlix :NOV, . returned, 11ouie after:1; ing away for st :' yearn. The whole family numboideg 15 in all :gathr- area from all Parte of. ,the Prov- izncefor a family ire -union This was the largest re -union ever held in the corinmani!ty. The whole family notoreed to high Mass in the morning, ,and all returee 1 to' dhmeri. In the afternoon J. Laporte, ex - reeve of Hay Township favored the gathering with a !s'hoi.•t address while J. Bedard 'bI Stratford, de- livered a few elecluent 'recitations which were well received by 'alt. The evening was joyjfully spent, while the Jeffrey Boy's' Orchestra entertained them with musical sel- ections: The gathering .numbered over one hundred. The members of the fancily were as follows -Dennis Bedard, Zurich; Philip Bedard, Tilbury; Joseph Bedard, Chatham; Jerry, Charles and Melvin Bedard of Corutwright; Simon Bedard, Windsor; Leon t••eri- ard, Drysdale; Theophile Bedard, St. Joseph; August Bedard, Park- hill; Mrs.. Frank Denoruy, `Chatham Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey, Zurich;; Mrs, Lawrence Jeffrey Parkhill; Miss Gertrude Bedard, St. Joseph., and Sister Eugenia of Tecems,eh. The gathering broke up on Monday,. t� hon m'enibi rt of the family def• t for their respective hones. romasesoirgoi Mrs, S. J. Adams! of London is visiting her sister, 'Mrs. i.E. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel spent a few days with relatives at Cro's- we'll, Mich. Miss Johns, of Exeter, was a week -end guest with Mrs. M. O. Milliken;. Mr. and Mrs. Sam; Gottschalk of Seeforth were Sunday visitorswith rela.ti-res here. Miss Louise Schoff of London, is !spending her 'vaeotion with Ethel and Eva Williams. Mr.. and Mrs'. J. iLitppert have returned to their home after • spe ending the s'umm'er with their •son•' Mr And Mr's. Alf. Melick, Gladys )lick and Miss Ethel Williams spent. Wednesday last in London. Mr, Clayton Wildfong lost a valuable horse 'from .acute indig- estion;. Mr. and Mrs, .Jim Laidlaw of Orosenveil, Mich., visited thier aunt 'Mrs; C. Kraft. Miss. A. Zimmer liras returned to :Detroit after 'spending her vacat- ion; with her parentsl Miss orad VPassold left on Monday for Toronto where she is attending millinery opneinge, -Mrr,, Fred Shetler of Buffalo re- newed acquaintances in town on 0 o. 0 0 e A 0 0 0' 4 0 a a 4 a� CHURCH Services on, Sunday, August 16, were well), itten,ded in spite Neof the extreme heat. In the e-eniii Be.n*R. M. Geiger of Cheslese pre ached and Miss Hoffman of London delighted the audience with • a 'solo... On, Sunday eve. August 23rd the pastor expects to preach a ,ser•(- - on, on the -subject "What Zurich Needs. Most." There will. ,also be spe-aial ntusie, The services next Sunday a's. follows Morning 'iV argil p( 10.00 ant. Bible Scheer .. . 11.00 a,nv,. Service .. .. 7.30 p,rn. Our Bible School is wide tewakr under efficient leadership and Well attended,. YOU are .invited to worship and work with us: Don't fore t the Annual Con- veia,tion of the 'Leagues of Christ- ian :Endeavor in. C'reditoti, 'begin- ning Fared IJ -`e. Atigast 26th, Herr Re.v, E, W. Pr•aetorius each: even "iii NOTES SundlaSl, - Congratulations, to Mr.'and Mrs. Ed Cc ._Kraft• on, the arrival o,f a r � bx Cp .i.o cifh i' � oYne ori .Ia rz. day. Mr. .and Mrs. Jos. 'Wickens of Ingersoll were visitors' a;t thehome of Ivir. and Mrs: John ;Hey, Sr., the pst week. - Mr. Max. Whiteside of Madison, Wisconsin, onsin, 'spent a few day's vis - Wei hr's aunts and uncle's at the Williams home: Mrr, Ina Tiennant of Chesley, who has spn,e't his 'vacation ewith his parent% left foe , Midland, Ont. Where he has been transferred. , The Mi'sse's. Suzanne, Thecla, and Discola -Smith from Detroit, and Mr. Joe Smith from Windsor, are visiting their parents', Mr. and Mr's Wendel Smith. Miss Mildred Kalbrl'ei'sch, who Spent the past week at Water:-. ;loo, has( returned to; her hone, ac- conpanied by, Miss Bernice Schil_ue who - is spending her vacation in Zurich. ' • The Luther League 'of St. Peter's Ev.: Lutheran church held their an- nual picnic at Springbank, Lone �loii, on Friday, August 14th, when a goad.. time was enjoyed by all who -were favored by attending. Mr .and Mrs. Noble Young and family of Goderich spent Sunday ,at .the home ,of ML: and Mrs. Sam. Gascha. Misys Maude Beacom, who has leen 'spending her holiday's tvi'tti her sister, Mrs. Gascho, return ed home with thme. The last application of the calcena -eloride eves put on the st- reets last week, which- has again. laid t .cc dust nicely. ,' It is much ntore preferable than ttb:e , olcl• ty, stinky street oil, 'and we bel- ieve ,i's Yin tslo herd on the road when tttie wet weather comes. 'miss It.offtn�e of London is 'sp- et ing the -week ter quest of her min Misr,\ Anna Hees- ;even /serf Min rer,deiied a very aceepta>.tee. SW -0 10 in the Evangelical church ori. Stinday evening. She possesses a fine mellow soprano voice which las given her remarked promin- enee 'having taken part in supply ing vocal selections for the London radio broadcasting station. The extremely •warn weather is bringing, 'along the fine fields of Beane very rapidly. Practically all the farmers, hove their general har- vest crap' 'all in and a number Intvo finished threshing,. the grain is of 'very good sample an:d al- thou-gi the 'striiw 1st not quite so ltle r n 1-, 4' year, yet nee ere save $5.00 $5.00 �: Ready to Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT, •COLORED SHELL RIMMED GOLF.' I?`lll;.;Ei;;• SPECT,ACLES FITTED WITH -LARGE ROUND LENSES, ABSOLUTELY G S,R'.,i r, TEED TO PIT. COMPLETE IN CASE. HERE'S A. REAL OPPORTUNITY • W. G. Ss SONS SAW bo*owaoa4a• •4 •oar*****�v40•0** to 44441.4'4+4d&444 4&44W!C 4 • 4 5' • a • al r h Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen, ,Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. a "+lumber of Beautiful English Plush Ruga, prt,; Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ............�:. i :° rfi SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL A BIG,Stock of. Harness and Halters always on Han/ C1ub, Bags, Saait Cases and Trunks at Right Prieaa. 4. Also a 4 s • • • •0 P HARNESS RE1 IRING A SP'ECIIALTY FRED THIEL qfP edR1IGFi :. .: Z U I O- •r•••!'9Sp•••�•e•••4+0••f►00r•d•••r .•P•••eoee.p.00••@4A0�b ,e 40. 41,+ •�'++++1k+++++SII•+ F 4++++.y.' +yr+�ir�e' -?.•g•a:,�.g.44•4+.l^',. • 4. 4. 4. •3- 4. 4. 4. 4. Rena le of At Prices that save you Money Misses ; Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11.4 z. Misses Pat and Oaf. rubber heels, eine 11 to 2, pr. Childs Pat 2 -strap slippers low heels, sizes 8 to 10,% at -.-,..x,•,45 Infants pat. slippers 'size 2 to 741 at ............ ... ..... ..• Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left 'at Growing girl is light tan and pat. 'slippers, Murray at PM Wmo, 1 strap Pat. slipper, low heel, size 2% to 7.,_ ._.:._...., e0 Men's heavy work shoes at T"•� 43'� Greb's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr. .. ,, ,. ice• Women's canvass slippers, leather soles at ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS O. FRIT SON SHOE E'. CHANTS ireon4++��F+^II�+i�1F�i•+•i•+44»t•3�'Il^+++.4444 i•44++++++++�E 4+444 44 i A„ Eita t;etier'�al in calling St a rrzl c;rtotl i>Iilanuel Evang 1l� l (�r ilY'C�s' ,.coop rvlue tra:;ontr r;oorl times f,r LURIC'ki, reerem tar,tanners, s, tnd good 'tittles for u's Bargains )ar airs We are offering very attractive Bargaing in some lines of Dress Goods, Ginghams, Prints, Lad eFf a -0. l (1111's Summer UnderWear7 I1OSIERY AND HOSE LIGerr '0'7' OVERALLS AMU PANTS, SHOES OP ALL KINDS. ALL OP ',tree CARRY ARE WELL FILLED 'OP WITH 'GOODS. NEEM EVERY DAY. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY, QUALITY 'C0NEW BRED.• (: We aimto give atisf a.ctbol DO . - {."L L GENERAL ALVERCHANT PHONE 11 97